Private Investigations
Page 19
She catapulted from the chair and practically dove into his arms, catching his head in her hands and planting a kiss on him that had them both panting for air. He tasted like fresh air, sweat and the man she loved.
“So?” he asked, running his thumb over her bottom lip. “What do you say? I can promise you you’ll never want for another pair of shoes again in your life.”
She scanned his handsome face from forehead to chin, wondering if she’d ever missed anyone so much. “Joe, my feet are yours to do with what you will. But try putting a wedding ring on my toe instead of my finger and you’re in big trouble.”
“I have other things in mind for your toes,” he said with a sexy grin. “And, just this once, let me get in the last word.”
Just before he silenced her with one of his breath-stealing kisses, she murmured, “Never.”
ISBN: 978-1-4268-6137-6
Copyright © 2002 by Lori and Tony Karayianni.
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