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Page 18

by Leona Karr

  Samantha and James Hadley had begun their affair when he was a successful New York physician and came to the island for his summer vacations.

  “She was crazy about him but wouldn’t divorce Jonathan.” Mary sighed. “Samantha liked the Langdon money and prestige too much. Hadley would fly to Portland as often as possible, and they would rendezvous on the mainland.”

  “What about the night of the accident?”

  Mary nodded. Hadley been in the car with Samantha when it went off the road into the water. “The crash killed her, but he was uninjured. More than anything, he wanted to protect her good name. Somehow, he managed to get away from the scene before the crash was reported.”

  “Did he know Pamela was his child?”

  Mary dabbed at her eyes. “Yes. I guess he did a blood test or something. They kept it all secret. Samantha wanted Pamela to enjoy the Langdon money and prestige. Hadley did, too. He was crazy about Pamela. They became good friends as she was growing up and she was the reason he retired early and came back to the island to live when she was a young lady. When he saw she was into drugs and drinking, he almost had her convinced to give up that lifestyle.” Her mouth tightened. “That’s when Timothy Templeton came on the scene. The doctor blamed him for Pamela’s death. I’ve never seen anyone so consumed with rage. He threatened to kill him.”

  Mary obviously didn’t know Hadley had carried out his threat. “Mary, did you call Hadley and tell him I had made an appointment to come and talk with you?”

  She nodded. “He made me promise to always tell him if anyone was snooping around, asking questions.”

  “And what did he say when you told him?”

  “Nothing much. He said for me not to worry, that he’d take care of it.”

  He almost did, Brad said under his breath.

  “What’s going to happen now?” Mary asked him in a frightened voice. “I’ve told you everything. You have to protect me against the Langdons. They’ll want revenge for all the secrets I’ve been keeping.”

  “They have too many secrets of their own to worry about,” Brad reassured her. “If I were you, I’d hold fast and see what happens.”

  “I won’t be getting any more money from Dr. Hadley?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  He left her hunched in her chair, staring at the floor and wiping at her eyes.

  WHEN BRAD GOT BACK to the island, he was pleased Bill had left the patrol car at the pier. There were a couple of stops he wanted to make right away.

  He drove directly to Hadley’s house. He’d used the back door when carrying Ashley out to the ambulance, but the front door was unlocked and when he went in, he saw the mess Ashley had described. She’d told him she’d picked up the necklace and had dropped it when Hadley attacked her. He didn’t see any sign of it on the floor and had decided the doctor must have taken it. But then he glimpsed a tiny chain almost hidden in a chair cushion. It must have slipped down in the chair when Hadley attacked her. Apparently, he was too busy disposing of her to worry about finding it.

  Brad went through the house, out the back door and then headed to the shed again. He walked past the bloody wheelbarrow and canvas, and began searching some boxes piled in the corner. In a large one on the bottom, he found what he was looking for.

  Everything needed to put together a lethal firebomb.

  Satisfied that an official team of investigators would find all the evidence they needed to know the truth, he headed home, certain that Bill had taken care of Rusty last night and this morning. His deputy loved the dog as if he belonged to him.

  PHYSICALLY, Ashley bounced back in only a couple of days. But the emotional aftermath of everything that had happened took its toll.

  Even though the Langdons did everything they could to suppress publicity, it was a losing battle. Having been promised immunity, Mary Sandrow was ready and willing to tell all. Ironically, the press played her up as a loyal servant and confidante of the idle rich who had kept her secrets out of loyalty and not for money. She’d wisely warned Hadley that she’d left a written record of everything to become public if something happened to her.

  Brad did his best to protect Ashley’s identity and arranged for her to give her testimony in private.

  “I can’t promise that you won’t be called upon at a later date,” he warned her. “This is too hot of a story for the media to let it rest. Don’t talk on the phone to anyone and don’t admit any visitors who you don’t know.

  “I think you should leave as soon as possible,” he told her as if she were some kind of burden to him.

  It did no good to remind herself of the pressure he was under. There was no evidence of the passionate love that had been between them.

  “Yes, I’ll make reservations.”

  “As early as in the morning. Or even the red-eye flight tonight if you feel up to it,” he insisted.

  “Tonight,” she said in a tremulous voice.

  HE PICKED her up at midnight and drove her to the airport. As a spattering of rain hit the windshield and strong gusts of wind buffeted the car, it seemed to Ashley that even the elements were anxious to see her go. She felt alone and strangely lost.

  Even the warmth of the car and Brad’s strong body sitting close to her offered no reassurance. She was leaving with even less than she’d brought on her arrival. Nothing in the world would have made her return to the Langdon compound to claim her belongings.

  He didn’t say anything until he parked the car and turned off the engine. Then he reached for her as if trying to hold on to something fast slipping away. Her arms were around his neck and she clung to him as his lips greedily claimed hers. In that moment, she surrendered and whispered, “I can’t go. I’ll stay.”

  He instantly pulled back, shook his head and said firmly, “No, you’re going now.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to argue as they walked into the terminal in silence. He took care of everything at the ticket counter and accompanied her to the security gates.

  He kissed her again, this time on her cheek, and then turned away in a poignant, wordless goodbye.


  Christmas was only a week away and Hollywood Boutique housed in a new location was gaily decorated for the holidays. Ashley had welcomed the hectic demands of this larger store, which better accommodated a dozen women working to fill orders for an ever-increasing number of outlets. Colorful windows displayed beaded purses, scarfs, bracelets, necklaces, lapel pins and a variety of beaded garments.

  “You’re getting to be quite an icon in the fashion world,” Lorrie teased. Her sister called every week from New York where she’d taken a position with a creative fabric designer. “Some day, I’ll have to say ‘I knew you when’.”

  Ashley laughed. “I doubt that. Anyway, I’m trying to clear up everything before you get here.”

  “That’s what I called you about. My plans have changed and I won’t be coming. I hope you’ll understand.” Her voice betrayed her excitement. “I’ve been dating somebody very special. I wasn’t sure how he felt about me until now.” She took a deep breath. “Last night, Michael proposed and I accepted. Can you believe it! We’re going to visit his folks in Philadelphia for Christmas, to tell them the good news. I hope you understand.”

  “Of course, I do. It’s wonderful, Loribelle,” Ashley answered readily. “I didn’t have any idea. Why didn’t you tell me about him before now?”

  Lorrie hesitated. “Because I knew how much you were hurting. It’s a damn shame that you aren’t the one planning a wedding.”

  “Don’t be silly. Brad is just history.”

  “You’re a terrible liar, Sis. Have you heard from him recently?”

  “Not for a couple of months. He called me several times just after I got back, bringing me up to date on things. I owe him a lot for keeping me out of the newspapers.”

  “Apparently the Langdons closed up the house and moved back to New York,” Lorrie said. “I saw in the paper that Clayton Langdon die

  “I know. I guess all the ugly publicity was too much for him.” Ashley sighed. “Anyway, Brad called once a couple of weeks ago when I was in San Diego.”

  “Why didn’t you call him back?”

  “We don’t have much to say to each other,” Ashley replied and quickly changed the subject. “What kind of a wedding are you planning?”

  They talked for another half hour and after they’d said goodbye, Ashley tried not to think about spending Christmas without her sister. Through the years, they’d managed to be together for almost all of them, but Ashley knew that from now on, Lorrie would be involved more and more in her own life.

  “I’d better get used to it,” she told herself and forced her mind to concentrate on something else.

  When Kate Delawney came into the office in the late afternoon, she informed Ashley, “There are a couple of salesmen wanting to see you. I tried to tell them to come back after the holidays, but one of them just shook his head and said he’d wait.”

  Ashley muttered curses as she pushed back her chair. She felt like locking the front door and sending everyone home until after Christmas.

  The remaining salesman stood with his back to her. He was tall, broad-shouldered, wearing a tweed jacket that picked up the russet-brown tones in his hair. Even before he turned around, her heart had begun to race with recognition.

  “Brad,” she choked.

  “Hi,” he said, smiling. “The real salesman left. I hope you’re not too disappointed.”

  She went into his arms, much too overcome with emotion to even answer. Many sleepless nights, she’d fantasized what she would do if he suddenly appeared; even now, when she felt the warmth of his embrace and kiss, she couldn’t believe that it was really happening.

  “You’re here…in San Francisco.”

  “I can hardly believe it myself,” he admitted with a grin. “I was asked to come and take care of some other business, and—” He glanced at the women standing round, exchanging smiles and winks. “Is there some place where we can talk?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  She led him into her office and shut the door. He kissed her again and breathlessly she motioned for him to sit down with her on a small sofa.

  “What kind of business?” she asked as evenly as she could. Something other than coming to see her had brought him to the west coast. She expected him to say he was involved in some kind of law enforcement assignment.

  “You’re not going to believe it.” He chuckled and shook his head. “But then maybe you won’t be surprised at all. It was your idea, really.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Remember you said I should submit some of my photographs for competition? Well, I did. Dora Hunskut told me that Nature Trails magazine was offering five hundred dollars to the winner of a contest they were conducting. Guess what?”

  “You won?”

  “I did! They’re handing out the prizes this evening at their publishing company, and I have to be there.”

  “That’s wonderful! Absolutely wonderful.”

  “Will you go with me?”

  “You couldn’t keep me away. The store closes at six. I’ll be ready to go.”

  She was glad she kept a couple of nice outfits at the store so she could change from her day clothes if need be for some unexpected reason.

  Going out on a date with Brad Taylor was certainly unexpected.

  He arrived a few minutes early and whistled when he saw her. She was wearing an ivory dress and a matching jacket fashioned with gold beaded cuffs and collar. She’d brushed her hair into a twist at the back of her neck and fastened it with a gold clip.

  “I guess I’d better put on a tie.” They laughed as he pulled one out of his pocket and she knotted it for him.

  They had dinner at Fisherman’s Wharf. Christmas lights reflecting in the nearby water and festive holiday decorations wove a magic spell as they strolled arm in arm. She fought back a lingering sadness that this would only be another painful memory when he returned to his island.

  They took a taxi to the high-rise building where the Nature Trails magazine had their offices. Ashley could tell Brad wasn’t particularly at ease as they took the elevator to the twentieth floor. She teased him about taking the stairs instead.

  “I guess it’s just what you get used to,” he admitted with a wry smile.

  As soon as they entered the outer lobby of the magazine offices, they were greeted by a shapely blonde who immediately made a fuss over Brad when she found out who he was. Ashley stifled a smile as the young woman’s long painted fingers lingered on his chest as she pinned the name tag to his jacket lapel.

  As they wandered around the display room, Brad was obviously uncomfortable with being a celebrity as several people in the crowd came up to talk with him.

  The quality of the entries was undeniable. The competition had been stiff, but there was realism about Brad’s photographs that made most of the others seem staged. A huge blue ribbon identified his entry, Picture Tour of Greystone Island, as the winner.

  When the presentations had been made and Brad had received the winner’s check, the generous gathering stood up and clapped. He was obviously surprised and appeared a little embarrassed that his hobby had merited such recognition. Several of the magazine’s staff complimented him personally afterward.

  As they took a taxi back to her apartment, he was strangely quiet as he held her hand. There had been no question about where he would spend the night.

  When they walked into her large, beautifully decorated apartment, he gave a low whistle. “So this is your home sweet home.”

  “It is now…with you here,” she said quietly “This morning, it was just lonely housing and that’s all it will be when you leave.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, searching her eyes for the truth. “What if I told you I might stay?”

  “Here? In San Francisco?”

  “I didn’t want to say anything until I knew whether or not the feelings between us were still the same. The truth is, the magazine offered me a position of staff photographer. It would be similar to what I’ve been doing for Dora Hunskut. Taking photographs to illustrate magazine articles.”

  “And…and you’re considering it?” she asked in amazement.

  “These last few months have been nothing but empty drudgery. I’m more than ready for a change. I wouldn’t mind traveling. Of course, I’d want to spend some time on the island during the summer and make sure Bill is taking care of Rusty. The chance to photograph a variety of places with natural beauty appeals to me. If you want to know the truth, I can’t imagine getting paid what they’ve offered to do something I’d do for free.”

  She had a hard time believing her ears weren’t deceiving her. “That sounds wonderful.”

  “I haven’t told them I’d accept the offer. I wanted to see how things were with us first.”

  “And how are they?” she asked quietly.

  “I guess it all depends on your answer.” He put his hands lightly on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Will you marry me?”

  She simply nodded because the sudden joy was too much for words. As his hands traced the yielding softness of her body, she leaned into his kiss with unleashed passion and desire.

  When the telephone rang, she didn’t make any move to answer it until the answering machine came on and she heard Lorrie’s voice.

  “Hi, Sis, are you there?”

  Reluctantly Ashley pulled away from his embrace and answered it. Her voice was husky as she said, “Yes, I’m here.”

  “Sorry to call you so late but I had to tell you that Michael and I are coming for Christmas after all. We talked it over and decided you shouldn’t be alone.”

  “That sounds wonderful, Sis. How would you like to go to a Christmas wedding?”


  Ashley smiled and winked at Brad. “Guess.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-2246-5


sp; Copyright © 2006 by Leona Karr

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  Table of Contents


  About the Author

  Books by Leona Karr

  Cast of Characters


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen






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