Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3)

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Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3) Page 8

by Chevelle Allen

  Leaving the loft, he walked to the office corridor. Each door was opened as agents continued looking under furniture and in the ceiling tiles.

  “Excuse me, agents. I’m looking for Special Agent Reynolds.”

  A tall slender man with gray crew-cut hair and rigid features came towards him. His face was stern as he approached.

  “I’m Special Agent Reynolds. I guess you’re her lawyer.”

  “That’s correct.” He handed him a business card. “Agent Reynolds, what exactly are you looking for?”

  “The warrant allows us to take all materials related to the operation of this so-called ‘business.’ Your client has been running a whorehouse and taking money through illegal activity.”

  “It’s a private club, not a whorehouse as you allege-that I can assure you. But even if it were, it would be a DCPD issue, not federal. So again I’m asking, why are you here?”

  “Read the warrant,” he said before turning away dismissively.

  Motherfucker! “I know what the warrant says. What exactly are you hoping to find? I can only suspect this is a fishing expedition. Otherwise all those reporters wouldn’t be outside. The Feds work quietly unless you’re out to embarrass a pretty big player. My client certainly isn’t the target. So again I ask, what’s really going on here?”

  “If you have issues with the warrant take it up with the judge or the Assistant US Attorney who filed it. Now, step aside.”

  He didn’t move but stared at the agent for a moment until Reynolds went around him. He pulled out the cell phone vibrating in his pocket.

  “Hi, Jack.”

  Jack Ramsey was a top defense attorney having taken on the Department of Justice before. After placing a few calls, he came highly recommended. He was known as a fierce litigator capable of winning some of the toughest cases out there. During the drive Michael called him but found him hesitant to take the case. After providing a few key details about Spectra and the club, he agreed to meet him at the club.

  “So what’s the scene down there?”

  “A few news crews and a pretty broad warrant. But Spectra’s definitely not the target. I think they’re using her to get to someone else.”

  “Any idea who?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Do you still need me to come over?”

  “Wouldn’t hurt to have two sets of eyes on this.”

  “What about her patrons?”

  “They’re all still here.”

  “I’m not far. I can be there within ten minutes. In the meantime, try to get the feds to release them. Those people aren’t involved.”

  “Got it. Thanks, Jack”

  “See you soon.”

  Michael walked back to where Spectra stood with two of her security people. He noticed an agent talking with a group of members sitting in booths scared shitless. Among them was Nikita Jones, his former Sub. During their time together, she helped him embrace darker elements of his play while dealing with his dualities.

  “Excuse me agent. Why are these people being detained?”

  “This is an active investigation. We need to question them.”

  Turning to the group he said, ”Everyone, you are under no legal obligation to say anything to this agent. I suggest you exercise your Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights and say nothing. Is that clear?”

  They all nodded.

  “Raise your hand if any of these agents tried to or asked to search your person or personal effects,” he asked them.

  Everyone raised his or her hands.

  “Do you think that’s helpful?”

  “It’s the law, agent. You have no legal cause to detain them. They all need to be released now or you’ll have a bigger problem on your hands.”

  “Hey, Pete! Get Reynolds over here!” the agent shouted.

  When Reynolds arrived, he glared at Michael before a whispered exchange with the agent that was questioning the members.

  “It seems we have a problem, Mr. Josey.”

  “It appears we do. You have no legal right to further detain these people.”

  “The warrant allows us to search the premises and anything else related to the investigation.”

  “That’s a big stretch and you know it. As a matter of fact, it’s illegal. Let them go home.”

  “They’ll stay as long as I need them.”

  “I can make this a lot easier for you if you just tell me what or who you’re really looking for. Otherwise, every one of these people will be filing charges of illegal detainment, search and seizure against you and your agents. Are you ready to give up your pension to compensate them?”

  Reynolds’ jaw clenched tightly as he came in very close. “Be very careful, Mr. Josey. The fact you’re even representing this woman tells me everything I need to know about you.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “What? You like this old broad sticking shit up your ass and beating the crap out of you?” Reynolds said with a smirk.

  Michael was livid at the attempted insult. He steadied his rage knowing if this prick knew anything about him, he’d never say bullshit like that him. He was fully capable of making bitches and motherfuckers like the agent beg him to stick shit up their asses or any other orifice he choose. Yet with an eerily calm yet authoritative tone he said, “We should keep things professional or it’ll get very unpleasant, very quickly.”

  “Are you threatening me?” he said placing his hand on his sidearm.

  “I’m informing you, agent.” He didn’t flinch as his deep brown eyes fixed on the agent’s.

  Derrick, the head of security came to his side saying, “Mr. Josey, Jack Ramsey says he’s here to see you.”

  Without taking his eyes off Reynolds he replied, “Good.”

  As Derrick left, Reynolds said, “Who knew whorehouses had such high powered lawyers. We must be on the right track to bring Ramsey out after midnight.”

  “Or the wrong one. And just to be clear, this isn’t a whorehouse.”

  “I don’t have time for this!” He walked to the center of the room shouting, “Wrap up the offices and double check the perimeter. Tell the lab boys to hurry up. We’ve spent enough time with this freak show!”

  Jack walked in wearing a tailored shirt, khakis and a pair of worn cowboy boots. Physically, he wasn’t imposing at all, but his reputation clearly preceded him. He extended his hand to Michael.

  “That’s quite a circus out there.”

  “Yeah, it’s not good. Thanks for coming out. I really appreciate it.”

  “So what else is going on?”

  “Like I said on the phone, I don’t think she’s the target. They’ve cleared out the computers, files and they tried to question patrons.”

  “And the lead agent?”

  “A real prick.”

  “We’re going to send these good folks home now. You take care of Spectra and the hidden sheep. All right?”

  “Thanks, Jack.”

  Ramsey went straight to Agent Reynolds. Michael turned to Nikita who seemed far more relaxed. She smiled and came towards him.

  “It’s been a long time, M.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” She paused for a moment looking at him with eyes growing more seductive. “You know, I’ve never seen the Michael Josey in action. Kinda hot.”

  He smiled thinking how much he actually missed her fierceness and humor. She was a highly skilled and seasoned Sub who knew how to help her Doms push their own limits in play. In time, he dropped the play-only boundary between them and she became more than a friend. He actually loved her, but they both knew theirs wasn’t a life partner kind of love. However his break from her was almost as painful. He hadn’t talked to her in almost two years even though he occasionally saw her in the club. They rarely spoke choosing instead to simply avoid each other.

  “It’s good to see you Nikita.”

  “Snowflake still around?” She was referring to Jocelyn Daniels. Initially excited by the prospect of helping him train a
new Submissive, Nikita became furious about it—not out of jealousy but her special brand of bias when she saw the woman was white-and older.


  “So you have somebody new?”

  “Actually, I’m getting married.”

  “Wow! Lucky girl. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. You should go home and I need to check on Spectra.”

  “Whatever your say, Sir. Maybe I’ll see you around the club. We can always laugh, right?”

  Kissing her lightly on the cheek he said, “Sure. Take care and behave yourself.”

  “Now what fun is that? Besides, a Sub without a good Dom can get into a world of trouble!” she chuckled. “You know that.”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t found one.”

  “Baby, you’re a tough act to follow and I’m particular. But I’ve been working on it.”

  “I’ll bet you have.”

  After saying goodbye he walked over to Spectra. Together they carefully made their way undetected to the warehouse entrance. There were about fifty people inside. Some paced while others sat clearly shaken.

  “Everyone! We’re going to have you all out of here shortly.”

  “Who are you?” shouted one of the men to the rear.

  “He’s my attorney…and a fellow member. He’s taking care of things for all of us.”

  “What the hell is this about?” asked another.

  “A search warrant is being executed. None of you are the subject of that search as far as we can tell. But there are news crews outside. We’re going to clear them out and then you can leave. If you’re ready to go now, just understand you may be exposed if not by your face then by your vehicle.”

  “Then how the hell are we going to be all right!” shouted a woman. “Are you saying they’re taking pictures or videotaping our cars?”

  “I don’t know for certain. I’m just letting you know the conditions right now.”

  “This is ridiculous! What kind of place are you really running here, Spectra?”

  “The kind of place you’ve been enjoying for years. I’ve done nothing illegal but my lawyers will find out what’s going on. Spread the word that the club is closed this weekend.”

  “You think I’d come back?” shouted another woman.

  “I hope you do, but if you don’t, it’s understandable.”

  These people had been sitting in this warehouse with no information for over two hours. They were most assuredly more anxious than they’d likely been in their lives. These were professional people who found a community that shared their kinks. He needed to calm them down.

  “Listen. Your privacy will be protected at all costs, even if means shutting down the club permanently.”

  Even though it was clear the club had been compromised Spectra wasn’t happy with his statement. She whispered, “That’s a bit extreme.”

  He came in close. “We’ll do what has to be done.”

  He took her hand and walked back into the club as stealthily as they exited. They rejoined the others who were finally being allowed to leave. Jack stood near the exit corridor signaling for him to join him.

  “So, where are we?” Michael asked.

  “This is the biggest pile of shit I’ve ever seen! I recognized one of the lab techs so I managed to get a little info. You’re right. Your friend isn’t the one they’re after.”

  “Who is?”

  “Some congressmen from out west. Seems he used to come here and may have paid using funds he shouldn’t have. They say she covered it up for him.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Macintosh. Daniel Macintosh.”

  “Son of a bitch!”

  “You know him?”

  “Not personally. But I had to shut something down when he and his wife were going through their divorce. She wanted to out him for revenge.”

  “Seems like she may have.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?”

  “She also came here.”

  “Wait a minute. I don’t know all the ins and outs of this kind of stuff, but there’s supposed to be a Top and a Bottom, right?”


  “So which was which?”

  “They were both Bottoms.”

  “How’s that work?”

  “They had a Dom…a Dominatrix actually.”

  “Who is she?”

  “I don’t know. But Spectra does.”


  It was after three in the morning when he finally got home. The microwave light illuminated a bottle of wine and glass Janine set out for him. As exhausted as he was, he was also wired, frustrated, tense and unable to settle his mind. The evening’s unexpected turn of events had definitely taken their toll. Even if he finished the wine, there was no way he could calm down, let alone fall asleep. But he poured a glass anyway, gulping it down before drinking another.

  Quietly heading down the hall, he slipped into the bedroom closet to undress. When he came out, she turned on the lamp.


  “I was trying not to wake you.”

  “You must be exhausted. Come to bed.”

  “I can’t sleep.”

  Studying him she said, “You don’t have to.”

  Drawing the covers back, she slipped the camisole over her head and slid her panties off, tossing them on the floor. Her body was shapely and strong with full breasts and soft curves. The deep hue of her skin radiated against the soft light. Her beautiful eyes were inviting and provocative. Lying back down, she placed her arms overhead resting her hands against the headboard while keeping her eyes on his. Arching her back before settling into a more submissive posture, she watched the struggle within him growing more apparent.

  He sat next to her on the bed, running his fingers lightly along her thighs tracing them up to her breasts and down again. It was as if he were involved in a Taoist exercise, transfixed on the invisible patterns he traced on her skin. His delicate touches caused a shiver throughout her body as the goose bumps raised on her flesh. Turning to her side, she placed her hand on his face gently stroking it before moving her hand to his chest and belly. His eyes closed savoring her touches, but when they opened they reflected an intensity and hunger she knew well.

  Janine had the uncanny ability to know exactly what he needed, even when he didn’t. She came to understand she was no mere vessel for the release of his frustrations and anxieties. She was his anchor—grounding him and bringing him back to a place of clarity and peace. But the voyage could be far from gentle. When he was like this, there were times he needed to unleash and relinquish his self-control. What followed could be powerful, rough and uninhibited. There was something about his primal side that freed her as well.

  He sat staring at her, letting his eyes take in her nakedness before removing his boxer briefs. Rolling her onto her back, he positioned her in the middle of the bed straddling her hips. With his knees flat on the bed, he placed his hands firmly on her breasts squeezing and kneading them occasionally moving out to her shoulders and arms. He soon matched the rhythmic movements of his hands by grinding his swelling penis against her smooth, shaven mound.

  He leaned in gently kissing and licking her breasts. Taking a breast into his mouth, he began slurping and pulling at her nipple with his teeth before doing the same to the other. Her nipples became even more erect reflecting the intensity of the sensation and her own mounting desires. His kisses moved to her neck as he nuzzled in close still grinding against her.

  “Who are you?” he whispered as his hand moved up to grip the bottom of her jaw and throat.


  “Who am I?”


  It wasn’t the answer he was expecting at all. In the past when he asked her, the response was “Sir.” It was a clear signal she was ready to play. But this time she was doing something else.

  “Who am I?” he repeated squeezing her neck tighter while continuing to slide his penis agai
nst her clit.


  It was strange and enticing, but it was clear she was attempting to top from the bottom. She was blurring the lines. Releasing her, he smiled saying, “Show me.”

  Taking hold of his penis and gently pulling it towards her mouth, she slid down to give him more room to straddle her shoulders. She guided his penis into her mouth sucking hard while letting her tongue move around his shaft. It felt extraordinary as she took him to the back of her throat over and over. Wanting to slow things down, he tried to withdraw but she prevented him by engaging her teeth. When he relented, her lips pressed against his tender flesh. Resuming her pace, she brought him to the edge of his orgasm before letting go.

  Placing her hands on the back of his thighs, she pushed up signaling him to change position. Continuing to guide him, it was clear she wanted him on his back. Taking hold and raising his thigh, she humped his leg smiling as she slid her moist vagina down on his engorged penis. Now it was she mounting him. The angle she chose allowed her to move freely, while rubbing her clit against his raised upper thigh. It was definitely a female dominant position. Without removing her, there was little he could do but enjoy the ride she was providing. He loved the angle and the sensation it created resembled a scissor position while still being quite different. He gripped her ass with one hand and with the other, her thigh.

  Her moans grew louder as she lost herself to the warmth pulsing inside her. She continued fucking him with all her might until the first wave overcame her. Digging his fingers into her flesh, he came hard just watching her. But she didn’t stop. She kissed and bit at his knee but her pace didn’t slow even as he softened and tried to raise himself to touch her. Instead of giving him time to recover, she gripped him from within taking advantage of the increased sensitivity he was experiencing. It was the closet thing to multiple orgasms a man could achieve. His body convulsed and he let out a deep resonant growl.


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