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Annihilation 09: Dahlia's Deception

Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  Sprigly and Ping looked at Dahlia. “Keep an eye on a portal, Ping.”

  Ping watched and saw millions of portals start exploding, “Dahlia, they’re destroying the portals.”

  “Find the one they’re leaving alone.”

  Ping swung his head across the ceiling and stopped. He moved it back slightly and saw a portal with Blue Ships still emerging. Sprigly, Pare, and Dahlia saw his thoughts and they saw a bright flash blow through the portal. A few moments later, the Blue Warships stopped exiting. Ping continued to stare at it and several more flashes went through the portal, too fast to see. Then the flashes began coming in faster and faster. Within an hour, it appeared as if a river of light was flowing into the portal.

  Sprigly said, “What are they doing?”

  Dahlia smiled, “They’re doing a little house cleaning.”

  Ping shook his head, “That particular house has a lot of cleaning to be done.”

  Dahlia smiled, “There is nothing in creation that can do it faster than my friends.”

  Ping looked at Dahlia, “Are they really your friends?”

  Dahlia smiled, “Do you remember the green glow that emerged when you kissed me the first time?” Ping smiled and nodded. “I really wondered what that was all about. Didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “The most immediate result was that you and I could hear each other’s thoughts afterwards…but that wasn’t the only change.”

  “That was weird.”

  “Well, you released me.”


  “You released me. Nicole and you were released when you finally made physical contact. There was nothing else in you that needed releasing. However, before I could communicate with the Hornets, I had to be released and I had to know a mother’s love.”

  “Dahlia, you’ve lost me.”

  “Those poor Hornets were condemned to never be a part of Creation; they were condemned to always be a destroyer of Creation. I was created to bring them into Creation as one of its creatures. I had to know what a mother’s love was so I could love them like I would my own child. They heard my heart, Ping. That’s why they stopped and why they listened. They feel my love for them.”

  “So, they’re no longer dangerous.”

  “Are we dangerous, Ping?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean?”

  “Are the Planter’s dangerous?”

  “I guess our warships make us someone you wouldn’t want to trifle with.”

  “The Hornets will always be a danger; but now they are wiser about whom to be dangerous with.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Dahlia turned to Sprigly, “They will destroy anyone that goes near their nest. They will meet anyone that enters their galaxy and persuade them to not go any further. If anyone chooses to ignore them, I suppose it’s just like the Reg said, ‘They should have had a stick to check the sand.’”

  Ping looked up, “What do you think is happening inside that portal?”

  Dahlia shook her head, “The Invaders are getting what they’ve been serving. It serves them right.” Suddenly Dahlia doubled over and said, “Ping, I think it’s time.”

  Ping rushed forward and grabbed Dahlia’s hand and teleported down to the largest hospital on the planet. The staff who worked there had refused to leave and not have services for those who were left behind. Ping appeared in the emergency entrance and two nurses rushed up and took Dahlia from him. He followed them to a sterile operating room and held Dahlia’s hand for two hours until he became a father.

  • • •

  The six who had delivered the Hornets to the other universe watched what was happening and were shocked into silence. When the Hornets turned on the Blue Ships and entered the portal, Tag lifted his communicator and pressed a button, “Your Majesty, the enemy invasion has been stopped.”

  “What about my Daughter?”

  “She and her chosen Mate are safe.”

  Scott fell back on his throne and fought the tears that tried to escape. He looked at Tag, “Thank you; from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

  “Your Majesty, we had nothing to do with it other than delivering the Hornets to their destination. It was the Prince and the Princess in that universe that did it. Everything would have failed if it wasn’t for them.”

  “What do you think about them?”

  “They remind us so much of what we once were, Your Majesty.”

  “Once were?”

  “We’ve lost the spark. Over the ages of our long life, the drive and determination that once filled our spirit has faded. It burns brightly in them. We really envy what they possess.”

  “Perhaps Victoria was right.”

  “About what?”

  “She said that Ping would follow me; it was not her calling.”

  Tag smiled and slowly shook his head, “You could not choose anyone better for the task, Your Majesty.”

  “I’ll consider that Mr. Gardner. What are you going to do now?”

  “I’m not sure but all of us want to thank you for your trust and belief in us during this most difficult of times.” The King nodded and the display went dark.

  Tag turned and saw the others staring at him, “It appears we performed as expected.”

  Danielle’s smile was beautiful, “The most important thing is that we did what was required without letting our doubts stop us.”

  Jixie was slowly shaking her head, “What doubts!?! We were too busy to think about doing anything else.”

  Tag smiled, “It had to happen that way so we wouldn’t do anything else.”

  “Tag, I just don’t know about a plan and all that other stuff.”

  “Then why didn’t you call the Senior before the last minute?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean?”

  “He could have solved all our problems with the field if you would have just called him; why didn’t you contact him earlier?”

  Jixie struggled with the question and Ken said, “Jixie, what is the probability of sending the Hornets to an exact location of a Planter’s ship?” Jixie stared at him and Ken said, “The Planters have two hundred and forty thousand ships. There are more than a trillion galaxies in that universe. What are the odds of that happening strictly by accident?” Jixie stared at Ken and Danielle said, “And what are the probabilities of Ping going directly to the only individual in two universes that could communicate with the Hornets?”

  Jixie slowly started shaking her head, “If what you’re suggesting is true; then my species is also nothing more than a tool for those forces.”

  Tag smiled, “Get in line, sister; we’re really not all that.”

  “I need to tell the Senior about this.”

  Danielle smiled, “That’s how you’ll discover we’re right.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ask him and you’ll see.”

  Pixie looked up, “Senior?”

  “Yes child.”

  “Did you know how to help us before we asked?”

  “I was watching you but determined that the time to tell you had not come.”

  Jixie looked in shock at the five on the bridge and said, “What do you mean?”

  “It was clear the pattern called for me to not intervene.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You should be proud that you were chosen to be used. It is an honor that lifts you higher than any one of us.”

  Jixie looked at the others and said, “I should have known when we discovered that both universes had five evil civilizations to be conquered.”

  Danielle nodded, “You’ll see it clearer as time passes and you’ll be amazed at what you see.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  Danielle looked at Tag and said, “We’ve discovered that the number of universes out there facing destruction is more numerous than galaxies in our universe. We’ve forgotten that we are a tool created to stop those aggressive civilizations. We’re going to go and find ot
her universes that need us. We know what we’re called to do.”

  Sam smiled, “Perhaps we should join you.”

  Tag smiled, “If you really think about it; what other reason would you have been given the gift of a psychic ship?”

  The four looked at each other and Danielle said, “But first; we have to pick up a certain plant and take him with us.”

  Tag laughed and said, “Do we have the time to answer all his questions.”

  “No; no one could do that. However, Alex could.”

  “Hey; don’t pull me in to this.”

  “Oh shut up! You know you’ll like the attention.”

  “But Grace; an Algean?”

  “They’re the only one capable of keeping you busy. Trust me on this; you need it.”

  The six laughed and Danielle placed the call.

  • • •

  Ping and Dahlia teleported to the Rageon’s Governing Planet two weeks later. Dahlia held Dolly in her arms and felt her love for their baby girl. Ping looked at the planet and said, “I’m going to miss Sprigly.”

  “You saw his excitement.”

  “Yes, I wouldn’t want him to miss out on his new journey.”

  “He’s where he was always meant to be. That’s why he felt the call when he thought about the Gardners.”

  “I’ve never seen so many blooms on him before.”

  “Let’s see if the Rageon can grow a few.”

  Ping nodded and pushed a lever, “We need to have a discussion with you about what happens next.”

  The Rageon Ruler saw the creatures who had been contacting him for the first time and thought they were a remarkably ugly species. He went across the throne room and flipped his six foot long tail through the back of his throne. He lifted himself up vertical with two of his six muscular arms and smiled, revealing a long row of razor sharp teeth, “I wondered what you looked like. What do you mean about next?”

  “The other four aggressive Domains have been removed from this universe. We need to know if you are going to accept your new role in what comes next.”

  “What comes next?”

  “We will not tolerate any further aggressive civilizations attacking and enslaving others. We want you to join us in making sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “When you say join you; what would that look like?”

  “You will swear your loyalty to us and carry out our directives.”

  “So you would assume the crown of my species.”

  “No, not really.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “You and your descendants will always rule your Domain. You will be an ally that will always follow us in protecting the innocent civilizations in our universe.”

  “I have no intention of ever attacking another civilization, ever again.”

  Dahlia smiled, “That’s not good enough.” The Rageon was startled by the comment. “You have killed trillions in the past and enslaved millions of planets. You owe it to them to make sure no one ever does that again. It is a debt you will have to repay.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You will be isolated from the rest of our universe. You will always be safe in your domain but if you step outside, you will be removed.”

  “Just like the other Four?”

  “Exactly like that.”

  “I notice all of the Blue Ships are also gone.”

  “They are no longer an issue.”

  “If you have this much power; why do you need my help?”

  “We don’t; it’s you who needs to do it so you can find salvation from what you’ve been.”

  The Rageon Ruler shook his large head, “I need to call my Admiral in; he is going to be my successor.” Suddenly the Admiral appeared in the throne room and the Rageon was stunned but not half as much as his Admiral. He explained what was going on and the Admiral bowed to the display, “I welcome the opportunity to atone for my actions.”

  The Ruler moved off the throne and went to his six limbs. The Admiral joined him and he said, “I swear my people will serve you and your successors in your quest to make this universe a safe place to live for all creatures. We will never forget this oath and will serve you as loyal subjects forever.”

  Ping smiled, “We have our work cut out for us, Your Highness.”

  The Rageon was please his new Ruler still recognized him as Royalty, “How so?”

  “The Four are gone but the billions of civilizations you and they invaded are now left in a leadership vacuum. Many of them will attempt to become like their former masters. They have to be stopped before they gather power.”

  “We will do what is necessary to prevent that happening. Will you direct us where to go?”

  “We will.”

  The Admiral said, “Will you give us the technology you just used to bring me here?”

  “In due time you will be given all our weapons.”

  The Ruler smiled, “But first we have to demonstrate our worthiness?”

  “No, you did that when you listened to the Reg and changed your ways. The only reason you are still alive is that you resisted the urge to attack the other universe and escape the Blue Ships. You have already proven your worthiness and we trust your promise.”

  The Ruler smiled a huge grin, “I will follow you and your descendants. You have just proven to me that you know who we are; I look forward to doing this together.”

  “I am sending you the first thousand planets you need to go and straighten out. We will meet with your scientists later and give them what they need to modify your warships.”

  The display went dark and the Admiral blew out a loud roar. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I don’t know how they moved me here but it’s a long walk out of here and a longer trip by shuttle to get back to my ship. I’ll be worn out by the time I arrive.”

  The Ruler laughed, “You can use the exercise. Please have the fleets ready to go and handle the list of offenders.”

  “I do look forward to doing just that.”

  “Hey, no rough stuff.”

  “If it can be avoided, I’ll avoid it. However, you know how stubborn aggressive species can be.”

  “Indeed I do; do what must be done.” The Admiral walked away and the Ruler knew he would act responsibly. He was that kind of reptile. For the first time in what seemed like a very long time, the world looked brighter. He looked forward to what was coming.

  • • •

  A year later, Ping and Dahlia were transported to the Realm by Tag and Danielle. They didn’t know what the King wanted but agreed to go and discuss whatever was on his mind. It took three weeks for Scott to convince them to accept the Crown of the Stars Realm. Ping would have never given in but Dahlia finally reminded him that Victoria had predicted it. She asked if he really believed her prediction was not part of the plan. He found he couldn’t disagree with her. He reluctantly accepted and the Realm had its first Royal Couple with one of them being from another universe. The energy and vitality they created in the Realm began a new golden age. Dolly became Queen after them.

  • • •

  Dean and Victoria became the Ruling couple in their universe and Dean also had a struggle accepting his new role. It took Tess to convince him that he was the best one to do it. Tess abdicated her throne and went to visit Dahlia during her coronation and stumbled on one of the Realm’s Royalty who won her heart. She would often laugh that one should never visit the Realm if they were single. They wouldn’t leave that way. She had five children who brought her joy she thought she would never have again.

  • • •

  The three Psychic Ships went out and searched for the universes that needed them. It didn’t take long to find them.


  Dahlia’s Hornet flashed in on a giant cloud of huge Blue Ships. It flew into the center of their ranks and began spitting white balls at all he passed. He thought about the tiny being who had known he would leave when he had no intention of going anyw
here. The feelings he felt in the tiny creature were more than he could imagine. He had to make sure when he returned that it would never come to harm. He suspected that most of his protective forces were transferred to her and her mate when she had touched him. He saw millions of the Giant Blue Ships start jumping away before he completed their destruction but he didn’t worry. There was nowhere they could flee that he or his family couldn’t find them. He noticed there was no trace of the cloud of ships having been present and he turned and saw another giant cloud across the universe. He flashed ahead and was on them in an instant.

  The Hornet destroyed the cloud of Harvesters before any could escape and knew the cleaning of this place was going to take a long time; it glowed brightly as it thought about seeing the small being again. It thought about its new home as it destroyed another cloud of Harvesters and glowed even brighter. All across the now dead universe, the Hornets glowed brightly as they killed the universe’s murderer. Love was like that when you felt it for the first time. They longed to finish and return to their new home. You only suffer from home sickness when you really love your home. The Hornets were becoming truly alive and they gloried in the changes taking place in them. They needed the time to assimilate the new consciousness they shared. Before they came home, they were communicating with clear thoughts and their language was musical. The Hornets became what they always had inside them and Dahlia was right; they became the most beautiful creatures in any Creation.

  Books by Saxon Andrew

  The Annihilation Series:

  Love Conquers All

  The Power of a Queen

  A Rose Grows in Weeds

  Tommy’s Tale


  Demon’s Sacrifice

  Finding Keepers

  Prequel-Psychic Beginnings

  Searching for a Hero

  Dahlia’s Deception

  Ashes of the Realm:

  Juliette’s Dream

  Greyson’s Revenge

  Death of an Empire

  The Return of the Realm

  Lens of Time:

  The Pyramid Builders

  Planet Predators


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