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A Taste of Paradise

Page 5

by Connie Mason

  Apparently satisfied, Casper took his leave. Later that afternoon, Sophia found a pair of trousers in Chris’s sea chest that looked too worn to be of much use to him and began altering them to fit her. Though she wasn’t an expert with a needle, she had learned to do simple tasks since her family had fallen upon hard times.

  As daylight faded, she had to light a lantern in order to put in the final stitches. She was just pulling the trousers on when Chris returned to the cabin. He took one look at her and burst out laughing.

  “You look ridiculous.”

  “Go ahead and laugh,” Sophia retorted, “but at least I’m decent.”

  His gaze, hot and avid, lingered on her breasts. “Are you?”

  Aware that the transparency of Chris’s fine lawn shirt offered scant protection, Sophia crossed her arms over her chest. That simple act caused her newly fashioned breeches to slip over her trim hips and fall around her ankles.

  Chris shook his head. “Your sewing skills leave much to be desired. I’d lend you a belt, but I’m sure it would wrap twice around your waist.”

  He tapped his chin, grinned, and then picked up the scissors.

  “What are you going to do?” Sophia asked.

  “Cut a strip from the hem of the shirt. You can use it as a belt.”

  “I can do it myself,” Sophia said when he knelt before her and raised the hem a bit.

  “Would you deprive me of the pleasure of looking at your legs?”

  He began cutting. Sophia squeaked in dismay when he grasped her thigh beneath the shirttail to hold her steady.

  “Don’t move,” he warned.

  His hand slid higher.

  “Stop that! I didn’t give you permission to take liberties.”

  “You’re lucky I haven’t done more than take liberties,” Chris muttered. “This is my ship. You’re at my mercy.”

  He stood, handing her the narrow strip of cloth he had snipped from the hem of the shirt. Immediately Sophia pulled up the breeches and threaded the material through the belt loops. Then she stuffed the shirt into the breeches and tied the makeshift belt at her waist. Chris stood back and gazed at her, an amused smile curving his lips.

  “Do you feel better now?”

  “Much better, except . . .” She glanced down at her breasts, aware that they were outlined beneath the shirt. This time when she crossed her arms, her breeches stayed firmly in place. “I need a jacket.”

  “One of mine, I presume.”

  Sophia returned to Chris’s sea chest, rummaging around until she found a jacket fashioned of thick wool. “Do you mind?” she asked, holding it up to her chest.

  “Not at all, but I have a better idea. I’ll ask Casper to loan you one of his. It will fit you better than mine.”

  Aware of where his gaze lingered, Sophia pulled on the jacket and buttoned it over her breasts. It nearly swallowed her in its enormous folds. “I’ll wear yours until Casper provides me with another.”

  “Pity,” Chris muttered.

  Now that she was decently covered, Sophia’s courage returned. “What do you want?”

  Chris’s brows shot upward. “This is my cabin. This is where I take my meals and sleep.”

  “Where am I going to sleep?”

  “You’ll be sharing my cabin. I thought I made that clear.”

  “Be reasonable, Chris. You know that won’t work, for obvious reasons.”

  Sophia turned away lest he see her dismay. It wounded her pride that he thought so little of her. He’d been wild in his youth, she recalled, but sweet and endearing. He’d sworn she was the love of his life. Ha, so much for love!

  There came a knock on the door. Chris admitted Casper; he had brought their supper. The lad placed the tray on the desk and left immediately to fetch a bottle of port and one of his old jackets as Chris requested. Chris pulled two chairs up to the desk and seated Sophia with a flourish.

  “Cook has prepared a veritable feast,” he said, pointing out the various dishes of meat and vegetables. “I hope you like chicken. We brought live fowl and a few goats aboard to provide meat for the duration of our journey. The fresh vegetables will only last a short time and the flour will grow weevils, so eat hearty while you can.”

  “I love chicken,” Sophia replied. He heaped her plate with succulent pieces of stewed chicken and vegetables and then filled his own. She caught him staring at her and sought to distract him. “Tell me about your ship.”

  “The Intrepid is a three-masted, square-rigged schooner. She’s fast and dependable, and all mine. Though she carries twenty-four guns, we’ve rarely had to fire them. We can outrun anything afloat.”

  “Have you been a captain long?”

  Chris bit into a piece of chicken and chewed thoughtfully. “I bought the Intrepid three years ago. Before that, I served aboard her for two years as first mate. The captain wanted to retire, so I found the funds to buy her. ”

  “So you’ve been plying the seas these past seven years.”

  “I enjoy the excitement.”

  “Are you carrying trade goods to Jamaica in your hold now?”

  “Enough questions,” Chris said. “Your food is getting cold.”

  Sophia bristled at his abruptness. Chris’s moods ran hot and cold. He hated her, yet he wanted her. He had disappeared from her life without as much as a goodbye. She might still be a member of Society if Chris had offered for her after the duel instead of disappearing and leaving her to face the scandal and her family’s wrath alone.

  “Are you ready now to tell me who or what you were running from, Sophia?”

  Sophia shook her head. “I’ve told you everything you need to know. Tell me about Jamaica.”

  “Ah, Jamaica. After experiencing the golden warmth of the island, you’ll find the chill fog of England enormously unappealing. I did. That’s why I’m settling permanently on my newly acquired plantation. I’m going to raise sugarcane and distill rum.”

  The conversation was momentarily interrupted when Casper arrived with a bottle of ruby port and a woolen jacket. Chris thanked him, and he left immediately. Chris handed the jacket to Sophia, then popped the cork on the port while she removed his oversized garment and thrust her arms into Casper’s.

  “Since fancy glasses aren’t part of the ship’s manifest, mugs will have to do,” Chris said as he fetched two mugs from the cupboard and poured a generous portion of the red liquid into each of them.

  Sophia took a sip, finding it mellow and pleasing to the taste. She continued eating until her curiosity could no longer be contained. “Why are you abandoning England for Jamaica?”

  “I have no fond memories of England.”

  Sophia knew precisely to what he was referring but let the comment pass. “What about your family? I know you have a brother. Did he marry Lady Grace? He was courting her when I left London.”

  “Justin did indeed marry Grace. They expect a child in late fall. I have every intention of returning to London from time to time to visit my brother and his family. It’s not as if I’m cutting all ties with England.”

  “I’d like to sever all ties with Rayford,” Sophia muttered.

  “You’re referring to Caldwell, of course. Won’t he be worried when he finds you’ve gone missing?”

  “I doubt it. Can we find something more pleasant to discuss?”

  Chris was reluctant to drop the subject. “I take it you’re not fond of him.”

  Chris watched as Sophia drank deeply from her mug. He continued to stare at her while he drained his own mug.

  “I don’t want to talk about Rayford,” Sophia said.

  “What did Caldwell do to you, Sophia?”

  Sophia stood. “I’m tired. Please leave so I can retire.”

  “You may retire any time you wish. But if you think I’m going to leave, you’re dead wrong. Unless a crisis arises, I’m not leaving till morning. The bunk is plenty big enough for two.”

  Sophia felt her color rise. “I’m not going to sleep in your bed.�

  Chris shrugged. “You can sleep on the deck if you wish. But I warn you, it won’t be as warm as the bunk.”

  Chris watched the play of emotion on Sophia’s face. It went from disbelief to anger to determination. What a tantalizing woman she had become, but he had always known she would mature into a great beauty. No, he refused to let his mind explore further in that direction. He had put all that behind him years ago.

  “You’re safe with me,” Chris said, “unless you decide you’d like an introduction to sexual pleasure. There could never be anything more than that between you and me.”

  “No, thank you,” Sophia snapped. “Becoming intimate with you doesn’t interest me.”

  Chris stalked her until he stood before her, his eyes probing deep into her soul. “I could make it interesting.”

  Their gazes collided. A simmering tension stretched between them. His features wore an expectant book, his expression dark with promise.

  “I suggest that you use your powers of seduction on someone who will appreciate your efforts,” Sophia sniffed.

  Chris chortled. “You do tempt me, my lady, despite our complicated past.”

  Sophia tried to put distance between them, but Chris wasn’t done with her yet. Reaching out, he dragged her into his arms. “I wouldn’t mind becoming intimate as long as we both knew it was a temporary arrangement and nothing would ever come of it.”

  “Don’t touch me.”

  “Too late,” he whispered against her lips scant seconds before his mouth claimed hers.

  She tastes like Paradise, Chris thought as he slanted his lips over hers. One taste wasn’t enough. He wanted more of her. Prodding her lips with his tongue, he forced them open and plunged his tongue into her wine-scented mouth.

  A groan formed deep in his throat. He wanted her. He wanted her violently. She tasted as ripe as a warm, sweet plum, just waiting to be plucked. Was Sophia experiencing the same sensations he was feeling right now? A dark, swift heat clenched his loins. Desire stabbed deep in his gut.

  Damnation! He didn’t want to desire a woman he had sworn to hate. She had boarded his ship uninvited, why shouldn’t he take what he wanted from her? Sophia had ruined his life, she didn’t deserve consideration from him.

  A sound, half moan, half protest, slipped past her lips, giving Chris pause. Bedding Sophia would make him responsible for her, and he didn’t want that. He had all the responsibility he could handle right now. If only she weren’t a virgin, he’d have no qualms about tossing her on the bunk and thrusting himself into her hot center.

  With a reluctant growl, he set her away from him. “Go to bed, Sophia.”

  Spinning on his heel, he stormed out of the cabin.

  Sophia couldn’t believe what had just happened. If Chris hadn’t stopped when he did, she would have let him seduce her. He was as dangerous as Sir Oscar, only in a different way. This man, whether he meant to or not, could chew up her heart and spit it out without a thought for her feelings. He had hurt her once; it would be so easy for him to hurt her again.

  Sophia’s dismal thoughts were interrupted when Casper arrived with a jug of hot water. He bade her good night and carried the dirty dishes away with him.

  There was no way she was going to sleep in Chris’s bunk, Sophia decided. Lying beside him would present too great a temptation and invite another attempt at seduction. If Chris cared about her, it would be different, but he didn’t.

  Deciding that the deck would have to do, Sophia was relieved to find a spare blanket and pillow in the cupboard. After a hasty wash, she wrapped herself in the blanket fully clothed, lay down on the deck and tried to sleep. The deck was colder than she had expected. She scooted closer to the brazier, trying to soak up some of its warmth. A long time passed before she finally fell asleep.

  Chris had intended to sleep elsewhere but changed his mind. Why should he put himself out for a woman who had broken his heart? He wasn’t some green boy who couldn’t control his sexual urges. He saw no reason why he and Sophia couldn’t share the same bed without being intimate.

  All was quiet when Chris entered his cabin. He glanced at the bunk, saw that it was empty and spit out a curse. Then he saw her lying on the deck, close to the brazier, which had little heat left in it. He approached her cautiously and leaned down to peer at her. Though she appeared to be sleeping, she was shivering uncontrollably.

  Chris wasn’t a mean-spirited person despite his rough exterior. He couldn’t let Sophia suffer while he slept in comfort. Scooping her into his arms, he lowered her onto his bunk and pulled the covers over her. She was still shivering, Chris noted as he fed charcoal into the brazier. He hesitated but a moment before undressing and crawling into bed beside her.

  Even in her sleep, Sophia gravitated toward the warmth of his body. Sighing in resignation, Chris clamped down on his lust and curled his body around hers. It wasn’t long before her shivering stopped and she settled down into a peaceful sleep.

  Chris was less fortunate. His body refused to relax. His erection made him all too aware of the desirable woman in his arms. The layers of clothing between them did little to disguise her delicious curves, or the fact that nothing but his conscience prevented him from using her for his own pleasure. He’d bedded women from all corners of the world, what made Sophia different?

  Why wouldn’t she tell him her reason for fleeing into the night?

  It wasn’t until his randy cock subsided and his mind shut down that he fell into a restless slumber.

  Sophia woke to a feeling of warmth. Even the gentle rocking motion felt pleasant. She sighed and squirmed into a more comfortable position. The heaviness that lay across her breast and hips felt right somehow.

  “If you don’t stop writhing, all my good intentions will fly out the window.”

  Sophia’s eyes flew open. It didn’t take her long to realize she was in Chris’s bunk, his body wrapped around hers, his hand on her breast and his leg flung across her hips. Sophia stiffened, her green eyes dark with outrage.

  “How did I get in your bunk?”

  “I carried you here last night. You were shivering when I returned to the cabin, and putting you in my bed was the only way I knew to warm you.”

  “You had no right.”

  “Sophia, let’s get this straight. Whatever I do on my ship is my right. I didn’t hurt you. All I tried to do was make you comfortable.”

  Sophia looked pointedly at his hand resting on her breast. “Why do you care if I am comfortable?”

  “I suppose because deep down I am still a gentleman.”

  “Prove it. Remove your hand from my person.”

  Heaving a reluctant sigh, Chris did as she asked. Then he removed his leg and rolled out of bed.

  “You’re naked!” Sophia cried, shutting her eyes to hide her dismay. It had taken but one brief look to realize that Christian Radcliff was a stunning specimen of virile manhood. His power lay in his muscular torso and sinewy arms and legs. Nothing about him suggested weakness.

  Sophia had always known he was exceptional, but seeing a mature Chris without benefit of clothing brought the full impact of his masculinity into focus. Dear God, he was magnificent!

  “You can open your eyes now,” Chris said. “I’m decent.”

  “You’ll never be decent, captain,” Sophia huffed.

  “I wish I could stay here and trade barbs with you, Sophia, but duty calls.” He pulled on his jacket and walked to the door.

  Sophia jumped out of bed. “Wait! May I go topside today? I cannot abide being cooped up.”

  Chris stared at her so long, Sophia feared he would refuse. To her relief, he nodded, albeit reluctantly. “Wait until I come for you. I want to prepare my men before I let you loose on them. They need to know that you are off limits. My crew follows orders and is well disciplined, but you’re too damn attractive for your own good.”

  Sophia bristled. “It would be difficult to entice anyone dressed as I am.” She whirled for his inspection. “I
could pass for one of your crewmen.”

  Laughter lurked in Chris’s eyes. “I sincerely doubt that, Sophia. Just be sure to stuff your hair under a knit cap. You’ll find one in my sea chest.”

  He opened the door and was gone before Sophia could thank him.

  The morning passed too slowly for Sophia’s liking. While she waited for Chris to return, Casper had brought her breakfast, cleaned the cabin and performed other mundane chores.

  Chris returned to the cabin shortly after she had lunched on bread and cheese. “Finally,” Sophia said. “I thought you’d never come.”

  “A problem occurred topside,” Chris said. “One of the lines on the mainmast became tangled. I had to climb up and untangle it.”

  “Why you? Shouldn’t you leave the dangerous chores to your subordinates?”

  “I never allow my men to do anything I’m not willing to do myself. Are you ready to go topside? Pull your hat down over your ears—there’s a brisk wind blowing from the north.”

  “I’m more than ready. I don’t mind the cold. Anything is better than staying in this cabin.”

  Chris opened the door, and she brushed past him. He stood aside while she climbed the ladder to the deck and then followed. Sophia braced herself against the blast of icy wind that buffeted her. It snatched away her breath even though Chris had told her what to expect.

  “Do you want to return to the cabin?”

  “No, I’d like a tour of the Intrepid. I’ve never been on a ship before.”

  Sophia was surprised at how well Chris managed his crew and ship. He introduced her to Mr. Blaine, his first mate, and pointed out different parts of the ship, offering explanations as he went. When Sophia saw the mainmast, her mouth gaped open.

  “Is that the mast you climbed?”

  “It is.”

  “You could have been killed!”

  “That’s a bit dramatic, Sophia. I’ve been doing it for years and haven’t fallen once.”

  “Once is all it would take to kill you. You always were headstrong and reckless.”

  Cocking his head, he sent her an odd look. “I could say the same about you.”

  Sophia sought to change the subject. Every time their past was brought up, Chris became sullen and unreasonable. “If you have something pressing to do, you can leave. I want to stand at the rail and watch the sea.”


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