Book Read Free

Making Sense

Page 21

by Lila Rose

His grin was big. “Love you, baby.”

  My eyes widened. “Are you sure it’s not too soon? How do you think Drew is going to take it? I mean, I know he loves you and your house, but it’s a big step.”

  He tucked my hair behind my ear and then played with my earlobe. I closed my eyes and just about purred. Of course, he laughed. “I think Drew will be fine as long as you are.”

  “I know I will be.”

  “Then everything will be good. We’ll talk to him before it happens. Even though everything in me wants you to move in right now, we’ll wait for Drew to come home. And if he doesn’t go for the idea, we’ll wait.”

  “You would?”

  “Of course. But if he’s okay with it, are you happy to run your business from here instead of at your mom’s?”

  “Heck yes.”

  “Good, there’s also something I have to tell you—”

  My phone chose that moment to ring. “Hold that thought. I have to check it.” Twisting around, I grabbed my phone off the coffee table. “It’s mom.”

  “Grab it.” Vice nodded.

  Hitting Accept, I placed it against my ear. “Hi, Mom. Not long until you’re both back.” I smiled at Vice.

  “Adalyn, sweetheart, we have a problem.”

  “What?” I breathed like I was just punched in the stomach.

  “Addy?” Vice called.

  Looking up from his chest, I asked Mom, “Is Drew all right?”

  “Yes, but there’s something else.”

  Moving off Vice’s lap, I gripped the top of my hair and snapped, “Mom, talk to me.”

  She sighed deeply. “The week has been great. John’s been fantastic with Drew, spending all his time with him.”

  “I don’t care about that, Mom. Tell me what’s happened that has you worried.”

  “Sweetheart. Is Vice with you?”

  Glancing at him, I said, “Yes, he’s here.”

  “Good. Because what I have to tell you, you’ll need him.”

  “Shit, Mom, you’re scaring me.”

  Vice’s arm came around my shoulders. I felt like shoving him off and pacing, but I knew from the way his jaw ticked, he was just as worried as I was, and he was seeking the comfort I needed also.

  “Your sister is here.”

  “What?” I screeched. “Hang on, what’s my sister being there got to do with anything?” I hadn’t heard from Cammy since the last time she called. She never rang Mom the next day, and when we tried again, she didn’t answer.

  “Okay, all right. Apparently, she works at the resort. I didn’t know this until she and John came to my room while Drew was sleeping. To say I was shocked to see her was an understatement. Adalyn, they’re threatening to keep Drew here with them.”

  My body solidified.

  “They think they have a case against you for being unfit to look after Drew. It’s all bullshit of course, but they told me they’ll be in contact with you soon about it. However, they would have known I’d call you. Sweetheart, Cammy is with John. As in they’re getting married soon, and they think Drew is going to love the idea of living with them here.”

  “Addy? Baby?” Vice called. But I wasn’t there. I was in my mind ripping John and Cammy apart. My sister, my own flesh and blood was going to fight me for my son.


  Fucking hell, fear burned in me from Adalyn’s frantic voice and solid body. I could hear her mom calling for her through the phone, but my woman’s mind was elsewhere. I took the phone from Addy’s hand and watched her arm drop. Then she sat there glaring out into space.

  “Jenny? Vice here. What in the fuck is going on?”

  “Vice, thank God you’re there. I knew she wouldn’t take it well.”

  “Take what well, Jenny? Tell me so I can help her.”

  “Right. Long story short. Cammy, whom I’m unsure if I can love after this, and that says something about a mother losing love for her own daughter—”

  “Jenny,” I clipped.

  “Okay. Sorry. Cammy’s here, and she’s gotten in John’s ear. They’re going to try for full custody over Drew.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath and moved my gaze to my woman. No wonder she was lost. Drew was her world. If she lost him, she’d lose a part of herself.

  I wouldn’t let that happen.

  “We’ll be there shortly.”

  “What?” Jenny asked, shock evident in her tone.

  “I’ll get Addy packed and on a plane. We’ll let you know when we land.”

  “Okay. God, thank you, Vice.”

  “Keep watchful and talk soon.”

  “Yes, right. I’m on it.”

  As soon as she was off the phone, I placed it back down on the coffee table. Picking Addy up in my arms, I put her ass to my lap and turned her head so I had her eyes. They were dark. She was probably murdering her ex and sister in her mind. I’d let her have her time to process. I had to get us moving though.

  “Right, Addy. We’re going there. They aren’t fucking keeping Drew.” After I got nod from her, I helped her up and into my room. Her overnight bag was already packed so I threw some of my shit in there and ordered Addy to get some bathroom items. Robotically she did. When she was out of the room, I took my phone out and hit Grayson’s number.

  “Vice, how’s things?”

  “Not good.”

  “Talk to me.”

  Cursing every second word, I finally told Grayson what the deal was, and his reply was “I’ll make sure the plane is fueled and ready for you both. Do you need me to come?”

  “Thanks, Gray. But I’ve got it.”

  “Call me if you don’t or if I need to bail you out.”

  Snorting, I said, “I will.”

  “Is Addy okay?”

  “Shit, I’m not sure. She hasn’t said a word.”

  “It’s a lot to take in, especially with her sister involved.”

  “I know. I’ll get her through this somehow. No one will take Drew from her.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Thanks. Talk soon.”

  Adalyn walked back into the room. Her fists were clenched around a moisturizer bottle and a bottle of pain meds, from when I injured my back a while ago. I wasn’t sure if she was going to massage them into backing off or just poison them. I knew I’d prefer the second option.

  “Addy, come here.” Once she was close, I wrapped my arms around her. “We’ll get there, baby, and sort it all out. One way or another, we won’t be leaving without Drew.”

  She nodded and then I heard a sniffle before her body stiffened. She wanted to stay strong. I understood that. So I took her hand in mine, grabbed the bags, and we made our way out of the house. Fuck the toiletries. It was time to fight for Drew.



  By the time Vice and I stalked into the Hawaii resort, I was frantic to see my son and find out what in the hell John and Cammy were playing at. What Mom said couldn’t be real. John handed over his rights to me for Drew. All he wanted was every second weekend, and that was until he’d up and moved away. He wouldn’t fight me for Drew. Not now. Rationally, I knew he didn’t have a chance in hell at succeeding in a custody battle, but that didn’t make my fury or anxiety lessen.

  God, I wanted to throw up my stomach was in so many knots of worry.

  Vice steered me toward the front counter, while he organized a room. I turned and looked around. Having a chartered flight by private plane organized by Grayson had made everything so much easier. I had no idea how I’d ever repay him, or Vice for arranging everything. It also meant nobody knew we’d arrived. It was nearing dinnertime, so the foyer wasn’t too busy. There were only a few people milling around.

  “Adalyn,” Vice started and placed his hand on my lower back. We headed away from the reception desk. “They’re taking the bags to our room. Text your Mom and find out where they are. It’s time to deal with this bullshit.” He rubbed his hand up and down my back. Nodding, I grabbed my phone out and shot a text off and
then leaned into Vice while we waited for a reply. Thank God, I’d been around Vice when Mom called. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have moved from my shocked state to make it to Hawaii in the first place. He helped me pack, rang Grayson for his private plane, got us to the airport, and on the plane, all while I screamed, ranted, and silently maimed in my mind.

  I wasn’t even sure I’d spoken to Vice after he hung up from Mom. Although, I did remember his first words after the call. “Right, Addy. We’re going there. They aren’t fucking keeping Drew.” Then it was full of frantic movements to get us both here while I silently freaked the hell out.

  My phone vibrated. I jumped, and Vice’s arm around my shoulders curled me in tighter again him. “Calm, baby. We’re not leaving without Drew. Do you hear me? No matter what, Drew will be with us.”

  “Okay, honey,” I whispered, and opened the text. I believed him. He was Vice Salvatore, after all, and I was sure he’d move heaven and hell to make sure Drew was with us.

  Mom: In the hotel’s restaurant.

  Me: Coming.

  Taking a deep breath, I shook out my arms and came back to myself, then admitted, “I’m not sure…. Vice, I might lose my control in there. If I look like I’m going to hit someone, hold me back because it could cause more trouble.”

  He smiled, probably glad I wasn’t a zombie any longer. He kissed my temple and then shifted to take my hand. “You’ll be fine.”

  I wasn’t so certain about that.

  We made our way toward the restaurant, and each step I took, I kept reminding myself I couldn’t go in there kick John and Cammy’s ass, take my child back, and run from the room. Even when it sounded like a grand idea. If it hadn’t been for Vice’s thumb making lazy circles on the top of my hand, I would have stormed in there like a mad woman. Maybe even grunted and yelled like cave women used to do.

  Believe. I just had to believe things would be okay. We’d work everything out calmly, and no one would get hurt in the process. Especially Drew. I wasn’t sure what he knew, or even if John had told him anything or even asked Drew if he wanted to live in Hawaii with him permanently.

  Holy shit. What happened if Drew did know everything and wanted to stay?

  I wasn’t sure if I could cope with losing my son and only seeing him holidays. I’d have to move to Hawaii myself, but then I’d lose Vice because he had businesses to run.

  I clutched my chest. I wasn’t getting in enough air.

  “Addy, baby, please, calm down.” Vice brought me around to face him. His hands landed on my shoulders, and then he ran them up and down my arms. “Slow your breathing, sweetheart.”

  Nodding, I took a deep breath in and then slowly exhaled. Rubbing at my chest with my knuckles, I face planted into Vice’s chest. I couldn’t lose either one of them.

  “Everything will be fine, Adalyn. Promise.” We stayed that way for a while longer, until I was calm enough to function, and then Vice kissed my temple, took my hand, and led me the rest of the way in.

  Thankfully the restaurant wasn’t busy, which was how we spotted them quickly. John was talking to Drew about something, Cammy was glaring at Mom for some reason, and Mom was wiping her eye with her middle finger toward her other daughter. That actually brought a smile to my face.

  “Ready?” Vice asked as we made our way through the tables.

  “No, but yes.” I squeezed his hand, and he returned the gesture. We’d nearly made it to their table without being noticed, until Cammy looked over her shoulder for some reason, and the evil smile that graced her face I wanted to knock right off.

  “Oh, look. Adds is here.”

  “Mommy! Vice!” Drew cried, his beaming face misted my eyes and wobbled my bottom lip. Yes, I would do anything to make sure my boy was still with me. He was out of his seat in seconds and ran the few steps to land in my arms first. After he got a forehead layered in kisses from me, he moved into Vice’s arms for a big, tight hug. With his arm still around Vice’s waist, he planted his chin in Vice’s stomach and looked up at him. “What are you both doing here? This is so awesome. I can show you the beach.”

  Vice smiled down at Drew. “Looking forward to it. We thought we’d fly in to surprise you before you come home.” Drew missed the evil eye Vice sent John because Drew was telling his nana how cool he thought it was we were there.

  Cammy scoffed, rolled her eyes and muttered, “We’ll see about that.”

  “Mom,” I called. “Great to see you. Drew my boy, can you take Nana to the ice cream shop I saw on the way in. I just want to talk to your dad for a bit.”

  He sat on Mom’s knee and eyed me, then Vice, then John. He didn’t bother with Cammy; it showed me he wasn’t a fan of hers.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Just adult talk, kiddo.” Vice winked. “We won’t be long.”

  Cammy snorted. Drew swung his gaze to her and lowered his eyes into a glare.

  “Okay, Mom.” He stood and gave us another hug before taking Mom’s hand. On her way past me, she took my arm and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

  Cammy got up and moved to Mom’s seat and then took John’s hand on the table. Vice moved forward, took her seat and Drew’s, shifted them close to one another, and then he waited for me to sit before he did.

  Cammy sneered at me. “You going to introduce us, Adds?”

  “Vice, Cammy and John.”

  Vice nodded to them both but said nothing. I glanced out the corner of my eyes to see he had a death stare going on with my ex.

  “John,” I started. He looked at me. “Why are you doing this?”

  Cammy rolled her eyes, leaned forward and said, “John was telling me how you worked in a sex shop, Adds. That wasn’t a suitable place to be in when you have Drew living with you.”

  “I don’t work there anymore, you know this,” I pointed out.

  “So, that doesn’t matter. You chose to work there in the first place.”

  “Maybe you should stay out of mine and John’s business over Drew.” I glanced to John. “You know it was the only job I could find at the time.”

  John opened his mouth to reply but Cammy butted back in. “You should have waited for another. John left you with money to get you by.”

  “I’m leaving it for Drew’s college fund.” Every word out of her mouth was pissing me off more and more.

  “Do you have anything to say?” Vice asked. I saw he was watching John.

  John smiled, and it wasn’t a pleasant one. “Actually, I do.” Cammy smugly sat back in her chair and wrapped her arm around John’s. My ex finally looked at me. “I don’t like the company you keep, Adalyn.”

  My head jerked back. “What do you mean, who?”

  “The man next to you.”

  Vice snorted, relaxed back into the seat, and placed his arm around the back of my chair. “I had a feeling it would be this type of play.”

  “What type of play?” I asked.

  “Please, continue,” Vice gestured to John. Then he leaned in and kissed my temple. If I hadn’t been looking Cammy’s way, I would have missed her deepening glare. “It’ll be fine,” Vice whispered into my ear.

  “Adalyn, I’m filling for full custody for Drew to come live here with Cammy and myself. He’ll be safer here.”

  Shaking my head, I asked, “Safer from what?” I pointed to Cammy. “And you hate kids. You’ve always told me this.”

  “I’ve changed. People can change.”

  Shaking my hands in front of me, I said, “Wait, how and when did this happen? I thought you were with Daphne.”

  “Cammy and I got to know one another again, and I realized I’ve always had a thing for her. We’re in love.”

  I snorted, then laughed and laughed some more. I laughed so hard my eyes were watering, and I had to hold my stomach it ached so much.

  “Adalyn,” John snapped.

  “Oh, God. Really? In love? Wow, congrats and happy Tonka, wait.” I turned to Vice, “That’s a toy car isn’t it.”

p; He smirked. “It is.”

  “Well then, happy whatever it is. I wish you all the happiness you both can carry.” Vice chuckled. “One thing though, Drew is not staying here with two people who are mean, hurtful, and fucked up in general.”

  “How dare you,” Cammy cried.

  “He will be staying here, and he’ll never want to be around you again because of the man beside you.”

  “Vice is safer and more normal than you’ll ever be,” I bit back to John.

  Cammy’s smile grew vindictive just before John’s hand slammed down on the table. “He owns sex shops and porn studios, Adalyn, and you have my son around that man.”

  My eyes widened. Cammy looked like the cat that got the cream. Still I asked John, “How did you know?”

  “Cammy found out his name from Drew and researched him. Are you seriously with a man who films porn for a living? What would Drew’s school think? Or the parents of his friends? Did you think about Drew at all?”

  “That’s rich coming from a man who cheats on women,” Vice snarled.

  “I don’t even want to speak to you or hear anything come from your mouth.”

  I wanted to slap John in the face. He had no right to speak to Vice like that. Heck, if Vice wanted to own strip clubs, I wouldn’t care because he was an amazing man. He was caring, sweet, smart, the perfect man my son could look up to. He was driven, courageous, and looked around ready to blow his top. Maybe it wasn’t me who would have to be held back, but Vice.

  “You think this shit will keep me from her?” Vice asked deeply. “You think you can keep Drew away from us? Think again.” Vice stood, held his hand out to me. I took it and straightened beside him.

  John jumped up, so did Cammy. “My son will never be in your presence again.”

  “Yeah? Why? Because of the businesses I run? Tell us the real reason you want to drag this crap up? Is it maybe because you don’t want Addy to move on? You discard her and expect her to listen or do everything you want or say. Tell me, how long have you and Camila been together? Camila’s been in your ear for a fucking long time, and because she has some serious issues against her sister, she’s making you do things you’re not really thinking about, but instead jumping into because that trash there tells you to. How do you think Drew will feel without his mom? Has Camila proved herself to be a good role model like his mom already is? Addy works her ass off to make sure Drew and even her mother has everything they desire.”


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