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Hideaway at Hawk's Landing

Page 18

by Rita Herron

  Another shot from the right, and Brayden swung around and fired, hitting the shooter and taking him out.

  Lucas caught the big guy in the shoulder, and Mila suddenly shoved the other man to the ground and ran toward her daughter and the teen.

  The bastard rolled on the ground and lifted his weapon again. Brayden fired, but the man managed to get off a round first.

  At the same time, Izzy started running toward Mila. Panic seared Brayden. No... Izzy was in the line of fire.

  The teen suddenly threw herself in front of Izzy. The bullet hit her in the back, and she collapsed to the ground, shielding Izzy with her body. Brayden nailed him, but the damage was done.

  Mila screamed and dived for Izzy and the girl while Lucas raced toward the plane.

  The door to the plane closed, the engine roared and the plane sped down the runway.

  Lucas chased the plane, shooting at it, but the plane soared into the sky. Brayden ran to Mila. She was sobbing and lifting the limp teenager away from Izzy.

  Brayden knelt and helped her roll the girl off Izzy, and Mila pulled Izzy into her arms, frantically checking her for injuries.

  Izzy was wide-eyed in shock, still clinging to the young teen. Mila dragged the girl into her lap so she could hold both her and Izzy.

  Then the girl’s eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Mila.

  “Take care of our little girl,” Carina whispered.

  Mila sobbed the girl’s name and promised that she would.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Brayden held Mila and Izzy while they waited for an ambulance. Mila was devastated over Carina’s death. What a senseless loss.

  Even after all she’d suffered, Carina had loved that child.

  And he had overheard Carina ask Mila to take care of her daughter. He’d use that in court as leverage to file adoption papers. Although getting DiSanti to release his rights would be difficult—maybe impossible.

  He would figure out the details later. For now, he was grateful Mila and Izzy had survived.

  Although seeing Mila battered and beaten tore him in knots. Lucas called reinforcements to take care of the bodies and his people were working on tracking DiSanti’s plane.

  But he might be long gone.

  Mila and Izzy wouldn’t be safe until he was locked away—or dead.

  Brayden would prefer the latter. In fact, he’d like to be the one to put a bullet in DiSanti’s head.

  When the ambulance arrived, Brayden stepped aside while they examined Izzy and Mila. True to her nature, Mila was more worried about her daughter than herself.

  Lucas approached him, expression stony. “I’ll stay here and tie things up at this place if you want to go with Mila and the little girl to the hospital.”

  Brayden murmured agreement. His emotions were wreaking havoc with his nerves.

  “Who was the teenager?” Lucas asked. “One of DiSanti’s victims?”

  He nodded. “Izzy’s birth mother.” That touching exchange had cemented his drive to make sure Mila kept Izzy. “Just before she died, she asked Mila to take care of their little girl.”

  Lucas raised a brow. “So Mila was telling the truth about the girl giving her Izzy?”

  Brayden nodded. “It won’t be easy, but I have to figure out a way to make sure Mila is granted legal custody.”

  A tense silence stretched between them as the medics helped Mila and Izzy into the ambulance and the crime workers arrived to process the scene.

  “You know he’ll come back for them, Brayden? They won’t be safe until we find him.”

  “I know.” Brayden raked a hand through his hair. “We have to protect them, Lucas.”

  “We will,” Lucas assured him.

  But Brayden’s heart was heavy as he went to join Mila and Izzy.

  * * *

  MILA WAS AN emotional basket case. Carina had died protecting her baby girl.

  It wasn’t fair.

  At the hospital, she assured the staff that she was okay. Bruises would heal. She was far more concerned about the emotional and psychological trauma to Izzy.

  At least physically, Izzy was unharmed. Mila cradled her close in the back seat as Brayden drove them to Hawk’s Landing. Fearing the house where she’d been abducted might trigger traumatic memories for her daughter, Mila agreed to stay at Brayden’s with Izzy, at least for the night.

  DiSanti had escaped. Again.

  She squeezed Izzy tighter. She couldn’t think about that right now. Izzy needed to be comforted and to feel safe.

  Carina’s face flashed in her mind, and a wave of grief washed over her. One day, she’d tell Izzy the truth about her birth mother, about the selfless, brave love Carina had for her.

  Not tonight though.

  Brayden steered the SUV down the drive to the ranch, and Izzy clutched Mila’s arm. “Where are we going, Mama?”

  Mila soothed her with a kiss and stroked her hair. “Brayden is a nice man, honey. He helped me find you. And he’s going to let us stay at his ranch for a few days so we can rest.”

  Fear flickered in Izzy’s eyes. “Are the bad men coming back?”

  Mila hugged Izzy tighter. “Not tonight, sweetie. We’ll be safe at Brayden’s ranch.”

  Izzy stared at her wide-eyed for a moment, then bobbed her head up and down.

  “Do they gots horses at the ranch?” Izzy asked.

  Mila smiled, grateful that children were resilient. “Yes, they do. Tomorrow we’ll ask Brayden if we can see them.” She stroked Izzy’s hair again. “But tonight we’re going to soak in a warm bubble bath and get a good night’s sleep.” Izzy probably hadn’t really slept since she’d been abducted. At least, the doctor confirmed that she hadn’t been drugged or molested.

  Izzy spied a horse galloping in the pasture nearest the road and squealed in delight.

  Mila took it as a good sign that her daughter would be all right, but she would watch for nightmares and signs of anxiety. Brayden had been quiet the entire ride, leaving her wondering what he was thinking.

  He’d risked his life to save her and Izzy. His face was bruised, although she had no idea how he’d earned it. She looked worse, but she didn’t care.

  Tonight Izzy would sleep beside her safe and sound. That was all that mattered.

  * * *

  BRAYDEN COULD BARELY control his rage over the bruises on Mila’s face and arms. He wanted to make DiSanti suffer for hurting her.

  But she and Izzy had seen enough violence. He inhaled a deep breath as he parked to rein in his temper.

  Still, he’d make it his mission to find the bastard and keep him from abusing another girl, woman or child.

  He opened the back door for Mila and helped her out of the car, his jaw clenching at the dried blood on her lower lip.

  “Do you want me to carry Izzy?” he asked gruffly.

  She shook her head no. “Thanks, but I think she needs some alone time with me right now.”

  That was probably true. But he felt like Mila was shutting him out.

  He closed the door after her and hurried to steady her as she climbed the steps with Izzy in her arms.

  Izzy looked up at him with wary, big dark eyes as he unlocked the door.

  “I heard you like horses,” he said with a smile.

  Her eyes crinkled with childlike excitement as she bobbed her head up and down.

  “Tomorrow I’ll take you and your mom around the ranch. You can even pick out one to ride.”

  “Really?” she asked in such a sweet, innocent voice that she instantly snagged a piece of his heart.

  “Really.” Mila gave him a grateful smile as they entered.

  “Let me know what you need,” he said as she carried Izzy toward the bedroom.

  “We’re going to soak in a nice bath.” She looked at her
daughter. “Do you want something to eat, sweetie?”

  Izzy gave a little nod.

  “I don’t have much,” Brayden said, “except for some frozen mac and cheese.”

  “I love mac and cheese,” Izzy squealed.

  “Then mac and cheese it is,” he said with a wink.

  Mila laughed, and Brayden thought what a beautiful sound. A sound he wanted to hear more often.

  Every day.

  Deciding Izzy had probably seen enough blood and bruises in her lifetime, he washed up in his bathroom, then took the box of mac and cheese from the freezer and followed the directions to heat it. He also had a frozen pizza so he stuck it in the oven.

  Not a gourmet meal, but he had a feeling food wasn’t as important tonight as mother and daughter simply being together.

  That was what family was about.

  Damn. He wanted that family for himself.

  Shaken, he stepped onto the back deck for some air.

  It was a good half hour before Mila and Izzy emerged from the guest room. Izzy was cocooned in a pair of pink flannel pj’s with kitty cats on them, and Mila had dragged on a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved T-shirt. Her hair lay in damp strands over her shoulders. She’d dabbed on a little powder to help camouflage the bruises on her face, most likely an effort to spare Izzy.

  He lit a fire in the fireplace and made coffee, then set out his brown whiskey and the wine he’d offered Mila before.

  They gathered at the farmhouse table by the fire to eat. Izzy looked brighter and surprised him by wolfing down the mac and cheese and a slice of pizza.

  Mila laughed as the little girl inhaled a glass of milk on top of it. He had some chocolate chip cookies his mother and the girls at the house had made, and she snatched two of them with a giggle.

  Mila sipped a glass of wine after eating, the love in her eyes for her daughter so intense it humbled Brayden and made him forget his anger over the information she’d withheld from him.

  But hurt still needled him that she hadn’t trusted him.

  Izzy yawned, and Mila started to clean up, but he caught her hand and took the plate from her. “I’ll handle this. Just enjoy your time with Izzy tonight.”

  She gave him another grateful look, then scooped Izzy into her arms and carried her to the bedroom. When the door closed behind them, Brayden had a feeling he wouldn’t see either one of them until morning.

  He cleaned the table and plates, then checked outside to make certain it was quiet. Satisfied DiSanti and his men hadn’t had time to track Mila and Izzy to Hawk’s Landing, he poured himself a shot of whiskey and carried it to the recliner by the fire.

  He stared into the burning embers, his mind contemplating the last few days and all that had happened.

  Last night he and Mila had shared the hottest, most mind-boggling sex he’d ever experienced. But it was more than just sex.

  He was in love with her.

  He had no idea what he was going to do about it though.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mila savored the next three days at Hawk’s Landing. She made arrangements for Roberta and Carina to have proper memorial services and for another doctor to assume her responsibilities at the clinic for a while. She wanted to focus all her energy on being with Izzy.

  Her little girl blossomed at the ranch. True to his word, Brayden gave them a ranch tour and helped Izzy choose the tamest riding horse they had for lessons.

  Izzy had asked about Roberta and Carina, and about some girl named Jade, who stayed with her when she was abducted.

  Brayden and Lucas added Jade to their list of missing girls. Mrs. Hawk also found room for the girls at the hospital to move onto the ranch temporarily. One of her friends had agreed to open her home to them but needed renovations done to make room. Honey volunteered to oversee the project.

  The Hawks were amazing people. She understood now why Charlotte had fallen fast and hard for Lucas. And why she loved his family so much.

  She watched as Brayden rode Izzy around the riding pen. He was patient and kind and funny. Izzy adored him.

  And she was in love with him.

  Lucas approached her, his look solemn. Her stomach knotted. She’d hoped every day that he’d find DiSanti so she and Izzy could live free of fear.

  He anticipated her question and shook his head no.

  She tamped down her sigh of frustration. He was doing everything possible to find the bastard.

  But with every passing day, the chances of DiSanti’s men finding her at Hawk’s Landing increased.

  “I appreciate all you and your family have done for me and Izzy,” Mila said. “But Izzy and I can’t stay here forever.”

  “You don’t like the ranch?” Lucas asked.

  Mila sighed. “I love it here, and so does Izzy, but we’re imposing on your family.” And Brayden. The longer she stayed, the more she didn’t want to leave. It was starting to feel like a home, the one she’d always wanted.

  “I know you’re anxious,” Lucas said. “But it’s not safe for you to go home yet or back to work.”

  “As much as I don’t like it, I agree.” Mila leaned on the rail, soaking in the sight of Izzy with Brayden. The little girl’s father was a terrible man and didn’t deserve to have a child.

  On the other hand, Brayden would make a wonderful father.

  She glanced back at the farmhouse and saw Honey in the porch swing chatting with Ava. Evie, Mae Lynn, Adrian and Agnes were showing the new girls their favorite places on the ranch.

  Hawk’s Landing had become a safe haven for the lost.

  But she couldn’t stay here forever.

  “I have to leave,” Mila said. “It’s too dangerous for your family for me to stay here.”

  Indecision and regret played across Lucas’s face. Charlotte was walking toward them with Mae Lynn, her cheeks rosy with the cold.

  The day before Charlotte confided to Mila that she was pregnant. After all she’d been through, she deserved to have her baby and a life with Lucas in peace.

  “We don’t want you to go,” Lucas said.

  Mila’s heart squeezed. “I appreciate that, Lucas. Your family is the most generous, loving one I’ve ever known. But that’s the reason I have to go. DiSanti will use anyone I care about to get to me and Izzy. I won’t do that, not to you and Charlotte, or Brayden, or Honey and Harrison or your mother and the girls who escaped him.”

  Lucas’s gaze met hers for a tension-filled moment. Izzy squealed as Brayden swung her down from the palomino he’d chosen for her. Izzy loved that horse and had already started calling the animal hers.

  She couldn’t allow her daughter to become more attached to this place and these people, then yank her away from this family.

  “Will you arrange for us to go into WITSEC?” Mila asked.

  Lucas nodded. “I can do that. But you know if you join WITSEC, none of us, including Brayden, can know where you and Izzy are. You’ll have to sever all contact with him, and you and Izzy will change your names and go wherever the US Marshals place you. And Mila—” he hesitated “—you won’t be able to practice medicine or do any related kind of work. DiSanti and his men could use that to find you.”

  Pain washed through Mila, but she murmured that she understood. She’d do whatever necessary to protect Izzy and this family that she’d grown to love.

  Even if it meant she couldn’t be with them.

  Three days later

  “MILA, DON’T GO,” Brayden said as Mila stood by the car that Lucas had arranged to take her and Izzy away. “I’ll do whatever I can to protect you and Izzy.”

  Mila pressed a hand to Brayden’s cheek. “I know you will. That’s one reason we have to leave. I won’t endanger you and your family.”

  Emotions darkened Brayden’s eyes. “But I love you,” he said, his heart poundin
g with fear. He was losing her, had been arguing with her about this ever since she’d told him her plan.

  He had a bone to pick with Lucas, too. His brother had made arrangements with WITSEC without including him in the decision-making process.

  “I could go with you,” Brayden said. “Then you and Izzy won’t be alone.”

  Mila shook her head. “No. I have to do this by myself, Brayden. Izzy is my family, not yours.”

  Dammit. Her dig hit home.

  He’d professed his love, but she hadn’t reciprocated. Because she didn’t love him.

  That hurt the most.

  After all she’d been through, he couldn’t force himself on her and her daughter. They needed to be free, even if it meant they needed freedom from him.

  He was the fool for falling in love with her.

  Emotions clogged his throat. “Will you let me know if you’re all right?”

  “You know I can’t do that,” Mila said. “When we leave, it’s a clean slate for all of us.”

  As much as he didn’t like it, she was right. Talking to him would only put her in danger. By now, DiSanti and his men might have discovered that he and his family had helped her and given Izzy a home.

  He had to let her go to keep her safe.

  He opened the car door, where Izzy sat in her car seat, clutching her stuffed animals and pink blanket to her chest. Tears pooled in her big dark eyes.

  “I’m going to miss you, sweet pea,” he said, then gave her a hug.

  She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, a sob escaping her little body. The precious little girl had definitely stolen his heart.

  “I love you,” she choked out. “I don’t want to leave Blondie.” The palomino.

  “I love you, too,” he murmured, then he pressed a kiss to her hair. “And Blondie will be waiting when you and your mommy can come back.”

  Mila gave him a warning look as he pulled away.

  He didn’t know how Mila had survived when Izzy had been in that monster’s hands. His heart felt like it was literally breaking into pieces.

  Mila gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then ducked into the car, and the driver sped off.


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