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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

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by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Great! Kiss Kim for me, and I’ll see you later.”

  Surprisingly, driving out of Manhattan was far easier than the drive home would be. A Thursday night before a major holiday weekend caused all highways to merge onto the Garden State Parkway, more like the Garden State parking lot at this time of day when heading south from the city.

  As I left the tunnel, the beauty of this warmer than normal May afternoon heated my skin. Smiling to myself, I stopped my inner complaints knowing the top was down and the radio was on and currently blaring Demi Lovato’s Cool for the Summer.

  The drive was long and anticipated, yet thankfully uneventful, as I headed back to Long Beach Island…I was finally home.

  Parking my car on the street, I ran into the house. I needed to quickly shower, apply some make-up, and pick out a casual outfit to wear for dinner that was still a bit sexy for the club.

  I noticed I missed a call from Kim, the owner of The Palm, where I would be having dinner tonight. She sounded concerned as if she had something important to tell me.

  The Palm wasn’t a fancy place. It was an older three-story beachfront building in the Beach Haven section of the island. The inside was dark with rustic walls that were decorated with vintage surfboards in an array of lengths and vibrant colors. Besides the boards, there was a huge driftwood bar that ran along the left side of the club on the main floor. The stools were black leather with silver grommets equally spaced around the sides of the seats. In the center of the room was a black bamboo floor used for dancing or mingling, depending on what the entertainment was for the evening. On the right side of the room were turquoise colored couches and black club chairs, also tufted with the same silver grommets that adorned the bar stools.

  In the summer season, there were several large potted palm trees placed strategically around the club, inside and on the patio outside, overlooking the ocean. The main floor held a small but state of the art kitchen for light meals and snacks. Kim had a weekly order of pastries and desserts delivered from my shoppe, so her cook’s focus could be on making savory dishes, not to be worried about the sweet stuff.

  Upstairs, there was another bar similar to the one on the main level, but not quite as big. Kim booked local bands for the small stage on this floor, usually on special nights or holiday weekends. Tonight, no bands were booked, so the music for the evening was set up beforehand as part of a pre-programmed file being run by the club’s computer and sound systems. It was a sophisticated set-up, but one which kept costs down. The second-floor patrons had the option of accessing several decks outside, as well as the bar area inside that looked down into the entertainment area on the floor below.

  The third floor of the building held the apartment where Kim lived. She was not the first owner of the bar. Her dad and his brother owned it, but they felt they’d had enough and decided to sell it. She asked if it would be okay if she purchased it and paid it off over time. Both gentlemen agreed. She kept the name and updated the look slightly—to go along with the theme.

  Kim had placed two large hourglasses at each end of the bars. She would flip them over about an hour before closing. Her regulars knew it was time to place their final drink requests, and new customers caught on quickly. Like many of the bars on the island, The Palm had a very strict policy on drinking and driving. It wouldn’t happen on Kim’s watch, so she had staff members that worked as drivers to take the locals back to their homes and visitors back to their rental houses or hotels.

  She had no problem getting help for the busy summer season. Many of the local college students came home for the summer and needed to work to pay off their ever-rising school loans. The bouncers were local law enforcement that could use the overtime to help support their families. During the off-season, the bar was quiet and Kim ran it with two long-time employees. Her dad and uncle would come in to help out if need be.

  I parked about a block away, anticipating a larger than normal crowd for a Thursday night because of the holiday weekend. I was right. The Palm was packed. I walked to the side entrance where the employees checked in before they started their shifts. I knew the drill; I had waitressed for Kim’s family when I was out of school for the summers. That’s how we became friends. Kim was slightly older than me, but when she would come home for summer break from college, we would work together; as did Blaze and Courtney—a former friend of mine.

  Tonight, was different, though. Kim needed to speak with me about something, something that at first I wasn't too concerned about, but now I felt uneasy, and I needed to know exactly what was going on. I found her mixing drinks at the bar on the main floor. The music was great and began to relax me more than I had felt for the last couple of days. Manhattan was amazing as always, and I learned a great deal, but there was nothing like the Jersey Shore. The people, the atmosphere, and of course, the sound and scents I had grown accustomed to as a child made me feel at peace. It was home, and I was glad to be back.

  Kim’s bartender arrived about 9:30 PM to relieve her and that’s when we grabbed our sandwiches and headed into Kim’s office. I realized I was more exhausted than I’d originally thought, so I decided as soon as we finished our talk, I would wrap my food to go and head home to my soft, cozy bed and sleep until noon. I didn’t have to get up early tomorrow morning. One of my staff members said they could open for me. I had anticipated I would be out with Blaze tonight, so I had made arrangements weeks ago.

  We both sat down at Kim’s desk, each with a sandwich and a drink. Kim had an ale and I had my new favorite, Sweet Vermouth over ice with a slice of lemon. Taking a sip, the amber liquid engaged my palette with hints of spice, while its subtle sweetness tickled my nose and warmed my body.

  “So, what’s up?” I asked, as I settled back in my seat and braced myself.

  “I know you were originally supposed to be here with Blaze, but I’m sort of glad those plans were canceled.”

  I straightened in my chair. “Okay, what’s going on?”

  “I opened tonight knowing the crowd would be huge. What I didn't expect was to run into this guy on the patio who said he just moved here and said that his neighbor was your Aunt Viv.”

  My heart stopped. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive…that’s why I called you, hoping you were still coming tonight, so I could talk to you about it. When I didn't hear back from you, I called Blaze and she filled me in.” She stopped. “You know as well as I do that Viv can only have one neighbor on one side of her, so apparently, this guy Tommy moved into your brother’s old house.”

  “Viv must have accepted an offer while I was away in New York. I wonder why she didn't call me.” It wasn't like my aunt to keep things from me. Although she knew I was sensitive to the idea of selling or even renting the old place, I didn't think I would find out about it from anyone other than her.

  Kim leaned forward. “Do you want to know what I think?”

  “Oh God…I’m not sure,” I paused and apprehensively nodded.

  “I think he’s single. From what I could tell no ring, so maybe, just maybe, Viv is playing matchmaker again.”

  “Okay, but that’s nothing new. She’s always trying to set me up and marry me off, ever since Damien and I broke up. What does that have to do with the house and this guy?”

  “When you see your new neighbor, you’ll know why.” Kim was grinning from ear to ear, like a schoolgirl.

  “That good…huh?” I asked, but I knew the answer.

  “Better than that good.”

  “If you think he’s that attractive, then you date him.” I joked. I didn’t want her to think I was angry with her observation.

  “No way! When it comes to having a man in my life…I’m with you. Besides, I have plenty of men in my life every day of the week.”

  “Funny, but they would be called customers, not potential love interests.”

  “Exactly… and that’s just the way I like them.” Kim’s voice softened as she looked out toward the ocean, which was barely visible this
time of night.

  “I’m sorry, Kim. Have you heard from him?” I felt like such a shit. Kim’s childhood love left several years back to go after a career in the music industry. Apparently, he was doing well…too well to return for her.

  “Yeah, here and there, you know the way he was even when he lived here. My life was his revolving door.”

  I shook my head in disgust.

  “Hey, stop… it’s not your fault. I knew what I was getting into when I let him get into me.” She smirked.

  “I know but…”

  “But nothing…this is exactly the reason why I asked you here.” Kim stated, confidently.

  “I don't get it…”

  “Listen, I would never want to get on Viv’s bad side, you know that, but when your new neighbor explained who he was and that he already moved in, well, I just didn't want you to deal with any more surprises than you have already,” she stated, as she extended her hand across the desk to me.

  I smiled and reached out to her.

  “Thanks, Kim, you know I just had this conversation with Blaze about Viv and her career as my personal love broker. I know she means well, but I’m just not ready to get my feet wet again.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to explain to me. I had the same issues with my family and friends. They felt I was waiting around for a day that would never come. What they still to this day don’t get is that if I want to wait…so be it. The truth is that in the beginning, I was waiting, but not now, not anymore. Now, I’m enjoying my life the way it is. You know…without all the complications.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. I just wish Viv did. She doesn't want me to be alone, but what she doesn’t understand is that having a man in my life isn’t always the cure for loneliness. Actually, getting Damien out of my life cured me more than I thought.”

  Kim smiled.

  “When we first broke it off, sure it hurt, but I’ve had plenty of time to get used to it, and I couldn’t be in a better place right now.”

  “So that’s a no on banging the new neighbor?” Kim squeezed and jiggled my hand, as we both laughed hard.

  After we finished our meal, Kim asked me to wait here to find my supposed new neighbor, who was having dinner out in the club, so we could formally meet, but she eventually returned alone.

  “He must have left,” she shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I’m sure you guys will meet up tomorrow. I mean he is living right next door.”

  It was getting late. I stood to leave, but before I did, I walked around the desk to hug my dear friend.

  “Thanks,” I said as I released her.

  “For what?”

  “For the heads up.”

  With a tip up of her chin and twinkle in her eyes, Kim regarded me with a deep kindness in her warm smile.

  I walked out toward the dance floor and yelled back to her, stating that I’d call her over the weekend with the lowdown on what transpired between me, Aunt Viv, and my apparently sexy new neighbor. I disappeared into the crowd that had begun to move to the beat of a song that I wasn’t remotely interested in. Making my way through the army of moving body parts somehow had gotten me turned around. I didn’t know if it was due to my not so sensible but comfortable heels or because of the drink I had, combined with the warmth emanating off the dancers in the room and my sheer exhaustion, yet out of nowhere I lost my footing.

  I was about to slip down into the mass of people when a strong arm came around my waist to save me from imminent humiliation. As this mysterious stranger steadied me, I involuntarily placed my hands on his upper arms to balance myself. Looking up, my breath audibly hitched. There in front of me was the face of my hero. I never expected his looks to take my breath away, but they did. Hopefully, he hadn't heard or noticed my reaction.

  He had very dark brown hair, almost black. The same as his eye color. His jawline was chiseled like a stone sculpture with a shadow of precisely groomed stubble. His body was strong and nicely built, although I couldn’t see his arms from my vantage point—we were too close. All I could do was feel his ripped strength beneath my fingertips, as I held onto his biceps.

  “Are you okay?” He shouted over the music with an uncertain but concerned expression on his face.

  Dear God, even his voice was sexy. I pulled myself together and stopped my brief and hopefully not apparent schoolgirl stare to quickly answer him.

  Get hold of yourself. You've never been this bashful in front of a man before…and let go of him.

  He crouched down slightly and cocked his head to one side.

  “Are you sure? Can I call someone for you?” He loudly asked.

  “Why would you need to call someone for me? I’m not drunk. I just lost my footing, that’s all.” I went from shy to sounding off over the noise and onto him…defensive and insulted.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just trying help.” He stumbled on his words slightly as he released his hold from around my waist and raised his hands up in his own defense, which made me automatically let go of him as I realized his arms were still in my grasp.

  “No worries. It’s just been a long day. I apologize.” Miserably, I tried to make amends for acting ungrateful for his help and concern. I guess I probably wouldn't believe me either with the attitude I just threw him.

  “I feel bad. I didn’t mean anything by it. Can I buy you a drink to atone for my behavior?” He smiled a sweet, yet reserved smile.

  His response made him even more attractive. I felt a wave of electric energy surge through my body, and it wasn’t coming from the large group of people who crowded us on the dance floor. It was because of him, his voice…his mannerisms. Maybe it was the one nightcap that skewed my normal judgment.

  “Thank you for the offer, but I had one drink already and one was definitely more than enough this evening.” I wished him a good night and started to walk away. That was when he gently placed his hand on my waist again. My body stilled and tingled once more.

  “Okay, no drink, but how about a dance, then? Just one; I promise.” He looked at me and grinned. He tried to be shy, but that look was anything but innocent. I must admit, he had me curious, a reaction I hadn’t felt for any man in a long time.

  I nodded, then smiled, and so did he. Tove Lo’s Talking Body was just beginning to play overhead and I hadn’t danced all evening, so I agreed. I wasn’t a huge dancer, but I felt comfortable at The Palm, and for some strange reason, I felt comfortable with my mystery man…perhaps, too comfortable.

  My mystery man? Where did that come from?

  He gently brought me to his body, and I placed my arms around his neck, almost automatically. It seemed so natural—as if it was right. We moved together seamlessly, as the rhythm of the music and the sexiness of the song carried us away from the other people in the room. I didn't want to overanalyze it, but it was probably not a good choice of song to dance to since I had no idea who this guy was. I couldn’t explain why I accepted his offer, but I couldn’t stop myself; he intrigued me. Or maybe it was simply that the situation created the illusion.

  It was the beginning of the summer season…my favorite time of year. The Palm was alive with people. My business, Summertime Sweets, was going to have a newly renovated location by the end of the summer, and Blaze would be here on Saturday.

  I was admittedly on edge about meeting my new neighbor, Tommy; especially because after Kim described him, I had a feeling this was one of Viv’s never-ending attempts to play matchmaker for me. Or maybe it was nothing that complicated. It could have been the combination of the Sweet Vermouth and lemon that proved to be too much for my tired body, which was possibly confirmed by my almost dry dive into the dance floor.

  Noticing how our bodies blended perfectly, together we pressed against one another as we continued to move. The crowd masked the intimacy of our dance, as our eyes locked. They held a conversation of their own as the music played on…Who are you? Do I want to get to know you? Is there more after this dance…this ni
ght? The conversation spoke of sexual attraction and one I didn't want to revisit in my personal life at this point. Yet, with him… tonight, in this atmosphere, at this moment in time, it wasn't so inconceivable at all any longer.

  His hand splayed wide at the small of my back. The heat of his palm emanated through my clothing, allowing my body to relax as I pressed back further into it. I became wet from his small gesture, touching me in places that I hadn’t given a second thought to for quite some time. I couldn’t understand it. Why now? Why this guy? I hadn’t even known him for more than 5 minutes. Who was I kidding, I didn't know him at all. Yet, me and my body were completely surrendering to him.

  I wanted more. I wanted him to kiss me. A kiss was intimate, far more intimate than sex itself. It held everything and said so much without saying anything at all—the way his body swayed, and the way his eyes darkened even further, he wanted it too.

  Our mouths parted at the same time; he leaned down to let his lips graze my skin. Briefly, he pulled back to make sure the kiss he was about to give me was consensual. I nodded, letting him know I wouldn't stop him. Silent, serious, and with eyes hooded, he leaned in, his breathing deepened, and he proved with his mouth he wanted this too. And for some unexplainable and undeniable reason, so did I.

  Our breathing became heavy as our eyes locked; our lips paused and then touched again. Apprehension held him back at first, but only for a brief moment. Pressing forward, his mouth opened, inviting me in. My tongue explored as my emotions spiraled out of control from what was building between us and between my legs.

  A bombardment of conflicting thoughts swirled through my mind, questioning and appeasing me all at once.

  Why would I allow a complete stranger to intimately kiss me out in public? Was it safer that way? Why would I allow myself to be taken in so easily? This was never me. Yet, the more I kissed him, the more I wanted him. It was as if I couldn’t stop—this kiss drove me more and more away from the room and into a world I wasn't familiar with, a world with him. I craved it, and I didn't want it to end, but then…it did.


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