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Addicted to You

Page 19

by Renita Pizzitola

  It was funny how I’d always been certain it was impossible to love anyone more than I loved him, then about ten minutes ago he proved me wrong. Because I could love more than that. I could love him more. But for sure that was it. The swelling heart. The happy tears. That was as good as it got, right? Then he did it again. He blew me out of the water and I fell in love with him even more. And I doubted that this would be the last time. I had a pretty strong feeling that with each passing day, just when I didn’t think it was possible, I’d somehow find it in me to love him more than I did the moment before.

  His hand ran down my side, tracing the lines of my body, and then slowly back up. Everything seemed to be slower this time. Not that we’d rushed the first time, but maybe we’d feared the moment would be lost if we gave it a chance to be. But this time, we seemed to savor it more. With each brush of his hand or touch of his lips, I relished in it. We might have a million more kisses in our lifetime but we’d never have this one again. Or that one. Or the next one. So why not make them all special?

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  I felt his lips curve up against mine. “I’ll never get tired of hearing that.”

  “Good, because I plan to say it a lot.”

  “Promise?” His mouth lowered down my neck and made its way to my chest. He grinned up at me as his lips brushed along the edge of my bra.

  I nodded. “Because I love you.”

  He planted a kiss on my collarbone. “I love you most.”

  “You skipped more.”

  “It wasn’t enough.”

  I grinned down at him, then reached around and unhooked my bra. When he looked at me, I said, “Thought you might need a little encouragement.”

  He twisted his mouth like he was fighting back a smile. “Hmm, how about in life you take the reins. Pull me out of my comfort zone. Make things a little crazy. But in the bedroom, I get to call the shots.”

  I shrugged. “Okay. Fine. I’ll give you that. You can have the bedroom, but the kitchen table is all mine.”

  This time he laughed. “Deal.” He sat up on his knees and untied my borrowed sweatpants and slowly pulled them down, but then paused and reached for my panties as well, then pulled them both down together.

  I stared at him, a little surprised, but fully appreciating the fact that he really was going to make the first moves. It was definitely a side of Colby I’d enjoy getting to know.

  He grinned—no, wait, that was most definitely a smirk. And, It. Was. Hot. I sat up and reached for his pants, needing to get them down faster than he’d done with mine.

  “I guess we’ll work on this in baby steps?”

  I laughed and pushed at his shorts. He lay down next to me and pulled them off himself, then I slipped my leg over him and pressed my body to his. “Fifty/fifty split?”

  He ran his hands up my sides then back down, settling them on my hips. “I’m really not in a position to argue.”

  “Good point. I think I’m in a position to win.”

  “Hang on now.” He flipped over, leaving me on the bed and him above me. “This is no kitchen table.”

  “You’re right. I’m all yours.” I grinned up at him and his gaze lowered down my body, then slowly came back up.

  He kissed my lips, then my neck. His mouth dipped lower into the hollow of my collarbone while his hand skimmed down my body. The leg that he’d positioned over me nudged at mine, spreading them as he slipped his fingers between my thighs.

  I let out a sigh as his lips moved lightly over my breast, his tongue flicking softly against my nipple. And, yeah, this was a side of Colby I definitely loved.

  My hand went to his head, my fingers threading into his hair. I fought the urge to pull him forward as my chest arched against his mouth.

  He teased with his tongue while his fingers glided over my slick skin.

  I moaned and squirmed and tried my hardest not to flip him over and straddle him. Then his finger slid into me, and my knees buckled together before slowly releasing and allowing him to move deeper into me.

  “Colby…” My whole body was on fire. The buildup hadn’t just happened in the last few minutes. We were working with weeks—no, years of anticipation. I moaned and wriggled my hips, trying to find the spot that would send me spiraling. Sure I should wait for him, but how could I when he was making me so crazy?

  Then his hand was gone. His lips on mine. His tongue probed at my mouth, hungrier than before. I pulled him to me and tilted my head, trying to taste more of him, knowing I’d never get enough.

  He shifted, his full weight coming down on me for a second before he’d adjusted himself on to his elbows. He pressed one into the mattress, then reached between us.

  I widened my hips and tilted them forward, eager to feel him inside of me.

  And then he was. Slowly at first. The aching between my legs subsided and became a deliciously painful kind of pleasure. It was impossible to describe; nothing on earth compared to that moment when he first slid into me. Neither of us moved for a second, as if we could extend the sensation for just a moment longer, but then he pulled back slightly and my body arched. He tilted forward and I pressed my hips back up. Our pace was unhurried, but perfectly matched.

  We kissed and touched and practically worshipped each other’s bodies while time seemed to slow, but it wasn’t too long before the knot started to form low in my belly. My toes started to press into the mattress. My hips found their own rhythm and there was no stopping it. My breathing felt erratic and I simultaneously never wanted this moment to end and needed to find release or I’d surely burn up.

  Colby matched my pace, and his chest tightened under my hands. I ran my fingers down his back, then grabbed his waist, wrapped both my legs around him, and tugged him to me, needing to feel him deeper and harder. Everything became a blur and my body was on autopilot, knowing exactly what it needed and wanted.

  The burning started in my thighs, spreading down my legs. Tingles rushed up my belly and my chest heated. I rolled my hips upward and then my body tightened while a thousand sparks set my body on fire. I trembled and moaned, and possibly even died, before finally collapsing back on the bed.

  Hands down. Best. Sex. Ever.

  Colby lowered onto me, his chest slick with the tiniest bit of moisture. It was incredibly hot, and if I hadn’t been completely spent, I probably would have begged for round two right then and there.

  He took a deep breath, then finally planted a soft kiss on my lips. “You have no idea how many nights I’ve wished you were right here with me.”

  I smiled back. “Well, the good thing is, now that I am, I’m not going anywhere.”

  And I didn’t. We spent the rest of the day alternating between his room and the couch. We kissed, we cuddled, we did more. Everything that had always been a part of our friendship, combined with everything that had been missing from our relationship. And it was perfect.

  As the day wound down and the sun started to set, Colby glanced over at me. His fingers had been slowly sliding up and down my arm while I rested my head on his chest. “Don’t leave tonight.”

  Our nights together were limited. I felt the weight of that too. And in his arms was the only place I wanted to be. “I have no plans to.”

  He kissed my forehead and whispered, “I love you.”

  “I love you.” I smiled up at him, and his expression went from that sweet Colby who I adored to the one who was probably going to keep me up all night.

  And I had zero complaints.


  The next morning, I woke before Colby, but didn’t panic or become weighed down with regret. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I relished the fact that this was our new normal. Sleepovers, intimacy, happiness, and love. We’d taken best friend up a notch. Best friend 2.0. I had all the perks of a friend topped with the love of a boyfriend. Things couldn’t get much better than that.

  “You’re still here.” Colby stretched his arms up and smiled at me, his expression playful
and teasing.

  “I’m sorry I left the first time. I guess I was trying to prove something. Kind of failed hard on that one.” I offered a sheepish smile, knowing it had been shitty to do. And, of course, I couldn’t help but wonder if we might have taken a different path had I stuck around to talk about things. But what was done was done. And at least we had now.

  “I’m not going to lie. I was pretty devastated to find my bed empty that morning.”

  “I’ll make it up to you.” I smiled. “I’ll never leave your bed again. Okay? You can’t get rid of me!”

  He chuckled. “You’d get no argument from me.” His smile faded. “Except you are leaving.”

  “I won’t be far. Clyne’s only an hour away.”

  “You’re too far away right this second and there’s only about eight inches between us.”

  I knew he teased, but it still hurt to think we wouldn’t have the luxury of seeing each other every day. We’d wasted all this time we could have had together; now we’d finally gotten our shit worked out, and it was time for me to leave.

  He smiled. “It’s okay though. I’ll visit all the time. Let’s face it, you won’t be able to get rid of me.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Remember the other night how I mentioned that I’ve been thinking about getting away for a while?”


  “Well.” He put his hands under his head and stared up at the ceiling. “I really just don’t know if the deep-sea fishing thing is for me anymore. Or ever will be.”

  “It’s okay if it’s not.”

  He rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand. “But is it really? I mean what happens to Dad’s business if I don’t take it over?”

  “I think you’re worrying about something that is really far from now. I mean, your dad would love for you to follow in his footsteps, but I think ultimately he wants you to do what you love. Just like he did what he loved. I think you have time to figure out what that is for you. You’ll probably get out there and try a few different things and come right back to the boat. I know somewhere deep down inside you still love it.” I smiled. “But if you find something you love more, that’s okay too. The charter business will always be here, but that doesn’t mean it defines you. Your life is your choice.”

  He smiled. “I needed to hear that from someone else. And you’re right. I’ll probably come right back to it. But for now, I think I want to make some mistakes. Get a few jobs I hate.” He laughed. “You know, discover the hard way that the grass isn’t always greener.”

  “I think that sounds like a terrible idea and I fully support you.”

  He smiled, but it was different this time. Not that playful smile but more like…awe?

  “I love you, Isla. I really don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve always been that person to me. The one who helps me through my struggles and listens even when I refuse to talk. You just have this way of helping me open up, and you always say the right things in response. I know I can be difficult, but you always try. I appreciate that more than you’ll ever know. And though I haven’t always lived up to it, I want you to know I’ve always tried my hardest to be that person to you.”

  “You are that person. Why do you think I love you?” I smiled. “Talk to your dad. Tell him how you feel. He’ll understand. And, you know…there are lots of jobs you could hate in Clyne.”

  “You’re right. There are.” He grinned.


  He nodded. “It’s a real possibility.”

  I grabbed his face in my palms and laid a kiss right on his lips. “You make me so happy.”

  He grinned back. “C’mon, let’s go eat something at the kitchen table before we ruin it with all that sex.”

  I laughed as he sat up, scooped my shirt up off the floor, then tossed it over to me.

  “You should also probably mentally prepare for all the shit Landon’s about to give us. Two nights in a row, you know. If I know my brother, and I do, he’ll either ask you for rent or a wedding date.”

  “Oh geez.” I covered my face with my hands. “He’s gonna love this.”

  “Not as much as I will.”

  I pulled my hands down and looked at him.

  “I mean, let’s face it. I’m still a guy.” He shrugged with a grin tugging at his mouth. “And I totally won the girl.”

  I shook my head. “You didn’t win me, Colby. You’ve always had me. There was no way to lose.”

  “But you’re kind of wrong there.” He offered his super sexy half smirk. “See that day, back on the pier, I might have won the yellow bear, but the real prize was you. I’ll never forget the way you looked at me that day, and I might have been a real dumbass about everything over the last few years, but just so you know, it was always you. Always has been. Always will be.”



  The worst part about Isla’s schedule was she was always busier than me. The best part about Isla’s schedule was we always appreciated the time we had together.

  Thankfully, her first semester of nursing school had come to an end. She was taking her last exam at that very moment. I was ready to have more time with her and I think she was just ready to have more time.

  Plus, I’d spent the last four months in Clyne working at a job that I had in fact hated, and was ready to get back to Port Lucia. Mom and Dad had been incredibly supportive of my move and now I knew why. They’d probably always anticipated I’d come right back. When it came down to it, my life was meant to be spent on the water.

  I tossed the last of my things into a box, then did one more walk-through to ensure I hadn’t forgotten anything.

  Isla would kill me if she saw the way I’d packed. But I was ready to get out of there. The guy I’d sublet my apartment from was scheduled to be back in the next few days, and I didn’t really have the time or patience to do anything more than throw everything in boxes.

  I lifted the box and carried it out to my truck, shoved it in the back, then slammed the tailgate shut just as Isla pulled up.

  She hopped out of her car, all smiles, which I’d hoped to see.

  “I take it someone nailed their test.” I pulled her to me and kissed her before she could answer.

  When she pulled back, she frowned slightly. “Oh. I don’t know.”

  I laughed. “Well, what were you smiling about then?”


  She grinned up at me and, God, she was gorgeous. Like, really, how had I gotten so lucky?

  “You’re all packed and ready. I was kind of worried I’d find you buried under a pile of boxes with no end in sight.”

  “Hey, I packed just like I said I would.” Now hopefully she didn’t actually peek into any of the boxes.

  “Good. I’m ready to go home.”

  I smiled. “So Port Lucia is still home? Because call me crazy, but I think you love it here.”

  “I do love it here. I love school and I love that you’ve been here with me, but Port Lucia will always be home. I have no idea how I would have made it these last four months without you here with me. I would have been so homesick.”

  “It’s crazy how that town ropes you in, huh?”

  “Seriously, there’s nothing to do there, yet I miss it like crazy!”

  I laughed. “Me too. So does this mean…” I tried hard not to question her future plans too much. I wanted her to make choices for herself, but now that I knew more than ever that the charter boat was for me, I was terrified our lives would try to pull us in two different directions.

  “It means I’m planning to live on that damn beach until the day I’m a member of Senior Citizen Cove.”

  “Hey now, Coral Cove would welcome you with open arms.”

  She laughed, her nose doing that adorable scrunching thing. “Oh man, Colby, we’re gonna be old one day.”

  I shrugged. “We’ll do it together and never even notice.”

  “Yeah. I guess.” She laughed then sighed
. “But seriously, I’m going to finish nursing school and try my damnedest to get a job in Port Lucia. If I have to commute, I’ll do that instead. Whatever happens though, I’m with you. Always.”

  I hugged her tighter as if it could keep us connected together forever.

  “I love the water, and I love to fish, but I love you most. And if you have to get a job somewhere else, I’m with you. Always.”

  “We’re gonna make this work, Colby. I have no doubt of that.” She tiptoed to kiss me. “Now let’s go home. I know you’ve missed it too.”

  Home. I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, brushed my thumb along the dip in her bottom lip, and then stared into her dark eyes, wondering if it was possible she really didn’t know. “Isla, no matter where we go or where life takes us, as long as I’m with you, I’m already there.”

  To Camden. Thank you for always being there. Even before you’ve had your coffee.


  The Crush Series

  Just a Little Crush

  Just a Little Flirt

  Just a Little Kiss

  The Port Lucia Series

  Addicted to You

  RENITA PIZZITOLA is the author of New Adult contemporary romance and Young Adult fantasy. When not writing, she can be found feeding her caramel macchiato addiction and reading just about anything she can get her hands on. She lives in Austin, Texas.​RenitaPizzitolaAuthor


  Read on for a sneak peek of the next book in Renita Pizzitola’s Port Lucia series

  Wild for You

  Available from Flirt

  Chapter 1


  Ten girls. A white veil. And a hot pink sash. Dollar signs in skintight dresses. And thanks to my truck deciding to crap out three days ago, money was much more appealing than women.

  It was also pure luck that I happened to be the only male bartender working at Jack’s on a Friday night. Thanks to the stomach bug from Hell, I wouldn’t even have to try and lure the bachelorette party to my end of the bar. They swarmed me. So I ignored them.


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