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Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3)

Page 13

by Chevelle Allen

  He whispered softly, “Just lay here with me, okay?”

  “No, I won’t. I know hearing about it was difficult for you, but it’s over. It’s done. I don’t ever want what happened with that bastard to come between us. Ever. Do you hear me?” She was emphatic. “Michael, do you hear me?”


  “So tell me who are you?”

  He smiled marveling at her strength and conviction. “Your Sir.”

  “And who am I?”


  “And that’s the choice I made.”


  The six months following their honeymoon was blissful and more loving than she could imagine. Michael was attentive and playful in every sense of the word. Nothing was lacking in their lovemaking because of his ability to consistently satisfy her to epic levels. Elements of his darker side surfaced, especially when their play became more boisterous but he’d always hold back. She struggled to understand why he was so reticent. While certainly surprising, nothing she’d seen up to that point was remotely unnerving. But it essentially boiled down to his need to “protect” her. Needing to trust his judgment on the subject, she had to be patient, resolving to let it evolve in its own time.

  With her work for Josey and Associates and the Foundation finished, Janine busied herself house hunting until finally finding something they both loved. They agreed that he’d take care of selling the condo so she could focus on the new place. At four thousand square feet, there was plenty to buy. The only furniture that made its way into the new house was Michael’s custom bedroom. Everything else had to be purchased. She wanted to be frugal even though he gave her free reign to spend whatever she needed to make the house their home. Decorating the four-bedroom, three-bath home was no small task, but they deliberately left one room vacant in hopes of turning it into a nursery.

  Sipping coffee in the sunroom, she was feeling restless. It had been a few months since she worked and she had few outlets to quell her boredom. She’d reconnected with a few friends from law school still in the DC area, but rebuilding those friendships took time. As much as she enjoyed spending time with them, she quickly discovered she had far more time than most of them. They were often swamped with work, soccer games or the myriad of other things working parents did with and for their kids.

  Michael was busy as ever but making every effort to be home by seven each evening. But he was still driving out to meet with Spectra whenever she called even though nothing had happened with the case. Nonetheless it still seemed to be a priority. Janine tried to understand his relationship but it was wearing on her. Whenever she broached the subject, he’d simply say, “She’s a client and a friend in crisis. You’d do no less if she was a friend of yours.” The problem was she didn’t know enough about the woman to determine whether or not she was taking advantage of his inexplicable devotion. Making matters more problematic, he’d gone to the club twice since the wedding and planned to go later that evening.

  Rather than let her mind wander or worry about things she had little control over, she called Kelly.

  “Hey, J! How are you girl?”

  “All things considered, great. How are you?”

  “We’re doing fine here. Kids are back in school and daycare. Jason’s doing Jason. What’s going on with you?”

  “Not a whole lot. I think that’s the problem. I’ve got to find something to do. I need to go back to work or something.”

  “What does Michael think?”

  “You know him-he’s fairly laid back about stuff like that. Bottom line is whatever makes me happy.”

  “Can he afford to hold it down with you not working?”

  None of their friends knew the extent of Michael’s wealth. “I’ve saved a bit and between us, we have it covered.”

  “But you’re bored, right?”


  “Been there, done that.”

  Kelly was married to Manhattan real estate mogul Jason Rubenstein. Being ten years her senior, he was anxious to have children right away. After eight years they were the proud and doting parents of three adorable kids. Kelly still practiced law selectively taking on clients and working no more than three days per week. But for the most part she was at home with their children.

  “I’ve got to do something, Kelly. And soon. Way too much time on my hands right now.”

  “I’m not sure how to take that, J.”

  “What’s on your plate today?”

  “You’re thinking about coming up?

  “If you’re free.”

  “Sure! You wanna go shopping, late lunch, what?”

  “I’m sick of shopping, but maybe just hang out after a late lunch…at least until your kids get home.”

  “That’s covered by the nanny today. So what time are you thinking?”

  “Maybe by one, one-thirty?”

  “Sure, come on up. Is Michael working late?”

  “His usual. But he has other plans tonight.”

  “Now why don’t I like the sound of that? Are you sure everything is okay?”

  “We’ll talk when I get there. Look for me in about four hours, maybe less if the traffic is good.”

  Kelly was quiet for a moment. “You know I’m here. Come on up.”

  She called Michael letting him know she’d be driving up to New York for the day to see Kelly. When he asked when she’d be back, she simply said she didn’t know. One thing was certain she expected to be home before him. Whenever he went to the club, he usually left around ten getting home after one and often waking her for sex.

  The drive to Manhattan was fairly uneventful. Shocked to nab street parking, she walked one block from the Uptown restaurant where they agreed to meet. When she arrived, Kelly was already seated at a table near the entrance.

  She greeted her with a big hug, “Hey Janine!”

  “Thanks for doing this at the last minute, girl.”

  “Anytime. Do you want some wine?”


  Motioning for the server, she ordered Bordeaux and asked him to give them time before placing their lunch orders.

  Raising her glass she said, “To married life and all its messy!”

  “To married life!” Janine chuckled.

  “So, let’s just cut to the damn chase. What’s going on with you and Michael?”

  “Like I said, it’s amazing. I love him so much. I don’t know why I’m fixating on this thing.”

  “What thing?”

  Janine wasn’t sure how to explain any of the feelings she was having or how best to frame it given its nature.

  “Michael’s been spending a lot of time with a client that’s really in a mess. Things have been in a holding pattern with the case but she still calls him. He goes running whenever she does.”


  “Yes. He’s known her for a long time.”

  “Do you think something’s going on between them?”

  “No. Nothing like that. She’s more like a…hell, I don’t know how to explain it. She’s older…probably his mother’s age. I guess the closest way to describe her is she’s a mentor.”

  “Okay. So why is it a problem?”

  “I don’t know. I just have this feeling there’s more going on and he’s not sharing it.”

  “You know how he is, Janine. He probably takes client confidentiality to a whole new level. Does he discuss other cases with you?”

  “Sometimes, it just depends.”

  “There you go! I’m sure it’s nothing. And you’re right…you’ve got way too much time on your hands. Believe me, I know what that’s like. You can only read so many books and you definitely don’t want to get caught up with daytime TV. You probably just need to go back to work. Have you thought seriously about it?”

  “Yeah. I’ve definitely got to start looking. Otherwise I’ll make myself crazy. I’ve got to have some kind of life apart from him.”

  “Hmmm. That’s interesting.”


  “What you just said. D.C.’s home for him. I’m sure there are a lot of people and places that he knows. The question is does he include you now that you’re married?”

  “I’ve met a few of his friends, but for the most part, it’s just the two of us. He’s never been in to the charity social scene or any of that. So we don’t go.”

  “There’s no reason why you can’t go. The Foundation’s lobbyists are in D.C., right? Reach out to those people. Make your own connections.”

  “I am making them, but it’s slow. And D.C.’s just as cliquish as Indianapolis. It’s all about who you know. I don’t have the Foundation as an entre anymore.”

  “Sure you do. You just don’t like the idea of relying on that. I’m sure if you talk to Michael and tell him you want to go to those things, he’ll go with you. At least until you’re comfortable with the scene.”


  “So where’s he going tonight?”

  “A club.”

  “Why aren’t you going with him?”

  “I didn’t like it.”

  “What’s wrong with a little dancing?”

  “It’s not that kind of club.”

  Kelly leaned back in her chair staring at her for a moment. “And exactly what kind of club is it then? Like a strip club?”

  “Not exactly.” She leaned closer whispering, ”A BDSM club.”

  “Are you kidding me? Oh my God!” she burst into laughter.


  “Does he…you know…participate or is it more like a fetish kind of thing where he likes to watch?”

  “I’m not exactly sure what he does.”

  “Is that what he’s into? I mean J, there’s nothing wrong with a little ‘tie me up and spank my ass.’ Maybe if you try it, he wouldn’t want to go.”

  She took a deep breath because for the first time she was going to share her most intimate secret. “We do a little more than that.”

  “I’m sorry…what?”

  “You heard me. It’s been a part of our relationship almost from the beginning.”

  “Ya’ll are into BDSM? Get the fuck outta here! Well that explains a lot. Two undercover freaks! I ain’t mad at ya, girl! So help me out. I don’t understand the problem. Do you only do it because he likes it or what?”

  “I love it with him. He’s very good at it. Masterful, in fact,” she said with a devilish grin.

  “And here I was thinking little Miss Charlotte was too prudish. Well all I can say is, I think you’re worrying about the wrong damn thing. So what if he wants to go for a little extra inspiration. As long as he’s bringing the dick home, what’s your damn problem? It’s not like he’d ever cheat on you. He’s not the type.”

  “He’s done it before.”

  “He’s cheated on you?”

  “No. He cheated with me…when he was with Christine.”

  “Wait. Are you telling me y’all actually hooked up at my wedding?”

  “Yes, and some.”

  “That shit doesn’t count. She was a filler and you know it. He’s always loved you. Besides, didn’t you cheat on Ethan with him after our trip to Belize?”

  “Point taken.”

  “Right. Stop looking for reasons to steal your joy. Let him have his fun. Every man needs a release. A fantasy, if you will. Hell, so do women! So lighten the fuck up because you’re seriously trippin’!”

  “You’re right. Like I said…way too much time on my hands. Please don’t tell him or let on that I shared this with you.”

  “That’s my boy, but we’re girls! Why the hell would I tell him?”

  “Because sometimes you slip!” she laughed.

  “I don’t slip, I slide shit out to see what happens! But this? No worries. I got you.”


  Finishing off her first glass, Kelly seemed to be in deep thought before asking, “So…what kind of shit do y’all do? I’ve always wanted to try it.”

  “Seriously? I’m surprised you haven’t.”

  “I’ve had plenty of ass taps because…well, I got a big booty. But other than that? No. I mean…nothing like…serious.”

  “Do you think Jason would be willing to do it? He seems a little…traditional.”

  “J, think about what you’re saying. Honey, he married me!”

  Janine nearly spit her wine out from laughing so hard. Kelly was by far the most adventurous of her friends. She was almost fearless. But she was also a little homey, or at least that’s what she became once she and Jason became serious and got married.

  “All I can say is tell him that you’re interested. Then explore together. Talk about it and read up on it. Believe me, there’s so much more out there now about it—and not porn. Whatever you do, just be safe. If you do it wrong, someone could get hurt.”

  “So…what do y’all do? I mean how extreme is it?”

  “Truthfully, I saw things at the club that went way beyond anything I could’ve imagined. Some of it looked brutish. But people were getting off on it. I think extreme is relative. You do what you’re comfortable with.”

  “So…do y’all take turns being the Dom or what?”

  “Uh no.”

  “You don’t switch off?”


  “Do you want to?”


  “Damn. He must be good.”

  “He’s amazing.”


  Finding his usual spot in the loft, he looked below at the play in the dungeons. Only three rooms were being used and he didn’t recognize the members. Of the three, only two were in full scene while another couple was cleaning the space having completed their play. Michael focused his attention on a male Dom as he readied two Subs. One of the women was stretched across a wooden semi-circular form that placed her in an awkward backbend position. With cuffs on her wrists and ankles, he used the crank to spread her legs exposing her bushy, natural mound. The other woman was on all fours chained to a wooded table. As he prepared them, he rubbed them both down with oils to lessen any bruising from strikes.

  Watching, Michael thought he was a bit rough in how he handled them but he also knew, to each his own. As he watched, it also occurred to him the Dom seemed somehow disconnected from the women. They were merely subjects rather playmates. With the first strikes it was apparent it was all for him. He made little to no effort to reward the women or please them in any way. He moved from one device or toy to the next almost oblivious to what was happening to either woman. The more he watched it became clear that one of the women was becoming distressed.

  Amateur, he thought. In recent years, he’d come across men and women like this. Somewhere they learned a few things about devices, but never embraced the psychology of play or the real role of a Dom or the power of the Sub. Michael referred to them generally as “wannabes” who didn’t care enough about what they were doing to master it. It was these types that concerned him most. A true Dom negotiated with his Sub, set rules and boundaries. The Dom’s job was to care for the Sub and by doing so take on a variety of behaviors. A Sub always had the power to say no. But these so- called “wannabe” Doms were exploiting the growing fascination with and lessening taboo nature of BDSM. But ultimately it was harmful to true practitioners.

  As it was, TV and film didn’t make any distinction in the types of play or its degrees. It was all about sadomasochistic behaviors that were more aptly depictions of psychotics. True practitioners knew the difference. But even those who enjoyed Sadism and Masochism knew its boundaries and rules of engagement. The fact that Spectra let someone like him become a member deeply concerned him. It suggested she’d lost far more of her long-term members than he realized.

  Shifting his attention to the next room, he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was the club’s head of security. Derrick handed him a black card with the letter S emblazoned in gold foil on it. It was an invitation to Spectra’s private chamber where she performed her own play with her Subs or offered traini
ng. Only a select few got to watch her mastery.

  “Thanks, Derrick. You might want to keep an eye on Room 2. The Sub on the block looks like she might be in trouble and that dumbass doesn’t seem to have a clue, or he doesn’t care. Watch them and get her out of there if you need to.”

  “You got it M.”

  He walked down the stairs towards the dance floor. For a Friday night, the crowd was good but not nearly as full as normal. There was a slight pall over the place since the warrant had been issued. Rumors were still circulating so most chose to stay away until the perceived threat was over. Among the regulars, he was now identified as Spectra’s lawyer and the anonymity he once enjoyed was all but gone. Fortunately, most just nodded as he moved towards the back corridor to her chamber.

  He handed the card to another of her security team who let him inside. He’d been in the chamber several times over the years and its theatricality was always the same. The corners of the room were very dark, with the center illuminated from above by a bright white light. For those invited inside, no one was to speak unless spoken to by her. The expectation was for guests to stand against the walls and watch. When she was done, she’d talk her Subs down and then engage the group about what they’d seen. But the room felt eerily quiet…and empty.

  Stepping into the light, she spoke. “Good evening, M.”

  “Good evening, Mistress.” He was the only one in the room.

  “Join me, won’t you?”

  To say he was tentative was an understatement. She’d never called him to the center. The fact she did so without first discussing it was unnerving even if no one else was there.

  “No thank you.”

  She walked into the shadows towards him. “It’s fate that you’re here tonight. I need your help. A couple requested my assistance. They’ve decided to be 24/7 and I’ve been working with them for a few months. They’re almost ready. But they have one last threshold to cross. You may bring insights I can’t.”


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