Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two Page 16

by Ryanne Anthony

  A smile crept up on Marcus' face. 'No, I don’t mind. That's fine,' he looked down, and timidly shook his head.

  Lisa gasped. “Oh, wow... look at him blush! That guy is so gone, Cookie!”

  “He's not the only one,” Nathan murmured.

  'Okay. Sign by the X, please,' the camera guy directed as he held out a clipboard to Marcus, who was still smiling and shaking his head. He signed and gave back the clipboard.

  'Thank you. Okay, Mel, bring it in,' the camera guy shouted, keeping the camera focused on Marcus.

  Marcus, still smiling, placed his hands at his hips and looked toward the door. I heard a bump then his eyes widened and his beautiful mouth broke into a huge, megawatt grin.

  'What did she do,' he whispered.

  The children in the background exclaimed, 'Ooh, balloons!' and 'Cupcakes!'

  The camera tipped down a little and the cupcakes came into view. The brightly colored wrapped gift was sitting on top of the cupcakes. Marcus picked it up and a nurse took the boxes of cupcakes from Mel, another nurse took the balloons and Marcus watched as she set the balloon bouquet on the back end of the desk and removed the plastic that was surrounding them. He grinned big as he lifted the gift to his ear, shook it then suddenly looked toward the floor.

  'Dr. Alleezanzer, is it you borfday,' a tiny voice asked.

  'Brendon,' a woman murmured.

  Marcus smiled and squatted. A little boy, with big brown eyes, who couldn't take his eyes off the brightly wrapped gift, was now in view.

  'Yes, it is, Brendon. My girlfriend sent me a gift.'

  'It's pwetty,' Brendon declared. 'What's a gurlfwend?'

  Marcus and a few others chuckled. 'It's a very special friend that surprises you with presents on your birthday.'

  'Oh, okay,' Brendon said, still looking at the gift. He leaned into Marcus' ear and sort of whispered, 'Dr. Alleezanzer, can I have your gurlfwend?'

  Marcus and the waiting room erupted into a raucous laugh.

  So did Lisa, Nathan and I.

  'Brendon, I'm sorry but no. I'm keeping her forever,' Marcus gently declined, patting Brendon’s almost bald head.

  Some of the women sigh, 'Aw.'

  I held my chest and sighed, too.

  A smiling doctor urged, 'Open your gift, Dr. Alexander!'

  Others agreed he should, too.


  The room goes silent. Marcus took the card from the top, read it and grinned shyly as he slid it into his chest pocket. Next, he ripped open the wrapping to reveal a black rectangle shaped box. A nurse took the wrapping from him then Marcus opened the box. His eyes widened and he grinned again.

  'Oh, wow. It's a watch,' he announced, showing it around. He smiled then looked in the camera. 'I love it, baby.'

  I melted as Lisa nudged me.

  Everyone oohed and applauded. Marcus checked the time on it against the one on his wrist. He took the watch off, shoved it in his pocket and put on the new one. Smiling, he looked at the watch face again and then looked at the wall on the west side of the room. His face broke into a huge, all-tooth-showing grin as he shook his head.

  A nurse approached Marcus and gave him a cupcake with a candle on it. She smiled as she took the gift box from him.

  'Happy birthday, Doctor,' she murmured as she lit the candle.

  'Thank you, Miss Jones,' he replied, still grinning. Miss Jones then leads the room into a chorus of 'Happy Birthday'. When the song finished, Marcus blew out the candle. Everyone applauded. Grinning impossibly bigger, he removed the candle and peeled back the paper.

  'Mmm, red velvet... my favorite! Cupcakes for everybody,' he declared then took a big bite.

  Everyone applauded again and 'yays' are shouted. He leaned to Miss Jones and said something quietly near her ear.

  She smiled, nodding as she said, 'Right away, Doctor,' then went back to the desk.

  Marcus thanked the camera guy, shook his hand then pulled a bill from his pocket to tip him.

  'No thanks, sir. I've been taken care of.'

  Marcus then looked to Mel and handed the money to him, who accepted it gratefully and said 'Happy birthday, sir.'

  'It sure is!' He smiled and taking another bite of his cupcake, he walked toward the double doors where the other doctors patted his the back as he passed them. The video shut off.

  Lisa hugged me. “Whew! Good job, Cookie! He absolutely loved it!”

  I blushed, nodding. “Yeah, he did, didn't he?”

  I looked at my phone and saw the envelope letting me know I had a waiting text. I opened it and grinned when I realized it was from Marcus.

  Thank u baby. Yummy but nowhere near as sweet as you. I hope u have a nap this afternoon, I am going to devour your sweetness as soon as I see you. Love you

  I texted back, blushing again.

  Wasnt planning one; am now. Love you 2

  * * *

  After lunch, Lisa, Nathan and I went to a small eclectic store because I wanted find another gift for Marcus. We walked through the entire store three times and I couldn't make up my mind no matter how hard I tried.

  “Okay, Bug... what man doesn't like sports? Get him some tickets.”

  I smiled big. “Basketball! He has games on the hospital’s roof with others.”

  “Perfect. I'll call my brother and see if there are any available.”

  “Your brother,” Lisa asked.

  “Yes, he's an executive with the Lakers. Didn't I tell you?”

  “No, you didn't!” She laughed. “It's a wonder I’m able to see you.”

  “Basketball season's not ‘til October. Shame on Tom for scheduling his wedding then. Let's see, you and him... that shouldn't be a problem.”

  “Um... Marcus has two brothers,” I informed.

  He sighed as he pulled out his cell. “Shit. Okay... let me see what Doug can do.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  You scare me…

  A little after four, I let myself into Marcus' apartment. I set my bag in the bedroom on a chair near the bed as my phone rang. It was Lisa. I sat on the bed and answered.

  “Cookie, have you made it there?”

  “Yes, Twink, just now. I was just contemplating on what to do next. What are you guys up to?”

  “Nothing yet, just sitting around. Are you coming back in the morning? I'm so jealous you got the week off!”

  I smiled. “Yeah, I think so. I'm going to have Marcus drop me off before he goes to the hospital. I'll find something for Nathan and me to do.”

  “Okay, Cookie. Call me if you need to, but I'm sure you won't. I love you.”

  “I'm sure, as well. I love you, too. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  I pressed end and looked around. What should I do now, since I had two hours to kill? I yawned. Okay... quick nap it is then. Maybe a shower, first. I moved to my bag and pulled out a gown.

  He said naked, Mariah.

  Yes, he did.

  I started taking off my clothes as I made my way to the bathroom. I stepped under the strong spray and thought about my time in there with Marcus that morning, his hands everywhere on me, like he'd never touched me before and it was his last time. I grinned. Felt so good to be wanted so much.

  I finished my shower and thought about the video as I dried myself and brushed my teeth. He seemed really pleased and surprised and that thought warmed me immensely. I was so glad I talked to Mom. I better call her before she called and interrupted us. I put the towel in the hamper, grabbed my clothes and went back to the bedroom. I put my clothes away, got my scented oil and Marcus' gift. I placed the gift on the floor between the night stand and bed then walked to the other side of the bed where I sat on the floor and oiled myself. When I finished, I called my mother.

  “Hello, honey,” Mom answered.

  “Hi, Mom. How was your appointment?”

  “Fine, honey. Same as usual. What are you up to tonight?”

  “I just had a shower and now, I'm gonna have a nap before M
arcus gets here. I'm at his place and will be for the night.”

  “Okay. I won't call you later then, but do call me if you need me.”

  “I will, Mom. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Oh, and Mom?”

  “Yes, honey?”

  “That 'variety' thing you were speaking of last night? Not a problem.”

  She laughed. “I'm glad for you, honey.”

  “And Marcus took ballroom dancing in high school, hence the grace he has. We did a waltz together last night.”

  “Really? Wow, I bet he's really good.”

  “Yes, he is. I was very impressed. I've never danced with a partner that well before.”

  “Well, that's probably due to your partners being gay and there was no chemistry.”

  I yawned. “Sorry. That may be, Mom. At least it's something to think about. Marcus loved the watch, by the way.”

  “Good. I'm glad. Go have your nap, honey. I'll speak with you tomorrow.”

  I smiled. “Okay, Mom. I love you. Good-night to you and Pops.”

  “I love you, too. Good night, honey. Sleep tight.”

  I pressed end, put my cell on mute and placed it on the table. I pulled the comforter back and noticed fresh linen on the bed. As I slid between the sheets, I marvel at how good they smelled and planned to ask Rosa what detergent she used.

  I fell asleep as soon as I settled on my stomach.

  * * *

  Sometime later, the bed dipped behind me, then soft kisses rained on my back and a leg planted over mine.

  “Hi, baby,” Marcus whispered.

  I smiled and stretched. “Hi, Boo.”

  He turned me to my back and settled between my legs.

  “Missed me,” he asked as he kissed my throat.

  “Little bit,” I breathed as I laced my hands in his damp hair. “Miss me?”

  He kissed my chest. “Nope.”

  I laughed. “What are you doing then?”

  He sucked my nipple. “Well, you're here, so I thought I'd take advantage.”

  I moaned. “Well, since you didn't miss me, maybe I should go home until you do.”

  “Try it,” he murmured and softly bit my other nipple.

  “Ah! Maybe I will,” I threatened as I wrapped my legs around him.

  “Okay.” Marcus slid inside me and kissed me. He pushed my left leg down, put his right over it then lifted my knee. It made him go in deeper. I gasped as he filled me.

  “Fine,” I murmured against his mouth. “In twenty minutes.”

  “Better make it thirty,” he countered, sliding his arms under my shoulders and gripping the nape of my neck. He started a slow rhythm and kissed down my jaw. I moaned again as my fingers played in his hair.

  “Well, since I'm already here...”

  “Good choice.”

  He sucked loudly at my throat. I moaned louder then giggled.

  “That’s gonna leave a hickey.”

  “Don’t care. I mark all that’s mine. Thank you for my surprise, baby. I love you.”

  He was stroking me so slow, teasing my clit.

  “You're welcome, boo,” I moaned out. “I love you.”

  “Good. Now stop talking,” he ordered then kissed me, again.

  * * *

  Marcus was on his back and holding me against his chest, slowly rubbing my arm up and down. We were trying to restore our normal breathing.

  I looked up at him, breathless. “Guess you meant what you said on the phone.”

  “I did,” he smiled. “Damn near lost a basketball game thinking about it.”

  I smiled, circling his chest hair.

  He kissed my head. “What did you do today, baby?”

  “Well, my best friend and I went shopping and I bought my boyfriend a birthday present.”

  He held up his wrist and looked at the watch. “I bet he really liked it. In fact, I'd go so far as to say he loved it.”

  I straddled him. He placed his hands on my thighs and smiled as he looked at me.

  I leaned in, kissed him then whispered, “Not that one.”

  His eyebrows rose. “There's another?”


  He grinned and looked around. “Where is it, baby?”

  “It's just a little something; no big deal.”

  Suddenly, Marcus sat up, so fast that I grabbed his shoulders for balance. He wrapped an arm tight around my waist, then scooted back to rest his back on the head board. He grabbed a pillow, put it behind him and settled.

  “Give it to me,” he demanded.

  “Marcus, it's just –”

  He pulled my face in for a long, slow kiss.

  “Nice,” I breathed.

  “I agree. Now give me my gift.”

  I laughed and slowly shook my head. “Okay.”

  The excitement on his face… it made me feel a little nervous. I didn't want him to be disappointed when he opened it. I reached over to the table beside us and grabbed the flat, gift-wrapped box.

  “Here you go.” I set it between us then made a move to get off him but he grabbed my waist and stilled me.

  “Stay,” he whispered.

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  Marcus smiled then unwrapped the gift. My heart pounded in my ears. He opened the box and tossed the lid on the bed. He froze when he looked inside.

  The box fell between us and he rubbed his eyes. “What the... fucking... am I seeing things,” he murmured, wide-eyed. “Baby, I think I’m hallucinating.”

  “No, you’re not. You like it,” I asked, wrinkling my nose.

  He looked at me as though I went insane. “Like? ‘Like,' she asks...” he murmured, shaking his head.

  Marcus grabbed me and kissed me with so much passion that it left us both breathless.

  His blue eyes looked deep into mine. “Thank you for making me like my birthday again, baby. I love my gifts. This is what I want next year! Every year!”

  I blushed. Next year. My heart pounded again... he really saw long term with us.

  “You're welcome, boo,” I blushed and kissed him again.

  He pulled back and picked up his cell. “I gotta make a call... several calls.”

  I looked at the excitement in his face and grinned. He could barely dial, since he kept looking at the tickets, almost as though he was expecting them to disappear or something.

  “Matthew, call Josh on your other line... Just do it and come back. You guys are not going to believe this... I gotta call Rob. Hurry up! ... Sammy! Hang on, I have to connect Toad and Twerp ... guys? Sammy? Okay, brace yourselves. No, don't go, baby. Stay right there. What? ... My girlfriend... Mariah! Who else, Toad? ... Fuck you. Why would I name my left hand? … Asshole, it’s not been that long! Cut that out and listen. On top of the watch she got me for a birthday gift, she gave me… Damn, I'm staring right at them and still couldn't believe it.”

  “What,” I heard them yell in his ear and giggled.

  Marcus took a deep breath. “Four season tickets to the Lakers.”

  A commotion sounded and he moved the phone from his ear, laughing.

  “What, Sammy? ... I'll ask her. Baby, how did you get these tickets?”

  I took the tickets and looked through them as I asked, “Why, boo? Is something wrong with them?”

  “Baby, do you know how hard it is to get these? How long have you had them?”

  “I went today and got them. Don't worry, I didn't take your car. I rode with Lisa and Nathan.”

  “Baby, I wouldn't care if you took that car! How on earth did you get these tickets?”

  “I know a guy who knows a guy.” I shrugged. “Seriously, does this mean you like the tickets?”

  Another commotion expressed through the phone. Marcus took the tickets and places them in the drawer next to us.

  “I agree, Toad. She can't be a basketball fan.”

  “I'd rather watch football but I like the Bulls,” I muttered. I heard groans and loud defamations of my favorite team and giggled again.

  “Yeah, I kn
ow, Sammy, but I'm going to keep her, anyway.” He winked at me. “I gotta go now, guys. I look forward to all the sucking up you all are going to do when the season starts. Better yet, start tomorrow.” He laughed. “No, Twerp, I will not. I'm not even going to ask her for myself. I have to go and make love to my girlfriend now. Bye.” Marcus held the end key and it powered off. “They hate me so much right now.” He grinned at me. “I have a couple things for you, too, but you only get one of them now. The other you can have after dinner.”

  “It’s your birthday, Marcus. Why would you get me something,” I asked, frowning.

  “I wanted to make you feel as special as you made me feel today.”

  I shook my head. “You didn't have to get me anything. I loved doing this for you; for your birthday. Besides, you already make me feel special.”

  “I wanted to. I want to. Okay?”

  I look in his eyes and, seeing nothing but sincerity in them, I softened. I couldn't say no to him if you paid me.


  Marcus reached over to the bedtable’s lower drawer, opened it and pulled out a long jewelry box. I took it, thinking he must have put it there while I was sleeping. I smiled and opened the box. It was empty!

  I scowled. “Marcus! There's nothing in here!”

  “What? Are you sure?”

  I turned the box around. “See?”

  “What happened to it? Oh, yeah...” He laughed. “It's on your ankle.”

  “What?” I looked back at my right ankle. Nothing. I looked at the left and gasped. It was the M&M anklet from the jewelry store! I climbed off Marcus and twisted my ankle around to the front of me to get a better view. It looked better on my leg, if I did say so myself.

  “You talked to Nathan,” I accused in shock, still staring at my ankle.

  “I did,” he confessed. “You were at lunch.”

  I remembered when Nathan excused himself to take a call. My eyes welled up. I gave him my biggest smile and straddled him again.

  “I love it, boo! Thank you so much... I'm never taking it off,” I declared and sobbed as I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

  His arms wrapped around me and he rubbed my back.


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