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Finding Me: Book 1: All I've Ever Wanted (A New Adult Romance Series)

Page 37

by Unknown


  When Michael and Matthew returned home, they also got the news about Georgina’s murder. Michael was surprised and felt sad, but the rest of his family seemed to brush it aside, even though the Yardley's’ are good friends of theirs. Michael recalled they were both interns at the foundation and he wondered what could have led to their murder. Could it be that it has something to do with the foundation? He got embedded in the thought, why had they not thought of Emily's murder that way. He snapped out of it when Joseph and Lawrence start discussing their political plans. They plan to work with their political advisors to minimize the connection as a mere coincidence. Michael’s thoughts drift back to Chelsea, knowing once she finds out about Georgina; she’ll probably distance herself even further from him. He picked up the phone to call her in order to confirm if she's heard the news or not. Chelsea was already in bed when she heard her phone ring. She picked up the phone. “Hello, how are u?” Michael asked. “I'm good,” Chelsea said. “Can we meet up at cafe delight by 3 pm tomorrow? I have something to share with you” Michael asked. “Ok! I will try to make it over”, she replied. “Please do, I really need to see you”, Michael pleaded. As Chelsea dressed up to head out, she got a call from her mother who wanted them to meet at her office. Antonia had overheard Chelsea when she was telling Cecilia about meeting with Michael. Antonia who has always contradicted the relationship they had decided she won't let it happen. And of course, she knew Chelsea would be stubborn if she told her plainly not to go. Mum! Do we have to meet now? Yes, my dear, I've got a terrible headache. Please, I need you to drive me to the hospital. Alright mum, I'd be right there. She got into her car and drove off to her mum's office. She forgot in the midst of all that she didn't call to cancel with Michael. Antonia was attended to by the doctor while Chelsea sat in the waiting room. When she got out, she told her daughter she needed to get to the pharmacy. The doctor has prescribed a drug I need to use, Antonia said. Alright mother, how do you feel now? Still the same. She drove straight down to the pharmacy, got down to purchase the drug. She still didn't realize that her phone had been on silent. Her mother heard the vibration of the phone in the car. Chelsea must have left her phone. She picked it up, saw the caller ID, it was Michael. She switched off the phone to prevent her daughter from receiving the phone call. Mum, here is your drug. She got in the car and drove straight home. Michael was impatiently waiting for Chelsea at their rendezvous. He ordered a cold bottle of drink while he waited. She was running extremely late when he concluded she wasn't going to come or else she would have already done that. He tried calling her to understand her reason for not being there, but she wasn't picking up before he noticed that her line was now switched off. He left eventually but with a troubled mind. When Chelsea got home with her mum, she took her into her bedroom so she could rest. She suddenly realized afterwards that she hasn't checked her phone or called Michael to explain the reason for the delay. She started searching for her phone in her bag but couldn't find it. Mum, have you seen my phone? Asked Chelsea. Not at all my dear, her mother replied. It was with me before I got your call. Let me check the car, it's probably dropped in there, said Chelsea. She dashed out of the house, went straight into the garage where she had parked the car. She was able to find it, but she was surprised to see her phone switched off. She switched it back on, saw a couple of calls she got from Michael. Oh! He must be mad at me or think that I probably did this on purpose. She tried calling him and the call went through. Hello Michael, how are you? I'm sorry I was unable to make it down. She explained all that happened to him. You should have called me up at least once to let me know, Michael said. I guess it skipped my mind in the middle of all the rush. I'm really sorry. We can fix up another time to meet, she said finally. It's fine, I will let you know. Bye, Michael replied. Chelsea went back into the house, checked on her mother to see how she's faring. Not long after, Colin got back from work. He went straight to the bedroom to see his wife. He loves her so much, he'd given everything and more, Chelsea thought. He has never made her feel like a stepdaughter or an abandoned child. Chelsea's father had abandoned her and Antonia when she was 3 years old. Her thought got interrupted when Cecilia got in and told her sister she had applied for a job as an intern at the foundation. Father said he will call in to ask as a special favour for me. That's good sister, I'm glad. The experience will make you all better. You are growing up really fast uh. She moved closer to her now and they started tickling each other. When Colin got down, he asked after Bobby but no one seemed to know his whereabouts. Bobby got in late that night. It was unlike him. He had gone to the foundation to look around for something that might help him understand why Georgina she was killed. He's convinced she was involved in something shady. While going through her space, he found one of the drawers locked. He tried all he could to open it but all to no avail. While he was at it, Sadie who is always at the foundation walked in. What are you doing there? She asked. Now that I see your face well, I've seen you before. You must be Mr. Colin’s son, aren't you? Yes, I am, he replied. And you are Georgy's secret lover. I would appreciate if you don't come back here because I'm sure you won't like anyone finding out about your little secret. I'm sure you will be the main suspect for the police, who knows you could be the killer!! She said in an aggravated and sarcastic tone. I'm not a murderer ma'am, Bobby said. You can take your leave now, Sadie ordered. After Bobby left, she went to check the drawer. She also found it locked. She got an extra key since she has access to all the keys. She found the evidence Georgina had against her and kept it to herself. To hell with that chic!! No one threatens me!! Now I've got it.


  Chelsea decided to attend Georgina’s funeral at her mother’s insistence although she feels like a hypocrite because she didn’t even like Georgina. She had always felt like Georgina wasn't what everyone believed she was. Her experience with her back in their high school days helped to see her for what she truly was. She remembered her funny ways of trying to separate her and Michael. Most girls back then wanted him for themselves because of his strong elegant physique and pretty blue eyes that could make any girl's knee grow weak. Michael had always been the love of her life, she knew it then, but now she's not certain their love could weather the storm around them. Chelsea dear, Antonia called out to her. We are almost set to leave. Dress up quickly so we don't get there late. Alright mum, I'd be right down. She put on the black dress she had picked out earlier, packed her hair in a doughnut style, kept on a burgundy lipstick and was down and out the door where she found the whole family waiting. To her amazement, she saw Bobby all dressed up in his black suits sitting with Colin in the front. Bobby, I thought you hate attending funerals. What's changed? He dismissed her comment and continued to stare out the window. Cecilia murmured, we were more shocked than you are when he told us he'd be coming along. They arrived at the service as they were about to start. Colin's and the rest of his family went on to join the people that were there to bid farewell to Georgy. As soon as the funeral service was over, Colin and Antonia went to pay their condolences to Georgy's parents. Michael seized the chance to corner Chelsea at the funeral and insisted they had to talk. Before they could, a policeman, "Detective Jack" interrupted. Hello there, I'm detective Jack; I'm in charge of the two murder case that's recently occurred. I will like to speak with both of you. I've got questions about Georgina’s activities in the days leading up to her death. Do you mind if I speak with you first and alone please? He was facing Chelsea now. Ok detective, you got it. He took Chelsea aside and talked to her first. Chelsea explained that she and Georgina weren’t friends and she doesn’t know anything about Georgina’s activities. Jack asked, when was the last time you saw Georgina. Chelsea told him about running into her at the restaurant. She remembered vividly how they bumped into each other. Georgina even rubbed it in her face that she was only a spoilt brat, that she and her mother were only taking advantage of her stepdads money. It was so bad that they got into a fight that night;
they were separated by people at the restaurant. Are you sure that her constant provocative ways did not somehow push you into anything like murder? Jack asked. What are you trying to say, detective? Do I look like I could kill someone? She said angrily. Well, young lady, I've learnt in the course of my job that anyone could do anything. No one can truly be trusted. Not even a pretty face like yours. And who's the young man to you? He won't stop staring at you. It seems to me like you two are involved or in love. Chelsea was alarmed when it seemed Jack took extra interest in the fact that Michael was there. That's no concern of yours, I'd appreciate it if you keep your focus on the task you have at hand. I think we are done talking, said Chelsea finally


  Jack spoke to Michael and it turned into a hostile conversation when Jack questions him about knowing both Georgina and Emily. What are you implying detective? That I murdered both victims, Michael said. They were both my friend and I could never think of doing that to them. Is that so? Why were you out of town after Emily's death? Now that you are also back in town, we have another case of murder in our hands. That looks rather suspicious to me. Michael's countenance changed after the comment he just heard. His tone became defensive and evasive when he realized Jack really considers him a suspect. You need to learn to do your work well detective and stop making silly insinuations. And you need to watch your tone with me, boy, said Jack as he moved closer to him. They seized the action that was about to sprout when they heard Chelsea's voice asking if everything was alright with them. I shall be in touch with both of you. I hope you won't contend with the law, rather we will be provided with your utmost cooperation. Chelsea replied, of course, we shall detective. Michael looked away while Chelsea watched as the detective walked away. Have you been waiting for me? Michael asked. Yes, I thought I should wait so we can finally discuss our pending issue. I also wanted to know what Jack talked about. After a pause, Michael told Chelsea the truth. How Jack likely considers him a suspect. I'm just tired of everyone's strange looks and comments like I killed Georgina. My brother needed me and I chose to be there. How have I done any wrong? He asked. Michael's words touched her. She couldn't help but worry about him. She hates the sadness she could see lurking behind those pretty eyes. Everything is going to be alright, she said. The detective thinks the same of me too. Since we got nothing to lose or hide, we've got nothing to fear. He could tell Chelsea appreciates his candour. He leaned over towards her to kiss her. They kissed for a while before she broke off the kiss. Please let's keep things simple between us. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he’s making progress in getting back together with her. She still kissed him like she always has, Michael thought. Chelsea wanted to leave now, so he thought to drive her home since everyone had left but them. They hardly spoke on their way home. When they got to her house, she wanted to get down from the car but Michael stopped her. I'm sorry I was out of control. I shouldn't have kissed you. It's ok Michael. Let's forget about it. I will see you around. Thanks for the ride. When she got in, everyone wanted to know what the detective wanted with her. She explained to them before heading for her room. As she was leaving, her mother asked, I hope you are not thinking of seeing that boy again? I don't think you should be asking me that now mother, Chelsea replied.


  Few days later, Chelsea and Michael's love had started steaming up again. Although, they haven't admitted it to each other. They got closer than ever through their repeated visits to detective Jack's office to help solve the case. During this period, Chelsea had grown to trust Michael so much. She even apologized to him forever doubting his trueness. One evening, after leaving Jack's office, Michael could no longer hold back his feelings towards Chelsea. His loving eyes won't stop watching her as she spoke. All he wanted now was her love to grace his life. Will u like to join me for dinner tonight? He finally asked. Well, you are lucky I'm free, Chelsea replied. Please, can we meet at our favourite restaurant then? That sounds like a plan to me Michael. He was sure to make his reservation right before heading out. He was anxiously waiting for her to arrive and when she finally did, he felt a big rush of emotions but tried to have control. He stood up, hugged her and helped with her chair. They ate and chatted about almost everything that connected them. They also spoke about how inseparable they used to be. My heart has never been apart from yours. You have always been right here; he placed her hands on his chest so she could feel his heart. I'm sorry I went off the way I did. I was wrong not to inform you about what happened. It's ok Michael, Chelsea said. Let's leave the past behind and move ahead. They both decided it was time to leave for home, hugged themselves goodbye and got into their various cars. On their way home, they both discovered they had picked each other's phone mistakenly. Chelsea decided she will drive over to Michael's house for the exchange because of the issue he still has with her family. When she got there, he was waiting for her outside already. After giving each other their phones, she was about leaving when Michael asked if she'd like to come inside. I should really go now but I think I can still afford to stay for another 10 minutes, Chelsea muttered. He took her to his part of the house. It's a secluded building from the main one. He asked her seat while he went on to pour her a glass of water. Michael gave her the water, she took it and he sat next to her. His closeness made her tremble. As she dropped the glass of water, their eyes met. Michael moved closer to her now until his lips met hers. They kissed each other intimately before revealing their lingering feelings for each other. They continued to kiss whilst they gradually pulled their clothes. I have been yearning to have you in my arms like this. I love you so much. Michael murmured! I love you too Michael. They made such passionate love that brought tears to Chelsea's eyes. I'm always going to be by your side. Chelsea felt good about their new start. Michael got summoned to the main house by his father and Chelsea decided it was time to go home even though he wished she could stay the night but Chelsea knew her mother will be worried if she doesn’t report in. Chelsea drove home singing happily in her car without noticing the other car that sped up behind her. All she heard was the sound of the hit. It was too late when she realized she was being knocked off the road. Thank God, she was able to jump out of the car before her car got into the ditch and exploded. Chelsea lost consciousness immediately.


  As Antonia prepares breakfast in the morning, she won't stop wondering why she hasn't seen Chelsea downstairs. She was always the first to get up. She called the rest of the family to come to the dining room. Cecilia was always the last to get up, but she was down on time today. She was so happy about her new job as an intern at the foundation. She decided to take on the job as she studies. Although, her parent wasn’t in support of the idea of working much less at the same foundation where two murder had taken place. While Cecilia was still clamouring about her excitement on the new job, Antonia seized the opportunity to check on Chelsea. As she climbed up the stairs, Bobby was about coming down too. Hello Antonia, good morning! She goes up and finds Chelsea’s bed hasn’t been slept in. When she doesn’t get an answer on Chelsea’s phone and texts are not returned, she pressed Cecilia and got her to admit Chelsea went out with Michael. Antonia called Michael to see if Chelsea’s with him. Hello, Michael, this is Antonia "Chelsea's mum". I was told you were out with my daughter last night. Don’t you feel it's about time she returns home? Yeah, she was out with me but she's left here since last night. His voice seemed worried now; I will help find her ma'am. I think I should inform the police about this; Antonia called the police while Michael goes out looking for Chelsea. On hearing this news, Bobby was alarmed; he left the house in an instant. He was going to look for her too. Inspire of their differences, he cares so much about her. Cecilia also tried calling her friends, but her efforts proved futile. They all seemed to be unaware of her movement. Mum, she called out to her disturbed mother. Please calm down; I'm sure my sister will turn up soon. Nothing could be wrong with her, I'm certain there's an explanation for what has h
appened. Yeah, there is one, my daughter is probably in the hands of the murderer, she shouted back. Michael was out searching desperately for her. He had also called up Jack to inform him. On getting the news, Jack dispersed a search party to find her. He tried to trace her down every path she could have taken home. It was all to no avail. Out of frustration, he got down from his car hitting it so hard. I can't afford to lose her now that I have her again. God! Please help me find her; he had his face down saying this. It was then he noticed broken pieces like a car front and rear light. He started searching around that vicinity. He felt it was best if he went into the bushes and leave the road. He kept walking and looking for any sign that might help him find her. It became an endless search, but the love he felt towards Chelsea gave him the strength to forge on. Suddenly, he stumbled due to the stone he had accidentally hit. He screamed after feeling the sharp pain. He was still nursing the pain when he noticed that the atmosphere seemed foggy. There was an odd smell too like something got burnt. He started tracing it until he eventually got to the ditch.


  Michael finds Chelsea’s car overturned in the ditch. He ran over quickly, but he found no one inside. The car had exploded after the fall. He fell on his knees weeping bitterly because he could not find any sign of Chelsea. He called Jack and the police to check out the site. Jack showed up at the scene and assisted in examining the car. Antonia was still with one of the police officers when he got a phone call informing him that Chelsea's car has been found. Is that my daughter's car that has been found, does it mean she's also been found? We can't ascertain that just yet ma'am, her car was found exploded in a ditch. What!!! She screamed out; please tell me nothing is wrong with my daughter. She ran off to pick up her car keys; Cecilia went along with her and insisted she'd drive instead. They got into the car and drove the police car. Antonia called Colin on the way and he decided to meet them at the scene. On getting to the site, they found Chelsea's car but were not allowed to move closer to the scene. Michael and Jack approached them on Colin’s arrival to explain what they had discovered. It’s obvious from the damage to the rear that someone ran her off the road. Michael grew angry when Jack suggests it might be connected to Emily and Georgina’s death, but deep down he suspects the detective is right. He finally assured them that they will do everything they possibly can to find Chelsea. Colin was still trying to pacify his wife when his phone rang. The number appeared unknown to him, but he picked up anyways. Dad, it's me, Chelsea. Chelsea, where are you? We've been looking all over for you. I'm at the Johnson's hospital, she replied in a low tone. We will be right there darling. He informed everyone about the call and the whereabouts of Chelsea. The whole of Chelsea's family left for the hospital. Michael and Jack drove along in another car. On getting to the hospital, they made enquiries at the reception about Chelsea. They were directed to room 15 where Chelsea was found sleeping. They decided to wait till she was awake to speak with her. Michael and Jack were around now and seized the opportunity of her daughter sleeping to send him away. It's your fault my daughter is in this condition. You are not welcome here; Antonia spoke in an angered tone. Michael left the hospital but decided he'd come back to check on Chelsea when her family is not present. He won't leave her alone because Chelsea might still be in danger. If the killer realizes that the initial plan wasn't successful, he might want to make another attempt. Jack had her room under protection. Only authorized people from him were allowed in.


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