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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

Page 28

by Cleo Scornavacca

“At least you admit it.”

  “You wanted to save him.”

  “Come again?”

  “You couldn’t save Jimmy, so with Tommy having similar attributes you decided this was your chance to save him.”

  “You’re delusional.” I turned to walk away.

  “Am I, Jade? He betrayed his brother. He left his business for his partner to run. A simple phone call to his office in New York and in speaking with her told me more than I could have possibly imagined. Did you know he put a book contract on hold to run off and find himself?Miss Medici, his business partner, never said those words exactly, but it was too easy to put two and two together when she told me he was traveling on sabbatical, and yet he was actually here rebuilding an old beach house.”

  Listening to all of this with my back towards him, my tears rolling down my face, I realized I was the delusional one.

  Perhaps, Reece of all people was right. Maybe I did want to save Tommy. I knew about his timeline, about his plan. Maybe I subconsciously felt if he didn't reach that goal and find what he was looking for, he would meet the same end as Jimmy had. No, I loved him, I wasn't delusional about that. My reactions when he touched me, his smile, his laughter…his kiss, our connection when he was inside my body. The feeling I had the night on the dance floor before I even knew who Tommy was, I was happy. That wasn’t fabricated from loss or sorrow…that was all Tommy.

  I turned back to set him straight when his phone rang.

  “I see. We’re on our way.” He placed the phone in his pocket and addressed me. “It’s Viv…she collapsed.”

  We didn’t speak, we didn't argue. We ran for Reece’s car, where his driver was waiting to take us to Viv. Even with the car not stopping, I jumped out and ran for her stairs. Once I reached the deck, I was confronted with EMS workers and our friends.

  “What happened?” I pressed, sitting down on the ground near the chair my aunt was being examined in.

  “We found her here on the deck. It appears as if she fainted, so we called 911.” Daniel explained,

  “And I called Reece,” Blaze added.

  “Everyone settle down. I’m fine.”

  “Viv…” It was all I could muster, taking her hand. Looking into her eyes for an answer.

  “I’m just dehydrated, that’s all.” Touching my face, Aunt Viv gave me a soft and confident smile.

  “Is she dehydrated?” Desperately trying to confirm this with the closet EMS worker.

  “Yeah, from what she explained to us, she is. Now, Ms. Marshall, we’re going to give you some IV fluids in the ambulance, and we’d like to take you to the hospital to be checked out.”

  “You’ll do nothing of the sort. I’m happy to take the fluids, but I’m not going to the hospital. I’ll call my doctor and let him know what occurred.”

  “This is not optimal. You've lived here forever, and you know how brutal the sun can be.”

  “I’m not that old, young man, but yes, I do know, and that is why I’m staying put.”

  Viv was every bit her feisty self. I knew she wouldn’t budge, and I knew she was more than likely fine, but that statement about a doctor; I didn't know Viv had a doctor. She’s never mentioned one. She hates going to the doctor. I wondered what it was all about. It scared me.

  Once the EMS tended to Viv and finally left, I took Viv inside and the others followed.

  “Tell me why you're seeing a doctor.”

  “It’s nothing to concern yourself with, Jade. Tell me what happened between you and Tommy?”

  “I am concerned, and how do you know something happened?”

  “Because I was at his door dropping something off when he barreled around the corner from the stairs nearly knocking me off my feet.”

  “We had a fight, not really a fight, but…”

  “You broke it off?”


  “I see.” She took a deep, agitated breath in and let that same breath out.

  “Jade, I’m going to tell you something that I’ve been keeping from you and I don't want you to be angry.”

  “What is it?” If I thought the night couldn’t get any worse, it did.

  “I’ve been dealing with some heart issues for the last few months, nothing major, part of age, but something that needs to be addressed; that’s why I’ve been going to Philly so frequently.”

  My mouth opened, my tears falling, “Why, Viv? Why didn’t you say anything?” She didn't get her chance to answer, Reece did.

  “Because this is what I was telling you earlier, Jade. Everyone in this room with the exception of Daniel has done nothing except protect you since Jimmy passed away.”

  “Don’t you mean committed suicide? Can’t you say it, Reece?”

  “Touché, my sweet girl, touché.”

  “I didn't tell you, because you had been and are currently struggling with enough.” Viv finally answered. “You were renovating the shoppe and you were questioning whether to begin a relationship with Tommy or not. How could I possibly throw one more thing at you?”

  “By just doing it, Viv, just throw it at me, and I’ll catch it and fix it, or do something, but to keep me in the dark to protect me, from what? Myself? Viv, I’m far too old for that kind of protection. Please don’t keep things from me, please.” Viv looked to the crowd behind me and not directly in my eyes. That meant there was more, just how much more remained to be seen.

  I turned in the direction Viv was looking, in the direction of more guilty faces.

  “Oh God, what the hell is going on?”

  “Jade, Tommy owns the house.”


  “He bought it in February and moved down the beginning of the week you met him.”

  “Holy shit! He lied about that too?”

  “He had no other choice. I asked him to keep the sale under wraps until after I spoke with you about it. We didn't know how you would feel about the house being sold, so I made up ‘the rent with the option to buy’ story.”

  “Okay, but the realtor who had listed the house would have told me someone was inquiring about it. She never called me, not even to say that someone else made the sale. I mean…unless… Don’t tell me you helped Viv and my parents sell the house?” I directed my question at the only one with the license to do so.

  “Okay, I won’t tell you.” Blaze indirectly admitted her guilt and her role in all of this.

  “I asked Blaze to help. You see, Tommy found out about the house from Daniel’s parents, Anna and Joseph. Only they weren't told that he purchased it. He asked that I not say anything about where he was, or about the sale of the house should they or anyone else other than Daniel inquire, so in turn I took the opportunity to ask him not to admit that he bought the place until I had a chance to talk with you, and he agreed to help.”

  I walked over to the fireplace where Viv displayed pictures of Jimmy and me growing up, to gain some composure. There we stood, the two of us…the laughter, the sunshine, the surf.

  “It’s strange how almost yesterday now feels like a lifetime ago.” Gripping the mantle to steady myself, not facing the intimate crowd in the room, my mind tried to absorb what was revealed to me.

  “If it would be okay, I’d like to speak with Jade privately?” Everyone nodded and preceded to say goodbye, all except for Daniel.

  “Jade, if it’s all right with you I’d like to wait at Tommy’s until my ride arrives.”

  “Sure. Stay as long as you like. I’ll help you get over there and then Viv, I’ll come back so we can talk.”

  “That won't be necessary. Daniel, I would actually like you to stay while I talk to my niece.”

  I nodded to let him know it was fine. Daniel rolled forward in his chair, as I pulled an ottoman up closer to Viv. Without a word, she handed me an envelope with my name written on it. The handwriting was unmistakable. It was Jimmy’s.

  “I don't get it. You're giving me a letter from Jimmy now?” My voice crumbled.

  “I didn't know about the lett
er either. Tommy handed it to me tonight.”

  “Tommy? Where did he get it?” Daniel asked while I sat here stunned.

  “Tommy had gone upstairs to pack.”

  “Pack?” My voice escalated.

  “Yes, pack…did you think he would stay in the beach house tonight consumed by all of the memories around him, Jade?” Viv’s unsympathetic tone questioned.

  “Well, I didn't think he would run away.”

  “You mean again?”

  “What?” Viv looked to Daniel, whose disheartened expression told me there was more to Tommy buying the house than starting over.

  “What was Tommy running from?”

  “Himself,” Daniel said.

  “I don't get it.”

  “Tommy was running away from the mundane, from the reminders of how time was passing him by and he felt he had nothing to show for it, nothing that meant anything in life.”

  “Tommy is a successful photographer. Why would he feel like that?”

  “It wasn't the photography, Jade. It was his life in general. He wasn’t where he wanted to be, so he moved here to make it better.”

  My head shook in unison with my body. “And now he’s gone. Daniel, I didn't mean to hurt Tommy. It’s just…forget it.”

  “It’s getting late and although I feel much better, I’m not up for walking Lucky this evening. Can you take her?”

  “He didn't take Lucky?” Questioning why, yet feeling a bit excited that I’d have the chance to see him again.

  “No, he asked me if I could watch her for a few days until he could make arrangements to pick her up. He didn't have anywhere to take her tonight, and as I said, he couldn’t stay in the house. I will tell you he was heartbroken to leave her.”

  I kissed Viv and made sure she was okay. Daniel said he would stay with her while he waited for his ride. I told her that after I took Lucky for her walk, we would both come back and stay with her for the night.


  JADE AND THE beach house were literally twenty minutes south on LBI from Dominick and Rain’s shore estate in the town of Loveladies. Having to pass the Montgomery compound to get to Rain left a boiling pit of anger in my stomach. Yet, once I reached her driveway adorned with wild roses of every variety, my heart returned to my childhood in Capri…my heart returned to Rain.

  The crackling swoosh of the sandstone pebbles that blanketed the drive alerted my friend to my entrance. It was late, seeing the massive two-story, shingle style estate lit from every room baked its warmth into my tired body. I sat there, enjoyed it, soaked in the quiet until Rain opened the door, leaned into the frame, arms crossed; her body tanned, her hair loose and flowing…her smile, yeah, her smile.

  “Well, don't just sit there and admire the view, Tommy. Get over here.”

  Rain ran the steps, as I stretched out of the car bracing myself for her loving welcome. Into my arms, she jumped. It was good to be back with her.

  “Oh, Tommy, I missed you so, so much.” Snug and muffled, Rain held on hard.

  “Baby, I missed you more.”

  “Liar,” she stated with a crooked smile.

  “Hey, what you mean liar?”

  “Give me a break, Tommy, this is me you're talking to, and I repeat this has a woman written all over it.”

  My head shaking eye roll was my only response.

  “Okay, tell me I’m wrong?” She said, waiting for my rebuttal with crossed arms and a saucy shoulder shake.

  “You’re not wrong, Rain.” It hurt to whisper it.

  “All joking aside, let’s go in the house. I want to hear all of it,” Taking my hand and pulling me toward the house, I barely had time to grab my bag from the backseat, as she yanked me onto the porch, to a familiar annoying grimace I knew so well…Kane.



  “Trouble in paradise?”

  “Mr. Kane, we had a discussion mere moments ago. Would you like me to repeat myself? It appears you've forgotten my warning.” Rain kissed her menace, I mean the father of her children, teasingly cautioning his behavior.

  “No, angel, I didn't forget. Yet, I humbly stand corrected.”

  “Good…” She continued to pull me inside and then swiftly turned to block Kane and me from entering, as she swung around and slammed her hands on each side of the doorjamb.

  “Let me make myself very clear. I love you and I love you. Now, that being noted and received, I expect both of you to cool it, because I have two impressionable babies in this house that will learn from your antics and I don't want them near any part of it. So, let’s leave the bullshit at the door…hmm?” We both nodded and grinned.

  Rain was feisty as always.

  Once inside, we went directly to the kitchen. Growing up, Rain and I always sat at the island in the kitchen in Capri. It seemed so long ago—our talks there.

  “Coffee?” She asked.

  “Stronger?” Dominick interrupted, holding up brandy and two snifters.

  “No offense, baby, but I like what Kane’s pushing.”

  “Suit yourself. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night and coffee will keep up the momentum.”

  “I can do both.”

  “Do you love her?” Rain, bluntly sympathetic, wanted more than yes or no. She wanted, no, she deserved an explanation after I lied to her in reference to my whereabouts the last few months. Her husband grinned proudly at his wife’s directness.

  “Yeah, I love her, but…”

  Rain’s inquisition would begin with numerous interruptions. “But what…why is there always a ‘but’ with you men?”

  “Angel, to be fair you haven’t let him finish.” Rain’s husband established.

  “Or start, if you want to get technical about it,” And I added.

  “Finished? Started? You didn't even tell me you were doing any of this shit, and both of you are griping about me asking a few questions? That’s rich…before we go any further, why don’t you explain to me why you never said a word about what you were up to all of these months? Better yet, explain why you kept me in the dark…me, your best friend of all people?”

  Dominick and I looked at each other with raised brows, pursed lips, while deeply exhaling, because it was easy to see this talk was not going to go as originally planned.

  “I’m waiting,” Rain demanded with arms crossed and foot tapping. It made me regret calling her.

  Dominick wasn't about to be trapped with me in this mess, so he did the only thing a husband who wanted to remain in his wife’s good graces could do…he bailed.

  “I’ll leave you to this. I need to get Daniel.” He said, kissing her goodbye before heading out to get his brother.

  I stopped him to ask both he and Rain a favor.

  “I’m not sure if this would be a good time to ask, but I had to leave my dog Lucky at the house. Viv said she would watch her, but it’s not sitting right with me. When you pick up Daniel, can she come with you?”

  They looked at each other and then to me, “Sure, Conte, I’ll get her. Is she friendly?”

  “Very, and she loves other dogs, so I don't think there will be a concern if she’s around Max.” Max was Rain and Dominick’s lab. Lucky was largely dog-friendly, so this arrangement was going to work out fine, what a relief. It was probably going to fair better for Lucky than for me. If Rain even lets me stay at this point.

  “Now, my babies are asleep, and my Mr. Kane is on his way get his brother and your dog, so tell me, what’s been going on?”

  “I’ll give you the shortened version and add the details in if you feel you're missing something.”

  “Go on.”

  “I wasn't surfing the globe this whole time.”

  “No shit.” Rain’s response bit through me.

  “I deserved that.”

  “What did you expect? Why lie? There wasn't any reason to hide this from me.”

  “Are you joking? You are always trying to fix things, especially things that are not your job
to fix. That’s why I hid this from you. That and the fact that I needed this time to think.”

  “Yet, in this time you met someone?”

  “Yeah, but as of tonight, no matter what went on between us, it’s over.”

  “Wow…giving up that easily, huh?”

  “I didn’t give up on her. She gave up on me.”


  “Jade found out about Mike and Raven.”

  “I see.”

  “Yeah, she was cheated on by her fiancé, Damien Montgomery.”

  “Reece Montgomery’s son?”


  “I see.”

  “Why do you keep saying, ‘I see’?”

  “Now that you’ve mentioned the key players in all of this, it explains the phone calls.”

  “What phone calls?”

  “Reece Montgomery called a few times inquiring about hiring us again, but was specifically interested in having you do the work.”

  “I see.” I stated, which won me a whimsically annoyed look for my ‘I see.’

  “Listen, to me. I love you very, very much and you can stay here for as long as you like. You know we have to head back to Italy at the end of the week, so the house is yours and Lucky’s to do with as you like, but, and yes, there is a but, you have to try to work this out with…?”


  “Okay, you have to try to work this out with Jade. You can’t fall in love this quickly and in this short a time and expect it to be rosy and easy for you. You are only just starting to date, but if you are already in love with her then your emotions are in high gear and I would suspect so are hers.”

  “I appreciate that. I think I’m going to take you up on this. Listen, Rain, I don't want to be far from her, but I can't go back to the beach house right now and work on it with her when she is in the state she's in. There won't be anything left between us if I press the issue. At least I can monitor things without her knowing if I stay here.”

  “You love her very much. I can see that,” she said as her tears formed.

  “I told you I did. More than I thought I could have loved another person.” I admitted.

  “It’s not over, trust me. You’ll get her back, but be careful with monitoring her even from afar. Take it from me, she won't be too thrilled if she finds out.” Rain’s resolve was stern. I wish I had the confidence she did with this, but I wasn't seeing it. I wished, I hoped, but my faith eroded with each passing minute.


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