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Making Sense

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by Lila Rose

  Making Sense Copyright © 2017 by Lila Rose

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any written, electronic, recorded, or photocopied format without the permission from the author as allowed under the terms and conditions with which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Making Sense is a work of fiction. All names, characters, events and places found in this book are either from the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to persons live or dead, actual events, locations, or organizations is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Editing: Hot Tree Editing

  Formatting: RMGraphX

  Photographer: Wander Aguiar

  Cover Design: Amity Cross

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Table of Contents































  Also by Lila Rose


  Becky, Donna, Randi, MariaLisa, and Rachel, thank you for working on Making Sense with me. The help you all gave was very appreciated.

  Wander Aguiar, you’ve done a marvelous job on the cover photo. I love working with you!

  Nazarea at InkSlinger, thank you for all your help on the release launch.

  Neringa, you rock woman!

  To the readers, I hope you enjoy Vice’s happy ever after as much as I did writing it. Thank you for your continued support!



  Dating was painful. My husband left us two years ago, and only recently, I’d gotten the courage to try dating again. Since the decision, I’d been on a few in the last couple of months, none of which had bloomed into something amazing. That was if something amazing still existed. I was convinced it wasn’t out there for me.

  My latest failed example was a man named Ronald, an accountant who happened to be sitting across from me. When I arrived at the restaurant, he seemed nice. I thought for the barest of moments he could be the one willing to do the honors of removing my hymen. Because I was sure that sucker had grown over again.

  Ronald certainly looked like he’d enjoy the task of re-breaking my hymen. I could tell by how his hand was in his pants shifting his erection around. At least, I thought it was an erection; it could also be a cucumber, and he wanted me to think he was huge.

  I just wished he’d leave it alone.

  Huh, and my friend Molly was worried about my table manners.

  Although, did I really care that Ronald was a wanker—hee-hee—or he loved himself more than anything in life? No, at least, not then I didn’t. I also didn’t give two hoots Ronald had a huge wart on the side of his nose…. If only I could stop staring at it, then I really wouldn’t care.

  “I’m sorry, Adalyn, I’ve been talking all about myself. Tell me, what is it you do for a living?” Ronald asked, shifting sideways in the booth to face me. What the heck? Did he just thrust his crotch up at me? At least his hand was out of his pants when he did it.

  “Well, you see, I run my own jewelry store on eBay.”

  He smiled. “That’s cute. Does it do well?”



  My items did extremely well, and they weren’t cute; they were wicked.

  “Yes, they do. I’m gaining more customers each day.”

  “Hmm. Is that all you do? Make crafty things?”

  I had the urge to kick him in the teeth or knee him in the cucumber.

  “No,” I gritted out. “Though, it will be once my business gets noticed more.”

  “Right.” He smirked. The assmuncher.

  Gone were the thoughts of him getting anywhere near my hoo-ha. The idiot could just shove his hand back down his pants and keep touching himself, because that was the only action he would be getting that night.

  Still, the least I could do was get a meal out of him and maybe a nice conversation.

  Okay, I was doomed.

  “I also work part-time in an adult store.”

  Of course, his eyes would light up at that.

  He leaned in. “That’s very interesting. Do you get to try some products out, to, you know, let customers know what they’re like?” He smiled, and when he did, I saw a chunk of bread, from the breadsticks on the table, sitting in his teeth.

  Internally groaning, I asked myself, What am I really doing here with him?

  The thought of harming Molly was high on my list at that moment. She’d met Ronald in the coffee shop down the street from her apartment and, since she was already dating her high school sweetheart, she suggested Ronald contact me.

  Thankfully a waiter appeared at the table with our meals and distracted Ronald from his question. Looking down at the ravioli, my stomach growled. It smelled amazing, and I’d been starving before I even arrived since I hadn’t eaten much that day from the nerves. Even after Molly promised me he wasn’t overly attractive. Something she’d supplied before I asked because she’d been witness to me when I was around a very attractive man. I became a bumbling fool.

  As I forked a bite, I lifted it to my mouth and found Ronald looking at me with a slight frown on his face. He sighed. “You know, I could help you obtain a healthier diet. Pasta isn’t really your friend with the figure you have already.”

  What in the ever-loving duck did he just say?

  My hand was suspended in the air, my mouth already open for the goodness, but all I could do was look at him and hope he was joking. I wasn’t one to curse, but I suddenly felt like it.

  I knew I wasn’t a supermodel. I had thighs, a belly, and a booty, even before my nine-year-old son Drew I had those, just not as much. Which was a major issue my ex had with me.

  Well, bugger my ex and bugger the man in front of me. God, he didn’t need to point out my weight to me. I knew I was bigger, and I was happy with the way I was. Shaking my head, I shoved the forkful in my mouth and chewed. I couldn’t believe how he’d said it, as though he was being nice about it by wanting to advise me to eat right.

  Screw that and screw him.

  Ronald, not sensing my desire to stab him in the forehead with my fork, smiled and then said, “Excuse me a moment, I need to visit the lavatory.”

  I fought the urge to tell him to shove his head in the loo while he was in there and just nodded. He scooted around the booth and stood, making his way through the busy restaurant.

  The need to leave came over me when my phone tinged in my purse. If it was Molly texting, I was going to warn her to protect her vagina when I saw her next because I would soon be punching it.

  A year ago, Molly and I met at the adult store I’d just started working in. She’d been in there to buy some equipment, and we’d bonded over bondage. Since then, we’d been inseparable, and with Molly came Clinton, her high school sweetheart. He was just as amazing as she was.

  Just as I pulled my phone free from my purse, a waiter pass
ed by. “Excuse me,” I called. He turned and came to stand in front of the table. “Can I please get this to go?” I asked and moved my plate closer to him. He looked to my dinner and then at the other one next to me.

  He smirked. “Sure. I’ll have it waiting at the front counter for you.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled. However, I wasn’t going to just disappear on pecker-face. I’d tell Ronald my thoughts before I left. After all, I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t. Too many times had I kept my mouth shut and let things slip by, faking they didn’t hurt me in some way. I wasn’t that shy, fumbling woman any longer. Well, most of the time.

  My attention went back to my phone. It was a text from my mom. I quickly opened it thinking something was wrong with Drew.

  Mom: Yes or no to sexy time? Mom was all for me dating. In fact, I swore if she could, she’d shove me at the next available man. Though, I was sure it was just so she had something to talk about with her knitting club friends.

  I snorted and sent back: No!

  Mom: Damn. I need more grandkids. Then there was also that. She loved Drew and wanted more to cherish as much as she did my boy.

  Shaking my head, I smiled down at the phone. My mom was a little crazy in her own way, but I loved her no matter.

  Honestly, I never thought I’d find myself in a position of living at home again, especially with a child, but there I was, and at the ripe age of thirty-seven. It wasn’t forever though. With the saving I was doing and the settlement I got from the divorce, I would be looking for a nice place in an amazing area, close to Mom. It would be for just Drew and me. And my ex-husband could go suck an egg.

  When John had walked out on us two years ago for his personal trainer, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I went through all the stages, and I was sure I was still stuck on anger. It was a douche move to leave the woman he married because she’d put on weight. Apparently, I wasn’t taking care of myself, and his trainer, Dorothy, was. Didn’t matter how I was doing all cooking, cleaning, keeping his books for his graphic design company and even working part-time myself as an assistant in a dental clinic. Didn’t matter I was tired all the time and had no help at home.

  What was worse, he deserted his son, only managing a phone call here and there while he was away on an extended work/vacation in Hawaii with his new woman. The thankful part about that was how Drew hadn’t had the chance for John to shove Dorothy in his face.

  Me: You won’t get anymore either after the pain I went through. Childbirth wasn’t a play in the park. It was a “rip you to shreds” kind of moment, and I wasn’t ready to relive that anytime soon, as in never.

  Looking up, I saw no sign of Ronald. What was he doing, taking a dump in the middle of a dinner date?

  Mom: Snort It’s easy the second time around. Now get rid of your date and come home.

  “Sorry about that. I got a call while I was on the toilet.”

  My eyes widened. Did that mean he took the call while he was pooping?

  My belly churned in disgust.

  Placing my phone back in my bag, I turned to Ronald.

  “Have you finished eating already?” His nose scrunched up at me.


  “No. I got it to take home. I have to be honest here, Ronald. I’m happy with the way my body is, and my business isn’t cute, it’s amazing. I’m sorry, but I won’t be calling for a second date.” It was my turn to scoot along the seat.

  “You don’t want to have sex then?”

  Laughter bubbled up and out. “Are you serious?” I stood beside the table with my bag over my shoulder and hands on my hips.

  “Yes. You won’t get anyone better than me with the extra weight you carry around.”

  Clenching my jaw, I placed my hands on the table, leaned in and bit out, “And you won’t get anyone with the way you keep touching yourself and the huge hairy wart on the side of your nose.”

  His eyes widened. “I have no wart.” He touched right where the wart was and when he drew his finger away, the wart came with it.

  Oh, my mighty God. It was a monster of a booger, not a wart.

  Didn’t he look in the mirror in the bathroom?

  When he stuck that snotty finger in his mouth, I gagged and made a run for the exit. Even forgoing my dinner. Snot-faced Ronald could deal with it all because I was suddenly not hungry.

  The fresh air outside helped my churning stomach. Still, I lay a hand on it and rubbed. That was a sight I could have done without. Dragging my phone from my purse, I pressed the number saved to my favorites list.

  “How did it go?” Molly asked as I made my way to my Cadillac in the car park.

  “I hate you,” I told her, and sniffed to double the effect.

  Silence and then, “Really? I thought he wasn’t bad.”

  “Not bad?” I scoffed. “Not bad?” I hissed, shaking my head. I continued in a whispered, annoyed tone, “Molly, I lost count of the times he touched himself, said something about my weight and then… Oh, God.” I heaved, and the tart laughed.

  “What?” she asked. She was probably enjoying my pain. I knew I would if the shoe was on her foot.

  “H-he had a big clump of snot on the side of his nose. I’d thought it was a wart. When I pointed it out, he wiped it off, and then, then, Molly, he ate it.” I gagged again and nearly smiled when I heard Molly do the same.

  “Stop. Damn it, I nearly lost my dinner.”

  “And I hadn’t had any. I also can’t even stomach the thought of food right now, and that’s saying something.”

  She giggled. “I’m so sorry, Addy. He seemed so normal at the coffee shop.”

  Sighing, I unlocked my car and slipped into the driver seat. “No more dates from you, Molly. I’ll find my own, thank you very much.”

  “But earlier, I was—”

  “No!” I demanded in a shout, throwing my bag to the passenger seat. “I swear if you try to set me up again, I’ll wax your eyebrows off.”

  “Okay, okay. I promise no more dates organized from me.” I could hear Clint in the background asking what happened. “Tell you later,” Molly said, and then sighed when he pestered her again. “I swear he’s the biggest gossip out.”

  “And you’re only just noticing this?”

  “Well, no.” She laughed. “Okay, since your date was a disaster, why don’t you come here for a pint of Ben and Jerry’s? Those two men never disappoint a female, and it’s still early enough before you have to get back to Drew.” Clint yelled something, and Molly quickly replied in a bored tone, “Clinton is also a man who never disappoints.”

  “Gross, I don’t want to hear any of that. He’s like my brother. Anyway, I can’t. I took Joe’s hours for him later. I need to get home and sleep for a few before I start.”

  “But I thought you said you’d never do Joe’s time again, due to Drew, and the fact those hours were the worst?”

  “I did.” I moaned. “But Joe’s always had my back, and it’s his birthday. How could I say no?”

  “You’re too nice, Addy.”

  “I know. This is a curse I must carry.”

  “Don’t forget the jelly beans.”

  I groaned. “I have an extra huge bag at home.” After all, I needed something to shove up my nose while I cleaned the booths. The adult store I worked in held booths at the back of the shop where horny men could visit and watch porn while they rubbed one out. I hated, absolutely hated cleaning them. Especially since I detested the smell of semen. But since it was a good paying job and I got to work school hours, especially as in those hours I hardly had men visit those rooms, it was worth it.

  “Plus, I also have to spend some time with our new kitty cat.”

  Molly groaned. “I still can’t believe you named the cat Puss-it.”

  Smiling, I started my car to warm it up, and said, “Well, when a cat shows up out of nowhere, and I couldn’t find an owner, I really didn’t want to look under it to see if it was a boy or a girl. It felt rude. So, of course, I coul
dn’t call it Clementine, and then find out it’s actually a boy so I should have named it Melvin. Puss-it seemed logical to Drew and me.”

  “Clementine? Melvin?” She sighed. “I’m sorry, but thank God jerk-off John named your son.”

  Laughing, I admitted, “That is true.”

  Walking through the front door, I found Mom sitting in the living room. “He wanted to wait up for you.”

  “Mom, it’s nearly nine, and he’s got school tomorrow.”

  “I know that, but he used the eyes on me.”

  Smiling, I rolled my eyes and made my way down the hall. One bad thing about living with Mom again was that Drew had her wrapped around his little finger. Which was another reason I had to find our own place or Drew would end up spoiled rotten. Though, when she’d stayed with Drew and me in our old house, the extra attention she delivered on Drew helped ease his loss of not having John around. She stayed until we sold the house, and then we moved in with her about six months ago. It was easier since I’d already been working in the adult store over her side of town the six months before moving in. I’d always wanted to eventually live in Mom’s area, only it took me a while to convince John to let me change schools for Drew, to save the commuting back and forth. He only recently started at his new school, and so far, so good. Although at first Drew hated the idea of being away from his friends, once we visited the new school, he fell in love with it all. What helped was the school having a basketball team. My son had been bursting at the seams to play basketball since he was six. His previous school only provided football, hockey, and soccer teams.

  Stopping in the doorway to my son’s room, I found him lying on his side with Puss-it curled into his stomach enjoying the attention Drew was lathering him with as he patted the cat’s back.

  My nine-year-old looked up, and a smile bloomed. His tired eyes crinkled in the corners at the sight of me. I loved seeing it—his face softening for his mom.

  “My sweet boy should be asleep.”

  He yawned. “Wanted to see you, ’cause I won’t in the morning.” He knew I was working later. Only he thought I worked in a supermarket.

  Grinning, I walked over to his bed and knelt on the floor. “Love that you wanted to see me, Drew, but I also would love it if you got some sleep so Nana doesn’t have to deal with zombie Drew in the morning.” I flicked his nose, causing him to laugh.


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