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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

Page 17

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Blaze, he walked out on me that night.”


  Sure, now she’s dumbfounded.

  “I’ll tell you what I told him. I said that I didn’t think it was an impossibility, but that placing a stringent timeline to meet a girl and wine and dine her into marriage is basically unnatural.”

  “So is deciding to become a spinster at thirty-five.”

  “You know full well I’m not becoming a spinster.”

  “What makes you think I was talking about you?”


  I wasn't afraid to be alone, nor was I ready to share my life with someone again and risk having my heart broken. I could do ‘alone' all day long, but that feeling of being crushed was not something I wanted to entertain at this point, and I was just about to remind my friend of that when Kim arrived.

  “Hey, ladies,” was all she said when Blaze and I got up to greet her with excited schoolgirl screams and hugs all the way around.

  Holding up not one, but two very large bottles of wine, “Ready for a night of laughter and libations?”

  There were Cheshire cat grins and nods of agreement all the way around as we settled into our chairs and began to catch up with each other. We agreed with all this alcohol, we needed to head out soon or surfing would be completely out of the question today.

  Blaze immediately started in. “So…have you heard from him?” Curious to know about Kim’s one and only love.

  Kim took our friend’s assertiveness in stride. “You ask me that question every time we’re together, and my answer never changes.”

  “So that answer is a big fat NO… once again. Right, Kim?”

  “BLAZE! What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “With me? She’s the one waiting around for …”

  “Hey, hey…why are you two yelling?”

  “Viv…we didn’t see you standing there?” Blaze admitted.

  “No, of course, you didn’t, Blaze. You were too interested in giving your advice where it’s not needed than to see anything else that’s happening around you. Good to see you, Kim.”

  “Nice to see you too, Viv.” Kim smiled, as she walked over to my aunt to kiss her cheek.

  Blaze and I both walked over to properly greet Viv, as well.

  “Glad you stopped by Aunt Viv. Can I get you a drink?” I asked while kissing my aunt on the cheek.

  “I’d love a glass of iced tea, thanks.”

  “Coming up.” I walked upstairs to the get the tea as I briefly heard Blaze apologize for her behavior that Viv witnessed. Blaze always hated if Viv was disappointed in her. Even as kids, she admired Viv, as did many of my friends, but Blaze in particular.

  I never truly figured it out, but my guess was because Blaze didn't have the greatest relationship with her own mom growing up, and Viv had taken her under her wing when we were kids, and in doing so she helped guide Blaze during her impressionable years. Support was part of what Blaze needed to fill a piece of her life that was missing. With support, came the necessary times when Viv put Blaze in her place. Viv did that with all of us, but it was only because she cared and always felt the straight truth was best. Viv was never one for coloring anything for our benefit or because we were too young. She did it then, and she did it now.

  “Viv, I’m sorry.”

  “Damn it, Blaze, don’t apologize to me; apologize to Kim,” she said, pointing to our other friend, who appeared amused by the banter that ensued between my aunt and our fiery redheaded friend.

  Like an awkward child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, Blaze turned toward Kim…and with a child-like pout she held out her arms and acquiesced to Viv’s request and apologized to her.

  Kim knew that Blaze’s comments came from a good place no matter how bad they sounded. Blaze, like the rest of us, just wished that Kim would realize that the man she loved all this time wasn’t coming back and that waiting for him was futile.

  Viv was of the opinion that Kim was a grown woman, and it was her choice, no matter how agonizing it was. It was Kim’s decision and we needed to respect it. For the most part, we did.

  When I returned, Kim and Blaze were hugging one another. All was well with them, so they turned their attention on me as it was time for the trio to pick on me and my love life.

  Great, just what I needed…a tag team.

  Handing Viv her tea, I shared the lounge chair with Kim, while Viv and Blaze sat on one of the others directly across from us. Viv’s questioning came fast and hard, not giving me a chance to breathe.

  “Sweetie, what exactly is going on between you and Tommy?”

  “Ugh…Viv, why does something need to be going on with us? We’re new neighbors… that's it.”

  “That’s it? That’s not it, and you know it. You used that man the very first day you met him to hide from Reece’s attempts to have you cozy back up with Damien, and now all you have to say for yourself is that you're new neighbors? If that’s the case, then why aren't you acting like neighbors?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don't play coy with me. I live right near both of you, and from what I’ve been seeing, the two of you have now stopped talking to each other.”

  I looked to Kim and Blaze for help, but it was clear they wouldn’t dare touch this conversation.

  “Well, he asked for my opinion about something and when I didn't agree, he walked out in a huff.”

  “I see…well, after I leave here for the weekend, I’m going into Philly for a few days with some friends. I hope should Tommy have any issues with the house, you’ll be available to help him in my absence. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Viv, really? I’m not a child.”

  She had to be kidding.

  “I’m not joking. I need to be able to count on you without worrying about some sort of discourse between the two of you!”

  “Of course, whatever he needs, I’ll be glad to step in.”

  “Good, I’ll see you in a few days.” Viv stood abruptly with pinky pointed, as she delicately placed the glass with her unfinished tea in my hand, said goodbye to the girls, and left for her trip into Philly.

  “That was short…” Kim noted.

  “…And sweet,” Blazed added.

  “Yeah, and strange?” I questioned.

  “What do you mean?” Kim asked.

  “Why come over to say you're going to spend the afternoon with us, have one drink, barely finish it, and leave? Oh, and not before discussing our new neighbor and my lack of goodwill toward him.”

  “Maybe she just wanted to make sure that whatever the reason was for the both of you to be ignoring each other this soon, it wouldn’t interfere with him renting the house,” Kim surmised.

  Lying back while taking a sip of her drink, Blaze added, “Yeah, or maybe Viv was worried you would kick Tommy out while she was away. I mean, she did rent the house out to him while you were gone and without your input.” Following Blaze’s lead, both Kim and I reclined back in our chairs respectively.

  Not opening my eyes, I said, “You know I wouldn't kick him out.”

  When both women didn't respond I looked around to see what they were doing. Both were staring in the direction of my childhood home, as they ogled Tommy and watched him remove his shirt to expose his myriad of ink and flexed muscle.

  “Sweet Jesus, you sure you don't want to date him, Jade?”

  “I told you for the millionth time. NO! I don't want to start a serious relationship with anyone right now.”

  “I have to agree with Blaze.”

  “Not you too, Kim?” I directed my question to her, but Blaze naturally answered.

  “You have to admit he’d be fun.” Blaze tilted down her chin and raised her glasses as well as her brows ever so slightly to get a better view of him.

  “Yeah, even if it was only for the summer. Blaze is right, Jade. Why not have some fun?”

  Kim added while she examined Tommy even further, as well.

that! Stop staring at him. You're both going to get his attention and I don't want him to know he’s the topic of our conversation,” I said, teasingly slapping Blaze’s hand to put her sunglasses back where they belonged, on her face, while throwing a beach towel at Kim.

  As my friends and I looked at each other, passing around playful smirks between us, we busted out in laughter like high-school teens, because we knew that although we were too old to be schoolgirls, that didn't stop us on this beautiful summer beach day.

  With an incredible view of the ocean, spending this perfect day with my friends came with a price. Darkness hadn’t fallen over the island. It was early, yet darkness didn't fall from the sky. Well, unless the sky dropped Reece Montgomery on the deck outside my kitchen.

  “I knew it. This day was too good to be true. Don’t you have anywhere else to be? Perhaps a session of cardiac rehab or something?” My mood was squashed further when Reece made a not so surprising appearance.

  “Ladies… I’m not here to disturb this little get together of yours.”

  “Too late… you are disturbing us, so what do you want?” My tone proved no explanation was needed in the way I felt about him at the moment.

  “I’m just here to see when Blaze will have finished with her girls’ day with the both of you, so she can be ready for an evening with me.”

  “Wow, Reece, has your cardiologist given you the green light to get back into the saddle again, so to speak?” Some not so hidden smirks appeared on the girl’s faces as they were amused by my observation.

  Reece had the gall to constantly slither and worm his way into anything and everything that was none of his concern. It was early, and we just got started. Yet, he wanted Blaze with him. I would not allow him to cut our day short.

  “You're making me feel like I’m not wanted.”

  I spun in his direction, but stopped and held onto the table. “That’s because you’re not. This was supposed to be our girls’ day. ‘Girls’ being the key word here, Reece.”

  Walking over to Blaze and winding his fingers through her long red hair, he held her still while he surveyed her face, and then he turned back to me and said, “Can you blame me for not wanting to be away from this beautiful woman for too long? Besides, what’s he doing here if it’s a girls’ day?”

  With all the commotion that Reece brings with him, I hadn't realized that Tommy was behind us.

  “I just stopped in to see if Jade needed anything; I’m heading to the store,” Tommy answered for me, as he casually walked toward me, touching a strand of hair and kissing my forehead.

  Nicely played.

  Although, I wasn't sure why Tommy was here. Seeing him made my heart race like a high-octane engine. Why was he here? He had me curious. Curious and in a trance to the point I hadn't noticed Blaze’s reaction to Reece showing up here unannounced. She was fuming.

  Blaze stood stiff and frustrated, not knowing what to do about the man in her life and his need to know everything that was going on in her world. She, therefore, used what appealed to him and appeased him with a sexy pout and a bit of extra attention in hopes he would be satisfied enough to leave.

  Let’s hope it worked.

  “Reece, baby, you know I’ll miss you all day, but the girls and I rarely have the time to get together like this. You understand, don't you, sweetie?” Sugar never tasted so fake, but I had to hand it to Blaze, Reece was eating right out of the palm of her hand.

  “Okay, my love…I’ll bend to your will, because you asked me so nicely. You could learn from Blaze, Jade.” Reece spoke with his usual bit of smugness in his response.

  Reece and his son were examples of why I don't want another man in my life.

  At least he was leaving, or so I thought…just as he turned to go, he turned back.

  “Oh, and one more thing…I’m having that party I mentioned to you the other day on the Saturday of the July 4th weekend. I hope you and Tommy can make it? You’re invited as well, Kim.”

  “Thank you, Reece, but the club will be far too busy that weekend for me to get away, even for one of your parties.”

  “Maybe next the time, then? So, Jade, can I count on you and Tommy to grace us with your presence?”

  “We’d love to come,” Tommy responded.

  “We would?” I whispered. That question got me another kiss. This time on the side of my neck… with a heated, breathy response in my ear.

  “Yes, baby, we would,” he whispered back, as he held my hand firm, pulling me against his chest, realizing that his response sent me off balance and caught me just in time…like our first night on the dance floor.

  “Perfect…I will see you both at my house at 8 pm that evening. Oh, and I have one more request.”

  “This ought to be good,” I said, as Tommy chuckled, and I grinned.

  “I’m creating a theme for the party, so everything will be done in white and silver and gold. I’m requesting that my guests wear white and adhere to this dress code. I hope this won't be too much trouble?” We both shook our heads at Reece’s request for proper attire. It didn't seem that unreasonable being summer and all.

  “Good, I’ll see you then, and you my gorgeous girl, I will see you tonight.” Reece kissed Blaze on the mouth and after feeling satisfied, he slowly took carefree strides to mark his exit. Blaze and Kim followed Reece’s lead and instead of heading down the stairs, they headed inside to give us some privacy.

  “Tommy, I need to say something. I’m sorry about the dinner we had. I was worried you were never going to speak to me again after the way it ended.”

  “Listen, about that. I owe you an apology. I would never have gotten up like that and left. You didn't do anything wrong. I was the one concerned that you would never speak to me again.”


  “Yeah, you… I can't expect everyone to understand why I’m doing what I’m doing, but you did, and I left because of …I don't know…I wanted you to tell me it was the right thing to do and when you said that you felt that a relationship shouldn't occur on a timeline, I got pissed off and that’s why I walked out.”

  “And now how do you feel?”

  “Like a fool, especially after what transpired in the alley the other day.”

  I tried to hide my amusement until he lifted my chin to see my full reaction.

  “By the looks of things, you agree with me.”

  “All kidding aside, I don’t think you're a fool. I just think you're far more optimistic than most people. Although if your optimism sends more women like the one in the alley your way, then I think I would be saying I told you so.”

  “Fair enough…so does this mean you forgive my abrupt departure from our dinner date, and you’ll go with me to Reece’s party now?”

  “Uh…yeah…about that, why would you agree to go to the party when you know full well this is all a pretense between us that I created from the very beginning and you clearly don't like Reece in the least?”

  “It’s the only way I can get you to go out with me? So are we on, baby?”

  “Tommy…” My mouth hung open, literally, because I couldn't form the words to respond to his admission.

  “Jade! Let’s go, already,” Blaze exclaimed like a two-year-old, as she wanted to hit the waves before Reece possibly returned with some outlandish excuse to whisk her away from here.

  We looked to Blaze and then back to us.

  “You didn't answer my question.”

  “I’ll meet you at the party.”

  “So we’re still pretending?”

  Hesitant, I answered him. “I’m afraid so. It’s just that…”

  His fingers touched my lips sending a vibration clear through to my toes. “Shhhh…I get it. You’ve sworn off men and after what I told about me, you just want to be friends. Right?”

  Actually, I was hoping you’d replace those fingers with those lips of yours, but I can't tell you that.

  He smiled. “It doesn’t have to be a real date unless you want it to. If tha
t’s what you’re worried about? Let’s just go to the party. Make some summer memories and have a good time. What do you say?”

  “C‘mon, Jade. Would you answer him already, so we can surf…today?” Blaze summoned.

  We laughed, and I tried to ignore her and give Tommy my answer.

  “When we had dinner, and you walked out, I felt horrible. I still do.”

  “There’s nothing to feel bad about. I told you I should never have walked out. It was stupid on my part. Can we agree to disagree where my love life is concerned? And will you still meet me at Reece’s party?”

  Tommy made my heart melt.

  Damn it! I didn’t want us to disagree on his love life, but I wasn't ready to explore the possibility of Tommy and me being part of that equation in the next six months. Then, there was the other side of me, who wanted to explore it. Perhaps it was the selfish part of me who was afraid he would find someone else as he was intent on this timeline of his. For some reason, I wasn't sure how I felt about that. My emotions were tying me into knots, but I knew I couldn’t have it both ways. Regardless…now was not the time to approach this conversation, especially with Blaze and Kim within earshot.

  “You have yourself a deal. I’ll meet you there as promised, and we can agree to disagree that placing a timeline restriction on falling love is a recipe for disaster.”

  “Jade!” Blaze blasted off one more time.

  “I’m coming!” Blasting back at her, then turning back to him. “Sorry, I promised them a girls’ day.”

  “It’s okay. We can talk tomorrow. The party is still some weeks away. A lot can change by then.” His devilish grin distracted and attracted me as he plucked an apple off the table, took a bite, and headed down the stairs.

  “Nice to see you, Tommy.” Both ladies said simultaneously and watched him leave as we carried the boards over our heads, and in single file patted down the stairs to the alleyway between my house and Tommy’s, and onto the sand-filled path to the crowded shoreline.

  Standing before the raging ocean, whose tide was influenced by the storm that passed the night Tommy and I had dinner and the storm predicted for this weekend. Today it presented a rougher surf than normal. Perfect for us ladies and several of the local surfers already out on the waves carving out their rides.


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