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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

Page 30

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Sure, anything to help get the two of you back together.” Daniel gave me Tommy’s address in New York. I needed to catch up with him there and let him know how I was feeling.

  I told Aunt Viv, and she wholeheartedly agreed with my decision to find Tommy and bring him back home. She inquired about the letter from Jimmy, but I told her I hadn’t read it yet and that I wanted Tommy with me when I did. The words came out of my mouth and guilt hit my heart, but Viv was dealing with heart issues. No matter how small, I couldn’t tell her about Jimmy’s true death. I lied, and if it meant protecting Viv as she had done for me much of my life, then so be it. She didn’t need to be devastated, again. She needed to remember her nephew in her own way.

  When I hit the city, I found Tommy’s brownstone but surveying the street, I didn't see Tommy’s car. I rang the bell…no answer. He was probably watching me from one of the windows and decided to ignore me. He had to know it was me when he looked out if he was home. I drove a vintage 181, not many people have them anymore.

  I tried the bell, again, to no avail and then I hit the knocker. The door opened.

  Perhaps Daniel was wrong and the house was vacated.

  I stepped inside to see. The foyer was a dark wash of grey, with ornate black molding starting at the large planked, light grey wood floor, rising to the ceiling. In the center was a round jet black, French provincial table. The vase it held displayed an arrangement of autumn’s brilliant color palette of roses and dark cut greens. Beyond the table toward the back of the room were two doors and a massive staircase leading to the upper floors.

  To the left of the foyer was a rounded doorway revealing a long living room with a fireplace. The floors, the walls, and the molding matched the entrance. Yet, glints of the morning sun filtered through the floor to ceiling windows in the room from the front of the house. A substantial, black chenille sectional, like the one at the beach house, took up much of the floor space in the room. The centerpiece, the talking point, though, was the wall over the sectional. It held a massive mural displaying a lone surfer riding the perfect wave on a perfect day…the curl of the water, the shards of sunlight hitting all the right spots.


  I surmised from the lack of noise, the door was left unlocked.

  Why should I be surprised? I was delusional to think I would find him here. That it would be so easy.

  I wandered around the room of the old brownstone that Tommy called home, looking one last time at the walls, the ceiling, the floor…searching for an answer to whisper back at me.

  One that never came…until his fingertips pinched my elbow.

  My heart jumped, but when I spun around to face him, the beats stopped. It wasn't Tommy, but someone who resembled him.

  “Not so fast…it’s not every day a beautiful woman walks into my house unannounced and then silently proceeds to walk out without so much as an introduction or a hello, at the very least.”

  “Hello,” was all I could muster, as disappointment flooded my insides, drowning my very existence. I wanted to go.

  “And you are?” A friendly smile formed his expression, but his question to know me was dead serious.

  “I’m Jade Stanton. I’m looking for Tommy.”

  “I see. I’m Michael Conte, Tommy’s brother. So…Jade Stanton, are you here because my brother broke your heart?”

  “No…I’m here because I broke his.”

  An almost pleased, yet humorous smile developed on Michael’s face. It said everything, then something, then nothing at all. I didn't have time for games, I needed to find Tommy.

  “Do you know where I can find him?” I pressed with a small amount of annoyance coming through.

  “Tommy was here, but he left. He only stopped by to sign over the papers on this place. He had a hard time renting it and being I was staying here, and heard through the grapevine—our parents—he was selling it, I stepped in to purchased it myself.”

  “Why didn't you know it was up for sale? I mean you are his brother.”

  “Now, Miss Stanton, if you were so intimate with my brother then you already know why.”

  “I guess you're right. I’m sorry I took up any of your time. Should you see Tommy, can you have him call me, please?” I didn't wait for an answer as I turned and walked to the door.

  Michael followed. “Ah…unfinished business, Miss Stanton?” He asked.

  “Much more than that…please?”

  “Please don’t leave. Let’s talk.” Touching my elbow once more, his voice somber, Michael guided me back through the living room and then to the kitchen, where he poured each of us a cup of coffee.

  “You obviously know about the discord between my brother and me, which leaves me at a disadvantage.”

  “A disadvantage?”

  “Yes, how did you break my brother’s heart?”

  “Tommy moved to LBI and bought a beach house that my family owned. It had fallen into disrepair after my brother past away three years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.” His sincerity was real, not for the sake of good manners.

  “Thank you. Anyway, I wasn't looking for a relationship. Actually, the opposite was true, but then…”

  “You cared for my brother.”

  “No, I fell in love with him, almost immediately.”

  “Then how did you break his heart?”

  “I found out about…” Embarrassed to admit my full knowledge of his personal feud with Tommy, I stopped.

  “So, you do know everything?”

  “Yes, and the one thing I asked of Tommy, from the beginning, was to always tell me the truth. Although he said you and he weren't on speaking terms, I found out why, later.”

  “Later, as in after you two had gotten more involved?”


  “I understand.” He shook his head and sighed.

  “To make a long story short, the last time we were together was a shit show and none of it was Tommy’s fault.”

  “So you want to apologize to him?”

  “Yes and no, I want…” I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to explain this to Michael without having to go into great detail about Jimmy’s letter and everything else that went on this summer.

  “Michael, I’m sorry. I can’t get into this. I just need to find him. Please…”

  “I’m not my brother’s keeper, and as you are fully aware we aren't as close as we were before. We are working on it, but I’m not sure where he was going from here. If I had my guess, I’d say he would be heading back down the shore to the beach house.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Well, for one thing, he had his dog with him and for another, he didn't ask to crash here. My brother has a good head on his shoulders, for the most part, I’m sure he’s not going to sleep with his dog in the car just to prove a point. He’s stubborn yes, but pig-headed, no.” He smiled.

  Relief for the first time since watching Tommy walk away flooded my body. I thanked Michael for the coffee and hurried to leave, as a renewed sense of excitement flooded my body.

  Walking to the door, I turned back to Michael.

  “Thank you, I know you don't know me at all and my advice I’m sure will be somewhat strange, but please, if there is any way you and Tommy could work things out sooner rather than later, please, I hope you will do so.”

  “I know what you're trying to tell me, Jade.”

  “I’m trying to tell you— I can no longer fight with my brother or make up with him, even if I wanted to. You both have that ability. Do it now. Don't wait for tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Jade Stanton, perhaps we were meant to meet.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I hope my brother realizes what a very lucky guy he is.”

  I smiled, kissed Michael’s cheek, and left…not waiting for tomorrow to fix this. I was determined to find Tommy now.

  I headed home, sickened to not see Tommy’s car parked in his usual space. I went up to fill Viv in. Disapp
ointment showed on her face, but she tried to be practical and say that he needed time and he’d be back.

  I went home…I sat, I paced back and forth, on the deck, off the deck. Numerous times leaning over the railing, thinking I heard him. Yet, I never did. My hurt grew, nothing helped…tea, soothing music, a warm bath…nothing. My thoughts immediately returned to Tommy.

  I wanted him, I needed to be close to him. I wanted his strong body over mine. I did the only thing I could to get close to him without him being there, I went to the beach house. I did more than that. I placed myself in my favorite corner of his sectional…the place where Tommy washed my nightmares away. I wrapped the blanket around me, after I wrapped myself in one of his shirts…his scent lingering behind, giving me comfort. Comfort to drift off into my dreams.


  CLOSURE ON THE brownstone came from none other than my brother. Mike and I weren’t in a good place, but he called and asked if I was willing to sell the house to him. After several failed attempts to rent it through last winter, the house Rain and I shared, lay stagnant. Offers to buy were awful, bordering on the absurd. New York real estate wasn't booming on my street. Then Mike had called in mid-March to rent the place until he could find something he really wanted. It was a win-win.

  Surprisingly, I received a phone call from him the Friday before Reece’s party and didn't call him until I reached Rain’s house after my failed evening with Jade. I thought about moving back, but it would have only represented another failure. Selling to Mike, instead of asking him to move or worse move in with him when things were already tense between us, was the best alternative.

  I drove up early Sunday morning to discuss the buy. The conversation was less awkward than it could have been. Mike said he’d have the papers drafted during the week. Being a lawyer and being family meant no realtors or professionals had to be involved.

  “So, what have you been up to?” Mike hinted at the fact it took me no time to get to him when I was supposedly halfway around the world surfing the globe.

  “Nothing much really, surfing, traveling, just I like planned on doing.”

  “Right…don’t give me that bullshit, Tommy. How is it I called on Friday, you don’t get back to me until this morning, but easily arrived here three hours later?”

  “I was in LBI with Rain.”

  “This is about a woman, isn’t it?”

  “If you had asked me that a week ago the answer would have been yes, but not anymore.”

  “Listen, I know you and me have been at each other’s throats since that whole thing went down with…well you know, but if you need to get this thing you're carrying around off your chest, I’m willing to listen.” A concerned grimace appeared on his face.

  “Thanks, Mike, but I have to handle this one on my own.”

  We made small talk until there was nothing more to say and I left, confirming we would meet up next week.

  The airlifted as I stepped outside with Lucky. I decided, as long as I was up north, I’d head out to see my parents before heading back to NJ. My mom and dad were thrilled to see me after months away. Although my mom appeared to be more taken with Lucky than me. I explained to them that I sold the brownstone. Their expressions turned to disappointment until they realized I sold the place to Mike. For them, the relief came in knowing the building would stay in the family, and I’m sure it also came with Mike and I being able to talk long enough to make an important decision together and to be in the same room together without fighting.

  I explained the story of the beach house and, although they were hurt in my choice to keep everyone in the dark, they supported me and understood. I wanted to explain the situation with Jade, but my hurt was too new, so all I could do was explain that I met someone and had feelings for her, but we just weren't far enough into our relationship to say any more than that.

  On the drive home, I felt surprisingly light. I realized by pushing everyone away made for more added stress. Now, my whereabouts were out in the open, I cleared my mind, but only in part of my life. The part with Jade was cloudy and excruciating to think about. The closer my car traveled toward the exit, the closer I got to the shore, the faster my heart began to beat. I wanted to see her. Not just in passing from our decks, but I wanted her. I wanted to soothe her, heal her worry, I wanted my body inside her body. I want to love her, make love to her. I wanted to be consumed by her, as my mind was consumed by her now.

  Jade was something I never anticipated and now…

  It turned out finding her was easy, letting go of her…was more than I could handle.

  I pulled into my driveway, Jade’s car was in hers. Her house was dark; she must be asleep. I didn't care, I couldn't wait to speak with her until morning, so I knocked and knocked and knocked. It appeared her lack of response had given me no choice; tomorrow it would have to be.

  I was tense. Eager to speak with her and hopefully fix this mess between us. Unlocking the door to my home, struggling with the slider I had yet to repair, eased me. I was home and even with the non-completed projects and unfinished rooms, it finally felt like home. This place gave me the strength to keep trying. I wasn't about to give up on it or on Jade.

  Lucky didn't wait for me by the door to lock it like she normally would. She immediately went to her favorite area of the couch to lie down. It was no accident, she settled there to be close to one of her favorite people. There in the corner, Jade was fast asleep, curled up under the blanket I kept over the couch for chilly evenings such as tonight and wearing what looked like one of my shirts.

  Apprehensive to smile, fearing to hope, I moved closer to her. Softly, I dropped my keys on the coffee table, trying not to wake her. Lucky looked to her and to me, with a slow bounce of her tail touching Jade’s invisible legs. She continued to sleep. I continued to observe her, wondering what I would say when she realized I was home. Slinking onto the sofa, Lucky stood up, eventually settling back down on my lap, allowing me to sit nearer to Jade.

  Should I wake her? No, let her sleep. She’ll be awake soon enough.

  That’s what scared me.

  The more Lucky tried to make her body comfortable, the more her collar jingled with her identification tags, eventually waking my sleeping beauty. Her eyes opened, meeting mine in the darkness. Jade stilled in sleepy consciousness, her thoughts and vision waking slowly. Her senses finally catching up. Sitting up she addressed me.

  “Tommy…you’re home.” Relief came in her whisper and over my body, releasing it from its state of imprisoned tension.

  “Yes, baby, I’m home.”

  Then the unimaginable happened. Jade crawled out and over the blanket to me and Lucky, wrapping her arms around both of us; her lips caught mine unexpectedly. Her kiss stripped away the layers of hurt and doubt between us, replacing the worry and pain with tenderness, desire…love.

  My hands, not knowing where to go, barely skimmed her face, touching then pulling back, as if this kiss, as if Jade couldn't possibly be real. Finally, coming to rest on her shoulders, my thumbs caressed her collarbone. Jade initiated and continued the assault on my mouth, her actions grounding her, me… us. Lucky jumped away, allowing Jade to straddle me, settling on top, our unbroken connection strengthening her. Her hands holding my face, her mouth kissing, then stopping, then starting again. Her thoughts played out in each press of her lips. Her actions spoke volumes without delivering a sound.

  We stayed that way, lingering there until Jade, uncertain, backed up slowly to await my reaction.

  “Jade, what is all this? I thought I lost you.”

  “I was stupid. I let fear push you away. I’m so sorry.” Her cries built and then released. Her body collapsed in my arms.

  “Shhh…no, baby, no, don't you dare apologize. I’m the one who’s so sorry. I should have told you everything from the beginning. I was afraid of losing you, but I almost lost you because of my worry. I let my head get in the way, dreading what you would do, or how you would think of me. You trusted me, and I
trusted you. I should have had more faith than that. No, I do have more, I should have let that faith carry us. I shouldn’t have interfered with it, changed it, or tried to control it.”

  “It doesn’t matter. This matters. We matter. Our today, our tomorrows, our lasts…not our pasts.” She rocked forward, kissing me again.

  “Our lasts? What you do mean our lasts?” I didn't understand. Jade was talking about today, tomorrow…but our lasts? The sound was so final, the end. Had I misunderstood her words, her body? Inside, I was freaking out, but outside, I was holding on to her for dear life.

  Pulling back, again, Jade’s face flushed, her lips plumped, swollen from our kiss, her eyes sparkled like a beacon drawing me in, telling me what she was about to explain would make everything right.

  She left my lap to retrieve something beneath the blanket. It was the letter I’d given to Viv before I left the other night. Jade returned to me, the letter pressed to her heart; her eyes closed tight told me this was going to hurt.

  “Tommy, my brother explained a great deal in this letter. I won't say it didn’t hurt. It was as if he died again…this time it was more real than I could have imagined…more real than three years ago when we got the call.”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.”

  “No, please don't be. If you hadn’t bought the house, then perhaps I would have never gotten it.”

  “You know?”

  A light smile brightened her already beaming face. “Yes, I know. I know all the key players in your little real estate deal.” She joked.

  “I’m sorry about that. I wanted to tell you, but Viv asked me to wait. In fact, that was one of the things that I had wanted to talk with you about after Reece’s party. My plan was to leave the party early. I know we both agreed to go, but hell, if I was going to waste time somewhere I didn't want to be at his home and knew you didn't want to be either. I was going to take you out to Holgate, to night surf and then speak with you about Mike and me, and if you were still willing to listen, I was going to tell you about the house and give you something I had gotten made especially for you.”


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