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Annihilation 09: Dahlia's Deception

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

  They landed on the pad located on top of the tallest spire, the three exited the Mite and walked down the steps. Four officials came rushing out of a door and bowed to Ping. Dean walked away from them and looked out over the wall at the giant city surrounding the Castle in the distance. Dahlia came up and put her arm on his shoulder, “Dahlia, you never told us about this.”

  “Do you know why?”

  Dean took a deep breath and blew it out, “No one would believe it and it would destroy our self-esteem. We’re like a Mite next to a Battleship.”

  “Is that how you feel…diminished?”

  “How can you not after seeing this?”

  “This planet was uninhabited until the original Rulers of the Realm decided to make it their home. It was the people that made this place…two of them. I seem to see that number standing right here.”

  Dean looked at Dahlia and smiled. “Thanks Sis.” Dahlia leaned over and kissed Dean on the cheek. She walked over and joined Ping with the four officials. Ping came over and said, “I’ve been asked to make a quick verbal report with the King’s staff. They need to prepare a report before our meeting. Would you like to go with us?”

  “If you’re not going to be there long, would it be ok for me to wait here.”

  Ping smiled, “This does take some getting used to; we’ll come back after we’re done.” Dean nodded and turned back to the wall. He stared at the city in wonder. He wondered how sunlight could make it through the massive traffic above the city.

  • • •

  Dean lost track of time and heard behind him, “I don’t believe I know you.”

  Dean turned around and saw a young woman with black hair and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. She was almost too beautiful to believe, “I’m here with my sister. She’s in a meeting at the moment.”

  The young woman stared at him, “Not many are allowed on this spire.”

  Dean pointed to the Mite parked on the landing pad, “We arrived in that ship and they left from here. I asked to remain behind.”

  The woman looked at the ship and Dean saw understanding on her face, “You must have come here with the Prince.” Dean nodded. She turned to him and said, “By the color of your hair and eyes, Dahlia must be your sister.”

  “She’s my twin sister.”

  “I didn’t know Dahlia had a twin.”

  Dean shrugged, “My name is Dean Dare.”

  The young woman smiled, “My name is Vicky, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “What do you do here, Vicky?”

  “Oh, I work in the castle doing various public relations events. What do you think of our planet?”

  Dean shook his head, “I’m astounded by it. Our Royal Structure isn’t a tenth the size of this castle, much less the land surrounding it.”

  “Are you Royalty?”

  Dean shrugged, “I guess.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “On my planet, the chosen ruler is always female. Dahlia is a princess and is in line for the throne.”

  “Doesn’t that make you a prince?”

  “Welllll, yes and no. If I marry and have a daughter, she will be in line for the throne. However, I am not in line of succession. My responsibility is to defend our planet.”

  Vicky smiled, “I imagine being excluded from being able to rule must be hard to take.”

  Dean looked Vicky in the eyes and said, “I felt like that until the Black Civilization invaded my planet. I wanted to blast them back to where they originated, even though that was impossible and would have probably led to the destruction of our planet. My sisters would not do anything that would endanger our citizens. At the time I was terribly frustrated; but now I think our people were wise to insist that only a mother’s love would do the right things for all of us. I no longer resent being excluded; it was a good thing I wasn’t making the critical decisions.”

  When Dean looked into Victoria’s eyes she felt like she was captured like a bug on a slide. She saw a sensitivity and strength in him that froze her. Dean saw her expression, “Are you OK?”

  Victoria broke eye contact and smiled, “I think that now you know better, you would make wiser decisions.”

  “You’re probably right; however, I know where I can best be used to defend my people. I don’t feel the call to rule.”

  Vicky walked over and leaned on the wall and looked out at the city with Dean, “What is your planet like?”

  “It’s wide open with giant forests and lakes. Our largest city would fit inside this garden area around the castle. We call ourselves Planters and we have a love of things that grow.” Dean looked out at the giant city and suddenly smiled.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Seeing the magnitude of your civilization made me feel small. But you just made me realize that any of my people who came here would never stay. They would never feel at home with all the technology and crowded conditions.” Dean turned to Vicky, “Thank you. You’ve really helped me.”

  Vicky looked out at Ross and then looked at Dean, “I’d really like to see your world.”

  Dean smiled, “I’d really like to show it to you.”

  Ping and Dahlia came through the portal and saw Dean and Victoria standing at the wall. Victoria saw Dean looking over her shoulder and turned around; her smile was instant, “PING!” She ran across the spire and jumped into Ping’s arms. Ping turned circles with her and, after several turns, he put her down.

  “Wow, Victoria, you’re growing up.”

  “Victoria stepped back and turned a circle, “What do you think?”

  “You’re bound to be a heartbreaker; you’re as beautiful as your sister was.”

  Dean looked at Ping and then at Vicky, “Who are you…really?”

  Dahlia stood to the side watching the reunion and said, “She is Crown Princess Victoria Gardner and is next in line for the throne of the Stars Realm.”

  Victoria saw Dean turn and look at her with a shocked expression. She saw the disappointment in his eyes as he bowed, “It’s been good talking with you, Your Highness.”

  Dahlia saw Dean’s expression and looked immediately at Victoria. The Princess was not happy that she had been exposed to Dean. Good, serves her right for the last little show she put on. Dahlia looked at Dean, “We’re going to start the meeting momentarily. The King doesn’t have room for any other attendees. Would you like for me to arrange a tour while we’re tied up?”

  Victoria said, “I’ve already taken care of that.” Ping and Dahlia looked at Victoria and she walked forward and put her arm on Dean’s, “Call me when you want him back.”

  Dean looked troubled and Dahlia looked at him with raised eyebrows. “I’ll be ok, Sis.” Victoria looked at Dahlia and saw the menace on Dahlia’s face.

  Ping nodded toward the portal, “We need to go.” He took Dahlia’s arm and pulled her toward the portal. Dahlia kept looking over her shoulder at Dean until they went through the portal and disappeared.

  Dean looked at Vicky, “Why did you say that?”

  “Who better to show you around than one that really knows the place? Let’s go to the kitchen and get you something to eat while I change clothes.”

  “What’s wrong with what you have on?”

  “I don’t want to be recognized.”

  “That won’t be easy; you have a face that’s hard to forget.”

  Vicky smiled and pulled him toward the portal.

  • • •

  “Ping, Dean doesn’t stand a chance against her. He’s too inexperienced.”

  “You’re worried about nothing; Victoria is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”

  “She showed me that the first time I met her.”

  Ping sighed, “She does get theatrical at times. However, she’s seventeen and still a kid.”

  “Ping, Dean and I are only twenty.”

  Ping’s eyebrows went together, “I keep forgetting that; you act a lot older.” Dahlia looked up at the ceiling and rolle
d her eyes. “What?”


  “No, really…what?”

  Dahlia just shook her head and said, “We need to go to the meeting.”

  Ping thought about what just happened and just before they entered the conference room he said, “You told me I was the first one to ever see you.” Dahlia moved her head back and looked up at him. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You shouldn’t sell yourself short.” Ping walked into the conference room to the loud welcomes of the King and his staff. Dahlia was still standing at the door shaking her head. How could he say the wrong thing at the right time and the right thing at the wrong time? She followed him in and began bowing to the Realm’s Royals.

  • • •

  Dean ate the best meal he had ever consumed. The chefs in the kitchen seemed to make it a challenge to overwhelm him with foods that tasted too good to be described. He finally had to tell them he was done and couldn’t eat another morsel.

  “Sean, we’ll have desert when we return.”

  The Chef bowed, “Yes, Your Highness.”

  Dean turned and saw Vicky in a printed sundress with a wide bonnet and sunglasses. Her hair was tied up under the bonnet and she looked taller. Dean looked at her shoes and saw she was wearing short heeled yellow shoes with a sole that was an inch thick. Dean shook his head.


  “You look amazing.”

  “Actually these clothes and shoes are from one of the least expensive shops on Ross. No one would ever believe I would wear something like this out in public.”

  Dean looked at Sean and he nodded. “You’re still too beautiful to go unnoticed.”

  Vicky laughed, “Trust me on this; people will see what I’m wearing before they see me.”

  Dean looked at Sean and he nodded again. “Something’s wrong with that.”

  Sean burst out laughing and had to leave the room. Victoria shook her head and said, “Let’s go take a stroll around my city, shall we.”

  “Lead the way.”

  “Come stand next to me.” Dean stood and went over and stood beside her. Like his sister, Dean wasn’t big, or tall; but he had the body of a fencer. He was lean and there was no fat on his frame. Vicky lifted her arm and pressed a place on her wrist. Dean’s expression changed and she said, “My wrist unit is invisible,” just before she took his hand and they teleported away from Castle Gardner.

  • • •

  The meeting took six days to complete and Dean and Victoria spent all their time together touring the planet and Castle Gardner. Dean was amazed at all he learned but he was also amazed at the Princess. She was direct and said what she thought without any deceit. She could say things to him that ordinarily would have offended him but her smile made it acceptable. Dean had never met anyone like her. They were at the Gardner Museum and Vicky felt her arm vibrate. She blew out a breath and said, “It’s time to go.” Dean looked at her with his eyebrows lowered. “They just called for me to take you back.” Dean nodded and moved close to her. Before she pressed her arm, she put her arms around Dean’s neck and kissed him. He was shocked for an instant and then he put his arms around her and returned it. The kiss seemed to last a short time and then Victoria stepped back and pressed her arm. They arrived on the spire and found Ping and Dahlia waiting on them.

  Dahlia looked at Dean and saw something that bothered her. “It’s time to go, Dean.”

  Dean turned to Vicky, looked into her eyes and said, “Thank you. You’ve made this trip an exceptional experience.” Vicky smiled and did a small curtsy. Ping came over and gave Victoria a hug and turned to leave. Vicky said, “You can’t leave just yet.”

  The three turned around and looked at her. Dahlia said, “Why not?”

  “Because I’m going with you.”

  Dean was more surprised than Ping or Dahlia. She stared into his eyes and he saw she meant it. His smile was huge. Ping said, “Oh no you’re not.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Dahlia shook her head, “My planet is in a war zone and we could be attacked at any time. There is no way the Realm will allow the next Queen to go into those dangerous conditions.” Victoria just raised her chin and smiled. Ping was talking on his wrist unit as Dahlia and Victoria were discussing the issue. A moment later the King appeared on the spire and came walking quickly forward, “What is this you’re planning?”

  Victoria looked at her father, as Ping, Dahlia, and Dean bowed, and said, “Father, have I ever given you bad advice?”

  “Well, no but that doesn’t have anything to do with this. You are not going to go to their planet.”

  “I’ll go or renounce my title.”

  Ping and Dahlia were stunned at the comment. Ping shook his head, “Victoria, you are absolutely needed here.”

  Scott looked at his daughter and saw her determination. He knew her and saw something was going on that was important. “Why do you have to go?”

  Victoria looked at Dean and said, “I have to go with him and somehow convince him that marrying me will be the best decision he could ever make in his life. He doesn’t know it…yet.”

  Scott, Ping Dahlia, and Dean were shocked speechless at her comment. Dahlia started shaking her head and Victoria spoke before she could say anything, “I love your brother. I know you don’t like me because of my childish behavior the first time we met, but I will not give up trying to make him see it.”

  Dean smiled, “You don’t have to go to convince me.”

  Vicky looked at him, “I don’t?”

  “No, you won my heart the first time I saw you. I don’t know if what I’m feeling is love, but I can promise you that no one else will ever hold my interest.” Dean paused and said, “I can’t allow you to endanger yourself by coming to my world. More than a third of our population was killed in the last invasion and two of the Five are determined to take control of my star cluster. However, I will promise to come to see you again…soon.”

  Scott stared at Victoria shaking his head and she turned to him, “You know my abilities.” Scott slowly nodded, “He’s the one I’ve been waiting on my entire life. I know this to be true.” Victoria put her hand on her heart, “In here.”

  “You can’t abdicate your title.”

  “I watched Nicole during the time she and Ping loved each other. She told me that every moment she was with him was more valuable than all the time she spent being a princess.” She turned and looked at Dean, “I am not going to lose the opportunity to feel that way with you.” Victoria hesitated and said, “I know you’ll have difficulty living here; but I can go and live with you in your world.”

  Scott said, “Victoria, that’s just not possible. You will rule the Realm.”

  Victoria smiled, “No, Father; that is not my calling.”

  Scott shook his head, “If not you, then who?”

  Victoria looked at Ping, “He will follow you; it is his destiny. He just doesn’t see it.”

  Ping immediately started shaking his head, “There is no freaking way I’ll be king. I won’t do it. I probably won’t live that long anyway.”

  Victoria looked at Dahlia as she said to Ping, “Sometimes you have to do things you would never willingly accept.” She turned to Ping, “You should know that by now after all you’ve been through.”

  Dean came over and bowed to Scott, “I will not take her back with me; I care about her too much to put her in that much danger. However, I humbly ask that you allow me to come and visit your daughter.”

  Scott looked in Dean’s eyes and saw something. He looked at Victoria and saw her nod. She had seen it as well. “You may come back and take whatever time is needed to confirm that what you feel is real.” Scott turned to Dahlia, “I would ask that you do all you can to make sure he comes to no harm.”

  Dean said, “Wait a minute!”

  Victoria walked over and took his hands, “You can’t have it both ways. Until this issue is resolved in your heart, you must avoid danger.” Dean looked into her
eyes, blew out a breath, and nodded.

  Dahlia shook her head, “My Planet’s Ruler will have to make the call on this. I can’t promise anything; this will be Tess’ decision.”

  Dean looked at Dahlia, “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ll discuss this with you later.”

  Dahlia was shocked by Victoria’s next statement, “Listen to her, Dean. She has your best interests at heart.” Victoria hugged Dean and stepped back. Dean turned and went with Ping and Dahlia to the Mite. He stared out of the viewport and saw Victoria staring up at him until he could no longer see her.

  • • •

  “Father, he is the one.”

  “How can you know that, child?”

  Victoria looked up at her father and smiled, “It’s not how long you’ve lived; it’s how you’ve lived. He is the one. I don’t know why they brought him here; maybe it’s destiny. You know I can see the truth. I’m seeing it clearly now.”

  Chapter Five

  Dahlia started yelling at Dean the moment the ship lifted off the landing pad and continued all the way back to earth. Ping thought it would have slowed down but as soon as they exited the Portal to the Planter’s Planet, Dahlia started again. Finally Ping yelled, “Will both of you please SHUT UP!!!”

  Dahlia and Dean turned to Ping and saw him rub his hand across his brow, “This must be what an aneurysm feels like.” He looked at Dahlia, “I’ve loved once and I can tell you that I would surrender the rest of my lifetime for just ten more minutes with Nicole. If Dean and Victoria love each other, then they should covet every moment they can be together in this dangerous and evil existence we live in. They could miss out on the most meaningful time in their lives.” Ping’s armor activated and he said, “I’m over this yelling; I’m walking back.” He immediately disappeared as he teleported out.

  Dean looked at Dahlia, “How can you stand there and lecture me on what love is and isn’t? You’ve never loved a man in your life. That’s like a blind man arguing the color of the room is blue and not red. He has no way of knowing.”


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