Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 11

by Honor James

  “I am more than willing to take whatever I can get, Laszlo. I know the boys will be more than happy for me to take time off, so it will be lovely to just have time alone with you and no one else.” And it would, he would be able to help her find her way in all things, he would be the blessing that she needed, desperately, for her change.

  Stroking his hand slowly up and down her arm, he pulled her closer. “You say that in such a way that leads me to believe that the guys you work with aren’t exactly respectful of your position.” It was a guess, but there was something in her tone that had him leaning toward that conclusion.

  “They aren’t.” She shrugged and let her fingers lightly roam over his thigh. “I am a bitch but I am damn good at my job, they don’t like it because when I first came in I was able to solve three cases that had been termed as cold cases and since then I have been termed the ‘Cold Case Bitch.’” She shrugged. It simply was what it was.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, as the wolf wanted blood for the disrespect shown to his mate, even if it had been before they’d actually met. Kissing the top of her head, he slowly rocked them back and forth trying to find a reason not to wake up right then, hunt the assholes down, and gut them. The soft pressure of her body against his was pretty much all that kept him asleep.

  “I love these times with you, these small stolen moments, Laszlo.” They would always have their dreams. “I think when we do get up we should…” She paused and looked up at him. “I haven’t had a family around for the holidays in too long. I would like to do that this year. I think when we get up we should plan on holidays here, in our home. Will that be all right with you?”

  He tensed at the idea but nodded. “Yeah, I think I can deal with that,” he told her. “As long as you’re there I’ll be good with it all.” Shifting he pressed his lips to her cheek. “We’ll do it up all the way. We’ll make our first big holiday together absolutely spectacular.”

  “I love that idea, we will have the whole family in, all of your brothers, Harker and Mina as well.” She nodded as it all started to come together in her mind. “I love this idea, being able to have the holidays with our family.”

  “I’m glad,” he told her even as his face indicated he mentally cringed to think of everyone in his space. He evidently hadn’t been kidding when he’d told Desmonda that he hated people in his space. He was just short of phobic about it, he told her, only his realization that it was because of the way he’d had to grow up after his parents death kept it from going too far. “When you have time you can make lists of whatever we’ll need and we can take the time we’ll have together before and after your change to collect everything that we can ahead of schedule.”

  “I want this, I know that it’s strange for me to want this but there it is.” She smiled at him and then sighed. “I want you involved with everything that we do and if something doesn’t work right for you I need you to let me know if you don’t like something?”

  “I can do that,” he said, even if he wouldn’t say anything. Oh, he might protest from time to time if she was going overboard, but the grand scheme he’d leave to her. This was something she desperately wanted to do and needed to do for herself and the family, so he’d let her have a go at it.

  “Thank you, Laszlo.” She went quiet as they sat there on the swing, his pushing it back and forth had her eyes closing and her breath evening out. “I think that it’s time for me to sleep, even in our dream. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.” He smiled and chuckled. “You need to rest, you’ll need to be extremely rested to get through the change. Take what you can get when you can get it Desmonda,” he murmured softly in her ear.

  “Then I will nap now, you will get us back home and in our beds safely, right?” She knew all they had to do was wake up, but falling asleep on a swing may not be the smartest thing, especially if she fell off of it.

  Chuckling he nodded, his cheek brushing over her hair. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you. I love you too much, Desmonda, to let you get bumped and bruised. Sleep, honey, sleep well and I’ll see you come morning.”

  “All right,” was all she whispered before the darkness pulled her even out of her sleep and into oblivion. She was sleeping soundly, fully, and completely. Nothing and no one could get past the intense depth of her sleep until she was completely done with the rest she needed.

  * * * *

  Waking just after dawn, Laszlo yawned widely as he nuzzled at Desmonda’s neck. When all he got was a grumble that might have been “piss off,” he chuckled and eased away from her. Kissing her shoulder, he tucked her in and went to shower.

  Ten minutes later when he came back out to grab clothing, he saw she’d snagged his pillow and had her face buried in it as she slept on. Leaving her be, he dressed and headed for the kitchen. He’d make a big breakfast today and call into the office service to see what messages he had. He knew he had a meeting just after lunch that he’d have to go to, but other than that he was clear until the next evening and the morning after.

  She woke some time later and stretched in his large bed with a grin on her face. She looked around and seeing him gone she rose from the bed, bending backward so far that her back popped several times before tugging on the flannel shirt that was tossed on the back of a chair. Once semi-dressed she padded down toward him, knowing he was in the kitchen. “Hey, handsome,” she murmured as she leaned against the door, hair a mess and eyes still holding sleep in them, she watched him.

  Looking over he smiled. “Good morning,” he said softly to her. “Coffee’s ready if you want a cup and waffles will be another five minutes behind them,” he already had the sausages and eggs ready but the first batch of waffles had had a tiny accident. Now on batch two he was keeping a much closer eye on them. “Come here,” he said holding out his hand to her. “I want a kiss.”

  She moved on silent feet to him and slipped her hand into his, moving up close to him as her naked leg raised and rubbed along his pants. “I think that I could find a kiss for you,” she murmured as she leaned up and kissed him deeply.

  Growling softly, he nibbled at her lips. “I love you, baby,” he murmured with a smile. “Grab some coffee, Des, I need to pay attention to these or we’ll never eat.” Kissing her once more he let her go and pulled up the lid. “Perfect,” he said with a wink.

  She patted his chest and nodded. He watched her moving from his side as she went to the coffee and poured herself a mug full. “Do you need some, Laz?” Leaning against the sink, she drank in the coffee and inhaled the aroma with a smile.

  Shaking his head as he pulled the waffle off, he lifted his cup. “On my second cup right now,” he told her with a grin. “I’ve been up a while,” he teased. “I was going to wake you up but after you snarled at me earlier I didn’t think it was the healthiest of choices.”

  He watched as she flushed and shrugged as she took another drink. “I haven’t had enough sleep in more years than I can count and frankly now that I feel safe, I am catching up on that sleep.” Which evidently was true. She told him she had never had a lot of sleep before because she was always too afraid or nervous, but now with him, she felt safe, she felt comfortable and relaxed enough to sleep.

  “It’s fine, just bugging you.” He grinned at her. “Personally I was a bit shocked at first but I found it rather intriguing to know that my mate has some bite to her.” Pulling out the next waffle he poured more batter into the griddle and closed the lid carefully.

  He watched her watching him, and she grinned as he started the next waffle. “Are you sure that you want me to take the first one, love?” She inhaled the scent of the waffles and her mouth watered. “I’m taking it.” She said with a grin and took the plate with the waffles and meats on it.

  Snapping his teeth at her, he chuckled at her look. “You eat all that meat and you’ll have a fight on your hands,” he told her, waving his fork her direction. “Eat up, I’ve got enough batter here to do about six more so you’
d better be hungry.”

  “I’m starving,” she said as she as she began to eat slowly. “Oh god, these are so good.” He was a keeper, she was certainly always keeping him because he was amazing, he could love her for hours on end, cook up a mean breakfast, and made her feel safer than anything ever before.

  Chuckling, he finished up the waffles and, refilling his mug, carried the rest over to the counter before sitting. Pulling a waffle onto his plate, she watched him swipe the meats from her and pull some of the sausages across and then take some of the scrambled eggs. “What are your plans for today?” he asked her as he drizzled syrup on his waffles, throwing her a quick look.

  “Well, I need to assure my boss that I have not lost my mind and that I am taking off for several weeks.” She smiled up at him. “Because I have a mate who needs to change me so that I can be with him for all time.”

  Leaning over, he kissed her. “Damned straight,” he said softly against her lips. “Well,” he told her, sitting back and eating once more. “I have to attend a meeting this afternoon and then I have one tomorrow evening and the following morning. After that I will be all yours for however much time you want me to stick around or, rather”—he grinned—“for however long you can put up with me.”

  “I think that I can put up with you forever, Laszlo.” She chewed her lower lip. “I will be here for you, just sitting here and sleeping and getting to know our home while you do your meetings and everything until you can be free for me, be here to change me and make me yours always.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, I should introduce you to the pack so you don’t get pinned down for a full sniff,” he said to her casually. Continuing to eat slowly he seemed to ignore the curious look on her face, as if knowing she’d ask sooner or later and that he was betting it would be sooner.

  “I would like to meet them,” she said and set the plate down and looked up at him. “What do you mean by a ‘full sniff’ Laszlo?” She watched him, watched as the color around his neck flared and wondered about the flushed color there.

  Clearing his throat, he stared intently at his plate, systematically stabbing little bits of egg with his fork. “Some of the pack can be a little overly aggressive with newcomers and can be a bit”—he cleared his throat again as he sought the word for it before settling with—“rude.”

  “Rude and aggressive, like putting their muzzles up where it so does not belong?” she asked suddenly wincing and getting a whole new feeling for crotch sniff. “Right, yes you need to introduce me to them because I don’t want to have to smack their noses for if they sniff me.”

  “I’d really hate to have a one-armed mate,” Laszlo said with a grin. “They are extremely friendly and since you smell like I do they’d know who you are but since you’re a new body they would likely want to really get to know you,” he added, wagging his brows at her. “We’ll go out after we finish eating and you’re dressed for it, that way if you want to go out in the yard and wander while I’m gone they won’t tackle you to play.”

  “Sounds good.” She did smile, however. “I think that being tackled to play may not be bad as long as they don’t have muzzles up my rear.” She wasn’t touching the “one-armed mate” comment because she was too well aware why he had said that, she had to keep in mind they were wild animals.

  “They just might, it’s the universal hello for dogs and wolves.” He grinned as she scrunched up her nose. Chuckling, he shook his head. “Finish eating and then we can get dressed for the out-of-doors and go meet the kids.”

  She was shaking her head as she added, “I guess that I should likely wear panties then, huh?” She always did, but it was funny to tease him as she spoke. Licking the last bits of the syrup off of her lips she stood. “All right, I’m ready to get these things cleaned up.”

  Snaking out his arm, he pulled her to him and kissed her, licking at her lips slowly. “You missed a little,” he told her with a smile. Sliding his hand down to the bottom of the shirt he trailed it back up along the bare length of her flesh underneath. “You can go and dress if you wish, I’ll just rinse these and toss them into the dishwasher to clean while we’re outside.”

  She shivered and placed her hands over his under her shirt. “Or I could help you and you could come and shower with me, we could make love with a little quickie in the shower.” Thinking of showering and sex with him was enough to make her toes curl. “And then we can go out and see everyone?”

  Sliding his hand up to cup her ass, she felt him squeeze slightly. “I like your plan even better,” he told her, his voice a near growl at the visual she’d given him. Standing slowly, she felt as he rubbed along her body before pressing his erection against her belly. “Grab your dishes,” he breathed, kissing the corner of her mouth briefly before releasing her and gathering up everything he could.

  Very quickly, she grabbed her dishes and started to clean them off after he had his in the dishwasher and was washing the counters. Grabbing the pan she washed it out as well and then with a grin nodded in satisfaction and stepped back. “I will meet you in there, catch me if you want me.” She tossed over her shoulder as her long legs stretched out into a run.

  Putting in the soap, he started the dishwasher and broke into a run after her. Running silently, he caught her in the doorway and scooped her up as she shrieked. Kissing her neck, she felt as he blew a raspberry against her skin as he spun around. Letting her feet drop to the floor, he nibbled on her skin as he began to undo the shirt she wore.

  Her back was to him and her hands pressed against the fronts of his thighs, foot lifting and rubbing against his leg, she tilted her head to the side and all but purred for him. “You need to get these off.” She fisted the material of his pants and tugged at it lightly.

  Nibbling on her skin as he pushed the shirt down, she felt him breathe in her heat, her scent wrapping around him and pulling him in deeper. “Soon enough,” he told her softly. “Or you can always strip them off if you want,” he said with a smile as he rocked his erection against her ass.

  “Now see, you give me something like that and it seems like a challenge even if it isn’t.” She grinned and shook her head. “Right, you strip me and I will strip you because I will want to do that. I want to go and go to my knees before you.” She licked her lips. “Gods.”

  Tossing her shirt aside, he slid his hands over her front slowly. “You can do anything you want,” he told her softly as he rubbed his hands over her mound, his fingers slipping under the edge of her panties. Teasing her damp curls at her pussy lightly she felt him nip the mark on her neck.

  She cried out loudly as his mouth and teeth teased her mark. Hands on his buttons, she slipped them out of the moorings slowly. “Good thing you aren’t wearing a zipper, that would be very, very dangerous for you.” With her back to him, she was working on feel alone, and damn did she feel a lot with him.

  “You’d never hurt me,” he told her, and his face indicated he knew it in his gut. “You would then have to do without,” he teased, softly licking up her neck gently. “And I know you wouldn’t want to do without while I was on the mend, it could ruin our whole relationship here.” Sliding two fingers into her heat he thumbed her clitoris and she felt him push in deep. “You’re wet for me, love, I love when you’re this wet.”

  “I’m always this wet for you, Laszlo.” She murmured and licked her lips. “God I need you.” Finally she had his cock bared to her clever fingers and began to stroke him roughly. “I want you to fuck me, Laszlo, I need to have this, I need to have that. Rough, hard and fast because I’m about to burn up here.”

  Growling he rocked into her hands and bit her mark harder, catching her as she jumped. Moving her slightly he faced the bed and she felt him bend her over. “Brace yourself because I’m going to do just as you want. You fall down I stop,” he warned her.

  She wouldn’t fall down, even if she had to lock her knees she wasn’t going to fall down. “Yeah, I’m ready.” Her legs splayed wide and she rubbed ag
ainst him roughly. “Now, Laszlo!” she cried as she wiggled her butt to him.

  Tearing her underwear free, she listened as he pushed his jeans aside just enough and then, grabbing her hips in his hands, he plunged into her dripping pussy hard, hitting her deep. Adjusting his grip, he began to move at an insanely fast pace, her body arching as he took her, his wolf seeming to fight him to bite her again. She could feel Laszlo fight the beast down as his eyes watched his cock sliding in and out of her, the image clearly erotic to him, driving him on faster.

  She screamed as he slammed into her, no pain involved but pure and simple pleasure. Her fingers gripped the comforter tightly as she rammed back onto him, meeting him with everything she had inside of her. She still felt his clothes slapping against her skin but it didn’t matter, he was a part of her now, he was filling her beyond full and making her like it.

  She shivered, her body clenching him. “Bite me,” she begged, god help her, she loved when he bit her, toyed with her mark and just was as rough as he wanted to be with her.

  Growling deeply, the sound pouring out of him to fill the room with the intense vibrations, Laszlo bent over her and licked up her spine. Reaching an arm around her, she felt as he caught her clitoris between two fingers, tugging and lightly twisting and pinching it as he nibbled all around her mating mark. He came close to it and yet never quite made contact with it at any time despite her descriptive language as she begged and practically threatened him if he didn’t. Toying with her for a while longer, he finally gave in and, with a minor adjustment of his teeth, he bit just to the right of the mark, as though not wanting to chance penetrating the same teeth wounds and changing her too early.


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