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Seducing the Chambermaid [Notorious Nephilim 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Carolyn Rosewood

  She sat up and picked at her food, wondering if they were hypnotists or something. Whatever they were, she found herself unable to say “no” to either of them, and realized she didn’t want to. If Andras or Leo were here right now, she’d fall into bed with either of them—with both of them, if they wanted. She was in deep, and there was no way to stop it.

  Chapter Nine

  Blair was bored out of her mind. She’d spent four days in her room, reading books she borrowed from the other staff and listening to the radio. It had rained three of the four days, and when she tried to take a walk outside on the day it hadn’t rained, the ground was so soaked she ruined her only pair of casual shoes.

  Every day two vases of fresh roses were brought to her room, one from Andras and one from Leo. She hadn’t run into either of them again, although it hadn’t been from lack of trying. Each time she went down to the staff dining room for her meals, she found excuses to hang out in the lobby, hoping she’d see one of them. She supposed she could knock on their office doors, but what would she say?

  And besides, Andras shared an office with Zach Neville, a man who could intimidate her with one glance. Those pewter eyes of his bore right into her soul. Blair shuddered and hugged her elbows. What was she supposed to do with her time? She had no idea what either man expected of her, and that was more frustrating than anything.

  She missed them—both of them. Her dreams each night were filled with erotic images, including things Blair hadn’t actually experienced. When she woke every morning her sheets were damp, and her nipples tingled. Her pussy was no longer sore, but it felt full, as though the dreams hadn’t been dreams at all, but she’d actually had sex all night.

  Cindy and some of the others knocked on her door each afternoon when they returned from their workday and asked her if she was feeling better. The rumor had circulated that Blair was ill, and she let them all believe it. How could she have told them the truth, after all? Blair would step into the hallway to speak with them, and if any of the other girls noticed the roses and wondered who had sent them, they didn’t say anything.

  Four days after Leo and Andras had made love to her in Leo’s office, Blair couldn’t take any more. When she went to sleep that night, she made up her mind to seek one of them out the next morning.

  * * * *

  Leo locked the door of his office and sat on the sofa where he’d made love to Blair five days ago. Her scent still filled the space. He’d been avoiding Andras for three days and couldn’t keep it up much longer, but right now he only wanted to be alone with his thoughts.

  Andras’s dinner with Blair couldn’t have gone very well if she hadn’t spent the night. Leo wanted to laugh at the fact Andras’s plan had obviously backfired, but all he felt was anxiety. Why hadn’t he spent the night with her? More importantly, were his own chances with her ruined because of something Andras had said or done that night?

  “Damn it all,” he muttered. Why had he waited three days to speak to either of them? The curse placed on them prohibited just one of them from taking a human woman for a mate. If they fell in love, it had to be a two-for-one deal, as punishment for their sins. Instead of fulfilling their mission, they’d immersed themselves in the lifestyle of hanging out with pretty girls who danced to ragtime music in flapper skirts, and drinking bathtub gin. Their specialty had been double-teaming one woman. They’d found plenty of them that had enjoyed that. But in the end their favorite vice had led to the cruelest joke of all.

  Lilith’s quaint addition to the conditions of their punishment sealed the deal. Not only did they have no choice except to share a woman between two of them if they wanted true love and a mortal life, but as a constant reminder of their predicament, they could never bear children with her. What woman would agree to such an arrangement? Certainly not one like Blair.

  The best Leo could hope for was to enjoy her company for a while. It was an unfortunate complication that she was staff. One of the reasons they’d stuck to their rule of keeping their hands and their dicks off the female staff was to avoid these types of situations. The guests came and stayed a week or two, at most. Once they left, it was easy to move on. No-strings-attached sex and no promises made meant no explanations were necessary. But the staff was here all the time.

  Had they forced their hand already? Would they have to choose between telling Blair the truth and firing her? Leo hated both choices. It was time to stop avoiding her. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. Andras had planned a romantic dinner. Well, two could play that game.

  He made his way to the staff wing and knocked on Blair’s door, hoping it wasn’t too early and she wasn’t still in bed. He didn’t have that much willpower. She opened the door, and her eyes widened in surprise, then a brilliant smile spread over her face. Leo’s cock sprang to attention.

  “How are you, Blair?” Her hair hung loose, and she wore a simple cotton blouse and jeans. He’d never seen a woman look so damn enticing.

  “Bored to tears. You must be a mind reader, Leo. Last night I told myself I’d come and find you or Andras this morning to ask what was going on.”

  “Andras hasn’t been to see you either?”

  She shook her head. “No. He left me a note the morning after we had dinner. He said my duties had been reassigned for a few days and I was to get some rest.”

  She flushed in a matter of seconds. Normally, he didn’t care for girls who blushed all the time, but on Blair it was endearing. “I don’t like having nothing to do. You’re paying me work, not sit in my room like a princess or something.”

  “Well,” he held out a hand, “in that case, I’ve come to rescue you from your state of utter boredom. It’s finally stopped raining, and I thought perhaps you’d enjoy going out on one of the lakes?”

  The beautiful smile was back. “I would love that.”

  “I’ll even do the rowing.”

  She laughed, and the sound was like fine crystal glasses clinking. Leo’s dick hardened to the point of pain. “I’m glad to hear that because I’m afraid I’m not much of a boat person. Crazy, isn’t it? I grew up in Chicago, but I’ve never been on boats much.”

  He led her outside and around to the docks on Pine Lake. The fact Andras might be in his office and would see them hadn’t escaped him. All’s fair in love and war, after all.

  “Shouldn’t we wear life vests or something?” she asked, a look of trepidation filling her eyes as she glanced at the tiny rowboat.

  “Blair, the boat is sound. And I promise I won’t let you drown. Trust me.” Leo smiled and held out a hand. As soon as she took it, a jolt shot through his body and straight to his balls. How on earth was he supposed to concentrate on rowing this fucking boat when he couldn’t even touch her without getting a painful hard-on?

  He helped her take a seat, and then before he climbed in and took a seat between the oars, he lifted the picnic basket he’d hidden under the dock earlier.

  “What’s that?” she asked.


  Her look was a mixture of incredulity and pure delight. He tried not to let his heart soar. She was happy to realize he’d obviously planned this in advance. “How did you know I’d say yes?”

  “Lucky guess.”

  Leo took off his jacket and rolled up his shirtsleeves before rowing out to the middle. He drew up the oars and let the boat drift. There was a slight breeze but not enough to put them in any danger of drifting too quickly. “This is the largest lake on the property,” he said. “You can probably tell why we named it Pine Lake.”

  She glanced around at the fir trees ringing it and smiled. “Wasn’t it named already?”

  “If it was, we couldn’t find any evidence of it.”

  “How old is this resort?”

  Leo began to take the sandwiches and bottles of Coca-Cola out of the basket. “I hope you like cold chicken.”

  “Very much. Thank you.”

  He took a bite and watched her for a moment before answering her question
. The temptation to tell her everything was strong. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed her until just now, sitting in a rowboat in the middle of a lake, as though they did this every day of their lives. It felt so normal Leo was taken aback. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d spent time outdoors with a woman, just to be in her presence.

  “Should I not have asked, Leo?”

  “Sorry. I was lost in my daydreams. The resort was built fifteen years ago.”

  “How did all of you come to own it? Was this land in your family?”

  Leo hated lying to her. Few women asked questions, but when they did he’d lied to each of them and never thought twice about it. It felt wrong somehow to do so to Blair. “Yes, it was.”

  She put her half-eaten sandwich in her lap and took a long drink of her cola. “Forgive me for asking, but why this? Why a resort where…well…it’s rumored, you know, that the speakeasy isn’t the only reason you operate this place.”

  The redness in her cheeks contrasted sharply against the crisp white of her blouse. “That’s a long, complicated story. What I’d rather do is talk about Blair Lorring.” He wished he’d had a chance to ask Andras if Blair had said anything about her life the night they had dinner.

  “You’re not very good at evading questions.” Her smile and the tone of her voice were teasing, not accusatory.

  “Nor are you.”

  She laughed, spraying cola out of her mouth. Redness flooded her cheeks as she clamped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You’re adorable, Blair.”

  “That’s a sweet thing to say. You surprise me, Leo. I didn’t peg you for being so much fun. Thank you for this.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for long moments. When he bent his head to kiss her, she moved toward him at the same time, as if she’d known he was about to do it.

  * * * *

  Blair opened her mouth and let Leo’s tongue inside without a moment’s hesitation. She wanted to devour him. His full lips moved over hers, sending crashing waves of passion through her body. Gone was the fear of being out on open water with nothing between them and the inky blackness of the lake but a floating piece of waterproof wood.

  Without words they moved their food and drinks out of the way and were in each other’s arms, pressing tight, their lips and tongues tasting and probing. Blair moaned and whimpered, every nerve ending on fire. Leo’s touch inflamed her senses until her pussy was so wet she wondered whether the boat had sprung a leak and what she felt between her thighs was actually the lake water.

  When he pulled off her top she didn’t think twice about the fact it was still broad daylight and dozens of windows in the resort faced this lake. They were out in the middle of it, and unless someone was watching with binoculars, they wouldn’t be able to see details.

  Leo pulled away and picked up the oars. “Hang on a second.” His breath was raspy and low. Blair watched the muscles in his forearms flex as he rowed toward a slight curve in the land. When they’d rounded it, the trees blocked all sight of the resort. “Now we’ll have some privacy.” He put the oars to rest again and pulled her into his arms.

  The scent of sage mixed with the smell of sweat and hard work. Leo’s hands roamed over her bare skin, sending shivers of desire over Blair’s body. “Undress me, Blair.”

  She groaned. The tone in his voice was so seductive, so commanding, but not hard or frightening. His confidence was intoxicating. She helped him out of his shirt, carefully laying it at one end of the boat. He wore no undershirt, just like Andras. The muscles in his chest, shoulders, and arms were just as impressive, and she wasted no time running her hands along them.

  “Now my trousers,” he said softly.

  Blair didn’t feel the least bit shy as she pulled them off, followed by his boxer shorts. She licked her lips at the sight of his cock, red and already slick with pre-cum. “I still have clothes on,” she said, smiling at the lust in his beautiful golden eyes.

  “Not for long.” Leo tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her closer for a rough, deep kiss. He unhooked her bra and took it off, then moved his hands to her breasts and squeezed them, teasing the nipples with his thumbs.

  Blair tried to cry out, but his mouth held her captive. She heard a noise that was either a bird flying away or a small animal running in the woods. Leo gently laid her on her back to remove her jeans and panties then pulled a blanket out of the picnic basket.

  “Don’t want you getting splinters in your ass,” he said, grinning.

  She laughed and helped him spread it out over the bottom of the boat, then lay on her back and gazed up at the gorgeous man above her. He sat back on his heels and ran his hands slowly over her breasts, her abdomen, and the insides of her thighs. The entire time he grinned at her, his eyes twinkling with a light all their own.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Blair.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “So are you.”

  She spread her legs wider, silently begging him to touch her, lick her, and fuck her. The air was so charged she wondered if this time there really was a storm coming. The day was overcast, but the clouds didn’t seem to be the kind that would produce a storm.

  Blair’s head swam with scents and images, and this time she gave into them, flinging off the last bit of self-consciousness. The look in Leo’s eyes told her he wasn’t just feeding her a line. He really did find her beautiful. There was no reason to feel uncomfortable with him.

  His mouth found her neck as he lay on top of her. She arched her hips and pushed into his shaft, wanting it inside her. He sucked her skin the way Andras had done, and she giggled. “I already have hickeys there.”

  Leo pulled away and examined her neck. “They’re almost gone. You need fresh ones.”

  She sighed and threw back her head as he continued to nip at her neck, finally moving to take one nipple into his mouth. He teased the other one with his thumb and forefinger, and Blair thought she’d go out of her mind with need. As she rubbed her pussy against his dick, their combined wetness made gurgling noises.

  The boat began to rock gently, but Blair hardly noticed. She was caught up in delicious ecstasy. When Leo dipped his head between her legs, her cries bounced off the trees on the shore. He lapped at her pussy, circling his tongue over her clit and sliding two long fingers inside. Blair clung to his hair as the climax built. She closed her eyes and let the moment overtake her.

  Her orgasm went on for what felt like hours, and when Leo moved over her to plunge his swollen cock into her pussy, she wrapped her arms and legs around his muscled body, holding him as close as possible.

  His breath was warm against her neck as he thrust in and out. She arched her hips each time to meet him, and the movement pushed against her nub so that another climax began to build in a few moments.

  Before she came, he pulled out and asked her to get on her hands and knees. She eagerly flipped over and got into position, her anticipation nearly out of control as she waited to be taken from behind as he’d done in his office days ago.

  But instead he first palmed her pussy, sliding his hand over it in exquisite torture. She heard movement, and then a warm wet finger circled her anus. “Don’t be afraid, Blair. I won’t hurt you.”

  She turned to see what he was doing. The picnic basket was open and a small brown bottle lay next to it, along with a small wrapper.

  “Just relax.” Leo rubbed her clit with one hand while he continued to tease her puckered hole with a finger on the other hand. “It’s oil, and it won’t hurt you.”

  The same dizzy nonchalance she’d felt in his office overtook her as he began to probe the opening. The oil was warm and his finger met little resistance. At first it felt full, as if she had to have a bowel movement, but soon all she felt was a sense of peace.

  He slipped two fingers inside her pussy and began to gently stroke. Blair moaned when his finger slid further into her ass. Being filled in both holes was not something she’
d have thought she’d enjoy, but it was incredible. She leaned on her elbows and stuck her ass further up in the air, wanting more, but still a bit unsure.

  Leo moved both hands off her, and she turned around again to watch him slide the condom on. It was then she knew what he intended to do. “Leo, I’m afraid.”

  “Don’t be.” The look in his eyes was so intense and so full of confidence, Blair felt her muscles relax immediately. “I promise you it won’t hurt.”

  She watched in fascination as he rubbed oil over the condom, then put her head back down as his finger moved inside her again, coating the inside of her anus with more oil. It was warm and wet, and Blair moaned in spite of her anxiety.

  He teased the opening with the head of his sheathed cock then slipped one hand underneath her again to play with her clit. That pushed her over the edge. The climax that had been building before rushed at her with blinding intensity. When he pushed inside her ass with his dick, it stung. She tensed, and he stopped, sliding his hand over her entire pussy now. His thumb grazed her clit with each pass as he whispered words of encouragement.

  Blair wanted him to do it. She wanted to know what it felt like. If it felt as good as his cock inside her pussy, she had to have it. “Go on, Leo. Fuck me in the ass. Please.”

  “Oh, Blair…” His words rushed out in a gush as he pushed further. There was another moment of burning pain followed by fullness and the most intense pleasure Blair had ever felt.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Oh, Leo…yes. It feels wonderful.”

  “Yes, it does,” he breathed. He was gentle and slow, while the hand on her pussy rubbed harder. She reached between her legs to help him along, and within seconds a strong orgasm crashed over her, intensified by Leo’s dick in her ass. She felt the contractions in every inch of her body. Her loud moans filled the small space in the boat.


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