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Frost (Queens of Hell Book 1)

Page 21

by Liza James

  Their dynamic is different, and I find myself having more and more questions as the night goes on. I want to say he holds all of the power, but I swear, there is something in her eyes that make me believe she’s concealing a deadly weapon of knowledge.

  Ironically, it’s in the same moment everyone falls quiet. Lucifer’s voice ringing over the crowd as he calls on Na’amah.

  No, no, no. I’m not ready yet.

  Fira’s gentle touch runs over my hand, squeezing in reassurance as Na’amah stands and walks toward him. He rests at the head of the room, a throne sitting next to Lilith’s while the two preside over the entire ballroom.

  “Show me your newest project, sister.” He speaks with a vile cheer lacing his words. I was told he finds joy in the pain and humiliation of others. It’s part of the reason why Esme has had to remain at his side for so long now.

  “She’s nothing, Luce. Not worth the little show, I can promise you that.” She scoffs, throwing back another drink as she tilts her head and swallows the amber liquid. My heart pounds at the easy lie falling from her lips, and I try not to let my own wash of alcohol rule my emotional reaction.

  “Oh nonsense, you know I love a good girl. And I know the work you put into these little feeders for Lilith. Let’s see how well this one obeys you, shall we?” His voice shifts into a command, one that sounds humorous but carries a deadly demand underneath. The room grows quiet as he tilts back his glass and pulls Esme directly onto his lap. She falls easily, keeping her hands clasped over her thighs as he leans in and whispers in her ear.

  So many private conversations taking place around me. Little secrets passed around like collateral, and I’m so curious to know what everyone’s hiding.

  She clears her throat and turns toward me, her eyes meeting mine in complete detachment and vacancy. It’s like she isn’t even there, completely lost to the darkness she’s stepping into.

  Terror shakes through me, the sudden uncontrollable feeling of being entirely alone in this. She can remove herself, her emotions so easily from what we’re about to do and yet I will have to sit through them, feel every single one of her painful actions taken against me. I turn toward her right away, hoping I do everything right in order to get through this quickly and smoothly.

  “Come here, Kitten.” She snaps her fingers in my direction as I glide across the ballroom floor toward her. “Show Lucifer what a good little whore you are for me.” My cheeks heat with a tinge of embarrassment. The icy, degrading words fall from her lips easily, and she slides her hands into the pockets of her slacks as her blazer pulls tight across her powerful shoulders. It’s intimidating, the strength she so casually holds. I know exactly what those hands, what her words are capable of—that’s what scares me most in this moment. I know what her goals are, but I don’t know how she’ll accomplish them. Her intent is clear, the path taken to meet those needs is not.

  I walk toward her in silence, keeping my hands linked in front of my waist until I’m standing up in front of all of them. Literally everyone. They’re all watching in the quiet heat as I present myself in front of the crowd of onlookers. Few whispered comments are spoken around me. The crowd growing antsy in what they anticipate seeing. I have a feeling this is all relatively normal for them, a show of entertainment that Lucifer isn’t the only one enjoying.

  Part of me is sick at the idea of that, another part wonders what else they so willingly watch.

  Na’amah looks down at me as I keep my eyes low and to the ground. I see her feet step closer, those black pointed boots coming up to the hem of my dress. Her hand falls, her finger tips running over the thin fabric clinging to my hip as she slowly, gradually steps around me. I don’t want to look, but the way her hands trail their icy touch leave subtle remnants of her frost coating the decorative gems in her wake. Hell, even her every step leaves the smallest burst of frost spiraling out in light snowflakes.

  It’s magical. I’m completely entranced by the surprise and amazement of it.

  Her touch glides higher, until her frozen finger tips are slipping over the nape of my neck and around my shoulder, until she’s finally in front of me again and lingering over my collar bone. Then her touch moves higher, sliding up over the front of my throat until she’s reaching my chin and forcing my face up to look at hers.

  Dark orbs of toxicity reign through her. I see nothing of familiarity, feel nothing of our usual connection. I don’t understand it. I somehow assumed that even through this, I’d at least feel what is truly her, what is ours, hovering just under the surface of every sadistic move she makes.

  My brows pinch together slightly, confusion and discomfort quickly finding their usual homes in my erratic heart beat and clammy skin. Na’amah’s grip on my chin turns into a angry hold over my jaw, nails digging into my flesh as my mouth falls open and she yanks me up against her chest. “Did you hear me, Kitten? You know I don’t ask twice.”

  “Oh, oh, ask twice. Please do.” I hear Lucifer chime out in mock humor from behind me. Na’amah doesn’t even glance his way, keeping her focus completely locked on me.

  “I’m sorry, I didn't hear you,” I mutter as best I can, my heart soaring high in rhythm while sinking to the pit of my stomach at the same time.

  Fuck, I’ve already messed this up.

  She leans forward, her fangs elongated as they scrape over my ear lobe. “I said, get on your fucking—”

  A crash takes place behind me, and Na’amah’s attention is quickly thrown off without releasing her tight hold on my jaw. Her demand is interrupted, and I’ve never felt more relieved in my life.

  “Dinner? Now? What poor timing.” Lilith speaks, sarcasm dripping off her words and I listen to the sounds of scurrying feet and shifting chairs as I assume the first course begins moving through the crowd.

  Thank fuck.

  We can press pause on this and I can sit down, eat a few bites of food and calm my nerves before hopefully continuing this.

  Na’amah shoves me away from her and toward the table. I stumble forward, but straighten my spine with as much dignity as I can manage before instantly halting my steps at the sound of Lucifer’s dark voice behind me.

  “Oh no, no. We aren’t finished here.” I refuse to turn around yet, my heart jumping back into that volatile rhythm as I desperately hope Na’amah can stop this for the time being. “If she is such a good pet for you, sister. Show me you feed her.”

  My eyes close in shattering disappointment. My mind wracks through every possible humiliating outcome this could lead, and terror paralyzes my ability to move.

  “Better yet,” Na’amah presses, her voice taking on humorous tone as well when I hear her steps click across the floor away from me. “Let me show you how I teach my newest Kitten to eat.”

  A boisterous scoff leaves Lucifer’s mouth as my hands begin trembling in front of me. What the Hell does that even mean?

  But then my heart plummets even lower, my eyes snapping open and my head whipping around toward Na’amah. “Lilith, allow me the use of your Brielle.”

  Lilith is quiet for a moment, clearly hesitating before she responds. But her brother is quick to chime in and offer his opinion. “Oh please, Lilith. You know how much I’ll enjoy this. And you can fuck the sweet girl afterwards and remind her who she truly belongs to.”

  She nods in reluctant agreement, and I hear the scrape of another chair being pushed back as Brielle stands from a table in front of me. Everyone else is either seated already or hovering around their places, tensely watching the display taking hold in front of them. Brielle hurries toward Na’amah, walking directly past me without a single glance in my direction.

  My stomach twists and rolls with nausea and jealousy, the sudden urge to submit more, be better than whatever it is Brielle can offer her consumes me.

  I realize logically, she has done nothing wrong but fall for the same Vampire I have. I can’t even blame her for that, but in this moment, I have a feeling Na’amah wants to use my jealousy to her ben
efit in dominance.

  When I turn around, I find her standing directly in front of Na’amah, her head downcast as I’m motioned over to the both of them. “Come here, Kitten. I want to you watch how good Brielle is for me. Learn how to please me like she does.”

  Those words alone make me sick, and I hear the quiet clearing of a throat to the right of me when I quickly look that direction. Fira and Sera are standing close, their eyes shining with unspoken encouragements as they watch me.

  I steel my shoulders, forcing a deep breath as I internally will myself to keep going. Walking toward them, I stop directly beside Brielle, meeting Na’amah’s hard gaze head on. “Of course, Alca.” I attempt keeping every ounce of sarcasm and irritation from my voice when I speak, but it’s difficult and clearly Lucifer notices because a quiet laugh escapes his mouth in the next instant.

  “Bring me two servings,” Na’amah shouts to one of the servers mingling amongst the tables. I stand completely still, mimicking the stance Brielle holds in hopes that I’m doing the right thing. Hands clasped in front of my waist, eyes focused on the floor and not daring to look at any of Queens or Lucifer and his witch.

  A scurry of feet come up behind me and to my side, handing two large plates to Na’amah as she takes them in her hands then steps back several paces.

  “Brielle,” she begins, and my pulse beats hard at the sound of her name being spoken like this. It holds not only an air of dominance and ownership, but of passion and familiarity I absolutely loathe. “You’re always such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Alca,” she replies, her voice quiet and meek with adoration. “I love being good for you.”

  Annoyance sparks in my blood and I have to physically hold my hands still as they fight visibly trembling. I can’t help it, a cough spill from my throat as I focus all of my energy on remaining in control.

  “Both of you, get on your hands and knees.” She demands, her tone laced with a possession I want only for myself. My eyes widen at what she’s asking, not believing she actually wants me to kneel in this kind of dress.

  But before I can even consider refusing, Brielle is already falling into place, doing exactly as she’s told while I stand in defiance. Suddenly, everything moves so much quicker than I can process, happening second by second without time to decide what the best course of action truly is.

  Na’amah immediately strides over to her, crouching down and placing one plate on the ground in front of her face. I watch in shock as her hand slips to the back of Brielle’s head and she yanks her gaze up to meet hers. Na’amah’s other hand moves to gently trace her lips, speaking to her and touching her in ways that feels so incredibly intimate.

  Brielle watches her, her eyes open and focused on her owner completely. I feel as though I’m intruding, and the sight of this happening so casually in front of me has my heart ripping apart in two. “Good girl. Now show Skilla how to properly eat your food like the pet you are.” Venom slicks her tone, seduction thick and heavy in her words. Brielle surrenders completely, even as Na’amah tosses her head away and then stands above her.

  I’m still watching, my chest heaving with rapid breaths when Na’amah’s eyes snap to my own. Arrogance and expectation run rampant in her expression, raised eye brows and crossed arms over her chest when she finally addresses me. “Watch her,” she demands, nodding back down to the girl at her feet. “See how good she is for me? Will you ever measure up to what she gives me?”

  I’m drowning, my skin pulling tight with heat of both sensuality and embarrassment. The ways in which she’s forcing me to watch someone else please her like this, it’s degrading. It’s humiliating, and yet my soul beats and begs to do better.

  I’m sick. Both anger and desire warring in my energy.

  I step toward her without a word, coming to stand directly next to Brielle when I keep my eyes trained on Na’amah. I sink to the floor, grasping the hem of dress in my hands as I fall low to the ground. Hot, sticky heat floods my cheeks and flushes my chest. My pulse is rampant, thundering and skipping beats all at the same time. I try to steady my breaths, but my trembling hands, my shaking thighs make it incredibly difficult.

  As soon as my hands rest against the hard floor below me, I drop my head so that I’m not looking at Na’amah. I see Brielle out of my peripheral vision, her mouth literally eating the fucking food off her plate without a question. I hear the muffled sounds of people gasping and chatting around us, even Lucifer leans forward as he watches with total fascination.

  “How you treat them so poorly and yet they are so obedient is beyond me. How do you punish them, Na’amah? Do you convince them with fear and pain? Or do you give into their emotional demands?” he asks, just as Na’amah begins pacing in front of me.

  Click. Click. Click.

  Her heels beat a rhythm I feel in my veins, mixed feelings of humiliation and desire blending into one.

  “It depends on what they’ve done, Lucifer.” She suddenly stops and crouches in front of me now, slowly placing my own plate directly under my face. Her fingers linger there, dragging across the edge as she explains further. “This one has been difficult. Defiant and aggressive in her refusal to break.”

  “Oh I can believe that.” He laughs, and I keep my eyes trained on the food below me. Some kind of fucking soup. Goddamn, soup. You’ve got to be kidding me. My shoulders shake in anticipation of what I’m about to do in front of all of these strangers. “She looks stubborn, a wild fight but I can imagine a wonderful fuck. Is that true, Na’amah?”

  God, no. He is not asking about how I have sex with her. This cannot be real.

  Na’amah hesitates before answering, remaining crouched low before me when she finally answers him. “Oh yes, you’d think so, wouldn’t you? The truth however, is that she’s a bore. The worst I’ve had actually, and I only kept alive because of Lilith’s need to feed from her blood.” Sick, sadistic words seep from her lips and poison the air around me. Everything shifts cold, and my back arches and then rounds as I fight to remain calm in the midst of this. “Brielle however,” Na’amah reaches toward her, lifting her chin and running her thumb over lips as she leans close. “She knows exactly how I like it, don’t you? Do you enjoy when I touch you? Do you come when I fuck you, my good girl?”

  “Always, Alca. I love the ways you’ve claimed me.” Brielle’s sweet tone is desperate for approval and praise. It’s the last straw to my increasingly shortening temper before I snap.

  In the next instant, I move to lunge forward, my hand lifting to slap Na’amah across the face when I’m suddenly shoved down and to the ground. I can’t even stop it, Na’amah’s fingers wrap so tightly around the back of my neck as she holds inches above my fucking plate. My arms are bent beside me, working hard to push me up and away from this, but I’m far too weak, and I’m at the mercy of Na’amah in front of all of these strangers.

  “Oh my, oh my. What a perfect little project you have here.” Lucifer speaks as he stands and slowly strides toward us. He comes to reside next to Na’amah, and I absently think everything is spiraling out of control far quicker than I can process.

  “She is, isn’t she?” she replies to him. Quiet groans are stifled on my grinding teeth and sealed lips. “At least she’s pretty when she’s on her hands and knees for me.”

  “She’d be even prettier with those lips on my boot, don’t you think?” His voice shifts into something far darker than I’ve heard from any of the Queens before. This, this tone is dangerous. It’s a weapon all its own, straight venom injected into your veins and crawling under my skin like snakes.

  “Lucifer, do not take this so far on such a night of celebration.” Lilith comes to my rescue, shouting from her own throne. He easily dismisses her however, and what threads of hope I have quickly disappear.

  “Silence, Lilith. Everyone loves this,” he addresses the crowd. “Don’t you? Who wants to see this little slut kiss my boots before eating her dinner?”

  “What a clever
way to earn your meal, little Kitten,” Na’amah’s voice whispers near my ear. Her lips brush against me, and when I catch a moment to glance up at her, I’m met with black eyes of hunger and lust.

  Holy fuck, she’s turned on. Eating this up in ways I’d like her to use on me.

  “Place that sweet tongue on his boot,” she insists, shoving my head closer to his feet as he waits. “Show me what those lips can do, baby girl.”

  I fight it at first, I can’t fucking help it. Pushing back against her hard touch when she uses her power to shove me forward further. My hand accidentally knocks against my plate, spilling some of the soup to ground below me as well.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  But my eyes and my mind are too focused on the nearing leather of Lucifer’s black, laced up boots in front of me. They shine under these lights, glinting in evil and vile power.

  My lips part in a breath and I gasp as I try to inhale before coming in direct contact with his fucking boot. But I surrender, giving in to the ways my heart is racing in chest, to how slick my thighs are from my shockingly wet core. The moment I realized how turned on Na’amah was, I paid more attention to the sick ways I wanted to submit for her as well.

  In the next instant, my tongue slips out and over the hot leather, the musky taste on my tongue both disgusting and humiliating at the same time.

  I pull back as quickly as I can, and Lucifer taps his toe in my face as his arrogance fills the space around us. “How good she can be when she submits, I must agree.”

  Shifting back, I assume I’ve completed my task. Relief washes through at the notion of this being it, finally I’m fucking done. But Na’amah’s quick palm slaps across my face at the last instant, her own poisonous tone ringing through my ears. “Do not rest until you are told to. Now eat your fucking food, Kitten.”

  I raise my eyes to meet hers in astonishment, widening just slightly before snapping back down to the plate in front of me. She’s still vacant, those black eyes still darkened and dominant as the sting of her slap heats my skin. I shift forward in submission, and I’ve completely forgotten that Brielle is still at my side. I can’t even look at at her, mortification has already built itself into my DNA now.


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