Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3)

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Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3) Page 7

by Chevelle Allen

  “And how much do you have in these accounts?”

  “A little over two and a half million.”

  “Really.” He was genuinely surprised.

  “I’ve been maxing my 401K after paying off my student loans. And fortunately, I’ve been able to invest more than half of my salary for the last seven years.”

  It was clear she was quite proud of herself for managing her money as well as she did. She’d actually done better than he expected especially considering how generous she’d been with her family.

  “Anything else?”

  “Not really. I do have a retirement account set up for my mother, but I won’t touch that.”

  “You also own a barber shop, right?”

  “Caleb told you about that?”


  “I gave him the deed two years ago.”

  He smiled, rolled over and kissed her belly. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  “It’s what families do.”

  “I think you give people a lot more credit than they deserve.”

  “So what about you?”

  Rather than blurt out a sum, he simply said, “I don’t have retirement accounts. But I do have several investments, and I move things around to get the best possible returns.”

  “I’m surprised you don’t have a retirement account.”

  “I don’t really need it.”

  She closed the laptop turning to face him. “Why?”

  “My grandfather left my brother, sister and me trust funds when we turned eighteen.”

  “That’s what you used in college?”

  “No, I had a full ride in undergraduate so my parents insisted on paying for law school. I lived off some of what I earned in dividends The rest I reinvested.”

  “That’s smart. How much was it?”

  “Ten million.”

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I had no idea it was that much. So what, it’s tripled at least in the past twenty years. Right?”

  “Likely, but I’m not entirely sure.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s been comingled with other investments. Remember when I told you my father had several patents?”


  “Well, he set up companies to manage them and we all got shares that also paid dividends. I invested those too. When he sold them at retirement, the payout was substantial. That’s when I started my own law firm.”

  “How substantial?” She felt like she needed to steady herself for the answer. The way he described things, she knew it was likely a big number.


  “Just tell me. What’s your net worth?”

  “A little over a hundred fifty. I earn another five to seven per year depending on investment performance.”

  “A hundred-fifty? As in a hundred fifty million?”


  “Oh Jesus!”

  Never in a million years would she have guessed that amount. Fifty? A stretch. But three times that amount was stunning. She was speechless.

  Watching her carefully, he could see she was in shock, unsettled or both. “Are you okay?”

  “I had no idea. You don’t behave like…”

  “Having money and building wealth are two different things. Money gets spent. Building wealth keeps families secure…for generations, if you’re smart about it.”

  “Now I know why you didn’t want to tell me…and why your parents treated me that way. Any woman you brought home was going to catch hell. They were looking out for you.”

  “Again, you’re giving them far more credit than they deserved. They were being…”


  Although she tried not to show it, her head was still reeling from his revelation. She didn’t expect their lives would change given what she now knew, but it would impact them in ways she couldn’t begin to fathom.


  Glancing at her mother in the back seat, Janine saw the same expression she had the first time she visited the Josey home. She could tell her mother was trying desperately to compose herself. Admittedly, she was doing a far better job of it than expected. Making their way to the front door, Dr. and Mrs. Josey came out of the house to greet them. It was the first time Janine could recall them ever doing it. Michael had a key, so they usually met them on the patio or in the family room whenever they came to visit.

  “Mom, Dad, thanks for having us over.”

  “Dr. and Mrs. Josey, let me introduce you to my mother.”

  “Mrs. Powell, it’s a pleasure,” his mother said.

  Extending her hand, “It’s so nice to meet y’all and please call me Donna. We’re about to be family so we don’t have to be so formal.”

  “And feel free to call me Carolyn. Welcome to our home.”

  “I’m Ben. Your daughter is absolutely lovely. I see where she gets it. Please come in.”

  “Why, thank you!” she said following them inside.

  Once settled in the family room, Mrs. Josey was gracious as ever, offering crudités and other light snacks she’d prepared in advance of dinner. Janine couldn’t help but be a little on edge at this first gathering of future in-laws. Her mother seemed far more relaxed than she. Sensing her nervousness, Michael gently placed his arm around her shoulder as they sat on the sofa.

  “My goodness, y’all have a lovely house!”

  “Thank you. We had it built and moved in after Michael was born.”

  “Donna, would you like a glass of wine?” Ben offered.

  “That would be nice, but only a little bit, please. I don’t drink much.”

  “Janine? What about you?”

  “Yes, please.” She didn’t know why she was so nervous. Things were going very well so far.



  Once everyone had wine, Ben raised his glass. “A small toast, to my son and his bride-to-be.”


  “So tell me Donna, what are you doing while visiting D.C.?” Carolyn asked.

  “We’re gonna do a little dress shopping.”

  “Her wedding dress?”

  “Yes. I didn’t get to do it with her the last time, so I’m looking forward to it. We only have six weeks to go before the big day.”

  Although fairly subtle, Carolyn looked at Michael with a slight tilt of her head. It was clear she didn’t know Janine was once married.

  “There are some nice bridal shops in the city. I’m sure you’ll find something lovely.”

  “Why don’t you come with us?”

  Janine was mortified by her mother’s invitation and she hoped it didn’t show. Spending an entire afternoon with Carolyn shopping wasn’t appealing in the least. As far as she was concerned, they simply weren’t “there” yet.

  “That’s very kind, but I can’t intrude on such a special time…especially since you didn’t get to do it with her the first time.”

  There it was. Janine felt a sting with the statement even though there was little change in her tone or cadence. She just felt it. Rather than feeling wounded, she was mildly pissed. No longer the insecure twenty-four year old desperate for their approval, she was prepared to address the issue head on with her future mother-in-law, if necessary.

  Fortunately, Dr. and Mrs. Josey were far more engaging and warmer than she expected as the evening wore on. Michael was relaxed and seemed so happy. She didn’t want anything to distract from his mood. Throughout the evening, he’d kiss or lightly stroke her hand while watching their parents laugh and getting along so well. Over a scrumptious dinner, the conversation moved from one topic to another with humor scattered throughout. Janine couldn’t ignore the obvious—the evening was successful.

  “Carolyn, please let me help you clean all this up,” Donna offered as they got up from the table.

  “Thank you, but that’s not necessary. It won’t take me any time to put all this in the dishwasher. Plea
se join us on the patio for more wine.”

  “Oh, I can’t. I’ve already had too much!” she giggled.

  “Michael’s driving, so enjoy yourself, Mom.”

  “It’s not the driving I’m worried about. I just don’t want my head hurting in the morning.”

  They all laughed making their way to the patio. Michael reached into his pocket to retrieve his vibrating cell phone. Looking at the number, his face became serious as he looked up at Janine.

  “What is it?”

  “I need to take this. I’ll meet you on the patio, okay?”


  Watching them all head out, he went into the foyer to take the call. “Hello.”

  “Hello, M. I need you to come to the club right away.”

  It was Mrs. Rainey—better known as Mistress Spectra. Based in D.C., she was one of the most successful professional Dominatrices along the East Coast. He’d met her while an undergraduate in New York exploring his sexual interests and proclivities. She taught workshops, and gave private instruction and demonstrations. At that time, virtually everything he knew about techniques, safety and protocols necessary for BDSM practitioners, he learned from her. More important, over the years she became a dear friend and mentor. He’d known her almost twenty years even though he only represented her legal interests in the last three.

  “Spectra, I’m busy this evening.”

  “It’s an emergency. You know I wouldn’t call otherwise, especially at this time of evening.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “There are federal agents outside claiming to have a search warrant.”


  “So far, security has kept them outside. But they’re being quite insistent and things are escalating. They say they don’t need to wait for my lawyer to get here. They’re threating to break in the doors.”

  “If they have a warrant, they can do that. What’s this about?”

  “I have no idea. But I need you.”

  “I’m not in the city. It’ll take me about ninety minutes to get to you.”

  “Just get here as soon as you can.”

  “What’s going on inside the club? Do the members have any idea what’s happening?”

  “Yes. I have quite a few nervous people in here but there’s no more than a hundred or so here yet. We’re almost done getting everyone into the warehouse.”

  “Moving them is a bad idea. Too suspicious. You need people in there. Just move the ones who aren’t ‘out,’ and ask the rest to stay in the club. Tell everyone to not say a word to any agent.”

  “All right. I’ll take care of it.”

  The warehouse was an adjacent storage building with hidden access to the club. But it also served as an entry and exit for high profile members or guests. They could quietly slip in and out of the club unnoticed. Tonight Spectra was clearly using it to get her patrons out and avoid any contact with federal agents ready to swarm the most respected and exclusive BDSM/Fetish club in D.C. But that was an incredible risk, especially if anyone got antsy or refused to stay until the threat was over. If anyone slipped out, it could expose the others. This was a very real problem.

  “What else should I do?” Spectra asked.

  “Go outside to talk to the lead agent. I’ll stay on the line with you. I’ll tell you what to say.”

  He listened as she made her way from the private office into the main club area with loud music still playing it the background. Likely just a recording, it was a good sign she and her security were being thoughtful to maintain the ruse that all was normal inside. As the music faded, he knew she was moving through the main corridor leading to its primary entry.

  “I’m going outside now,” she said.

  “Just relax and let them know your attorney is on the line. But they don’t have to show you the warrant. So be polite and they might.”

  He could hear her clearly as she began talking with the agents.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. I am the owner of this private establishment. I understand you have a search warrant. I’d like to see it please to discuss the matter with my attorney who’s on the line with me.”

  He couldn’t exactly make out what the agent said, but she seemed calm.

  “The reason for the search should be at the top of the papers. Do you see it?”


  “What does it say?”

  “They want to search the premises for computers, video surveillance, financial records, documents, ledgers and/or any related materials.”


  “The warrant says for illegal wire transfers, money laundering and prostitution. This is absurd!”

  “Stop commenting! Just tell me is it for you or the club?”

  “The club.”

  He was speechless because in truth it didn’t matter. She was the club. In all the years he’d known her, she didn’t tolerate prostitution. She was adamant about that and always had been. The other allegations were also stunning. But there was enough of an investigation to get a judge to sign the warrant to search the place.

  “I’m on my way. You have no other choice but to let them in if you don’t want to be arrested. They’re going to keep agents outside to watch, so getting the members out is impossible until I get there.”

  “I understand.”

  “Invite them in and stay with the lead agent. Watch how he directs the others. Have security post at the main entry. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I’ll see you soon.”

  Hanging up, he had to compose himself. This was a nightmare he didn’t need. Making matters worse, he wasn’t a criminal attorney. He’d need to find someone he trusted to represent her as soon as possible. He’d make a few calls on his way, but he also had to get Janine and her mother home without raising too much alarm in either of them.

  He walked out to the patio. “Janine? Baby, I need to talk to you privately for a minute.”

  She came to him knowing right away something was very wrong. “Sure.”

  “Michael, is everything all right?” his mother asked.

  “It’s a client, Mom. Excuse us.”

  Taking Janine inside, he closed the door and whispered, “I have to go.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “There are federal agents at Club Spectra.”


  “I’ll tell you when I know more. Right now we have to make arrangements for you and your mother to get back to the city.”

  “We’ll just leave with you.”

  “No, I really need to go straight there.”

  Janine stood for a moment knowing this was no small matter. His face was serious and showing more stress than she could ever recall seeing on it.

  “How can I help you?”

  “You can’t. But I’ll call you later.” He kissed her on the cheek before returning outside to the others. “Mom, Dad, thanks so much for the great evening. Dinner was terrific.”

  “Son, what’s wrong?”

  “Dad, I have a urgent situation with a client. Would you please call a car service to take Janine and her mom back to the city?”

  “I can drive them.”

  “By the time you take them, you won’t get back until after midnight. It’s too much to ask. Just call the service for me.”


  Michael kissed his mother and future mother-in-law good night before shaking his father’s hand. “Thanks, Dad. Goodnight everyone.” He reached for Janine’s hand and together they walked outside to his car.

  “Be careful,” she said kissing him lightly.

  “I will. I’ll make it up to you and your mom, okay?”

  “There’s nothing to make up. Just keep me posted.”

  “I love you.”



  Pulling into the lot, Michael saw at least five or six federal law enforcement vehicles along with two vans outside the club. Making matters worse, there were several news crews w
ith bright lights and cameras doing live broadcasts. Fuck! He thought This is a nightmare. What the fuck is going on? There was no way for him to get inside without passing by the news crews unless he used the warehouse entry—which was out of the question. Steeling himself, he got out of the car walking quickly towards the front door. Reporters wasted little time rushing towards him asking questions with cameras glaring in his face. Moving past them he didn’t say a word focused only on getting to Spectra. He was immediately stopped by one of the agents guarding the main entry.

  One of Spectra’s security members stepped forward. “This is Mr. Josey. Mistress Spectra’s attorney.”

  “I need to see some identification,” the agent said.

  Reaching into his wallet, he showed his D.C. Bar Identification and driver’s license. “I’d like to see my client now, please. Is she inside?”

  “Yeah. Go ahead.”

  “Thank you.”

  He stepped inside identifying himself to other agents until he finally saw her. Perched at her table, two of her Subs sat at her feet, but the woman sitting there wasn’t Spectra. She tried to convey her dominance given the situation, but it was clear she was scared. Terrified was a more apt description, but her face lit up when she saw him. She extended her hand and took his as if she were a queen stepping down from her throne.

  “Thank God you’re here.”

  “It’s going to be all right. Come with me.” He led her away from the others saying, “I told you to stay with the lead agent.”

  “I tried, but he told me he’d arrest me for obstruction if I continued following him around.”

  “That’s bullshit! Who is he?”

  “Agent Reynolds. I didn’t get a first name.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “Back in the offices. They’ve already carried out all the computers.”

  “What exactly are they looking for?”

  “I have no idea. He wouldn’t answer that question. They’re also in the dungeons.”

  “Stay here.”

  Ascending the stairs to the loft area, he was able to see things clearly. Each dungeon was outfitted with spanking benches, crosses, racks, beds or different types or specialty designed items for the most skilled levels of BDSM play. He watched carefully as agents sprayed the dungeons with a chemical used to draw out any trace DNA. They swabbed surfaces with the aid of handheld black light rods illuminating surfaces, but it was clear they were frustrated by how clean they were. Who the fuck are they looking for? He was more convinced than ever the warrant and search weren’t about the club at all. He just needed to figure out who they were really after.


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