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Saving Forever

Page 6

by Cary Hart

  “Come on Cinderella, you don’t wanna be late for the ball,” I order, breaking her trance.

  Once she’s dressed, Natalie is absolutely gorgeous, resembling an old Hollywood movie star. Absolutely stunning.

  I can’t help be a tad jealous. All this, the spa day, the dress, the limo…Colin did that all for her. To give her the night she deserved.

  “Girls.” Clap. Clap. The spa receptionist comes in. “Your ride will be here shortly.”

  “Come on girls. Our carriage awaits.” I twirl around one last time.


  Lexi and I hurry, rushing down the stairs and out the doors to find Colin standing there waiting for Natalie. Passing him by we head to the limo where we see the driver opening the door.

  We both get in and are immediately disappointed.

  “Where the hell is my Marco?” Lexi grumbles

  “I guess with Ferris.” I sit back and lean against the window.

  I shouldn’t be disappointed, but I am. Every single time, I set myself up for a letdown, wanting him to be the person I need him to be. The person he was that night. I know somewhere inside he can be both. He just has to figure it out.

  Watching Lexi get into everything is kind of funny. She plays with the screen, the sunroof and gets into the liquor supply.

  They offer me a drink to loosen me up, and I decline, telling them I’m just tired from the crazy week.

  The limo starts to slow, bringing our attention to our surroundings.

  “We’re here!” Lexi bounces in her seat.

  “Is there a line of limos?” I question Colin, hoping he’ll tell me if Ferris is in a different one with my sister.

  “Yes, the sponsors get red carpet treatment. We have to wait in line until it’s our time.” Colin says.

  I tune out the rest of the conversion. My mind wanders to where my perfect stranger is and whom he is with.



  For the first time, I’m excited. This night, I’m going to try and live. Everything is set into motion and the limo should be arriving soon.


  Lillian: I need you to meet me at the shack.

  Me: Shack?

  Lillian: Yes, The Daniels need to meet ASAP

  Me: I’m headed to the ball.

  Lillian: This is business that can wait.

  Me: Fine see you in 20 minutes.

  Lillian: Hurry, Marco will be here in 15.

  Me: Marco?

  Lillian: Just trust me.

  Damn it. As hard as I try I can’t be the guy who pushes business off to the side.

  Calling the limo service, I alter the route. Then I text Palmer to let him know of the changed plans.

  Hopping into my car I head a few miles down the coast. A familiar drive I have found myself making more often lately.

  Pulling in, I see Lillian, Marco and Daisy’s grandparents.

  “Ferris, glad you could make it.” Lillian rushes over to me.

  “Why are you in your evening gown?” I reach down to give her a kiss on the cheek, whispering the question.

  “I always accompany you to all events,” she states as if I shouldn’t have questioned her.

  “Let’s make this quick,” Mr. Daniels pops up.

  “Well, not too quick, Eddie, sometimes it’s nice to take it slow.” Mrs. Daniels winks at her husband.

  “As I was saying, let’s make this quick. We are willing to selling the cottage for the price Lilly has shown us—”

  “Ferris, I have brought Marco up to speed. He is aware of the amount we agreed on,” Lillian interrupts her grandfather.

  “Lillian, your grandfather isn’t done. Mr. Daniels, go on.”

  “We are willing to sell the cottage, but there is a third owner.”

  “Who?” Lillian demands.

  “Daisy.” Mrs. Daniels smiles. “She came here every summer and talked about doing the same with her kids. So, on her eighteenth birthday, we added her to the title as a birthday present.”

  “Why Daisy, Nonie?” Lillian sounds like a normal person instead of the queen diva she has become since I met her.

  “Because she saw this for more than just a rundown beach shack.”

  Taking it all in, I have an idea. This whole plan, once I found out who owned this property, didn’t settle with me.

  That’s our spot.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, do you care if I talk to you in private?”

  “Sure dear.”

  Walking over to Daisy’s spot on the beach, I talk to them about this beach and about their granddaughter. A new plan forms as I talk. A plan they seem eager to help with.

  “Son, how I have always ended business was on a handshake.”

  Reaching out, I grab his hand and shake it with purpose.

  “Now, go have fun. It’s Saturday.” He pats me on the back.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Marco, Lillian, let’s go to the ball. This deal is done, pending one signature.”

  “It’s about time. My wife has been sending me selfies and I’m pretty sure she has got into the limo liquor.” Marco chuckles. “See you there.”

  “Ferris, I need a ride.” Lillian holds up her dress as she walks across the sand to the parking lot.

  “Lillian, you can ride with me, but we are not together. Understand.”

  “Geesh, I just asked for a ride, not a pity date.”

  “Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”


  Thank God.

  Chapter 11


  “Looks like we are up.” Natalie turns to Colin and smiles.

  The door opens and Colin hops out, holding out his hand to me, I get out first. Then Natalie follows. Shutting the door he explains Marco has other plans for Lexi. A few pouty faces later, the limo pulls off, leaving us to walk the red carpet.

  I follow Colin and Natalie, stopping when they do, not wanting to make a fool of myself or hurt the image of Hampton Enterprises.

  “Hampton! Hampton! Over here! Can we get a picture?” the paparazzi shouts.

  I look around, trying to find Ferris, and finally see him. Ferris and Lillian strike a pose. I knew it. I’ll never be good enough for him.

  “Hey, get over here. Get in this picture. This project would have never been completed if not for Tanner Construction.”

  “Ferris, can we quote you?” one of the reporters’ questions.

  “Please do.” He smiles.

  He looks happier today. Is it because I’m not with him? Turning, I head further up the red carpet to get out of the way. Natalie sees me, catching on.

  “Daisy, get in this.”

  Not wanting to cause a scene I hurry over and stand next to Ferris. I should have known not to make eye contact, but I did. Looking up, is a mistake.

  He looks down, but his face is blank, just staring back. I don’t know why I thought I would see need, want or desire. Looking away, he smiles, putting his arm around my waist, pulling me in close.

  “Ferris! Ferrrrrrris! Look this way!” The most annoying voice breaks through the crowd.

  Having no choice, we all look in the direction of the voice.

  Click! Click! Click! Click!

  In the moment of distraction, I feel Ferris’ eyes on me. Looking back up, I see him. Eyes on me. Smiling.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he mouths.

  That was it. That was enough to make me forget the past half hour. So, I smile back, pulling my arm across my body, grabbing onto his suit lapel and say, “You don’t look too shabby yourself.”

  Looking back to the group, he motions for them to follow him. Making our way in, Ferris and I walk side by side. Working our way through the crowd, he takes the lead to clear a path grabbing my hand to pull me through.

  Walking up to the table he quickly drops my hand, pulling out the chair for me. I sit down, and Ferris settles in beside me. Lillian continues to stand and Ferris gets up to pu
ll out her chair.

  Sitting back down, he looks around for someone to get drinks, then places his hand on my thigh.

  I cringe, not out of irritation, but because the situation with Lillian is just getting uncomfortable.

  “Daisy, I can’t get over how much you are glowing. Every man was looking at you when you walked by.” Natalie smiles and sips her water.

  The mere mention of men looking at me makes Ferris tense, and he squeezes my leg. I reach my hand out to pat his leg to give him some sort of comfort, but it doesn’t help.

  He gets up, saying something to Lillian then goes and sits by Marco.

  I look over to Lillian, who is watching Ferris, but then she turns her attention to me.

  “Daisy, you really are glowing. The dress is cute, too. Did you order it from David’s Bridal?” My sister hits me where it hurts, throwing my pregnancy up in my face with her thinly veiled question.

  “No, I think an event like this requires something a little classier than David’s Bridal.” I glare at her, wondering how in the hell she got so mean. Looking toward Nat then back to Lil, I continue. “Ferris had it ordered for me when he was visiting Italy.”

  “Hmm,” is all Lilly says.


  Dinner was a disaster. Lillian wouldn’t stop it with the mean girl act. Ferris was obviously irritated with me and to top it off, Nonie wouldn’t stop texting me dirty GIFs.

  Me: Nonie stop it with the GIFs. Do you even know what you are sending?

  Nonie: Does the tin-man have a sheet metal cock?

  Me: NONIE!

  Nonie: Baby girl. I have to go. Your Pops is calling.

  Me: See you soon.

  Nonie: Sooner than you think. We are at the cottage but don’t worry, we will be gone in the morning.

  Me: You’re home?

  Nonie: Only until morning, but we will be back in a week.

  Me: Great! I miss you.

  Nonie: Don’t worry we will change the sheets for you.

  Me: Ew! Gross.

  “Look at that, Colin takes pity on the homely girl?” Lillian scoots over to watch Colin and Nat on the dance floor.

  “Lillian, when did you become such a bitch?” I turn in my seat taking a good look at her.

  “Oh, I don’t know…maybe when you came along?”

  She doesn’t say anything else, but she doesn’t look away, willing me to cry. I’m not sure what I’ve done to her but exist, but I’m not letting her get the best of me.

  Excusing myself from the table, I head over to Ferris, who is standing by the stage chatting with a few men I have never seen before.

  He sees me coming before I get there and watches me cross the room. This moment is now the highlight of my evening. Catching his gaze we keep connected, all tension from earlier gone.

  I finally reach him. “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m exhausted. Can you call me a car?”

  Leaning in closer, he whispers, “My princess doesn’t want to twirl?”

  I gasp, not sure if I heard him right, “You want to dance?”

  He laughs. “Why, Miss Daniels, I thought you would never ask.” He leans in even closer. “But if you are tired, we will head out.”

  “I think I can manage one twirl.”

  “That’s my girl.” He kisses the top of my head.

  “I’m going to grab a drink. I’ll be waiting over there.” I point to the area by the dance floor.

  “Sounds good. This will only take a second.” He squeezes my hand before I walk away.

  I’m his princess!



  Watching her walk toward me, her soft blue eyes focused on mine, the irritation I felt from early slowly dissipates. We talk briefly and after she walks away, the men I had been talking to start in.

  “Ferris, what the fuck man?”

  “Yeah, who’s the chick you are bagging? Does she taste as sweet as she looks?”

  The assholes are all business until Daisy walks up. I’m not even sure what their names are, I was just being polite, trying to keep up the image.

  “Fucking look at her, touch her or think of her and I will end you.” I look at each and every one of them. “Do you understand?”

  Not caring what their answer is, I turn and walk away. Finding her where she said she would be, swaying back and forth, brings me back down.

  She’s mine.

  “Hey, you.” Her voice is small and tired.

  “Change of plans.” I grab her hand and twirl her a couple of times.

  “Ferris, I think I’m more tired than I originally thought. Can we postpone the twirling?”

  “You read my mind.” I take her hand, careful not to drag her across the room this time.

  “Ferris,” she looks up at me. “Thank you.”


  I call ahead to the valet and after I promise a big tip, they move my car to the front of the line.

  Opening the door, Daisy collapses inside, not even having the energy to turn around and put her feet in. Kneeling down, I tuck all her limbs inside the car and secure her in in the seat.

  Running around to the other side, I get in, buckle up and hit the gas, heading to my temporary home.

  A few minutes later, we are at the hotel. Pulling into the private parking garage, I find my space, where a personal bellhop awaits.

  “Sir, need assistance tonight?”

  “I think I have this one under control.” I nod a thank you.

  Walking around to the passenger side, I carefully open the door, making sure my beautiful angel doesn’t fall out.

  Unbuckling her, I bend down to pick her up, cradling in my arms.

  “Sweetheart we’re home.” I bend down to kiss her forehead, a gesture that is quickly becoming my favorite.

  Once in the elevator, I punch in the code to take me to the penthouse suite. When we reach the top floor, the doors open. Walking in, I kick off my shoes and head toward my bedroom.

  Laying her down, I grab a T-shirt from my dresser. Wanting her to feel comfortable and not embarrassed, I set it to the side, to put on once she is freed from her dress.

  Slowly I unzip the gown, pulling it down as I go. Careful not to wake her, I completely remove it and turn to set it on the chair next to the bed. When I turn back around and see her lying in my bed I can't help but stare at her body, taking in her luscious curves. It looks even more beautiful than I remembered, if that's possible. Maybe I was in such a rush last time that I didn't take time to fully appreciate it, but I won't make that mistake again.

  I'm so turned on by seeing her lying here, a sense of primal pride washes over me. As much as it pains me to do so I slip my T-shirt on over her head and gently tuck her into bed.

  I need to go take a cold shower and relieve this tension before I do something I'll regret. The old me wouldn't have thought twice about climbing into bed with her and waking her from sleep to satisfy my needs and hers.

  It's just another way this woman has changed my life. Changed what I want and what I thought I couldn't have.

  I'll have to find a way to still be Ferris Hampton, the ruthless businessman and the perfect stranger who Daisy adores. Because I don't just want to exist anymore, I want to live. And to do that I have to find a way to make her mine.

  Chapter 12


  Opening my eyes, I see I’m exactly where I want to be and with the man I want to be with.

  Sitting up, I realize I have to pee. Another side effect of being pregnant — I always have to go. Slowly getting out of bed, I pad to across the room to the bathroom. Walking in, I take notice of my wild hair and smeared makeup. I decide to come back to that and relieve myself first, before I’m left cleaning up an accident.

  Going back to the sink, I see some hair pins from my hair the night before. Twisting my hair up, I stick a few pins in to hold it out of my face while I wash it.

  Feeling a little refreshed from washing my face and brushing my teeth, I head to the kitc
hen to make us some breakfast.

  After searching the fridge and combing through the cabinets. I decide on bagels, coffee and freshly squeezed juice. My belly is growling and I need to eat fast. The bagel seems the wiser option.

  Noticing a tray on the counter, I empty it so I can use it to take Ferris breakfast in bed.

  As I arrange the tray, I notice a vase of fresh flowers on his desk. An idea pops in to my head, remembering a scene from a recent Hallmark movie, I walk over to pick a single, white daisy from the vase, walking back to the counter, laying it across the tray like they did in the movie. Perfect!

  Stepping back to admire my work, I notice a piece of paper on the counter. Thinking I see my name, I pick it up and examine it.

  NO! Please God no!

  I’m so pissed, but if I don’t calm down, I could hurt the baby. Taking a few deep breaths, I gather my thoughts.

  Setting the tray back down, I head to bedroom and put my dress back on and gather my things for a quick escape.

  After I’m dressed, I return to the table, grab the tray and head back to the bedroom.

  “Wake up sleepyhead,” I encourage Ferris. Trying to be sweet, wanting to be, but I’m hurt. “Please get up.” The tears start to stream down my face, I can’t hold them in.

  “Hey you.” He opens his eyes and smiles. Then quickly takes notice of my appearance. “Why are you dressed and why are you crying?”

  “I…I…,” I stammer.

  “Shhh…come here.” He tries to pull me in close.

  “No!” I push him away. “What’s this?” I hold the contract up to his face for him to examine.

  He grabs it from my hands. “It’s not what you think!”

  “Oh really? What I think is that my grandparents sold you their cottage and all you need is my signature.” I look at the paper again. “Oh and given the date on here, I’m pretty sure the reason you showed up at the beach that night was because of this.” I begin to walk backwards. “Is that what you wanted? Come see me for yourself and fuck me into signing over my share?”

  “Daisy, I knew nothing about your cottage.” He throws the covers off, exposing his nakedness. Quickly looking down he heads to the dresser and pulls on some boxer briefs. “We have teams of people who search for properties to develop. I honestly didn’t know.”


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