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Billionaire Biker's Secret Baby_A Bad Boy Romantic Suspense

Page 32

by Weston Parker

  “I am taking you home,” I repeat and continue toward my father’s house. “And I know you’re not ecstatic at being around anything with the name ‘Craven,’ right now, but you have to trust me.”

  “Oh sure, because trusting you has ended up working well so far!”

  “Sabrina,” I say, the word coming out more growl than anything else. “So help me God, you will do what I tell you to. Things are coming to a head, and I’m not risking anything happening to you and our daughter. My brother would never start shit at Dad’s house, not and risk hurting the old man, who is now his only meal ticket since he’s been tossed off the board.”

  “Your brother’s been kicked off the board?”

  I nod, and her mouth opens in surprise. “Share prices are in the toilet. He made rookie mistake after rookie mistake, and finally not even his last name could save him. They voted to oust him, and he took off. So I’m sure he’s a little distracted by the whole losing-his-career thing, so torturing his big brother is probably going to be much lower on his list of priorities.”

  Sabrina looks less than relieved. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” she says after a moment of silence. “I think you’re underestimating your brother. Something else has to be going on here, something deeper and more sinister than—”

  “The only thing Brent has ever cared about,” I say, interrupting her when I see Lex start to get agitated at her words, “is his career. He’s been groomed to take over Craven Industries since the second I left for Basic. He’s got to be devastated right now. I doubt Brent’s even thinking about us right now.”

  “I think you’re wrong,” Sabrina mutters as I pull up into the long driveway at my father’s estate. “I think all of this is tangled together somehow, and you’re going to regret taking your eye off your brother.”

  “Oh, my eye is still firmly on him,” I vow as I turn off the truck, my hands tightening reflexively into fists. “And when I see him again, we’re going to discuss the damage he’s done. But now, let’s get inside.”

  I can’t help crowding them as we walk toward the door. My possessiveness is in overdrive.

  The two security guys have their weapons drawn, so I stop several paces away, positioning myself in front of Sabrina and Lex. I see Luke out of the corner of my eye, positioned behind a nearby tree, his gun drawn. I shake my head, hoping he understands to fall back.

  “Get Mrs. Craven out here,” I bark at the detail. One of them picks up a two-way radio and speaks into it.

  Chuck appears thirty seconds later. “You sure you want to try this again?” he yells toward me. “You got her all upset before.”

  “Then I’ll beg her forgiveness. Get my stepmom down here.”

  He shrugs and turns back to the house. The security stand there, and I grind my teeth, not liking the fact that my daughter is around so many dangerous weapons. I’m about to give the security detail another stern talking to when the door finally opens.

  Out steps Leigh, her makeup perfectly applied and not a hair out of place. She greets us warmly as if I wasn’t here earlier issuing threats. “Sabrina! Lex! You’re safe! Come inside.” She motions toward us, elbowing her guards. “Put your guns away, stupid. They’re family.”

  “Family plus one,” I announce when their weapons are stashed, waving for Luke to come out of hiding.

  “Who’s your friend?” Leigh asks as we approach the door.

  “This is Luke, and he’s a former friend of Brent’s. He helped me get Sabrina and Lex back.”

  “Well then,” she replies, a wide smile on her face, “you’re always welcome here. Come inside with us.”

  Once inside, I notice Luke seems a little unnerved. He’s probably itching to get out of here, considering the fact that he switched teams in the ninth inning. I turn to my stepmother. “Leigh, will you get them settled into one of the guest suites? I’m sure they want to get cleaned up a little.”

  Sabrina eyes me, her mouth opening to respond, but I shake my head. “Go with Leigh. I’ll come find you in a minute.” Then I slap Luke on the back and ask him to follow me to my father’s office.

  Once inside, I gesture for him to take a seat. I rest on the corner of my father’s desk and lean in. “I’m going to cut to the chase because I respect your time and because I want to get back to my family. You said you needed money, and clearly, you won’t be getting any more of it out of my brother.”

  Luke nods. “That’s true. But I was led to believe you were cut off from the family bank account.”

  “I am, but I’ve been frugal for the last several years,” glossing over my time in Tabor Correctional. The money I saved from my time in the military had nothing to do but accrue interest. It isn’t a fortune, but I’m willing to spend every dime on my family’s safety. “Let’s say I’ve got a little nest egg. A nest egg I’m willing to share.”

  “Go on,” he says, his face expressionless.



  I can’t get over how fucking big this house is. It’s like some kind of miniature palace. Imagine growing up in a place like this. How long could you go without seeing another person in the maze of hallways and rooms?

  “This should work nicely,” Leigh says, leading us up a carpeted hall and opening a door onto a room decorated in blue and cream. It’s a sitting room with a window seat and other lush furnishings. “The bedroom is through there,” she says, pointing at another door. “And the powder room is here.” She opens another door to expose a pristine white-tiled bath palace.

  Her heels leaving tiny divots in the thick pile carpeting, Leigh walks to a closet and opens it. “There are a couple robes in here that you can use for now. I’ll have Ax get you some clothing.” She eyes me up and down. “I don’t think we’re the same size, but I can find a t-shirt or something that will fit Lex, I’m sure.”

  “Thanks,” I mumble, wanting to argue about our respective dress sizes but simultaneously feeling like I’m imposing. Why couldn’t Ax just take us home?

  “You girls must be hungry. I’ll tell Cook to whip up something filling for dinner. Until then, make yourselves comfortable.”

  I thank Leigh and shut the door behind her. Turning back to Lex, I can tell she’s starting to brush away the fear from earlier. This place is like some kind of magical playground, and she’s walking around the room, running her fingers over everything.

  “How about a hot shower?” I ask. “Then we can explore everything thoroughly.”

  Lex looks slightly disappointed, but as I guide her into the bathroom, she starts to perk up. “Whoa, look at that tub!”

  It’s massive, enough for four people at least. “You could take swimming lessons in that thing.”

  Lex giggles, then tugs on my hand, pulling me toward the shower. It’s a large glass enclosure with a back wall comprised of river stones. It could be the most luxurious thing I’ve ever seen.

  I manage to get the water going, then tell Lex she can have first crack at it. Kissing her on the top of her head, I leave her to get undressed, even though being separated from her so soon after the kidnapping leaves a hollow feeling in my stomach.

  I count the minutes until Lex finishes, unable to wait to get under the hot spray. When Lex comes out wrapped in a fluffy towel, I tell her to grab a robe from the closet and wait for me. Then I dive under the water and sigh in relief.

  The soap is faintly floral, and I use it to attack the remnants of the kidnapper’s scent on my body. I wish I could wash away the feeling of his touch, but it still feels too real, like he’s marked my body.

  If Ax didn’t arrive when he did, could I have fought him off for much longer? Or would he have raped me while my daughter cowered behind the door, wondering what the bad man was doing to her mommy? I feel sick at the thought, doubling over and almost vomiting on the expensive tiles.

  I fight back my nausea and finish up, eager to get back to my baby. Idly wondering if this is what shell shock feels like, I towel my body dry and wrap another
towel around me, leaving the bathroom.

  Lex is bouncing on the bed in the other room when I find her, after pulling on a robe that feels softer than a million fluffy bunnies. So this is what it’s like to be rich.

  “This bed is so big, Momma,” Lex says as she bounces again, giggling her little head off.

  “It sure is,” I say, climbing up next to her and giving the bed a few bounces. Then I fall backward and laugh, my heart rate finally slowing down. We’re safe.

  At least for now.

  There’s a faint knock at the door. Lex hops off the bed to run into the other room and answer it, and I follow, not able to let her out of my sight entirely yet. She squeals after she opens the door and my heart stops, but then a strong arm grabs her up. It’s Ax, and he carries her into the suite.

  His eyes meet mine. “Hey,” he says softly. “Brought you guys some things to wear.” He sets down a small stack of clothes, and I move closer to investigate it.

  I recognize one of his t-shirts from high school. Unable to stop myself, I lift it to my nose. It smells clean and faintly of sunshine.

  I feel his gaze on me and glance up. He’s looking at me with undisguised hunger in his eyes. I turn away, thanking him and carrying the t-shirt and an old pair of his gym shorts into the bedroom to change. The t-shirt swallows me, and I have to tie the shorts up tight around my waist, but at least I have some clothes on. A robe isn’t enough of a shield when we’re dealing with Ax.

  He’s sitting in a chair, discussing the estate with my daughter when I return. “There’s a pool and a big garden out back. I’m sure you’re going to have a lot of fun here.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I frown. “And just how long will we be staying here?”

  Ax looks at me. “I’m not sure yet.”

  “Ax, I need some answers. I have a life, you know, and I can’t hole up here for God knows how long.”

  He stares at me but doesn’t respond. I can’t read his expression.

  “You know you’re welcome here as long as you need to stay.” Leigh is leaning against the doorframe at the entrance to the suite. Crooking her finger at my daughter, she holds out some clothing. “I’m sure you can find something to wear in there.”

  Lex attacks the clothing like a feral child. “Cool!” she shouts when she finds a shirt covered in crystals that says “Sugar Baby.”

  My mouth flattens, but I hold in my reaction. No need to insult my hostess’s terrible taste.

  “Cook says dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. Bring your appetites.” Leaving with a smile, she disappears down the hallway.

  “Why don’t you go get changed, honey,” I say, pushing Lex toward the bedroom. She scoops up Leigh’s castoffs and jogs out of the room.

  Rubbing my arms to warm myself up, I stare down at Ax. “Look,” I say, keeping my voice low, “you can’t keep us here forever. You’ve got to figure out this shit with your family, or you have to let us go. I refuse to let you mire our daughter in this bullshit. And it’s not right of you to expect me to.”

  “Sabrina,” he says as he stands, his voice deep and rough, “I know you’re upset. You have every right to be. But you’ve got to see things from my perspective. If there is any hint of danger, I’ve got to keep you close, to keep you safe. If you’re here, you’re safe.”

  He closes the distance between us and pulls me into his arms before I can move away. “If you’re with me, I know you’re safe.”

  “I don’t know that,” I say, my voice little more than a whisper. “I don’t feel safe with you.”

  He bends to speak directly into my ear. “Don’t say that.”

  “It’s the truth.” I pull away as Lex comes back into the room, a smile on her face at the sparkly pink shirt she’s wearing. “Ready to eat?” I ask her.

  She nods. “As long as it’s not cheese and crackers.”

  “I bet they got better food than that in these digs,” I say with a forced smile. Grabbing her hand, I guide her out into the hallway. “Let’s go find out.”

  I’m not surprised to see Leigh at the head of the table, but I am a bit confused to see Luke there. Taking a seat in the middle of the long table and motioning for Lex to sit beside, I try not to look in Ax’s direction.

  When he was holding me, even though it was for less than a minute, I wanted to break down in his arms. At the same time, I wanted to smack the shit out of him. I’m all shaken up when it comes to my daughter’s father, and being in such close proximity to him makes it ten times harder.

  “Where’s Dad?” Ax asks as he sits down.

  “Your father is resting,” Leigh says sweetly. She looks to my daughter and me. “Dig in, you guys.”

  Lex attacks her plate like she hasn’t eaten in days. I stare at mine, suddenly not feeling very hungry. Then I notice Leigh’s plate is empty.

  “Won’t you be joining us?” I ask, but she shakes her head.

  “I usually just have a smoothie and a handful of almonds for dinner.”

  Of course.

  Pushing my food around on my plate, my gaze falls on the guy who helped come to our rescue. “Your name is Luke?” I ask, having heard Ax use it a couple times.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “He’s the guy who was going to bring me home the other day. When I was walking to Ax’s house,” Lex says around a mouthful of food.

  My mouth flattens to a line. “You were the one who almost kidnapped my daughter.” I can feel my fingernails digging into my palms as I ball my hands into fists, contemplating leaping across the table to scratch the guy’s eyes out.

  “Not so. The guys I was partnering with were willing to follow that order. I wasn’t. I really was going to bring her home.”

  “And why should I believe you?” I ask, my tone raising until I’m almost shouting the words.

  “Because he helped me get you two back,” Ax barks. “He went up against the assholes who nabbed you, putting himself in danger to bring you home.”

  My eyes narrow as I pin Ax with an angry gaze. “So he’s a traitor too? And you just trust him not betray you too?”

  Ax frowns at me. “I trust him enough to be your personal bodyguard.”


  Lex’s fork drops and clatters against her place. “Mom gets a bodyguard?”

  Ax nods. “You and Mom both. Luke is going to help protect you.”

  I can’t believe the nonsense I’m hearing. “The guy who was working with the kidnappers is going to protect us? And what exactly is he going to protect again? You insist your brother is gone and isn’t concerned with us anymore. Why can’t we just go to the police, tell them about the kidnappers, and let everything go back to normal?”

  “I already called the police,” he informs me. “From my dad’s office. I told them where the cabin is, with a little help from Luke.”

  “A little help from Luke, sure. Why doesn’t Luke go to the police and tell them all about his former buddies’ plans? About what they did to us?”

  Luke coughs, then takes a drink of water. “Well, ma’am, I’m not exactly what you’d call a reliable witness.”

  Leigh giggles, setting down her wine glass and steepling her fingers. “Oh, really? And why is that?”

  The former mercenary shrugs. “I’ve got priors. That tanks my credibility.” Looking down at his plate, he adds in a softer voice, “And maybe I got a couple of warrants outstanding.”

  “Great,” I say, throwing up my hands. “Just great. This is who you hired to protect us?’

  “I did,” Ax says, and I can tell he’s getting testy. “He’s got nothing to lose and everything to gain by keeping you safe.”

  “This is ridiculous,” I say, and Leigh lets out a puff of air. “Not that I don’t appreciate the hospitality,” I say hastily to try and smooth her ruffled feathers, “but I don’t like being caught in the middle of Craven family drama. I just want to go home.”

  Leigh takes another swig out of her wine glass. “I understand,” she say
s. “And you have every right to be upset. But I agree with my stepson. You’re safer here than at home. Sometimes it’s rough to get pulled into the orbit of those more powerful than yourself, but you’ve got no choice but to buckle up for the ride.”

  I take a few deeps breaths, then set my napkin down on my untouched plate. “Thank you for dinner,” I say, standing up and putting a hand on my daughter’s shoulder. “If you’ll excuse us, we’re going to turn in early. Today was a hectic one, and I’m beat.”

  “Of course,” Leigh says, lifting her wine glass in a farewell salute. “I’m sure you’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.”

  Ax watches me as I leave, and I can feel his heavy gaze on me until I turn the corner and break his line of sight.

  I snuggle my daughter under the blankets, leaving on the large flat screen TV mounted to the wall across from the bed. It plays softly in the background, an endless loop of shows about buying and renovating houses. I wish the biggest worry on my mind right now was what type of flooring to install in my new home.

  Lex is asleep in a few minutes, and I relish holding her. So much has happened lately that I feel like I’m slowly losing my grip on everything in my life, my daughter included. Now that Ax is in the picture, I’ll have to share her affection. And if he continues to take such a dominant role, it won’t be long before she’s looking to him for guidance.

  I know I’m probably being ridiculous, but it’s scary, contemplating such a massive change. If Ax insists on his parental rights, on some kind of joint custody agreement, I wonder how I’ll react.

  There was a time when I secretly thought we might end up together. A happy family has no need of custody agreements. But after all that’s happened, I don’t see a chance for that kind of happy ending. Not with Ax.

  I don’t know if I can forgive him for getting us involved in this mess, for bringing us into danger. And as soon as he lets us out of this ridiculously lavish mansion, I’m heading as far away from his fucked-up family as I can.

  But the question is, will Ax still try to be a part of my family? I try not to think about it, try to push all the thoughts out of my mind.


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