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The Scenery of the Lake and the Mountain

Page 3

by Zhou Daxin

  Following was the voice of Kaitian’s father: “If you ask me, all that men want from their wives are children. Whoever can give birth to your child, marry her.”

  Nuannuan did not want to listen. She raised her hand to knock on the door.

  Kaitian opened the door. His parents were surprised to see Nuannuan, and they forgot to speak. Before his parents reacted, Kaitian took Nuannuan’s hand, and walked her towards his room. In his room, Kaitian spoke in desperation: “Mister Tianfu told me that he dare not be part of this anymore. He told me the little brother asked the Leader in tears. He told me the Leader promised his mother that you will be her daughter-in-law. He told me that your parents and grandma all agreed.”

  Nuannuan sneered: “What a joke! Like I’ll just marry because the Leader wants me to!”

  “So what are you going to do?” Kaitian’s eyes were wide open. He noticed the tear marks on Nuannuan’s face, as well as her red eyes.

  Nuannuan stared at Kaitian in expectation: “The two of us are the only people that have a say in this!”

  Kaitian shrugged: “What about the two of us?”

  “Can’t you use your head?”

  “My head?” Kaitian stared at Nuannuan. All of a sudden, he pat her on the head: “We can run away! Far away! To Zhengzhou, Beijing, or even Guangzhou! And they’ll never find us!”

  “No running,” rejected Nuannuan. “Our family will suffer if we do. The Leader will be so angry; not to mention how much our family need both of us. My mom is sick. Your dad is lame.”

  “What now …”

  “Use your head!”

  “I’ll go to your house and give your family hundreds of yellow split beans, all that we got from last year’s harvest. Your parents and Grandma will think again about this marriage.”

  “How can your present compare with the Leader’s? They are talking about a motorcycle for Dad’s fish selling on Juxiang Street.”

  Kaitian took one step back: “gee!”

  “Use your head! C’mon!”

  “I’ll go persuade your parents and the Leader. I’ll tell them we have been an item from the beginning.”

  “Persuade? How do you persuade them about this? Even my parents won’t listen to you. Not to mention Zhan Shideng!”

  “Then what …”

  “Your head! Use it!”

  “I don’t know.” Kaitian answered as he touched his head, looking helpless.

  Nuannuan suddenly dropped her voice: “When I worked in Beijing, I heard of this thing called a de-facto marriage.”

  “De-facto?” Kaitian gazed at her, and did not understand.

  “It’s like … two people did not get a marriage registration, but live like husband and wife without their parents’ admission. Others have to recognize their marriage like that.” Nuannuan lowered her head to hide her blushing face.

  Kaitian bit his tongue in surprise: “So you mean …”

  “You should sneak out to buy a couple of crackers from Juxiang Street, and some papercuts of the Red Double Happiness.”

  Kaitian stared at Nuannuan in shock. But his eyes revealed his fast thinking.

  “I’ll drop by your place in secret tomorrow after breakfast. You will light the crackers as soon as you see me. Then we’ll stick the Red Double Happiness on the doors. The neighbours will come over to see what happened and you should tell them that you just married me. We’ll see what the Leader can do about that!”

  “What if the Leader send people over to force you —” Kaitian hesitated.

  “What? They dare not! It’s not like the old times anymore. We’ve got the Women’s Federation, the police, and the court!”

  “What if he think of other ways to make trouble —”

  “If you are so scared, well, I’ll leave. Just you wait for the Zhan’s to take me as a bride.” Nuannuan turned her back.

  Anxiously, Kaitian pulled her back and gave her a regretting smile: “I just want to make sure everything’s fine. If we do so, what about your parents and Grandma —”

  “There’s no other way. I have to ignore how they feel. They were the ones that insist going against my wish.” Nuannuan sighed.

  Kaitian pulled Nuannuan into his arms, feeling quite moved: “Nuannuan, I don’t know what to say. I will pay you back in the future. I will give you a good life. I will be good to you. I will only love you my whole life. I won’t glance at any other woman …”

  Kaitian rushed to tell his parents about Nuannuan’s idea after she left. His parents were in shock, too. After a while, his mother said: “Good Gracious! What if Nuannuan’s dad and the Leader’s brother came over to make trouble?”

  “That’s nothing,” answered Kaitian’s father. “We didn’t force Nuannuan into the house, it was her own wish. What can they do about it?”

  Kaitian’s mother put her hand on her chest: “I’m scared. I haven’t seen anything like this in my life.”

  Kaitian answered in a deep voice: “Mom, this is the only way that I can marry Nuannuan. Nuannuan, she’s a girl, and she’s not afraid. Why should we be then? I heard from Bolt, he worked in Guangzhou, that a lot of people in big cities live together without getting married. It’s legal now, they call it a ‘common-law partnership’. All you need to worry about is cleaning the house …”

  Chapter 6

  The next evening after dinner, Nuannuan went into the thick bed of reeds by the Red Lake. Kaitian was waiting for her. He whispered his achievements to her: “This morning after breakfast, Mom cleaned the house and Dad gave me a roll of cash. I rode to Juxiang Street. I bought a couple of crackers, both with 5,000 salutes. Then I bought 6 Red Double Happiness papercuts, some lamb and pork. I even got you this outfit from the shop. In the end I also bought new bed sheets and two pillows. I put it all in the wicker basket on my back and covered it with my shirt and some green leaves on top. Then I rode back towards the village and nobody realized what I was doing. Dad did not go to the fields today, he helped Mom with the housework. The two of them tidied everything, and paid special attention to our room, the one we are using for the wedding. They changed the sorghum on the roof, and put on new blankets and sheets. They put a red knot on the water vase, so that we can use it as the potty underneath our bed. They were in a rush so the bedside table was not replaced. But Mom covered it with a plastic tablecloth so it looks nice —”

  “Alright.” Nuannuan interrupted Kaitian with a sigh.

  “Are you angry with me?” Kaitian held tight to her hands.

  Nuannuan shook her head in silence.

  “What else do you want me to do?” Kaitian asked carefully.

  “Nothing. Go home.” Nuannuan waved her hand. Kaitian tried to pull her into his arms, but he saw that she had no intention to come close. So he gave up and left, then turning to watch her every step.

  Nuannuan did not sleep that night. She thought about the next day when she would become Kaitian’s woman, she would live with him and eat with him every day. Her heart flew up to such a height that she felt drunk in sweetness. Yet again she thought about the impact of this on her parents and Grandma. Her heart ached: Dad, Mom, am I a bad daughter? Grandma, will you see me as the shame of the family? …

  Nuannuan was up before sunrise. She made the fire and started making breakfast. Dad, Mom, Grandma, it will be the last meal I make for you as an unmarried daughter …

  Hehe ate first before school. Nuannuan went to sweep the yard and clean the pigsty. Dad sounded bitter when he got up: “What are you doing so early?”

  “I woke up early.” Nuannuan gave a vague answer. She carried the basin in front of Mom’s bed. Mom was surprised: “I can walk around on my own now. You don’t have to do this!”

  “It’s easier for you this way.” Nuannuan put on a smile, but inside she felt sour. “Mom, I may not find the time to do this even if you want me to in the future.”

  Grandma was about to comb her hair, but Nuannuan took the comb: “Grandma, let me do it for you.”

  Grandma was
surprised: “Aha! You want to comb my hair!”

  Nuannuan smiled again: “I guess the sun is rising from the west today.” Combing Grandma’s thin grey hair, she felt tears in her eyes, as she realized that she might not be able to help Grandma every day …

  After breakfast, Dad left to farm the field, and Mom was feeding the chicken. Grandma was weaving a yarn. Nuannuan walked towards the yard gate in her old clothes. She paused and took a look at her familiar house at the doorstep. Then, after some hesitation, she stepped out.

  The village was running as usual. People were getting ready to work in the fields after breakfast. Bulls were shaking the bells on their necks. The ploughs and sickles were tinkling. The sheep were mehh-ing and the donkeys were bahh-ing. The dogs were barking as they played. Nuannuan walked towards Kaitian’s house quietly. She knew that what she was about to do would engulf the village. But no one knew what she was about to do at the moment. They greeted her as usual. What would they do after they knew about this?

  Closer and closer was she approaching to Kaitian’s house. Clearer and clearer could she see Kaitian standing in front of the gate in his new clothes. Nuannuan picked up her pace. At that moment, Kaitian’s neighbour, Spotty Laosi saw him and called out: “Ho-ho! Looking sharp! You must be going to a blind date! Tell me, tell your old bro, which pretty girl are you seeing? Is she from here or elsewhere?”

  Kaitian was apparently scared. He went back into the house. Nuannuan had to slow down and waited till Laosi left.

  Kaitian was waiting for Nuannuan beside the door. He ran out and pulled her in as if he was afraid of anyone that would take her away. Kaitian sounded worried: “Your parents do not know, right?”

  Nuannuan nodded. Kaitian’s parents came to welcome her: “Come inside, my child.”

  Kaitian took out the clothes he bought the day before: “Put these on.” Then he went to stick on the Red Double Happiness. He put the 6 papercuts on the yard gate, the house door and the kitchen door. Then he went to light the crackers, but his hands were too shaky. He used three matches, but none lit the fuse. Nuannuan had to step up and lit the crackers up. As the crackers went off, all the dogs in the village started barking. Despite the loud crackers and dogs, Nuannuan and Kaitian heard their neighbours open and close their doors. The children came over first, followed by the young wives and young men. Spotty Laosi’s wife saw the Red Double Happiness on the yard gate and cried out in surprise: “Ho-ho! Kaitian you dog! You didn’t tell us about your wedding! We could at least give you a present! Were you hiding your pretty bride from us?”

  Jiuding, also a fisher, laughed: “Kaitian surely can keep a secret. We neighbours didn’t know who the bride is, and there she is, marrying into his family!”

  The crowd were laughing and talking as they entered the yard. Kaitian’s mom brought out peanuts, melon seeds and candies and thrust them into the hands of the children and the neighbours. People pushed each other inside the house in excitement. When they saw Kaitian holding Nuannuan’s hand, they cried out in shock. None of the guests thought of Nuannuan from the village as the bride. Everyone knew Nuannuan’s family was richer than Kaitian’s. And a girl like Nuannuan, who had always stood out in the village, chosen by the Leader’s family, could never marry Kaitian!

  Nuannuan broke the awkwardness. She smiled gently and said: “Come sit down! Don’t you all recognize me? Spotty’s wife and Jiuding need a cigarette, Kaitian, come over and serve them!”

  By then the crowd were noisy again. Jiuding was amazed: “My goodness! Who’d have known this!”

  Spotty’s wife said: “Kaitian, you planned this to put us all in shock!”

  Zhan Datong’s wife was laughing: “Kaitian, your secret is like a sorghum field at midday in July — not even the wind can sneak in or out!”

  Kaitian could not speak. He just stood there, smiling in happiness. Children ran out with candies, peanuts and melon seed in their hands. They called out: “Come to check out Nuannuan the bride!”

  Kaitian’s mom walked in and said: “No one leaves this afternoon. We have the wedding feast for you! We are all drinking!”

  Spotty’s wife said: “I don’t even have a present with me. How can I drink your wine like this?”

  Spotty, who had just pushed himself through the crowd inside: “Drink, drink! You are a fool not to drink when they offer!”

  The crowd was laughing and joking when they heard a noise from the yard gate. Nuannuan’s Dad walked in with a serious face. Jiuding did not realize the problem and thought he was here for the wedding. He laughed out: “Kaitian, come here to greet your father-in-law!”

  Unexpectedly, he yelled at Jiuding: “Bullshit! I am no one’s father-in-law!”

  People went stiff at his words. All gazes fell upon Kaitian. Prepared, Kaitian smiled and walked up: “Dad, you are here! Come in —”

  Before he finished, her Dad raised his hand and slapped him: “Asshole! How dare you seduce my daughter!”

  Everyone was too shocked to help.

  “Dad! What are you doing? I wanted this! It’s not his fault!” Nuannuan stepped forwards.

  “You — you!” Chu Chang Shun pointed a shaking finger at his daughter. “You are a shame of the family. I have lost face, and my ancestors’ face because of you!”

  “Dad! I will be good to Nuannuan!” Kaitian resumed his smile. “I will help with your fishing, and take care of you, Mom and Grandma. I swear —”

  “Fuck off!” Dad yelled in anger and staggered out. The crowd felt the awkwardness and began to walk out quietly, too. The yard, filled with laughter a moment before, suddenly became empty. Kaitian said to Nuannuan: “Go rest in the room. We saw this coming. It’s fine. He’s your dad, it’s nothing if he takes it out on you.”

  Nuannuan smiled bitterly: “It’s not my biggest trouble. I’m worried about the Leader …”

  As she said those words, loud steps could be heard outside. Kaitian realized who they were from and whispered: “Mom, come sit down with Nuannuan. Dad, don’t move. I’ll do the talking.”

  A cry came from outside the yard: “Kuang Kaitian! Get out here!”

  Kaitian pretended that he did not know anything and called out as he walked: “Are you here for the wedding? Forget about the present! Just come in and drink with us!”

  It was Zhan Shiti, the Leader’s brother, standing there with his cousins. The Leader himself was not amongst them.

  “Have a cigarette!” Kaitian took some out of his pocket.

  Zhan Shiti shouted: “Beat him up!”

  The cousins went forwards in a flash. Kaitian tried his best to resist, but there were too many. He was pinned down on the ground.

  “What are you doing, and in broad daylight?!” Kaitian cried out.

  Of course Nuannuan heard everything. She was about to walk out, but Kaitian’s mom held her back: “You cannot go. They’ll hurt you, too!”

  “So you know it’s in broad daylight! Why did you abduct my woman, then?! I’ll show you!” Zhan Shiti shouted as he kicked and punched Kaitian. Kaitian, who could not fight back, did his best to cover his head and crouch so that they could not hit his critical parts. He had his only hope on the village people nearby, watching all this happen. He hoped some would come up and help him out. But no one came. They did not want to cross the Leader’s brother and the Zhan’s. Kaitian was worried about his parents, what if they hurt them, too? As he was thinking about all that, he heard Nuannuan’s loud voice from the yard gate: “Zhan Shiti! You don’t get to hurt people as you like!”

  Zhan Shiti paused as he did not expect to hear that.

  “You said that Kaitian abducted your woman. But I, Chu Nuannuan, am no woman of yours! You hear me now! I married into the Kuang’s because I wanted to. What you just did is against the law! If you keep it up, I’ll kill you! I’ll call the police and they will not let you off!”

  Zhan Shiti did not expect Nuannuan to interfere, not to make a loud speech in front of all the people from the village. He could not spe
ak. At that moment, someone spoke in an authoritative voice, coming from the wall next door: “Shiti! Go away!”

  It was Zhan Shideng, the Leader. He was walking towards them, his face motionless: “Street fighting in broad daylight! You outlaws! Get away!”

  Zhan Shiti and his cousins had no choice but to recede with disappointment. Zhan Shideng bowed down to pull Kaitian up: “My apologies. My little brother is a mule! He knows nothing! Do not be bothered, go back to your wedding. The world today is all about freedom to marry and no one should have a say on this!”

  Kaitian wiped blood from his mouth and answered in a deep voice: “Mr. Leader, thank you!”

  “Here, take this present. It’s not much, but I want you to have it.” Zhan Shideng put 20 yuan in Kaitian’s hand.

  “No, no, I cannot take this.” Kaitian raised his arm to give the money back. It hurt so much that he drew a cold breath.

  “I have a meeting in town this morning. So I can’t drink with you. Sorry about that.” Zhan Shideng smiled at Kaitian and Nuannuan, then quickly walked away.

  Nuannuan came to hold Kaitian: “Where does it hurt?”

  Kaitian forced a smile: “They did not break any bones. It’s okay, it’s okay. It was to be expected.”

  Nuannuan helped Kaitian inside. Kaitian’s parents rushed down to take off his shirt and check his injuries. It was okay. The injuries were not deep.

  The wedding in the afternoon, as expected, was not popular. Friends and families never got invited, and the neighbours were too scared to come. But the four members of the Kuang family were happy to sit around the table. Kaitian’s parents were happy because they did no expect such an agreeable daughter-in-law without any money spent. The young couple was happy because, as wished, they finally were married. Just before they started eating, Shallot’s voice rose in the yard: “Kaitian, Nuannuan! Do you have a drinking cup for me?”

  The whole family went out to welcome her. Shallot passed two colourful pieces of cloth and a new washing basin to Kaitian and said: “I just heard of the wedding. I ran to Chen’s shop and bought these presents.”


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