Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1) Page 18

by Cleo Scornavacca

  With our boards tucked under our respective arms, we moved forward shoulder to shoulder simply and simultaneously. We stopped. Looking to the left, then to the right, then at each other, then back to her…our magnificent lady…the Atlantic…We silently made our move.

  After several duck-dives, we made it into the lineup. The current momentarily stilled, so we waited, with Blaze acting her usual impatient and chatty self. Since we were kids, Blaze hated this part of surfing. Then again, she despised anything or anyone who made her wait. Her solution was to distract Kim and me with chatter.

  “I never understood your logic, Blaze.”

  “With what?”

  “With this?” I asked. My extended arms presenting her with an unforgettable view of the shore before us…blues skies, a northeast wind, children building sandcastles, surfers nearby waiting as we are for the next best wave, the strength of the sun burning overhead as streaks of light from its center flashed between the houses barricading the beach from the rest of the town.

  Blaze responded with a “Huh?”

  “What Jade means is that you constantly pay attention to everything, except what’s surrounding us .”

  Blaze practically turned her head completely around to see what she had missed.

  “Blaze…the waves, the waves!” Kim quipped.

  “That is not true! It’s just that we have the time, so why not talk about Jade’s new neighbor. Who right now, I might add, is watching you from his deck. I’m telling you, Jade, he’s got it bad for you.”

  Before I could respond…it was time.

  Kim was up first, then Blaze, then me.

  This was it. This was what you paddled your ass off for… What we wanted and remained still for as we floated…waiting to connect. To glide on its liquid surface. To magically fly free across nature’s massive ever-churning machine …to fight against it, to work with it…to honor it… never wanting the ride to end.

  And when it did…

  We paddled right back out beyond the break, again and again,…holding onto the rush of adrenaline coursing through our veins, pumping our blood…heightening our senses.

  And then again…back into the lineup…we waited.

  Blaze was silent; we all were this time. Reveling in the experience, until an aggressive surfer came into the fold. Stupidity and the sea didn't mix. Several of the locals who I recognized from surfing with Jimmy noticed his antics and quickly intervened. Yet, this jerk wouldn't listen.

  My eyes caught the attention of my friends as we nodded in agreement that we would make this our final ride of the day. Our time cut short due to a rude and unsafe intrusion.

  It was time…but not only for catching a great wave. Before I knew it, my body was being slammed by one much larger than mine and the board attached to it. The impact sent me reeling, the current sucking me into and under the surf. My arms and legs flailing through the cyclone of water toward inevitable impact.

  Then the cycle stopped and a different one began.

  Crushing pain took over as the left side of my face throbbed after hitting bottom and being bounced off the ocean’s floor. As if in slow motion, I was naturally being raised amidst the bubbles and stirred up sand to the water’s surface, where complete nothingness turned into shrills from Blaze screaming my name, while Kim, along with the other surfers nearby, fervently barked out commands to get me to shore.

  A chill spread over my exposed skin as I was lifted out of the water and placed on the sun-heated beach. As my rescuer released me, a hint of a tender kiss was placed at my temple.


  My insides jumbled just moments ago, sunk down deeper within my core and settled with my rubbery limbs into the warm familiar softness of the sand.

  I could make out a mixture of voices…questions, concerns, arguments, and especially my name being called…


  “Jade, wake up…”

  “Jade…can you hear me? It’s me Blaze!”





  “Blaze! Calm down! You're not doing her or the professionals tending to her any good.” I shook her shoulders before her panic worsened the situation for Jade.

  “Let her be and let the paramedics do their job, sweetie.” Kim agreed.

  Not long before I carried Jade’s listless body to shore, I was on my deck contemplating if I should join her and her friends in the water. It wasn't like the surf was off limits just because Jade was out there. I walked toward the shoreline with my board in hand, but as I watched the situation on the water unravel, I could see there was some guy on a longboard to Jade’s left who clearly didn't know a thing about surfing. It was surprising by his actions now that he was able to balance or paddle his way out as far as he did.

  As the waves surged, Jade, her friends, and the other surfers around her paddled forward and popped up, but this guy stayed in a kneeling position. White knuckling his board, he was terrified to move and as such, was slammed in the precise place propelling him and the board into Jade’s side…snapping back her head, then her body, while kicking her completely off balance and sending her under the whitewash. I scrambled…ripping off my leash, I abandoned my board behind me. Panic consumed me as I headed in for her. Jade’s board rocketed out of the water, spun in the air, and returned from where it came, eventually floating on the surface without its rider.

  My world stopped. I could no longer hear the screams from Blaze, the siren coming from beach patrol, or the onlooker’s gasps. Nor could I hear the water from the Atlantic Ocean that stole Jade away in its ever-swirling wall of saltwater. Whatever I was feeling, all the questions I had, didn’t matter now. What mattered was getting Jade out of a dangerous situation, and what we’d talked about, what we couldn't come together on, and all the rest could be sorted out later or never, as long as she was safe.

  Stomping ahead of the rescuers through the shallow surf to scoop her up even with the waves crashing at my back as I hurried her in, I knew I couldn't falter. Jade consumed too much water and met with one hard blow too many. I wouldn't allow the ocean to rush my body and overtake me while I was carrying her. Once on the beach, I laid her down, so that the lifeguards and EMS workers could examine her.

  Although the water wasn’t as deep out where I lifted Jade from further harm, and clearly wasn’t as deep as other locations I’ve surfed, I was reprimanded by the lifeguard on duty for getting involved, more like getting in the way. I wasn’t insulted or even angry; I knew it wasn’t the job of bystanders, no matter how experienced, to jump in. Yet many of us did. I’ve seen it before and it’s saved many a life, but I knew going in, it could also be a distraction for the actual lifeguards who do this for a living…even so, my concern for Jade out measured my concern for my own safety at this point. I apologized to the officer and returned my attention to Jade, who appeared to be coming out of it slowly.

  “Jade! Honey, please, please say you're okay,” Blaze rambled and cried.

  “Miss, you need to give her some space, or I’ll have to remove you.” One officer addressed Blaze for her manic hovering over her friend.

  His command stopped all that, as she turned to address him.

  “Remove me! Me…me? I’ll have you know she’s my best friend. Instead of badgering me, why don’t you stop wasting time and arrest that fool for hurting her!” Blaze pointed in the direction of the water where a weathered, but no worse for wear surfer sulked onto the beach.

  The crowd of onlookers that weren't tending to Jade, followed Blaze’s extended arm and index finger to the wannabe surfer who’d hit Jade.

  “That’s right…arrest him! He was the one screwing around out there. You can ask any one of the boys. They warned him, but no, he had to be an asshole! Now, look what he’s done… because he had to show-off!” Blaze stormed forward to confront him, but Kim held her back.

  “Not now…Jade needs us. The beach patrol will take care of him.”

ze…water soaked, weary, and with bloodshot eyes stared at Kim. There were unspoken words only they could hear—a silent meaning only the two of them understood. Each snapped a quick nod of agreement and went back to their friend, who was now leaning up on her elbows taking a sip of cool water from a bottle being held by one of the emergency workers.

  Blaze and Kim dropped to their knees to check on Jade as I stood behind them. Blood was trailing down the left side of her face along her hairline. I swiped a clean cloth from an EMS bag nearby and placed it at her temple.

  “Man, listen…you have to step back so we can examine her now that she’s alert.” One of the lifeguards addressed my gesture.

  “I understand,” I did but was reluctant to leave Jade, even if that meant I was only a few feet from her. The decision to listen was hard, but thankfully and surprisingly it was no longer my decision to make.

  “It’s okay. I want him to stay.” In her weakened tone and with a tired smile, Jade stopped me from moving by placing her hand over my hand holding the cloth.

  “Are you sure, miss?”

  “Positive, I’m fine. I just had the wind knocked out of me, that’s all,” she explained, as she extended her hand for me to take and help her up.

  Jade leaned into my shoulder as my arm came around hers to brace her, while still putting pressure on her head wound with my other hand.

  “Miss, the ambulance will be here shortly to get you to…” Jade stopped him.

  “No hospital!” She was adamant.

  “Jade, sweetie, it’s important that they check you out,” Kim pushed, yet comforted Jade at the same time.

  “You need to be checked out.” Blaze pressed.

  “I said no, I’m fine.”

  “No, you obviously have some damage in that thick skull of yours if you think we’re just going to stand here and have something happen to you later.” Blaze insensitively said, but for good reason.

  Jade was hit by a man twice her size, holding a surfboard while being moved by rushing water. She needed to be checked out.

  “Baby, listen to me,” I said, softly patting the side of her head with the cloth while searching her face. Examining her as if I could read into her thoughts, I cautiously broached the subject of having her checked out, but she stopped me, as well.

  “Don’t you start in on me too! I’m fine. I’m not going to say it again.” Her chin lowered, her eyes hooded, so as not to expose the pools of water fighting to remain unseen.

  I pulled her into my chest to keep her and her secret pain safe with me…let me take it from her and physically absorb it. A pain that wasn’t caused by today, a pain not brought about by the clown on a surfboard. No, a pain that ran deeper than Jade’s superficial wounds from the mishap on the water. This pain came from a memory. Today’s incident was a reminder of her past. Today, reinforced Jade’s ever-present gut-wrenching hurt for Jimmy. Her brother’s death was something she couldn't come to terms with. The accident proved that. Yet, I felt the need to try and persuade her to go, and that I would come with her.

  “Jade, please listen to me. I’m not telling you what to do, but you sustained a blow to the head. You need to get checked out. Please.” One of the lifeguards stepped in, who appeared to know Jade. Not that it was odd for them to know each other. Jade lived on the island year-round for most of her life and Jimmy, her brother, seemed to be a legend to the local surf crowd.

  Her chest fell, as her eyes closed. It appeared he won this fight. “Okay, I’ll go … on one condition.” Even with the seriousness of the situation, that pout on her face was priceless and amusing.

  “What's that?”

  “No ambulance.”

  “But Jade…” Blaze intruded, only to add to Jade’s apprehension.

  “I’m tired, and I’m definitely not in the mood to argue with you, but I will if you nag me about this.”

  “I’d be happy to take you over to there so you can get checked out,” Kim added, but I wish she hadn’t.

  I didn't want Jade to forgo treatment, but my gut instincts told me Jade’s emotions were more in need of repair than her physical cuts and bruises. I could be all wrong with this, but I felt she might open up to me more than her friends. I may have been imaging it, but in the short time I’d been here and got to see Jade with the people close to her, I barely saw her discuss or speak of Jimmy at length around them, other than that night we had dinner at Viv’s and Jade explained some of it to me when she stopped by afterward.

  Again, a gut instinct told me she was holding back. It was as if she wanted to scream, but couldn’t. As if she wanted to let go, and let it all out, but wouldn’t. Perhaps I was giving myself too much credit in thinking I could coax the hurt out of her and help her put it in the past or at least in a place she felt more comfortable…more at peace.

  “Kim, thank you. I’d liked to go home first. I really need a shower, and I’d like to change before I spend the rest of the day and possibly the night in an emergency room.”

  “You can’t be serious?” Was all Blaze said, and that was all it took for Jade to leave my arms to confront her friend.

  The two women faced off, but Jade wrapped her arms around Blaze and kissed her cheek.

  “I love you, Blaze, and yes, I’m serious. I don’t feel sick or dizzy or anything out of the ordinary, so I’d like to shower and change first. I promise I’ll let you and Kim take me after that.”

  The lifeguard who knew Jade interceded.

  “Jade sweetie, please listen to me. I’ve seen this before. You'll feel fine. On top of the world even, but when the adrenaline swirling around inside of you crashes, it’s not going to be good. I want you to go to the hospital, and if you don't want the ambulance, so be it. The boys and I will take you.”

  She looked everywhere around her to find the answer that would help her to decide what to do. She wanted to avoid that hospital at all costs, but what her lifeguard friend said next made all the difference in the world.

  “Jade, please do as I ask. What kind of friend would I be to you or Jimmy, for that matter, if I didn't keep my promise?”

  “What promise?” Exhaustion and annoyance echoed through Jade’s tone.

  The guard paused as if he realized he was leading into shaky territory with Jade. “Jimmy asked me to always look out for you when he wasn't around. So let me ask you again, what kind of friend would I be to Jimmy if I broke a promise to him now? Not a very good one. Now, what do you say? Will you let me take you?”

  Answering his own question, he asked Jade again, but this time she looked to me.

  “I think you should do what he says and if you’d like, I can take you.”

  Jade then took my hand as she guided me out of hearing distance of her friends.

  “I want to thank you for what you did, but I don't want to impose on you any further.” Her voice a weakened whisper, as her focus went from our entwined fingers to my eyes and straight through to my heart.

  I shook my head as I answered her. “No thanks necessary. For your information, you're not imposing at all, I’m just glad you're doing okay.”

  “Thanks to you.” Her shyness and slight amusement in her smile confirmed she was going to be fine.

  Less than panicked, but deeply concerned, I asked Jade if she wasn't telling me something. Now probably wasn’t the right time to pry it out of her, but it didn't appear she made up her mind yet, for the mode of transportation she would be using.

  “If you don’t have a family doctor, I have a friend on the island who’s a doctor. I can ask him to meet us at the hospital if you'd like?” Thinking my proposal would make her decision easier. It did, but it didn't go as I had planned.

  “Thank you. That’s okay, I have a family doctor who could see me, but I hate to admit it, Blaze is right, I need to go now and get checked out. My brother’s friends will take me. I’ve taken advantage of your good nature…far too much.”

  “It’s only an imposition if the person you’re asking doesn't want to do it.
I offered, and I’m happy to help.”

  The smile she gave me, as she let her fingertips touch my shoulder was the nicest brush off a guy could ask for.

  “Thank you, but maybe it’s best I go with them. If it’s true that I’m not imposing as you say, could I ask you to let Viv know what happened if she should call? I know how hospital emergency rooms can be, and I’m pretty sure they are going to make me get a scan or some sort of X-ray. I don’t want to miss her call and I certainly don't want Blaze or Kim explaining this to her, so if I leave you my cell phone would you handle it for me?”

  I said yes for two reasons. One, because Jade was right. Cooler heads needed to prevail and although Kim was fine, Blaze wasn’t, and I knew Kim would have her hands full with Blaze while they waited for Jade at the ER.

  And two, because having her phone would allow me to see her when she returned. These feelings whirling inside of me for Jade were understandable given her personality and the many things we had in common, but more than just attraction at first sight and my need to be with her since that time was hard for me to comprehend.

  “Sure, I’d be happy to help.”

  “Great, I’ll text you from Blaze’s phone or Kim’s with updates.”

  “Okay, and I’ll text Blaze should Viv call. I assume her phone number is on your list.”

  “Sounds good.” She nodded and walked away, but turned back briefly when I remembered something and called out to her.

  “Wait! What’s your password to get into the phone?”

  She laughed, which was an odd reaction to me until she told me the word.

  “It’s wipeout,” She laughed some more as she joined her friends and disappear over the dunes that lead to the street.

  I chuckled as the irony wasn’t lost on me.

  Back at the beach house and not even two minutes after Jade left for the hospital I was checking the phone for…a text, a call, an update. Being patient didn't seem to be my strong suit when it came to her. From the moment we danced that first night, I felt drawn to her. Yet, I couldn't have predicted that the beautiful body wrapped around me on that dance floor would be the same body to show up barely dressed, livid, and yelling on my doorstep the next morning…or be the same woman connected to my beach house’s past.


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