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A Taste of Paradise

Page 8

by Connie Mason

  Sophia shuddered and turned her thoughts in another direction, namely the sights, sounds and smells of this tropical paradise. The scent of lush vegetation, sago palms, giant ferns and wild orchids bombarded her senses.

  The afternoon air was hot and humid and fragrant with unfamiliar odors: ripe bananas, fish, and baked goods wafting from a small bakery they had just passed. Sophia stopped a moment to watch a barefoot woman with skin the color of coffee. She wore a brightly colored scrap of material wrapped around her body and balanced a basket on top of her head. A naked, brown-skinned boy trotted after her.

  Sophia was so interested in the activity around her that she wasn’t aware they had reached the King’s Arms until Chris said, “Here we are.”

  Sophia glanced up at the square two-story building. The sign above it proclaimed it the King’s Arms.

  “This is the best Kingston has to offer,” Chris said as he guided her inside. “While it’s not up to London standards, it’s all we have.”

  “Ah, Captain Radcliff, welcome back. The room you engaged is ready.”

  “Thank you, Ludlow. This is Miss Carlisle. She’ll be staying with you until the South Wind departs.”

  Ludlow stared at Sophia through narrowed eyes. “Is Miss Carlisle English? You didn’t say. She looks Spanish or . . . Are you sure she isn’t—”

  Chris stiffened. “I assure you, Ludlow, Miss Carlisle comes from good English stock. Her brother is a viscount.”

  Sophia couldn’t imagine why the innkeeper was staring at her so strangely. Was it because she wasn’t wearing a bonnet or gloves? Were the rules of Society strictly adhered to in Jamaica?

  “If you say so, Captain. I don’t want any trouble,” Ludlow demurred. He handed Chris the key to Sophia’s room. “Number five, up the stairs and down the hall on the left.”

  Chris offered the key to Sophia. “I expect Miss Carlisle to be treated like the lady she is, Ludlow. I’m paying you well to see that her needs are met until she boards the South Wind.”

  “As you wish, Captain,” Ludlow sniffed.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” Chris replied as he ushered Sophia to the staircase.

  Sophia watched as he reached in his pocket, retrieved a packet of papers and a heavy purse and handed them to her.

  “You’ll need these documents to board the South Wind. She’s due in port in a few days. The purse contains gold coins. They’re yours to purchase whatever you deem necessary,” he said. “You may take your meals in the inn’s dining room or your own chamber, whichever you prefer.”

  “Chris, I—”

  Chris held up his hand. “Stop, Sophia, don’t say anything. You owe me nothing. This is good-bye. I wish you well. I’m sure Caldwell will forgive you for running off. Whatever trouble you’re in can’t be that bad.”

  Sophia remained mute. If she spoke, she feared the quiver in her voice would reveal her inner turmoil. How could Chris wash his hands of her so easily? He didn’t seem to care about her problems. She was nothing to him—he’d made that clear.

  Chris stared at her for a long, tense moment. Sophia waited for him to say something, but he remained mute, his expression unreadable, his eyes shuttered.

  “Damn you,” he hissed. Then he spun around and stormed off.

  Sophia dashed a tear from the corner of her eye as she watched Chris walk out of her life forever. She didn’t regret having encountered him again after seven years. Her weeks aboard the Intrepid had brought them together unexpectedly, and she would never forget their time together.

  Without knowing it, Chris had provided Sophia with a means to escape the uncertain fate that awaited her in London. With the money he had given her, she could start a new life. Chris had paid her room and board, she needed nothing else, neither bonnet nor parasol. She would hoard the gold coins and use them to live her life free of Rayford’s influence.

  Sophia ascended the stairs to her room. It was small but clean, and the bed linens looked fresh. She had scarcely closed the door behind her when she heard a discreet knock. She opened the door to a handsome, dark-eyed young woman of color. She was dressed in something bright that couldn’t properly be called a gown.

  “Master Ludlow sent me to unpack for you, mistress,” she said in a singsong voice that sounded pleasing to Sophia’s ear.

  “I don’t have much, just the gown I’m wearing and another,” Sophia replied.

  The woman’s gaze found the package that Sophia had placed on the bed. “I can iron the wrinkles out for you, mistress.”

  “What is your name?”


  Sophia studied the woman’s dark features. “Where are you from, Kateena?”

  “Africa, mistress. I was stolen along with my parents and brought here on a slave ship.”

  “You’re a slave? I’m sorry, Kateena.”

  Kateena gave Sophia a strange look, as if surprised by her compassion. “My master freed me and my family shortly before he died two years ago,” she explained. “I am now a free woman of color.” She removed the gown from its wrapping and shook it out. “I will take your gown with me, mistress.”

  “Thank you, Kateena.”

  Since Sophia had time to kill until suppertime, she decided to do a little exploring. As much as she hated the thought of spending any of her precious money, she needed to buy a comb and hairpins.

  Mr. Ludlow directed Sophia to the marketplace, where almost anything and everything was for sale. She purchased a bone comb and several hairpins from a vendor and continued on her way.

  She walked to the eastern limits of the town and discovered a fortress currently occupied by British troops. She learned from a soldier that it was called Rockford and had been built in the late seventeenth century. On Duke Street, she stared in awe at Headquarters House, an architectural showplace and the seat of government.

  Sophia would have liked to explore further, but dark clouds gathering overhead cut her aimless wandering short. Besides, she didn’t need to see everything in one day. According to Chris, several days remained before the South Wind arrived. Plenty of time to explore.

  Sophia ate a solitary dinner in her room that night. She didn’t feel comfortable eating alone in the dining room and had asked Mr. Ludlow to have her meal brought up to her.

  That day began the pattern that lasted until the South Wind arrived in port eight days later. Sophia happened to be exploring the shops lining the docks when she saw the ship sailing into the harbor. Sophia had paused to watch when a sudden, unexpected thought occurred to her. She loved what she’d seen of Jamaica thus far and didn’t want to return to England. She hurried back to the inn, planning her future in Jamaica as she walked. But she needed to speak to Mr. Ludlow before making a decision.

  “You really shouldn’t walk about without a bonnet, Miss Carlisle,” Ludlow scolded when she returned to the inn. “You look like a . . . Well, never mind, you’ll be returning to England soon. I just heard the South Wind has arrived.”

  “I was wondering, Mr. Ludlow, about the English families living in Jamaica. Do any of them have young children?”

  “Many of them do. Why do you ask?”

  “Do you know of any that would be interested in acquiring an English governess? I am well educated, and I’ve fallen in love with the island. I’d love to stay if a position became available to me.”

  Ludlow stroked his chin. “Well, now, let me think. Offhand I can name three or four families living nearby that would welcome the chance to hire an English governess for their young ones. Have you spoken with Captain Radcliff about it?”

  Sophia’s mouth flattened. “What I do is none of his concern. If you could put me in contact with those families, I would be eternally grateful.”

  “What about the South Wind? She won’t stay long in port.”

  “I understand that ships arrive regularly in Kingston Harbor. If a position doesn’t become available, I can always book passage on another ship.”

  “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t
hurt, and I would be doing someone a favor. You do seem quite knowledgeable despite your rather . . . dark appearance.”

  Sophia glanced down at her tanned arms. She knew her face held the same golden hue, for she’d inspected it in a mirror. “I fear I’ve been careless about exposing myself to the sun. The hot, sun-washed days are part of the magic of the island. Everything I’ve seen here so far enthralls me.”

  Ludlow leaned close. “Don’t be fooled, miss. All is not what it seems. The slave situation is poised to erupt into a nasty confrontation. You’d be wise to return to England while you can.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” Sophia replied.

  “Very well, I’ll send word of your availability to some families of my acquaintance. I’m sure a position can be found for you. But Captain Radcliff only secured your room and board until your ship leaves. Can you afford to remain while you seek employment?”

  “I have money,” Sophia said, optimistic about finding employment soon. She didn’t want to go to Chris for help should her plan fail.

  “Very well, Miss Carlisle, I will do my best to help you.”

  Sophia left the inn in a jubilant mood and hurried to the booking agent’s office, where she presented her ticket and asked for a refund. After a good bit of grumbling, the agent refunded her the amount of the ticket in full.

  The first thing Sophia did after leaving the booking agent’s office was to visit the marketplace and buy a reticule to keep her money in, a wide-brimmed straw bonnet, a parasol and gloves. If one wanted to be a governess, one had to look like a lady. As for her tanned skin, she wasn’t worried, for she knew the color would fade in time.

  As Sophia returned to the inn, she noticed people streaming from the docking area, followed by porters bearing their luggage. Some were headed toward the inn. She paid them scant heed as she returned to her room. Her future looked brighter for the first time in a long time. If she was going to start a new life, it might as well be in a place far away from Rayford and his evil machinations.

  Despite being busy from dawn to dusk, Chris still found time to think about Sophia. He’d begun to wonder if sending her back to England without discovering what or whom she feared had been the right thing to do. Something or someone had sent her fleeing into the night without even a wrap for protection against the elements, or money in her pocket.

  On more than one occasion since arriving at Sunset Hill, he had nearly tossed caution to the wind and rushed back to Kingston to see how Sophia was faring. But just as he prepared to leave, a new emergency always seemed to arise to stop him. Being new to his position as plantation owner, Chris had much to learn and master, and just as many problems to solve. If not for Mundo, his overseer, he would have been lost.

  Today, one of his neighbors, Lord Wombly, had stopped by on his way home from Kingston to tell Chris that the South Wind had arrived and was slated to leave Kingston Harbor in two days. Chris wanted to ask him if he’d seen Sophia in town but stifled the urge. As the day progressed, Chris had to forcibly restrain himself from racing pell-mell to Kingston to see Sophia one last time before she disappeared from his life forever.

  Several days after the South Wind’s scheduled departure, a matter concerning the deed to Sunset Hill arose that necessitated a trip to Kingston and a visit to Headquarters House. With a list of goods to be purchased at the local market in hand, he left Sunset Hill with Mundo driving a wagon behind Chris’s horse.

  Anxious about the governess position she hoped to obtain, Sophia approached Mr. Ludlow a few days after the South Wind departed without her.

  “Have you heard from any potential employers, Mr. Ludlow? I’m quite anxious to begin my duties as a governess.”

  “I have indeed, Miss Carlisle. The answers to two of my inquiries arrived just this morning. Lord Castor and Mr. Humbart are both interested but can’t come to interview you immediately due to pressing commitments at home.”

  “How long do you suppose I’ll have to wait?”

  “Not long, I suspect. English governesses are sought after in Jamaica.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Ludlow, I appreciate your help. It’s such a pleasant day, I think I’ll take a stroll.”

  “Don’t forget your bonnet, Miss Carlisle,” Ludlow chided. “I don’t think you realize the importance of protecting your fair complexion from the sun. If Captain Radcliff hadn’t told me you came from English stock, I would have thought . . .” He shrugged. “Take my word for it, Miss Carlisle, tanning as deeply as you have is not recommended.”

  Sophia nodded solemnly, but for the life of her she couldn’t imagine why anyone would care about her complexion except her mother, and that dear woman had long since gone to her grave. She did, however, return to her room for her bonnet before leaving the inn. She was proceeding out the door when she ran headlong into a thickset man who was entering the inn.

  The man swept off his hat and bowed deeply. “Forgive my clumsiness, ma’am.”

  “Oh, no, it was entirely my fault, sir.” When Sophia tried to step around him, the man grasped her arm and whirled her about.

  “You!” he gasped. “Well, well, well, this is my lucky day. I don’t know how you got here, but justice will finally prevail. Caldwell cheated me out of five hundred pounds, and you caused me a great deal of trouble, not to mention pain. I still bear the scar from your vicious attack.”

  Stunned beyond coherent speech, Sophia tried to escape Sir Oscar’s punishing grip. Fate was still conspiring against her. How else could she explain Sir Oscar’s presence in Jamaica? How had he learned her whereabouts? Had he followed her across the sea?

  “What do you have to say for yourself, Sophia?”

  “Release me at once!”

  “You belong to me. I paid dearly for you, and you’re not escaping me again.”

  People were beginning to stare. Mr. Ludlow, his face a picture of concern, hurried over to see what was causing the ruckus.

  “Is there a problem, Miss Carlisle?” he asked anxiously.

  “There is indeed,” Sophia huffed. “This bully has just accosted me.”

  Ludlow glanced at Sir Oscar. “Oh, it’s you, Sir Oscar. Welcome back to Jamaica. We have missed you.”

  “You know this man?” Sophia asked, unable to believe this was happening to her. If Rayford were here now, she would gladly kill him.

  “Of course. Sir Oscar owns one of the largest plantations on the island. He has been visiting England and on the recently returned Morning Star.”

  Sophia wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. If this was really happening, it was more frightening than any nightmare she had ever had.

  “Do you know this woman, Ludlow?” Sir Oscar asked.

  “Indeed. Miss Carlisle is seeking a position as governess. I’m aiding her in her search.”

  Sir Oscar stared intently into Sophia’s face. With a calculating gleam in his eye, his gaze traveled down her bare arms before returning abruptly to her face. His sly smile warned Sophia that he was up to no good. His next words proved it.

  “I fear my slave has fooled everyone with her fine manners and diction. I bought her shortly before I sailed to England. She was born on the island of Barbados, the product of a white father and slave mother. Her father was fond of her and had her educated.”

  “He lies!” Sophia cried. “Do not listen to him, Mr. Ludlow. I swear I am not who he says.”

  Ludlow looked torn. Sir Oscar was an important man on the island, and crossing him was not a good idea. Furthermore, Ludlow had seen many slaves lighter in coloring than Miss Carlisle.

  “Captain Radcliff secured a room for her,” Ludlow maintained. “She arrived in Jamaica aboard the Intrepid and was to leave on the South Wind.”

  “The South Wind has already sailed, has she not? Why didn’t the woman leave?”

  “She hoped to secure a position as a governess,” Ludlow ventured.

  “This is ridiculous,” Sophia spat. “I am Sophia Carlisle, my brother is Viscount Caldwell

  “Can you prove it?” Sir Oscar asked.

  “Can you prove I am not?” Sophia shot back.

  “Indeed I can, Selena. I have papers to prove that I bought you from Lord Tyler-Wilford’s heir.”

  “My name is not Selena! I am Sophia Carlisle! You’re lying. Someone please summon the authorities.”

  “Miss Car . . . Selena, if Sir Oscar says you are his property, I see no reason to refute him,” Ludlow said.

  “Come along, Selena,” Sir Oscar commanded with a smirk. “It was naughty of you to take advantage of my absence by running away and pretending to be someone you’re not.”

  “Mr. Ludlow, help me! Send for Captain Radcliff. He’ll tell you the truth.”

  “Don’t bother, Ludlow,” Sir Oscar advised. “I’m sure she fooled the captain just as she did you with her fancy speech and manners. She’s a sly little wench.”

  “Oh, no, you are mistaken, sir. Mistress Carlisle is exactly who she says she is.”

  Sophia sent a grateful smile toward Kateena, the only one who dared to come to her aid.

  “Shut up, girl; you don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sir Oscar growled.

  “But you haven’t seen her like I have,” Kateena argued. “Her skin—”

  Turning on Kateena, Sir Oscar backhanded her, sending her flying. “No one cares about your opinion, wench! Ludlow, control your slave.”

  “Kateena, if you don’t keep out of this, you’ll find yourself without work,” Ludlow warned. “Kateena works for me for wages,” he explained to Sir Oscar. “She’s a free woman of color.”

  “I don’t care what she is. If she interferes with me or my property, I’ll bring charges against her.”

  Kateena picked herself up from the floor and approached Sophia. “What can I do for you, mistress?”

  The purpling bruise on Kateena’s face made it obvious that Kateena’s defense of Sophia would only lead to more violence, more injuries. Sophia wouldn’t allow it.

  “Nothing, Kateena. I can take care of myself. Thank you for speaking up, but I fear that defending me will only bring harm to you.”

  Kateena shrank away, her distress palpable.


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