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Bad Boy Brother

Page 53

by Chance Carter

  They held each other for a few minutes, catching their breath and enjoying the afterglow of their pleasure. She smiled up at Leo while he brushed the hair out of her eyes. She liked the feel of his weight on top of her, oddly it made her feel warm and protected. Finally, Leo rolled himself off of her, leaving a chill where his body heat had been. She shivered and pulled the covers up around her while he went to the bathroom to clean up.

  As Nora waited for Leo to return, she wondered whether or not he would spend the night. It wasn’t that she needed him to sleep over to validate her or the relationship, but it had been so long since a man had warmed her bed, she welcomed the thought. As soon as he came back, he slipped under the covers and pulled her close. She lay her head against his chest waiting for him to speak, but he just held her in silence. Soon, his breathing slowed to a deep and rhythmic pace, and she knew he had fallen asleep.

  She drifted off to sleep herself until a full bladder woke her up. It was close to 2:00 am and Leo was still sleeping beside her, snoring peacefully. She gently slipped out of his embrace, careful not to disturb him, and went into the bathroom to freshen up herself. She washed the makeup off her face and brushed her teeth before returning to bed. Again, she did her best not to wake him, but to her surprise he seized her by the waist and pulled her toward him. His naked body was warm against her own, his soft chest hair tickling the sensitive flesh of her back. He moaned quietly in her ear, and spooned even closer to her. She could feel his erection swelling against her skin, gently flicking and teasing her pussy from behind. Leo reached his hand down and lazily massaged her mound, heating her up all over again. Nora sighed deeply and opened her legs, inviting his cock to tease her, flesh to flesh. She placed her hand over his and applied the pressure she needed, guiding him to the perfect spot.

  Leo must have appreciated the gesture because he growled some naughty words in her ear and pulled her ass up towards him. Nora couldn’t help but giggle, loving his response. He kissed the back of her neck, gently grazing her flesh with his teeth. This sent a volt of pleasure straight to her womb and she gratefully moaned her approval. He skillfully kneaded her pussy, slipping the tips of his fingers into her, in and out, in and out, until her climax reached its peak. She grabbed his hand and held it in place, while another orgasm surged through her, spurred on by Leo’s whisper.

  “Cum for me, Nora.”

  While she took a moment to recover, Leo must have retrieved another condom and placed it over his still hard shaft. He snuggled up beside her and took her from behind, his cock finding her swollen and ready for him. This time he fucked her slowly and tenderly, his free hand trailing up and down her body as far as he could reach. As much as Nora enjoyed the sleepy sex from behind, she wanted to move more freely and enjoy his body. She wiggled herself away, allowing his cock to spill out of her and then rolled over to face him. She kissed him fervently, shifting him on his back, straddling herself over him as she nibbled, sucked and scratched down his neck and chest, stopping to graze his small buds with her teeth. Leo groaned quietly as she reached between her legs and grabbed his cock, positioning it perfectly so she could skewer herself down on him. From this position she could feel the full length and girth of him inside of her as he filled her to the hilt. With her new found confidence, Nora rode him hard until they both came again, pleasured, exhausted and content.

  She hadn’t slept long after that, but she slept well, wrapped in Leo’s arms. They woke when the alarm chimed on his smartphone. He squeezed her breast and gave her a kiss to the top of her head... then headed to the kitchen with the promise to return with coffee.

  Nora stretched again, a smile on her face from the memory of an awesome night, and waited for Leo to return. There was so much she wanted to talk to him about in the short time they had before work.



  It was no surprise to Leo that Nora’s kitchen was clean and organized. He had very little trouble finding everything quickly and easily to make a pot of coffee. He sleepily leaned himself against the counter, wishing he had a few more hours to lay around in bed with her. While he had the morning off, she told him she had to be out the door by 7:30 if she was going to make it to work on time.

  Typically, he didn’t like to spend the night with a woman after sex. It just left the wrong impression. In his experience, women usually read too much into it. He stayed overnight with Nora for two reasons.First, she was not like most of the women he dated. She was intelligent, mature and interesting. He liked that she was witty and not overly sensitive, so he could tease her without her taking it personally. Corrine had been that way too. The truth was that she held his interest beyond the sexual chemistry they obviously shared. She made him feel like he needed to step up his game, to make sure she knew he was not just fucking around.

  The second reason he stayed? He had been so worked up the first time they had sex it had ended almost before it started. He didn’t want to leave her with the notion that he was a two-minute man. That would just be fucking embarrassing. So, by all accounts, he crashed overnight to make sure he left her with a good impression.

  He really liked Nora. She challenged him and if he was being honest, he was pushing himself out of his comfort zone because of his attraction to her. Whether that was good or bad was still undecided. Last night was fantastic, but he was concerned his feelings for her were developing too rapidly. He wasn’t sure he was ready for that. He knew he needed to be clear with her about his feelings, because a woman like Nora would settle for nothing less. He just wasn’t sure how to tell her without spooking her or pushing her away. He still wanted to hang out with her, but he wanted to keep things casual until he knew for sure that his feelings for her were genuine.

  Leo grabbed two mugs out of the cupboard and poured coffee into both of them. He remembered that Nora took hers with a little milk and sugar and prepared it the way she liked before making his way back to the bedroom. Nora was sitting up in bed in her bathrobe. He smiled, once again recalling the night of their first meeting, noting how damn lucky it was that he had been in the right place at the right time. A few minutes before or after and he may never have met her. Maybe it was fate, he wondered casually.

  He handed her a mug and sat down beside her, giving her a quick peck on her pretty, full lips. It was remarkable that she looked just as beautiful in the morning, with not a stitch of make-up, as she had all dolled up the night before. He liked that she looked mussed up and satisfied, and even better that he was the lucky bastard that had made her look that way.

  “Thank you for this.

  ” Nora held her mug up in a ‘cheers’ motion before taking a careful sip of the hot beverage.

  “My pleasure,” Leo assured, offering her a quick wink.

  “All of it.”

  Nora smirked playfully, shaking her head at him, as if to bring his ego down a notch.

  “That was quite a night. I know I enjoyed myself a lot. I’m happy you decided to sleepover. It was nice waking up beside you. And serving me coffee in bed? I could get used to this,” she teased, holding her hand out to him. Leo looked at it for a few seconds too long before taking it in his own. He wondered what she was thinking about, if she had read too much into him staying all night.

  “Well, what can I say, I like serving you,” he growled, raising her hand to his lips. He kissed and nibbled her fingers seductively, his eyes suggesting he wanted to taste more.

  “Did you have a good night?” she asked guardedly.

  Leo had enough experience with ‘post-sex’ conversations that he knew what Nora was looking for. She wanted validation that he was still interested, that his expectations had been met, and that it wasn’t just casual sex. She wanted to know if they were on the same page. This was usually the part when Leo would ‘buddy’ them up, keep it light, talk about how much ‘fun’ they’d had. He was good at smoothing things over so that they both parted ways happy, with their egos in check. Hell, most of the time they came back for ro
und two or three, despite the fact that there was no promise of anything more than friends with benefits.

  But he didn’t want to have that conversation with Nora. The problem was, he wasn’t exactly sure what he did want.

  “I had a great time. I did,” he offered carefully, pausing to process his thoughts.

  Nora just looked at him warmly, waiting patiently for him to speak. She wasn’t going to make this easy for him either, which was one of the things he dug about her.

  “Can I be honest with you?” he finally asked, setting his mug down on the bedside table.

  Nodding, she said, “I would hope for nothing less,” her eyes suggesting she was more curious than wary.

  “I really like you, Nora,” he began, trying to find the right words so he wouldn’t sound like a complete asshole. “I’ve never been much for monogamy, I’ve been playing the field for a long time now. I’m not sure I would be any good at it.”

  He met her eyes for a moment or two, trying to gauge her reaction. She didn’t look hurt, or shocked, or even surprised, but instead she looked rather patient. This encouraged him to continue.

  “I’m not sure how you are feeling about this,” he said, gesturing between them, “but I’m feeling really good about it. I want to see where things go between us, but the truth is, I have a hard time committing to one woman. I’m not saying that I don’t want to, but that I’m not sure I know how. I guess I’m just asking for a little time to see how things develop. I don’t want to rush things.”

  “Leo,” Nora whispered, gently squeezing his hand, “it’s ok. I’m not asking for a commitment. We’ve only been out a few times, and granted they were awesome as dates go, but I don’t want to jump into anything too quickly either. I want us to get to know each other better, and see if our chemistry extends beyond the bedroom. There’s still so much to learn about each other.”

  Leo nodded at her, surprised but grateful that she seemed to understand. Maybe she would make it easy. She had a maturity about her that seemed to go well beyond her years…, what some people referred to as an old soul.

  “Then we agree. Let’s hang out some more, maybe go dancing again?” he grinned, leaning in for a kiss. She put her mug down and took his face in both hands, they were still warm from holding the coffee cup. It felt comforting. She kissed him sweetly, lingering just inches from his mouth as she stared into his eyes.

  “Thanks for being honest with me,” she whispered.

  “Of course,” Leo replied, drawn in by her gaze. She was bewitching him, he thought humorously. She released his face and he slowly straightened himself back up, but not without wondering whether or not they had time to fuck again.

  “I wanted to bring this up with you myself. I’d love to spend more time with you Leo, for sure. I really like you too, we have so much fun together. But while we are keeping things casual, I think we could also see other people, at least until we agree that we would like to take things to the next level, if that ever happens. What are your thoughts about that?” she asked cautiously, picking up her mug and taking another sip of coffee.

  It seemed sensible to Leo, especially since he seemed to be the one that needed an escape hatch, but for a brief moment he felt jealous at the thought of Nora dating anyone else. He knew it was stupid to think that it was okay for him to play the field and not her, but in a perfect world that was exactly how he wanted it.

  He nodded and chuckled awkwardly, inwardly chastising himself for being a sexist jerk.

  “Makes sense to me,” he agreed quietly, reading her face for more clues. Was she really okay with this or was she just telling him what she thought he wanted to hear? Nora reached out and gave him a hug, then kissed him on the cheek, as if to reassure him.

  “Good. I’m glad we talked about this. I was wondering when we would finally talk about something a little more personal and intimate,” she purred, kissing him sensually, the heat from the coffee lingering on her lips.

  As inappropriate as it was, in that moment of honesty between them, he couldn’t help but think about how her warm mouth would feel swallowing his cock. Not a gentlemanly notion at all, yet he found himself aroused all the same. He wondered if he could shift the conversation to oral sex without looking like a complete jackass.

  “I think I’m going to jump in the shower,” she told him, gently prying herself away. He pulled her back and whispered in her ear, asking if he could join her. She nodded her consent, her eyes glistening with desire, as he helped her off the bed and led her to the bathroom.

  When he turned around, he found that she’d already slipped out her robe somewhere along the way. He grinned at her and pulled her in for another kiss, but this one demonstrated his hunger. His cock, having been semi-ready for action already, was now fully erect, pressing against his slacks. Nora reached down, and unfastened his button and zipper, quite skillfully considering she only used one hand. His slacks dropped to the floor leaving them both naked, and on equal terms. She stroked his cock while he kissed her, using the tips of her fingers to collect the pre-cum so that her hand could glide gently up and down his shaft. She slid her other hand down his back and over his hip so she could play with his balls while she rubbed him off.

  She so skillfully hand fucked him that he almost lost his footing and had to slap his hand up against the wall beside her head so he wouldn’t lose his balance. Nora giggled playfully as though she thoroughly enjoyed torturing him. With his free hand he wrapped his fingers behind her head, entwining them into her dark locks and pulled her in for yet another kiss. He crushed his mouth against hers, drawing a helpless moan from her, then parted her lips so his tongue could play with hers. She kissed him back with equal fervency, stroking his cock even faster.

  As they parted, he looked at her with a devilish grin, and with his fingers still laced in her hair, guided her to kneel in front of him. She gladly submitted, taking him into her mouth. She greedily licked and sucked his cock, taking long deep pulls on the shaft, using her tongue playfully on the tip. The pleasure was almost maddening, his moans deep and guttural. He continued to hold himself steady against the wall while his free hand guided her with the task. There was something about a woman on her knees trying to swallow his cock that made a man feel like a god. Leo was no exception. He wanted to explode and cum down her pretty throat, filling her belly with his seed. As though sensing his desperate need, she grabbed his ass in both of her hands and guided him deeper into her mouth, her moans vibrating deliciously around his cock.

  “Fuck, Nora, don’t stop,” he commanded, even though he sensed she had no intention of it. He wanted her cock seduction to go on forever, but as soon as she started to lick and suck his balls, he knew he was done for. When she took his cock into her mouth once more, he eagerly grabbed her head with both unsteady hands and started fucking her mouth, as quickly and deeply as he dared without gagging her. She knew what he wanted and took control, expertly bringing him to an explosive orgasm, impressively swallowing every last drop of his jizz. She looked up at him with her seductive green eyes, slowly peeling her mouth off his cock, then wiped her lips with the back of her hand. It had to be the sexiest thing he had ever seen a woman do in the entire 36 years of his life. In fact, the blow job was probably the best he’d ever had.

  “Well-well, Doc, you are full of surprises,” he teased breathlessly, helping her back to her feet. He pulled her into an embrace, and held her for a moment while he recovered.

  “I wanted to do that all night,” she confessed, her whisper hot in his ear. He felt the familiar tightness of arousal sting his exhausted balls and he chuckled, kissing the crown of her head. He was nowhere near ready to fuck her again, in spite of what his body suggested.

  “That was... wow,” he sputtered, struggling for the right thing to say. It was a rare thing for him to be rendered speechless. Nora slapped his ass and laughed, as she squirmed out of his embrace.

  “Come on, let’s get in the shower. Sadly, I need to be an adult now. Work is
calling,” she urged, leaning her curvy body over the tub. She turned on the shower before looking back at him, her head gesturing for him to follow her in. He was more than happy to oblige. The least he could do was wash her back.



  “So, I’ve been practicing the first module in my DBT therapy Dr. Dupree, but can you just remind me what mindfulness is supposed to help me with?” Nora’s patient asked cynically, “Because it doesn’t seem to be making a bit of difference.”

  Nora smiled at him patiently. “I don’t mind going over this with you again, Gary, but remember last week when we talked about the importance of staying patient through this process?” she reminded him kindly, “I know you want things to improve immediately, but mindfulness really takes practice.”

  Gary shrugged his shoulders, sighing deeply. “Right, I know. It’s just that I get so frustrated with myself and these anger issues. I get pissed off at the stupidest things, I mean I really fucking lose it, and then afterwards I feel so much shame about it. You don’t understand how badly I want to fix this,” he croaked, his voice cracking with emotion.

  “I know, Gary. I understand it’s challenging, but you’re doing everything right. If you get too far ahead of yourself, or skip certain steps, you run the risk of not developing these important skills. It really is vital to take this thing step by step,” Nora assured, nodding at him kindly. Gary nodded back, just as Nora knew he would.

  “Okay, so let’s go over this again. Mindfulness is the practice of observing your emotions and environment, describing your feelings and experiences, and fully participating in the moment. By learning and incorporating mindfulness skills, you’ll become more aware of your feelings, thoughts, impulses, and behaviors. This awareness will empower you to better regulate your emotions and choose more appropriate actions,” she explained calmly, guiding her client with poise and patience. He looked at her intently, absorbing everything she said.


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