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Luna Ten #1: Cassiopeia

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by Ann Jacobs

  Luna Ten #1: Cassiopeia

  Ann Jacobs

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2004 by Ann Jacobs

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  ISBN 1-59596-012-0

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1561

  Shepherdstown, WV 25443-1561

  Editor: Margaret Riley

  Cover Artist: Scott Carpenter

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


  Obsidion. Tourist mecca and more, situated at the farthest reaches of the galaxy. The planet meant for pleasure, for indulging every sense, each desire that back home would earn harsh punishment from the Federation Rulers. A place where nothing was forbidden, where geniuses whose creativity was stifled by Federation law could live and work their magic. Where it was said someday the cyborg makers would create a fully functional living, breathing man from nothing but plastics, electronic circuitry, and microchips -- and no law would stop them.

  Since he’d been fated to crash his starship, Guy Stone was damn lucky to have crashed it here, for nowhere else would he have been allowed to survive.

  Survival. Guy had been given more than survival. He’d received the gift of sight, of hearing, of the ability to walk and run and hold a woman in his arms…gifts he’d never properly appreciated before fate had taken them away in a moment of searing agony that was forever emblazoned on his mind. Guy recalled the brief, terrible moment that had ended in a void until the miracle workers on Obsidion had begun putting his shattered body back together, replacing the irreparably damaged parts with products from the cyborg maker’s workshop.

  During the tedious months when Guy had lain healing, he’d done his mourning in a dark and silent world, for lost senses and sensations. Then one day he’d felt his legs again, thought just maybe he might want to stay alive. Later, when the bandages had come off his face and he’d returned to the world of light, heard the rasping voice of the aged cyborg maker, he’d set aside his grief. Guy had been resurrected from the dead, half himself, half cyborg.

  Anathema to the Rulers of the Federation. An abomination in a world where only perfection was allowed to survive. He’d known right away that they’d kill him if he ever returned to Earth.

  So what if he couldn’t go home? So what if he’d never again be allowed to captain a starship hurtling through the galaxy? Guy was fucking alive. Alive and functional in every way, thanks to his saviors’ skill.

  Chapter One

  Milling around with hordes of pleasure-seekers from all over the galaxy now, Guy sucked in a gust of heady Obsidion air. Today, he wanted to find the sort of pleasure he’d denied himself for years while serving in the Federation corps, pleasure he’d been in no shape to seek during the long months of his recuperation.

  Neon lights blinked red and green and blue along Obsidion’s famed Strip, enticing the milling crowd of Earthling tourists to partake of pleasures not even whispered of back home. Guy Stone leaned on the cane he no longer needed, taking in the sights and sounds of the barkers and sightseers. It all seemed foreign to him now, after the long months he’d spent in Obsidion’s only hospital, being snatched back by the doctors and a cyborg maker named Pak Song from whatever eternity awaited him.

  Guy had been nearly as broken as his starship. So broken that for a long time he’d welcomed the release of oblivion, surcease from pain. Now, though, he was ready to embrace his new life that had been resurrected from the arms of death. Eager to partake of pleasures too long denied him.

  His life as a starship commander charged with curtailing the brisk trade of skypirates in the outer reaches of the galaxy was over. The Rulers of the Federation had invalided him out of the corps, ending his career path toward Starship Corps Commander. Returning to Earth, enhanced as he was now, wasn’t an option, either. The Federation had strict rules forbidding what it considered hybridizing man with cybernetics, and not even Guy’s powerful father could obtain a dispensation for him -- not that he’d have been likely to try. Too bad for them, because Guy felt great -- fit enough to take on the whole fucking universe. Since Earth wouldn’t have him, he’d find a better home, where he’d be welcomed as he was today.

  In his travels he’d visited Luna Ten, a small planet that welcomed refugee Earthlings to a utopian life free from Federation strictures and rules. Perhaps he’d go there. Of course he couldn’t settle there without a mate, unless he could prove his worth in some other way, and he wasn’t at all sure any human breeder would accept him with the modifications that had saved his life. But that was a problem that could wait.

  For now Guy wanted to enjoy being alive, to try out his newly healed body and take in the sights and sounds that bombarded him from all angles in the famed Obsidion Strip. Infected with the excitement of the tourists, he visually scanned shops that offered pleasures for every taste.

  The roulette wheels and playing cards depicted on the facades of three huge casinos held no appeal, nor did the bubbling neon stem glasses advertising drink and drugs strictly prohibited back on Earth. A blinking blue outline of a naked woman caught his eye. His cock suddenly twitched and swelled within uniform pants that had once fit snugly but practically burst at the seams now, since his muscles had grown to rock-hard, enormous proportions. In some ways his body didn’t seem altogether like his own, and if Pak Song hadn’t told him differently, he’d have thought they’d enhanced his cock, too, when they’d restored his sight and hearing, and provided him with muscle strength many times more powerful than what he’d lost.

  Guy was fucking horny. Hard as a rock and straining at the zipper of his pants. For a woman. An Earthling woman to whom he could give as much pleasure as he took. He didn’t want a green-skinned Obsidion whore with surgically enhanced silver-tipped boobs, like the one depicted in a flashing neon sign a couple of doors down the street. And he wasn’t interested in fucking a sexbot like the ones Pak Song made in his laboratory. He’d had too many orgasms before his injury that had brought physical release but no real pleasure. Sighing, he strode along the Strip, wanting…fuck, he wasn’t certain exactly what it was his newly enhanced body craved.

  Yes, he did. Or rather he knew what the man inside the body wanted. He yearned for a soulmate. The soulmate he was unlikely to find working in a pleasure resort.

  But then he turned the corner onto the Street of Slaves, and there she was. Obviously a vacationer, not one of the Strip’s many female pleasure-givers. Guy imagined tunneling his fingers through her reddish-gold hair that sparkled in the reflected light from a star-shaped shop sign: Earthling Sex Slaves. Concentrating to bring his newly functional eyes into perfect focus, he looked through the modest jumpsuit she wore at her high, firm young breasts, the slightly convex belly and satin-smooth mound that didn’t hide the enticing button of her clit. His mouth watered when he imagined burying his face within her silken folds, flicking that impudent nub with his tongue. Damn, his balls had already started to ache.

  An Earthling woman, she was one of three. Young. Malleable, Guy imagined. Her eyes twinkled with apparent excitement -- she must have been on her first
holiday here. Not yet as jaded as her two companions, who were encouraging her to pick one of the half-dozen naked Earthling men posing on a rotating floor within a curved plate-glass window. He stared at her perky little clit, imagined tonguing it until she screamed for mercy.

  “I couldn’t. They…they’re…”

  “Come on, Cassie. For once in your life you’ve got to fuck a real man. Forget what your mama told you about waiting until it’s time for you to breed. These guys have all been fixed. They’re no more going to make you pregnant than if they were sexbots. Look, number five is winking at us. Can’t you just imagine having his big, hard cock ramming into your pussy?”

  So his woman’s name was Cassie. Guy tuned out what the other girls were saying. Sometimes it got damn annoying, being able to hear ten times as well as he had before he was enhanced.

  When he tuned back in, he heard Cassie say, “You two go on and have your fun with your Earthling slaves. I’ll just look around out here, maybe go to that sexbot store in the mall that Yolanda mentioned.”

  That would be Pak Song’s House of Pleasure. Guy had been around long enough to know where the best of everything forbidden could be found here on the galaxy’s most famous resort planet. And Pak Song made the best sexbots he’d ever seen. He’d admired the old Earthling’s skill with robotics and artificial intelligence long before Pak Song had applied that knowledge to restore Guy’s own sight, hearing, and mobility.

  For the first time since long before the injury that had nearly killed him, excitement bubbled in his veins. It might be a sexbot that Cassie wanted, but it would be Guy Stone, enhanced Earthling human-slash-cyborg, that she’d get.

  Not just for a night’s pleasure, either. A picture of the utopian community on Luna Ten flooded his memory, and he imagined Cassie there, his willing mate, ripening with his seed. Maybe… In any case, he was compelled to follow her, fuck her, and explore the paths they might take. Lengthening his stride, he quickly overtook his prey and preceded her into the mall’s outer courtyard.

  * * *

  Omigod! Each storefront boasted another phallic symbol, more erotic toys. Lingerie to inflame dead men. Potions guaranteed to enhance sexual potency. Hairdressers and manicurists and -- omigod again -- there was a hunk who ought to be selling his magnificent body over at the Earthling Sex Slave Emporium where she’d just left Doreen and Nebula. Long shaggy dark-brown hair and beard and his chalky-pale skin hinted he’d been away too long from a civilization where male heads were always shaven, male skin hairless and deeply bronzed by the sun.

  Omigod again. Cassiopeia Denton’s gaze settled on the man’s hard ass -- the most gorgeous male tush she’d ever seen -- and rippling thighs the size of tree trunks, encased in black leather pants like those that Star Commanders wore. Skin-tight pants that matched a likewise skin-tight leather shirt and gleaming knee-high black boots. His cock would be -- Cassie girl, keep your cool. You came here to find a hottie of a sexbot, and that’s just what you’re gonna do. But she kept staring at the guy’s tight ass until he disappeared inside an old-fashioned looking shop with a red-and-white pole that reminded her of a candy cane. Damn, but he had her panting after him and getting warm and damp inside, and she hadn’t even seen him up close.

  Makeovers by Leander. That was the name of the place where the hunk had gone. But she didn’t see him inside when she peered through the plate-glass storefront at a display of grooming products and exotic jewelry backed by a rich burgundy velvet drape. Should she follow him? She wanted to, even had the door pushed open before changing her mind. Chickening out, her friends would have said, and they’d have been right.

  Regretfully, Cassie headed for a toy store. If she was getting a sexbot, she should also get some toys to enhance her experience with it. And some exotic fruits to nibble while her sexbot sucked on her. She’d go to the Intragalactic Market next, then to Pak Song’s famous House of Pleasure. No, maybe she’d go get her clit pierced first, at that studio she saw that advertised they used the new, self-healing method that didn’t hurt. Doreen swore her piercing there made her orgasms ten times stronger…

  Suddenly Cassie pictured her doting father -- imagined what he’d say to her, remembered what he’d yelled at Doreen when she’d gotten that piercing a few months back. Females of the ruling class don’t look for thrills. They do their duty, breed new generations of Rulers with the seed of the Chosen males. He’d sent her here, along with her half-sisters, with strict instructions that they get the wildness out of their systems before she and Doreen would be bred, Nebula neutered because of her defective gene.

  Cassie shuddered. Once, just once in her boring life, she’d like sex to grab her up, blow her away to another place in her head. A place her friends all talked about, a place she’d never been. She wanted a real live man, if only she had the nerve. She wanted that hunk with the long silky hair and bulging muscles that she’d almost followed into Leander’s. Too bad she hadn’t scared up the courage to follow him in there, but she hadn’t, so she’d have to make do with a ‘bot. Focusing her gaze on a display of multicolored glass dildos beneath a shimmering ball light, she stepped inside the toy store.

  * * *

  The buzz of Leander’s electric clippers rang noisily in Guy’s ears. It was fuckin’ hard, even with the months of training he’d endured, to shut down his phenomenal gifts of superhuman hearing and sight. The enhanced sensation had replaced total darkness and silence to which he’d almost acclimatized himself before Pak Song had installed the sensors and reopened his world. Guy hadn’t tested the strength enhancement yet, but he figured that if he got in a situation where he needed raw physical power, having the super dose of it he’d been given would come in handy. Now, the sharp buzzing sound of the clippers was grating on his senses. It was fucking giving him the sort of throbbing headache no sexbot and not more than a handful of men would ever be bothered with.

  The brush of his own severed locks as they slid against the towel the barber had draped over his bare shoulders reminded him how every touch, each breath of air against his body now produced sensation magnified a hundred times by the new, enhanced sensory centers embedded deep within his brain. His balls tightened when he imagined Cassie bombarding those heightened senses with her warm, wet breath, her gentle touch. He damn well might die of pleasure overload when he sank his cock inside her tight, sopping cunt.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to turn off his brain to the buzzing of the clippers as they passed over his skull, and concentrate instead on the soft sensations of feminine hands and hot wax. Wax that would rid his body of the rough hair that had been allowed to grow during his hospitalization.

  Fuck, concentrating on the waxing was a lousy idea. It hurt like hell when the attendant began ripping away the cloth strips -- and his hair.

  Desperate to distract himself from the bombardment of sound and feeling, Guy went on a mental search for Cassie. Yeah. There she was, buying some nipple clamps -- no, not clamps, but rings. Shiny silver rings connected by a thin gold chain. Three of them. Two for her pert nipples -- he saw they already had holes -- and the third to pierce the impudent little nub that peeked out below her plump, pale mons. He fuckin’ loved the way she smiled when the blue midget clerk, obviously a refugee from that colony on Gamma Minor, dropped them into a bag and pointed her toward a display of vibrators and butt plugs. His balls tightened and his cock began to swell when he imagined how those rings would look, dangling from her nipples and glittering in her pretty clit.

  Her oohs and ahs over the biggest of the dildos made him chuckle. Wait until she got a load of her “sexbot’s” very real cock and balls. Distracted for a minute by the agonizing pain that followed a jerk of an attendant’s hand on hot wax she’d slathered over his groin a minute earlier, he concentrated again, finding Cassie again in time to watch her drop a set of graduated-size anal stimulators into the bag beside the delicate rings and a big, realistic looking glass dong.

  “You want big ring, to match this big cock?” Th
e smiling attendant tweaked the tip of his penis.

  “Huh?” How the hell did she know he was imagining tweaking those gold rings in Cassie’s puckered nipples, catching the one in her clit between his teeth? Then Guy realized the woman was asking if he wanted a ring in his PA piercing, the one he hadn’t thought about until now. What the fuck had happened to the thick gold curved barbell he’d worn since his dad had given it to him for graduation? Probably in the safe at the hospital, he guessed, along with his identity papers and the insignia he noticed had been removed from his shirt, most likely as soon as the medical decision was made that he’d have to be enhanced. “Oh. Yeah. And replace the others, too.” No self-respecting Earthling would present his unadorned cock to a lady.

  “You want wax or shave?” Leander asked, rubbing a hand over Guy’s freshly clipped scalp.

  “Shave. But get it smooth.” It had never bothered Guy to lather up every morning and scrape off the stubble from his skull as well as his face. Besides, the idea of enduring a wax job there, with his enhanced sensitivity, was more than he could bear. On the other hand, he didn’t relish listening to Leander’s razor cutting through each of the million or so hairs atop his head, or enduring that deafening sound every morning for the foreseeable future.

  Apparently Leander realized he was waffling, because he grinned and said, “Wax get it smoother, boss. Like baby’s ass. Then tanning lamp. Ten minutes, make you look like you just spent month on Bali beach back home. You not have to have it done again for a week, maybe longer.”

  Guy laughed. “Okay. If you insist.” He gritted his teeth when Leander ripped off the first strip of wax from above his left ear. “Ow, damn it, I heard each and every one of those hairs screaming for mercy.”

  “Sorry, so sorry. Look, my girl bring pretty baubles to help you impress the ladies. Real gold. Real precious stones brought all the way from Earth and that mining outpost they opened up last year on Mars. Make your cock shine like your scalp will after you try my tanning lamp. Pick what you like. I make you good deal. Real good.” Leander laughed, then jerked another strip of hot wax off Guy’s throbbing scalp.


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