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Mile High -Book 1 of the Men in Motion Series

Page 12

by GA Hauser

  After a long strained silence, his father said, “I’ll send Noah to Cleveland to start. But I’m giving him a week. If he can’t get them on target, you go. You got that? I don’t give a rat’s ass about your demented love-life. The job comes first. One week.”

  Knowing it was better than he expected, Taylor muttered, “Whatever.” The line disconnected. Shutting down the phone in his hand, Taylor felt like bursting he was so frustrated by the conversation. He stepped inside the trailer and handed the secretary back her phone. “Thank you.”

  “You okay, Taylor?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” He adjusted his yellow hardhat and headed back outside into the fresh air.


  His turn to be the excited one, Owen waited for Taylor on the same corner and checked his watch anxiously. When he spotted Taylor making his way toward him, Owen instantly knew something was wrong. That confident strut was gone. Taylor’s head was down and his hands were shoved into his front jeans pockets. The man appeared deep in thought. A twinge of worry passed through Owen’s mid-section. When they met up on the same corner, Owen kissed Taylor’s cheek this time, since Taylor appeared too preoccupied to remember. “What’s happened?”

  Taylor just gave him a pained look.

  Holding open the door to the parking garage, Owen waited until they were seated inside the car before he asked again. “Taylor, did something happen on the site?”

  “My dad called. He’s trying to get me to go to Cleveland to start another job.”

  Owen didn’t realize the effect that would have on him. Instantly, he felt devastated. “When do you go?”

  “I don’t know. He gave me one more week.” Taylor stared out of the window of the car, his eyes distant and moody.

  Starting the engine, Owen drove back to his home in silence. The party was over before it began. No. It couldn’t be like this. They needed more time. They were just beginning to connect and become a real couple. No.

  Pulling into his driveway, elevating the garage door, Owen parked the car, shutting it off, sitting still for a moment before he climbed out. Taylor didn’t. He exited the car quickly and headed inside the house.

  When Taylor had left, Owen finally opened his car door. Tiredly and without enthusiasm, he popped the trunk to remove all his parcels, dragging his feet, intending on dumping them on the floor of his bedroom. As Owen walked through his door, he found Taylor on his cell phone, standing in the kitchen.

  “Dad, it’s me.”

  Owen lowered his head and left Taylor alone for his conversation, going to the bedroom to change out of his suit.

  As he found a hanger for his jacket and slacks, Owen knew he wasn’t the only one to have family issues. Obviously Taylor was dealing with his own at the moment. Seeing Taylor facing his problem head on, Owen felt inspired. Once he was in his denims and a soft cotton shirt, Owen sat on his bed and picked up his telephone. “Jenna? It’s me. Is Leah available?”

  “Why? What are you going to do?”

  “She’s been sending me text messages about meeting Taylor. I can’t keep letting her think he’s a she. I feel like crap about it.”

  “So now you’re going to tell her about it over the phone after all?”

  “What choice do I have? Jenna, she’ll be really pissed off at me if I let her believe this person is a woman all week long. I think the lie will be worse than the truth.”

  “You better be tactful about it, Owen. She’s only ten.”

  “Jenna, stay on the line with us. Okay? Help me.”

  “Okay. Hang on.”

  Owen rubbed his face in agony having no idea how Leah was going to react.


  “Pop, please, I don’t ask you for nothing. I don’t. I couldn’t stand the way we left it off earlier. Please, hear me out. Don’t get all angry and hang up like that.”


  Taylor hated that tone. He’d heard it through his childhood, and it always annoyed him. “Pop, I can’t understand you. You put up with Jason, and he’s nothin’ but a high school drop-out who can’t do anything more than part time work. Ya put up with Leslie who drinks like a damn fish and won’t go to rehab. Me? I work like a dog for you. I go anywhere ya send me. I’m the only one of the four of us boys who ya trust enough to work for you as a project manager. Luke and Caleb are just laborers, Pop. Ya got them digging trenches. So obviously I’m the one you count on.”

  “You’re the oldest Taylor.”

  “Yeah, the oldest and the wisest. I never set out to disappoint ya, Pop, you know that.”

  After a long silence, Mr. Madison asked, “What is so different about this one? Why do you need to stay there?”

  Looking back at the closed bedroom door first, Taylor then whispered, “I love this man, Pop. I didn’t love anyone before.”


  “Yeah. I mean it. He’s the right one. He’s unbelievable, Pop.”

  “What’s he do?”

  “He’s got his own business. He’s an accountant. Very successful. Got a big house in LA, a Lexus. You’d like the fella.”

  “He like one of them fairies?”

  “No. Not at all. He’s all man.” Taylor looked back at the door, praying Owen wasn’t listening to this conversation.

  “What do you want me to do, Taylor?”

  “Let me hang out ‘til completion on this one. Look, trust Noah. He’s a good man. He’ll do you right in Cleveland.”

  “Let me think about it.”

  “It’s all I ask, Pop. It’s all I ask.” Taylor ran his hand back through his hair.


  “Hello, sweetheart.”

  “Hi, Daddy!”

  “Did you have a good day at school today?” Owen had no idea how he was going to do this.

  “Yes. I learned all my multiplication tables. Want to test me?”

  “What’s nine times nine?”


  “Good girl. Look, Leah, your mom and I have something we need to discuss with you.” Owen could hear Jenna’s breathing over the line.

  “Oh? What?”

  “You know I told you about Taylor?” Owen asked gently.

  “Yes. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Well,” Owen took a deep breath. “Taylor isn’t a woman, Leah. He’s a man.”

  Silence followed. Owen wondered if Jenna was going to chime in at any moment and tell Leah that all this was perfectly normal. No one said a word.

  “Leah,” Owen asked, “did you hear what I said?”

  “Yes. You said Taylor was a man.”


  “So, how can he be your girlfriend?”

  Jenna, where are you? Owen bit his lip, trying to give his ex a chance to help, but it wasn’t happening. “He’s your dad’s best friend, Leah.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “Jenna,” Owen asked her, “is that okay with you?”

  “Yes, Owen,” she replied dryly, as if this whole conversation was irritating.

  “Good. Well, then, Leah, some day soon you will meet my friend, Taylor. Okay?”

  “Okay. Can I go play with Faith now, Mom?”

  “Yes,” Jenna replied.

  Owen heard Leah hang up her extension. “What do you think, Jenna?”

  “Look, Owen, just leave it like that for now. I don’t think Leah needs the gory details at her age.”

  “Okay. I just want to do what’s best. I don’t want her to think I’m lying to her or betraying her.”

  “I don’t think she’ll get that. Not at her age.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Jenna.”



  “Is this what you really want? A relationship with a man?”

  Smiling, looking back at the closed bedroom door, Owen replied, “Yes. I feel like I’ve finally found myself, Jenna. No offense.”

  “None taken. Look, if you’re happy…”

  “I am.”

  “Okay, let me go. I have t
o get dinner started. See you Friday night.”

  “See ya.” Owen hung up and sat still, thinking about the conversation.


  Taylor listened at the door. Owen had stopped talking. He rapped on it lightly.

  “Come in,” Owen called.

  Opening the door, Taylor found Owen sitting on the bed near the phone. “You okay?”

  “Yes. How about you?”

  “Yeah.” Taylor sat next to him, leaning on Owen’s shoulder.

  “Were you talking to your dad?”

  “Yes. I just wanted him to stop pushing me to get off the job here. He’s got another project manager to handle the next one, and it pisses me off he thinks I have to go to each one of his new sites. Noah’s a great man. He can do the damn job.”

  “But I suppose one day you will be done in LA and need to move on.”

  Nodding, Taylor looked into Owen’s soft brown eyes. “Yes. I will have to pack up and leave the job site once it’s complete, Owen. That’s inevitable.”

  Owen reached for Taylor’s hand. “What will we do then?”

  Shrugging, Taylor answered, “See each other over the weekends? When you visit Leah?”

  Owen’s face darkened. “I can’t do that. I have to spend the time with her, Taylor. It’s not fair to her if I see you the whole time I’m in Denver.”

  Falling back on the mattress, Taylor stared at the ceiling and sighed. “Then I guess it’s done.”

  “No,” Owen whined, lying next to Taylor on the bed. “It can’t be done.”

  Taylor rubbed his face tiredly. “What else do you suggest?”

  “Can you move to LA?”

  Peeking through his hands at him, Taylor said, “Move here?”

  Owen shrugged, looking anxious.

  “Why don’t you move to Denver? Be closer to your daughter?” When Owen didn’t answer right away, Taylor added, “Look, we have a bit more time. Let’s let it ride for now.”

  Owen cuddled against Taylor’s chest. “And I had such a cool surprise for you tonight. I just don’t know if we’re in the right mood for it now.”

  “Surprise? What surprise?” Taylor’s solemn mood instantly vanished.

  “You know…” Owen nudged him.

  “No.” Taylor rolled over to be able to see Owen’s face. “What? What did you have in mind?”


  “Well, get to it!” Taylor shoved him. “I’m always up for something fun.”


  “Yeah! Go! Do it. What have you got in mind?”

  As if he had renewed enthusiasm, Owen stood off the bed and said, “Wait there. Don’t move.”

  “I’m waiting here.” When Owen vanished into the walk-in closet, Taylor did his best to ignore the thoughts of them separating. They’d manage to work it out somehow.


  Owen felt very odd. Leather? Other than leather shoes and a jacket, what did he own that was cowhide? Sliding his hands down the slick black surface of his thighs, Owen shook his head in awe. Never in his wildest dreams as a pimple-faced teenager did he imagine being the object of someone’s sexual fantasy. It was inconceivable. Wishing he had a mirror and could make sure he didn’t look ridiculous, Owen ran his hand back through his hair, then opened another bag to dig out the rest of his “equipment”.


  Taylor was almost nodding off as he lay back on the large, soft bed. The sensation of floating was washing over him when he heard the closet door open. Trying to wake up, Taylor caught sight of Owen and sat up instantly. “Holy crap.”

  Owen grinned wickedly. “You like?”

  “What do you plan on doing with all that?”

  “Well…” Owen held up some leather straps. “Tie you up with these.”

  “And that?” Taylor pointed to something that looked like a ping-pong paddle.

  “Whack your butt?”

  Taylor broke up laughing. “Get over here.” He curled his finger in invitation.

  Owen set the things on the bed, standing next to them. “No good?”

  When Taylor read the disappointment in Owen’s face, he got up and began taking off his clothing, watching Owen watching him.

  “You sure?” Owen asked. “You know we both just had some weird phone conversations.”

  “Shut up and get the lube.” Taylor winked, continuing to drop his clothing to the carpet. As Owen hurried to set out the items he thought they would need, Taylor wondered how far he wanted to go with this little fantasy. Staring at Owen’s outfit, the skin-tight, black leather pants, the black choker collar, and black boots, Taylor was enjoying looking at him and could feel his body respond.

  Pushing his hair back from his forehead, as if he were already heated up, Owen paused in his preparation, asking, “That everything?”

  “What have you got?” Taylor walked over to the nightstand to see what was accumulated there. “Looks good.”

  “Baby oil?” Owen offered.

  “Up to you.”

  “No. This is your fantasy. Remember? I did the one with the chaps.”

  “Is it?” Taylor found that amusing. Was it his fantasy? He would soon find out. Taking the rest of his clothing off, Taylor asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Lie on the bed.”

  “Face up or down?”

  Owen instantly appeared perplexed.

  As Taylor waited for an answer, he said, “I sure as shit hope that paddle was for my ass and nothing else.”

  “It was, but if you’re face down I can’t play with your dick.”

  “Amateur!” Taylor teased. “What kind of fantasy is this when the damn master can’t decide what to do with his victim?”

  Appearing insulted, Owen grabbed the paddle and went after Taylor. Laughing as he dodged the swings to his derriere, Taylor raced around the room with Owen in pursuit. Once Taylor was standing on top of the mattress, fending off the attempted slaps from him, Owen shouted, “Just lie on your back. I’ll spank you some other time.”

  “You will not. Not if I can help it.” Taylor slowly lowered down on the bed.

  Tossing the paddle to the floor, Owen reached for the leather straps and waited.

  Slightly nervous about his first foray into being a helpless victim, Taylor stretched out his limbs to the four corners of the bed. One by one, Owen tied him to it. Once Taylor was secure, Owen stood back to stare at him, again pushing his soft hair back from his forehead.

  “Now what?” Taylor asked.

  “Uh…” Owen crossed his arms over his chest, as if thinking.

  Again Taylor began laughing. “Christ, Owen, rent a fucking porno movie. Get some tips!”

  “Hey! Be nice. You’re at my mercy now.”

  “Well?” Taylor tried to gesture for Owen to get on with it. “I’m naked and tied to the bed, Owen. I’m not even hard at the moment. Ya gotta start somewhere.”

  Biting his lip, Owen left the room.

  Taylor was confused. He shouted after him, “I didn’t mean to insult you. Where the hell are you going?” Trying to listen, Taylor added, “You’re not going to just leave me here like this!”

  After a short pause, Owen returned, closing the bedroom door behind him.

  “Well? Come up with any ideas?”

  Holding out a bottle of chocolate syrup, Owen grinned wickedly.

  “Am I dessert?” Taylor chuckled as Owen sat next to him on the bed. “We ain’t even had dinner yet.”

  “Life’s short, eat dessert first.” Owen opened the top and held it up over Taylor’s cock.

  Lifting his head off the pillows, Taylor watched as a cold, brown stream of liquid dripped on his body. Keeping silent, wondering what he would do once Owen began licking that sweet stuff off, Taylor waited. Suddenly the excitement did stir in him, and his body began to react.


  Owen set the bottle down. When he turned back, he found Taylor completely erect. “Aha!” Owen accused as he pointed it out.

  “Shut up.”
br />   “Amateur, am I?” Owen chided. “I don’t think so.” Owen leaned down over Taylor’s chocolate-covered cock and licked it. “Yum.”

  “I’ll say.”

  Before he began the act of sexual teasing, Owen leaned up on his elbows and said, “By the way. You know, because you’re all bound up, if by any chance I do something you don’t like, just tell me.”

  “I doubt that’s going to happen.”

  “I know. But if I were the one tied up, I’d want you to know when I wasn’t happy, or if it got too much.”

  “Okay, Owen.”

  “So, how about if you want me to stop and cut you loose, you just say…uh…”


  “Yeah. Cowboy.”

  “Okay. Now will ya get to it?”

  “My pleasure.” Owen moved around the bed so he could crawl from the bottom to settle down between Taylor’s legs. Holding the base of Taylor’s cock, Owen began licking the chocolate sauce off very slowly and lightly with the tip of his tongue. Hearing a low groan coming out of Taylor, Owen smiled happily. Taking his time, Owen cleaned all the sweet syrup off him with his mouth, enjoying the taste of Taylor’s skin and the scent of his body. Once he had a good, slow bout of sucking, Owen sat up and stared at Taylor. As he did, Taylor opened his eyes to look back at him.

  Without a word, Owen picked up the chocolate bottle and dripped some on Taylor’s nipples. Taylor’s chest began to rise and fall more rapidly as he appeared to struggle not to pant.

  Once Taylor’s chest was running with brown syrup, Owen set the bottle down and began lapping the sweetness off Taylor’s hard nipples, nipping them after he had sucked on them until they were rock hard.

  Peeking up at Taylor, Owen found him opening and closing his fists as if he were trying to control his excitement. “Still doing okay? Are the straps too tight on your hands?”

  “Doing okay. No.”

  By the concise answer, Owen knew Taylor most likely wanted to stay inside the fantasy and not be reminded they weren’t really S and M types. Or were they? No, no putting out cigarettes on skin. No. Ew.

  Owen got busy again. After both nipples were clean of chocolate, he sat up once more. “Wish I could spank your ass.”


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