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You Needed Me III: A Love Story

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by Shvonne Latrice

  You Needed Me III


  Shvonne Latrice

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  © 2016

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Chapter One: Britain Quinton

  As soon as I pulled out of the parking structure of my condo, three police cars came out of nowhere. One blocked me from the front, and there were two more behind me to make sure I didn’t reverse the other way I guess. Throwing my car into park, all kinds of shit ran through my mind as I wondered what the fuck all of this was for. I mean three police officers? What the hell could this possibly be about? I knew it had nothing to do with the crime family, because we had that shit completely under control. We had so many people in our pocket that it was nearly impossible for it to be about that.

  One of the officers walked towards my vehicle and wound his hand to tell me to roll the window down. I did as he asked, but kept looking straight because I didn’t want to acknowledge him. Please let one of these niggas be on my father’s payroll.

  “Britain Quinton?” he asked as he looked at a piece of paper.

  “Is there a problem, officer?”

  “Step out of the car, Mr. Quinton.”

  “Oh my gosh yo.” I shut the engine off and got out of the car. As soon as I did, one of the other officers slammed me into my vehicle, and began patting me down. “What is this for?!” I hollered.

  “Britain Quinton, you’re under arrest for the murder of Tekeya Mitchell’s unborn child, also known as feticide. You have the right…”

  Are you fucking serious right now? Why didn’t I murk that bitch?


  At the precinct…

  “Sit him down.” A black man walked in wearing a gray suit.

  I was still handcuffed and perplexed. I was being charged for some shit I had never even heard of and ultimately didn’t do. I didn’t even know killing a fetus was a crime for one, and secondly if I knew I was gonna be getting accused of doing the shit, I would have killed Tekeya’s ass when I had the chance. Something told me to get rid of that hoe when she tried to drug me, but because I had love for the grimy bitch I chose to let her go. I saw why my father gave no fucks, because in this life no one gave a fuck about you. Speaking of my father, I was sure he would get in my ass once he found out about all the passes I gave Tekeya’s ass.

  I knew she was behind this not only because she was named as the victim, but also because I saw her bitch ass brother, Stewart, an officer, when they brought me in. That nigga had way too much fear in his eyes to be fucking with a nigga like me. If I could scare you just from making eye contact, you had no business coming for me.

  “Good evening, Mr. Quinton, or night I guess.” The black detective smiled and sat down. He stared at me for a bit wearing a smug expression, before scratching his too thick mustache and fixing his suit jacket. “I guess we’re not gonna be polite to one another,” he chuckled, referring to me declining to respond to his greeting.

  “Why am I here?” I glanced towards the corner of the room to see another white detective staring me down with his hand on his gun. Really? I’m cuffed, yet he feels the need to be prepared to shoot. The fuck was I gonna do while cuffed?

  “Well, first of all, I’m Detective Michael Jackson,” he cheesed as if I was supposed to laugh. “And um, this is Detective Zack Campbell.” He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “I want to ask you some questions, because you’ve been accused of aborting Tekeya Mitchell’s child. Now not only did you do it against her will, but you’re not certified, at least not to my knowledge, to perform abortions.”

  “I didn’t kill anyone’s child. You have no proof I’m sure, so hurry up with your questions, because I have somewhere to be.”

  “Mr. Quinton, is it true that you had a lasagna dinner with Tekeya Mitchell about a month ago?”


  “I will take that as a yes. Ms. Mitchell claims that it was at that time that you poisoned her food, in hopes of killing the child that she was pregnant with.”

  “Why would I do that? I don’t care about the children she has. I don’t care about anything the bitch does.”

  “Would a Goldie Taylor have anything to do with that?” he slid me three pictures of Goldie and I walking hand in hand, kissing, and eating at some restaurant. I was getting angry but I needed to stay calm. “Ms. Mitchell provided us with these photos.”

  “Neither one of us have anything to do with the fact that Tekeya lost her baby.”

  “See, I don’t believe that. I believe that you got tired of Ms. Mitchell, and went out to find someone else, which happened to be Ms. Taylor here. Unfortunately for you though, you’d already gotten Ms. Mitchell pregnant, and that wouldn’t go over so well with Ms. Taylor, so you got rid of your unborn. That sound about right, Mr. Quinton?”

  “Alright, I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”

  This nigga had yet to show any evidence to me, and he never would be able to because the shit never happened. However, because I did switch Tekeya’s and my plate, she did lose the baby. I was a bit worried that they would be able to pin the shit on me, despite the fact that if she hadn’t tried to drug me for whatever reason, she would still have her child. But didn’t she say she fell? I wondered to myself.

  “Look, either you answer these fucking questions, or we can bring in that pretty, little bitch you have now, and rough her up a bit,” Detective Jackson smirked. “And I like roughing up the pretty ones.”

  I stood up with force, making sure to tip the table in his direction. He shot up out of his chair, and Detective Campbell rushed over and placed the gun to my head. I wanted to go toe to toe with these niggas, even while cuffed, but I knew I would have my brains splattered in no time. We stood there in silence, grimacing at one another until there was a knock at the door.

  “What!” Detective Jackson shouted, keeping his eyes locked on me. The gun was still pressed into my temple as I panted heavily to calm myself.

  “Cooper said to let him go.” Some pale-faced young guy peeked in. He was a little bitch, I could tell, because he was scared to even let Detective Jackson know the deal.

  “What? For what?” Jackson hollered and turned to face him.

  “Let him go!” A guy who I assumed to be Cooper walked up. I saw my dad standing behind him, staring into my soul it seemed. I swear I saw fire burning behind his blue eyes as he lowered at me.

  Campbell removed the cuffs, and as soon as my hands were free, I sent his ass flying into the wall with a left hook for holding that gun to my head. I was gonna get that Jackson nigga too, but my dad called my name letting me know it was time to go. I glared at Jackson as the Cooper guy and pale face helped Campbell up before leaving with my dad.

  “Did you get my car? They impounded it,” I said to my father as we walked out of the police station.

  “Get in the car, Britain.” He hit his alarm before we both slid in. “What the hell is going on with you and your brothers?”

  “What? This has nothing to do with anybody but Tekeya!”

  “Tekeya,” he chuckled. “No, it has a lot to do with that gold haired slut you’ve been bouncing around with and her slutty ass friends!”

bsp; “Just take me to get my car.” It took every muscle in my frame for me to hold back from delivering his ass the same punch that I’d just given to that detective.

  “Everything was running perfectly fine until you guys decided to turn into some little bitches! First TQ, then stupid ass Lendsey, and now you! I didn’t expect this from you, Britain.”

  “So you’d rather me be with Key?”

  “I don’t care who the fuck you’re with as long as it doesn’t fuck with my reputation, my business, and the family.”

  “The family, that’s all you care about,” I scoffed and shook my head as he lit a cigarette at the red light.

  “You’re damn right! I worked my ass off to become who the fuck I am! I risked my life by betraying people who could have me killed, just to become who the fuck I am! I came from being a poor, little boy in Russia to being one of the biggest crime bosses on the East Coast, and I will not let you and your pussy ass siblings fuck it up for me! I will murder all of you and start again with new offspring!” He blew smoke out, prompting me to roll the window down. “I only have one damn daughter, but it seems like I have five! I will tell you this Britain, if those girls cause any more bullshit, I will kill them. And if you guys have a problem with it you can join their club.” He pulled up to my condo.

  “I told you to take me to the impound place.”

  “Your car is here already. Be thankful that Cooper and I are friends. If one of his people hadn’t seen you and called me, you would’ve still been in there probably fucking something up like always.”

  “Fuck you.” I opened the door to get out, but he grabbed my arm, which I snatched.

  “Get them in line before I put them in the ground.” He stared into my eyes. I just smacked my lips and got out of the car, slamming the door.

  The thing about my father was that he was dead serious. Everything he said he was serious about. He would absolutely kill us all, including Goldie, Kimberlyn, and Matikah. Summer may be safe because she wasn’t fucking with Rhys, but I was sure he would kill Indiya. That’s just how Stony Quinton was; anything that came at him he shot it down. It could be his own mother, and he would still kill her ass dead and not have to think twice about it.

  When I got into my condo, I pulled my iPhone out and went into my texts.

  Me: Baby, have Dimitria bring you home and right now.

  Baby Mama: Why?

  Me: Goldie.

  Baby Mama: Okay.

  Jayce Lincoln

  “For real, Jayce?” TQ frowned as I pressed the gun deeply into his forehead.

  I was sweating profusely, so I grasped the gun tighter in my hands so that I wouldn’t drop it. I was angry and I hated this nigga. He’d betrayed me in the worse way, and we were supposed to be best friends. I had his back and I thought he had mine, but clearly I was wrong. The only thing this nigga cared about was himself, and that little, wide mouthed bitch he called a girlfriend. To make matters worse, I didn’t see any fear in his eyes. I wanted to see fear; I needed to see that he was afraid and that I had the upper hand. The only thing visible in his face was confusion and disappointment. I could tell he was wondering what he could have done to me for me to react this way, but he should’ve known. He knew every fucking thing else; he should know this, too.

  “Shoot me, man.” He stared into my eyes.

  The only thing stopping me from killing him right now was the fact that I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do after I did it. The initial plan was to kill him and then take my place in Gang’s empire, but that nigga was dead. Tonight was just supposed to be a meeting. I had no idea that all of this would take place. Gang told me to stay close, so after I left the party, he told me to come through and make sure Burke didn’t try to pull anything on him. I didn’t know what he was meeting Burke for, but when I heard shots ring out, the first thing I thought to do was kill him. When the other shooter turned out to be TQ, I knew I would have no way of explaining why I was here with Gang, so I just put the gun to his head. I wanted him gone, but who would have my back against his brothers if I pulled the trigger? I wouldn’t make it home before I was dead.

  “I ain’t want to have to do this but—”


  Before I could finish, he twisted my wrist, removed the gun, and clocked me over the head with so much force I swore I heard Ricky Ricardo playing the bongos. My vision began to go in and out, before I finally blacked out altogether.


  I opened my eyes and recognized the dirty ceiling of the warehouse. My head was throbbing like crazy, and my eyelids seemed to have ten-ton weights on them. I gained enough strength to look around, and spotted TQ sitting in a chair on the side of me. He was holding his gun, and my gun was sitting in his lap. I tried to get up, but I realized he had handcuffed one of my wrists to the plumbing pipes.

  “TQ, man, get this shit off of me,” I slurred and closed my eyes, hoping to relieve the headache I had.

  He said nothing. He always did that shit and I’d hated it ever since we were little. It was so rude to just not respond to someone because you felt what they said didn’t deserve a response. The more I thought about things, the more I hated this nigga. He was the reason my life was in shambles. Had he not got me into this fucking crime family, I wouldn’t have been with all them bitches and gotten my wife killed. I would probably have some regular nine to five and a wife and kids at home.

  “You were working for Gang,” he nodded. The way he said it sounded more like a statement than a question, so I wasn’t sure what to reply with.

  “He was treating me right. Y’all niggas didn’t want to give me what I was owed, so I went elsewhere.”

  “What did we owe you, Jayce? My father took you in when you had no one, and my mama damn near raised you. We didn’t owe you shit, nigga. You owed it yourself to get better and do better, but you were too busy sulking and feeling sorry for yourself to accomplish anything!”

  “My wife was killed!”

  “Because of you! Everything that happened to you is because of you, nigga!”

  “Y’all were the ones who were always around different women every damn chance y’all got! I was never the one looking to bring around females, that was you and your fucking brothers!”

  “And how hard is it to look the other way, Jayce? You were a grown ass man then like you are now. Nobody told you to cheat on your wife, and if they did you didn’t have to do it. None of us stuck a gun in your face and told you to fuck with Jennifer or anybody else. You chose to fuck around knowing you were married, and unfortunately you were met with the consequences.”

  “Fuck you, TQ.” I began to tear up, thinking about my wife, Sadie.

  “You’re a little ass boy, Jayce, and you always have been. Yes, it’s sad that your wife was murdered, but you needed to man up and take responsibility. Jennifer may have pulled the trigger, but you were the one who caused the whole shit. Stop always looking for someone to feel sorry for your ass and be a man about your shit! You’re immature and you’re stupid as hell. You’re never gonna change.”

  “I am a man about mine! I could’ve killed myself, but I didn’t!” I yelled. He just shook his head and raised his eyebrows as if he was saying I would never get it.

  “And this shit with Gang. Did you honestly think he was gonna make you his partner?” he furrowed his eyebrows.

  “He was.” Before the words even left my lips he was laughing heartily.

  “See what I mean? Dumb. That nigga was never going to make you his partner. He was using you for what you knew about me and your direct connection to me. You’re way too seasoned in the game to let shit like that happen, Jayce.”

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!”

  “Then why was he here, huh?” he stood up and pointed to the nigga I’d shot earlier. I just stared at the body before regaining eye contact with TQ. “Exactly. He was here to take Peel’s place. I know because I hired him to do just that so I could get Gang without his security.” We s
tared at one another before he began smiling. “So stupid. You betrayed Tarenz Quinton, for Gang. That wasn’t the smartest move, my nigga.” He slipped his gun into his waist, and then cocked mine.

  “Look, I’m gonna go to rehab and get myself together.”

  “Oh you think you have a chance?” he chuckled. “You honestly think that I’m not gonna kill yo’ ass?”

  “TQ, it’s me, man.”

  Everything was starting to settle in, and I suddenly regretted my actions. I wasn’t sure if I just didn’t want to die, or if I actually felt bad for betraying him and Stony.

  “I know who the fuck you are.”


  Kimberlyn Harrey

  Goldie had just left the party using the family’s assistant Dimitria for a ride because she said Britain had asked her to. I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but I knew TQ hadn’t come back through that front door yet. It’d been a while since he’d left, and I needed him to show up.

  This was what I didn’t like about the life he lived; you never knew when one would die. He told me himself that it wasn’t strange for someone to burst into a restaurant and blow your head open. I always feared for his life when he ventured out, but right now I was about to have a nervous breakdown. And on top of that, Rhys and Lendsey were acting weird, Britain never came to the party, and then he was making Goldie leave. What was going on?

  “Stony!” I saw TQ’s mother racing behind his father as he stormed over to where Matikah, Summer, Indiya, and I were sitting with the boys.

  “Get the fuck out! All of you!” he barked, but glared at me.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Lendsey moved Matikah behind him, frowning at his father. Lord, whatever is about to happen, don’t let it happen.

  “Ain’t shit wrong with me! Get these bitches out of my fucking party right now before I send them home in body bags.” His father removed his gun, and pressed something long up into the bottom.


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