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Their Now and Forever (Book III) (The Allen Trilogy 3)

Page 21

by Chevelle Allen

  “Bye.” Turning off the phone, he placed it in his breast pocket as they approached.

  “Afternoon!” Jack was his usual self, full of swagger and hubris.

  “Hello, Jack. Josephine. Are we ready?”

  “I’m ready for all of this to be over,” she said.

  “I think we all are,” Michael said. “Should we go in?”

  “Naw. I’ll let the bailiff and clerk’s office know she’s here. We might as well wait.”

  “Fine.” Turning his attention to her he said, “Why don’t you have a seat until it’s time to go in?”

  Nodding compliance, she sat but didn’t say a word. She seemed distant, if not aloof. Michael wasn’t sure if it was nervousness that had her so quiet or something else. They hadn’t spoken since the phone call about the video. He’d left it to Jack to disclose their decision to turn it over to the prosecution.

  “How’ve you been?” he asked.


  “How’s the club doing?”

  “It’s recovering well. Who knew all this publicity would attract new members.”


  It was awkward as hell but they sat until Jack returned. At various times each got up to check emails or return calls, but the interaction between Michael and Spectra was limited. When the bailiff finally appeared to usher her into the court, they were ready. After being sworn in, the prosecution wasted little time getting to the core issue.

  “Would you prefer I call you Mrs. Rainey or Mistress Spectra?”

  “Either one is fine.”

  “All right. Mistress Spectra, you testified before the grand jury that Mr. Macintosh came to your establishment because he wanted to learn about BDSM. Is that correct?”


  “It was then that you arranged for Dana Murphy also known as Miss Treet to provide that training. Is that also correct?”


  “Why didn’t you do it?”

  “Between running the club, workshops, speaking engagements and managing my own Subs, I simply didn’t have the time.”

  “Why did you choose Miss Treet?”

  “Observing her technique, I thought she was exceptionally good so I offered her the opportunity to work with them.”

  “Did she work for you as a prostitute?”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “Based on Ms. Murphy’s testimony, she claims it was you who encouraged her to offer them sex for a price. Is that correct?”

  “It is not.”

  “We all saw the tape of you accepting money when they had sex with her. It definitely looked like something a pimp would do.”

  “I didn’t realize you were so familiar with how pimps handle their business, counselor.”

  The court erupted in laughter. Jack was delighted leaning back and folding his arms watching her with great delight. Michael was listening far more intently because he knew her well. He was waiting for any indication she was perjuring herself-again.

  “Your Honor, permission to treat Mrs. Rainey as a hostile witness.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary counselor. But Mrs. Rainey, you do need to answer the questions directly.”

  “Yes your Honor.”

  Highly miffed, the prosecutor continued. “Tell the court your version.”

  “It’s simple, they wanted a teacher. I arranged one. I was paid my standard finder’s fee. Anything that happened beyond that was arranged between them. I had nothing to do with it.”

  “But you did arrange for them to have sex, didn’t you? In fact, you arranged for them to not only have sex with Miss Treet, but with others and you got paid for that.”

  “It wasn’t prostitution.”

  “Well what do you call people paying to have sex with your employee—excuse me, ‘consultant’?”

  “That isn’t what happened.”

  “This court has seen the video, provided by your attorneys, I might add. People had sex and you were paid before the act took place.”

  “I was paid for the use of the club. The event you refer to happened on a night the club was closed. The client wanted to escalate their experience and against my better judgment, I agreed.”

  “But you testified to the grand jury that you didn’t allow sex in your club. Isn’t that right?”


  “But you obviously did.”

  “If I recall, you asked me if I allowed prostitution. I testified that I don’t run a whorehouse.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “There is a big difference between consenting adults exploring their fetishes and fantasies and coerced sex workers. Everyone in my chamber that night chose to be there.”

  Try as he might, the prosecutor couldn’t get her to admit to anything illegal. There was certainly a lot of innuendo, but she was a composed as ever. It was clear Jack had coached her well. But as Michael listened carefully to her testimony, he knew she’d crossed several lines with club operations. He didn’t understand why. If she’d stuck to the rules as set forth, none of this would have gone nearly as far as it had. After a few questions from the Defense, she stepped down from the witness stand heading straight for the exit. Jack and Michael followed her out.

  “Well done, lady!” Jack beamed.

  “I just answered the questions like you said.”

  “Well it’s time to celebrate. You can finally put all of this behind you.”

  “Thank you for everything, Mr. Ramsey.”

  “My pleasure. I’ll see you soon.” Turning to Michael he extended his hand to shake saying, “Mike, we should work together again sometime. I like your style.”

  Michael just chuckled saying, “Hopefully nothing quite like this. The spotlight was a bit intrusive.”

  “Aw hell, you get used to it! Y’all enjoy the rest of your day. I’ll be in touch!”

  As he left, Josephine turned to Michael. “I owe you a thank you as well, Mr. Josey.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  They stood looking at one another both knowing there was so much more to be said.

  “None of this has been easy on us, has it?” she said.

  “No. But Jack’s right. It’s over.”

  “But there’s unfinished business between us.”

  “You tell me.”

  “It seems as if this whole thing has caused an irreparable breach between us, M.”

  “Irreparable, no. But definitely a breach.”

  “So what do we do about that?”

  “Why didn’t you trust me with the truth?”

  “Because I know you’d have trouble understanding.”

  “Try me.”

  “This isn’t something we should be talking about in the courthouse.”


  Walking together to a nearby pub, they sat in a booth continuing their conversation over bourbons.

  “So why did you do it?” he asked.

  “Do what in particular?”

  “All of it. As your lawyer, you should have told me you were hosting the sex parties.”

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t approve.”

  “It’s not for me to approve. It’s your club, your rules…as long as everything is legal.”

  “Really, M?”

  “It’s Michael.”

  She leaned back against the booth looking at him. A slight grin appeared as she took a sip of her bourbon and ginger.

  “Of course it is. I’ve been watching you for years…nurturing you. That once confused, yet erotic young man who dotted my doors is now a man of such conviction, strength and power. I’ve spent years counseling and training people…but you? You were always different.”

  “I’m no different.”

  “Oh yes you are. You’re the only one in the family who’s been courageous enough to call me on my shit. And I have a lot of shit!” she laughed.

  “That’s not an explanation.”

  “With all your strength, there was always a void, and someh
ow you allowed me and the club to fill it. I can’t tell you how…exhilarating it’s been to have that kind of power shared with me. It’s greater than anything a Sub could give. But you moved on. You found your wholeness.”

  “She doesn’t have anything to do with this.”

  “I’m not talking about your wife. I’m talking about you. When you were finally able to embrace all that you are, I knew our time together was short.”

  “This isn’t about me, so don’t try to blow smoke up my ass!”

  “Fine, but everything I’ve told you is the truth. Did you ever think that I needed something too? That I might…that I needed a new rush.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve been in this life for thirty-five years. I’ve done just about everything there is to do. I hope you never discover how empty it is when something you love becomes something you have to do. The joy evaporates because of tax filings and workers’ compensation and all the shit involved in running a business.”

  “Then sell it or find someone else to run it.”

  “Maybe I will one day. There was a time I thought it might be you. But for now, I’m opening the club to Swingers. There’s a lot of money in it.”

  “And a lot of risk. You know that.”

  “Jack’s going to help me minimize that.”

  “I see. So you’ve asked him to represent you?”

  “Yes. This whole thing has taught me that it’s best to keep my business and friendships separate. Both can be damaged if you don’t.”

  “Friendships are damaged when you choose to keep secrets you don’t need to.”

  “We all have secrets. My reasons for keeping them may not make sense to you. They only need to make sense to me. After all these years…after all we’ve experienced together, I hoped you’d give me that much. I hoped we could keep each other’s secrets.”

  “I’ll never violate a personal trust. The things I know about you will never leave my lips. But you went beyond that.”

  “Did I?”

  “You know damn well you did. You took advantage of our relationship for your benefit on more than one occasion. And I let you. That’s the fucked up part. I hurt her because of you.”

  “Those were all your choices.”

  “Maybe. But you even went so far as to ask me to violate my professional ethics to protect you. Friends don’t do that. At least not the kind of friends I want.”

  “Your self-righteousness is astounding!”

  “Excuse me?”

  “If it makes you feel better to blame me for the issues you have in your life. Fine! It won’t be the first time someone I cared about has done that to me.”

  “That’s just it! I defended you at every fucking turn. And you still had to test me. Test my loyalty to you.”

  “Are you done?”

  “Yes.” His face had gone cold and indifferent.

  “Then there’s nothing left to say. I appreciate the drink.” She gulped the last of it and stood. “I suppose you’ll be suspending your membership?”

  “Ending it.”

  “That saddens me. But do what you have to do.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  “Well then, it’s been my pleasure knowing you.”

  “I’ll send your files to Jack. Goodbye, Josephine.”

  “Good Bye, M”


  It had been a hellish couple of weeks. Michael was thrilled to be away from the office for a while, even if it was an appointment with the fertility specialist. Arriving at the practice on time, their wait was minimal. Rather than going into an exam room, the doctor met them in a small conference room with walls covered with pictures of infants conceived with fertility assistance and notes from their grateful parents.

  “How are you feeling Ms. Powell?”

  “Really good. The incision healed up pretty well.”

  “Glad to hear it! So let’s get started. The biopsy came back normal. Your fallopian tubes and uterus are healthy. That coupled with the hormone tests and sperm analysis, I think the odds of getting pregnant are in your favor. Honestly, I can’t find anything that would prevent it from happening now.”

  “But you mentioned there was an issue during her procedure,” Michael said.

  “Minor, but yes. That’s why her recovery was so quick. There was very little I had to do.”

  “What was it?” she asked.

  “There was a small area of the uterus with adhesions that needed to be removed. Fortunately, it was easily taken care of.”

  “What’s an adhesion?” she asked.

  Michael knew exactly what the term meant, but he was surprised it was found during her procedure.

  “It’s essentially scar tissue. While I can’t be certain in your case, adhesions can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting if it lands on that area,” the doctor replied.

  “Scar tissue? Why would I have scar tissue in my uterus? That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “She’s never had surgery before,” Michael said.

  The doctor quickly looked at Janine. He phrased his words carefully. “An adhesion can form following any procedure, like removal of fibroids or scraping the endometrium walls of excess tissue. Women with heavy periods often have those procedures.”

  Janine didn’t say a word.

  “You mean a D and C?” Michael asked.

  Clearing his throat the doctor continued. “The good news is everything looks really good. If you haven’t conceived within six months, we’ll look at IVF and other options. Okay?”

  “Thank you,” Janine said. “For everything.”

  The appointment was brief and should have been cause to celebrate. But Michael was quiet. His chiseled face was taut. Being the son of a surgeon, the doctor’s attempts to divert his query about the adhesions hadn’t worked. They both knew it.

  Walking silently to her car, she turned to him asking, “So you’ll be home at the regular time?”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  “Okay.” Reaching out to touch his face and kiss his cheek, he flinched just enough for her to notice. “I’ve got to head back to the office. I’ll see you later,” she said tentatively.

  “Yeah…I need to head back too.”

  She got in her car as he walked slowly to his. Watching him in her rear view mirror, he seemed to be in a daze. He knows, she thought. Jesus! He knows!

  Pulling into the parking spot of her office building, she sat in the car consumed by the vivid memory. Laying her head against the steering wheel, she recalled staring blankly at those two lines. Bright pink, almost purple. Undeniable. How could she let this happen? Why had she been so careless? Why had she let him touch her like that knowing he belonged to another woman?

  Seven years ago she was practicing law and had recently moved to Indianapolis from Chicago to serve with her mentor Neil Elliott. That move catapulted her career. Janine made full partner and was eventually named principal counsel for the Remington family and their foundation when Neil retired. It was the entre to the CEO position at the Foundation two years later. Her career was exceeding all expectations but her personal life was all but nonexistent.

  Engaged in a series of short-term romances or one-night stands, she was often left emotionally void in spite of any sexual fulfillment. Indianapolis was much smaller than Chicago with limited options and even smaller social circles. Deciding to focus on her career instead, she stopped dating all together for a while. And then it happened. She saw Michael at Kelly’s wedding and her world turned upside down.

  She hadn’t seen him since she left for Chicago after law school. The rumor among their friends was he’d soon propose to his girlfriend of two years. Arriving at the wedding, she met the stunning Christine Morgan. Elegant, stylish, and intelligent, she seemed the perfect match for him. Watching them together, they appeared to be happy and in love. Without a doubt, Christine was certainly the kind of woman his family would approve of and like.

ing the courage to approach them, Janine introduced herself to Christine simply as an old friend from law school. Soon after Michael invited her to dance as Christine returned to their table. Innocent enough when it began, he whispered in her ear how much he missed her and how lovely she looked. It could have been the utterings of a lothario or womanizer—but she knew better. There was no denying she missed him too—and more. The smell of him, how he felt against her body, the penetrating gaze of his beautiful brown eyes and his breath on her neck transported her to happier times between them.

  Against all logic, they slept together later that evening. Powerful, loving and erotic, it was everything she longed for but couldn’t find with any other partner. She was overjoyed to have him again—if only for a few hours. Following a heated exchange with Christine about his earlier whereabouts, he returned to spend the night. Janine couldn’t have been more hopeful. It should have been the start of something more, something precious and lasting. But it was anything but.

  Leaving early the next morning to join the bridal party, Janine was damn near giddy as she kissed him goodbye. But hours later, she was devastated seeing him escort Christine during the festivities. She could barely breathe feeling as if she’d been kicked in the stomach. Clearly nothing that happened between them changed what he was building with her. Christine belonged to him and he to her, in every sense of the word. Janine felt she owed him the opportunity to make things right. With the exception of a few talks in the weeks that followed, his calls eventually went unanswered.

  Finally heading back to her office, the few hours spent at her desk were virtually fruitless. She returned some calls and processed more paperwork, but she couldn’t focus the way she needed to. The remainder of the day seemed to drag mercilessly until there was nothing left for her to do. Not ready to go home, her mind drifted as she prayed Michael didn’t ask her about any of it. She didn’t want to lie and she didn’t want to discuss it with him. It was an excruciating period in her life.

  On the way home from work, she picked up pizza and wine. Arriving a little after seven, she was surprised to see his car parked in the driveway as she pulled into the garage. Based on what he said, she didn’t expect him to be home at all. Once inside, she set things on the kitchen counter and poured a glass of wine. He startled her when he came into the kitchen and sat at the counter-bourbon in hand.


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