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Daegon: Alien Warlord's Conquest (Scifi Alien-Human Military Romance)

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by Vi Voxley

  Daegon: Alien Warlord’s Conquest

  Science Fiction Alien Romance

  Vi Voxley


  A Little Taste…


  1. Zoey

  2. Daegon

  3. Zoey

  4. Daegon

  5. Zoey

  6. Zoey

  7. Daegon

  8. Zoey

  9. Daegon

  10. Zoey

  11. Zoey

  12. Daegon

  13. Zoey

  14. Daegon

  15. Daegon

  16. Zoey

  17. Daegon

  18. Zoey

  19. Daegon

  20. Zoey


  Also by Vi Voxley

  Soros: Alien Warlord’s Conquest Excerpt

  About the Author

  A Little Taste…

  "I forgive you," he said. "On one condition."

  He didn't miss the way she seemed to lean towards him as he spoke. It took every ounce of will he had not to reach out and pull her closer. The sweet, fresh scent of her hair reached him, driving him mad. He had to remind himself that he had a duty to perform and admiring her wouldn't help one bit.

  "Of course," she said, but again he could hear the defiant pride somewhere in there.

  "You are a diplomat," he stated. "But I am a Corgan. We speak bluntly. I hear your words, but your voice tells me another story. I want to hear the same message from both. Then we can talk."

  She regarded him seriously, frowning. It seemed impossible to Daegon, but it made the female even more gorgeous.

  "Is this a trick?" she asked carefully. "To see if I would insult you?"

  "Consider what you know of us and take a guess," Daegon replied.

  The female – Zoey, she had said – regarded him for a long moment before finally standing straighter and nodding.

  "Alright," she said, her voice shaking a little. "Then could we have some light? You are not Brions, your ships aren't dark on purpose. I think you're doing this to frighten me."

  Daegon grinned. He liked her.

  "And?" he asked, taking a step closer, enjoying the way Zoey winced but didn't pull back. "Are you afraid?"

  It was clear that she was, but to her credit, she didn't allow it to control her. The female forced a smile on her face.

  "A bit," she admitted. "But this is a cheap tactic. I'm alone on your ship. Of course I'm bound to be scared."

  "You flatter me."

  "Only a Corgan would take that as a compliment," Zoey said, but the tension was slowly leaving her body.

  Copyright © 2016 Vi Voxley

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Daegon: Alien Warlord’s Conquest

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be used, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This book may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Vi Voxley. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  Cover © Jack of Covers

  You can find all of my books here:

  Amazon Author Page

  Created with Vellum

  Chapter One


  So this is Gaiya.

  Zoey Swann observed the glowing planet below with interest. Her job as the Chief Deputy of Intergalactic Relations sounded much fancier than it actually was. It brought a smirk to her lips to think how many deputies actually worked for the Union. Significantly more than the title implied, for sure. The Galactic Union was very keen to impress those who didn't know what they were doing and heaping words usually helped.

  Not that she was powerless, not at all. Zoey figured she had more power than she was able to grasp, but the truth was – it was the kind no one else wanted. Her co-workers had sent her off sounding like they were already attending her wake.

  The beautiful world spun on the screens and Zoey couldn't tear her eyes away. The Union’s headquarters were stationed on an entire moon called Ilotra, fashioned into a fortress. While most of her job was very interesting, despite entailing dealing with horrible bureaucrats of various shapes, sizes, species and intelligence levels, it was all indoors. In suffocating, endless corridors that all looked the same. It had been awhile since Zoey had seen forests, real forests. Not the few trees growing in greenhouses built to make the desolate moon seem homier.

  She hadn't traveled a lot.


  And now that she was seeing this gorgeous alien world, Zoey found a part of her missing the boring desk job. Well, not really, but she certainly wasn't looking forward to the negotiations.

  "We're almost there, Miss Swann," a man's voice said behind her.

  Zoey turned and smiled to a straight-backed, serious man who had entered the lounge without her noticing. She thought it was completely uncanny how the captain could move like that, but she didn't say anything about it.

  Their flight had been nice and quiet, and the crew had left her mostly undisturbed. Zoey had used the time to read up on everything the Union knew about Corgans. Most of it sounded like a warning in front of a cage containing dangerous animals.

  Do not provoke. Approach with caution. If one becomes agitated, run.

  "Very good," she said. "Thank you, Captain Kent. Have the Corgans signaled us already?"

  She was supposed to meet the clan lord, but Zoey had no idea where exactly. Would she be invited to his ship? Would they meet on Gaiya? She tried to suppress the small voice inside her that wondered how many guards she should take with her.

  None, she told herself firmly. It would show fear and he would never respect me enough to speak to me. No, I must go alone.

  Captain Kent shook his head.

  "Not yet," he admitted. "I think they want to hear from you personally."

  Proud bastards.

  "Alright," Zoey said. "I will signal the warship myself. Is there anything else, Captain?"

  "Lieute– The chieftain's wife... I don't know what to call her. Former Lieutenant James sent a message for you as soon as we arrived. She would like to see you before the meeting."

  Zoey considered that.

  It would be a good idea to talk to someone who has dealt with them before. Maybe I can find out how she convinced Nadar Brenger to stop the war. Can't hurt.

  "Very good," she said. "Could you prepare a shuttle for me, Captain? I think meeting her will be useful."

  Following the coordinates that had been sent for her, Zoey was soon on her way down to the planet that had nearly become a battlefield not too long ago.

  Stepping out of the shuttle, Zoey was infinitely grateful that it hadn't. The world truly was as beautiful as everyone claimed. She emerged onto a large platform raised above the ground to avoid disturbing the people below. From her vantage point, the crystal blue ocean Mara James had described in her memos stretched as far as the eye could see.

  Zoey didn't know if it was the rough wind pulling at her light blue uniform or the sight, but she had to blink back tears.

  Corgan guides greeted her, friendlier than she'd expected them to be. She guessed it was true that those who chose to live on Gaiya were more open to strangers. Corgans were tall and proud, with tanned skin and shining blue eyes. Zoey also not
iced a few warriors, and their blues practically glowed.

  She noticed the distinct patterns of dark ink running over their skin, even on the children playing on the sand below. They marked the cuts of surgeries that all Corgans endured to improve their bodies with new organs. Zoey knew that civilians only used those for medical purposes, replacing the parts of them that were failing.

  Warriors, however, built themselves like machines. Most of them had two hearts and some organs Zoey couldn't even guess the function of.

  She tore her eyes from the tattooed Corgans when a Terran woman came her way. Zoey recognized Mara James immediately, despite never seeing her before. She was amazed at how alike they were.

  Mara had short black hair as dark as Zoey's, but her curls billowed freely in the cool wind. The former lieutenant had bright, lively hazel eyes to match Zoey's greens, but the same wide smile and a slightly upturned nose. A long silvery dress fit tightly around Mara's pregnant belly, but otherwise she seemed to have the same healthy, curvy figure as Zoey.

  "Here you are," Mara said at once, beaming as if they were old friends. "Welcome to Gaiya."

  Zoey looked around, her eyes easily drifting to the object of dispute on the holy world. A large stone walkway lined the shore of the glimmering ocean not far from them. It was amazingly, carefully carved out of a huge cliff, just as she’d read, and as breathtaking as it had been reported to be.

  "It really is something," she replied, gesturing to the ocean and the shrine. "You weren't lying about the view."

  Mara laughed, glancing at where she was looking.

  "Yeah," she agreed. "It doesn't get old either. It’s like I abandoned the cold, gray walls of spaceships to come and live in paradise."

  Zoey thought of the greenhouses on the moon she worked at and had to admit they were a poor shadow of the sight that greeted her. Fresh air filled her lungs, making her feel lighter and happier. She wondered if there was some kind of drug in the air, but that would surely have been reported. It was simply the nature itself making her feel giddy and alive.

  "So you don't regret it?" she asked carefully. "Leaving the flotilla?"

  Mara's eyes twinkled with delight.

  "Absolutely not," she said with certainty. "Not for a moment. Besides, I'm too busy to worry about things like that."

  "I noticed," Zoey said, smiling, nodding to her belly. "Congratulations."

  "Oh, her?" Mara asked and her smile softened as she slid a hand over her belly. "Yeah, she needs some attention too, but she won’t be much trouble for a few more blessed weeks. I was talking about real work, though. I don't just work in Nadar's bed, you know –"

  "I know," Zoey cut in, grinning. "That is not what I was implying. I've read about your work as a mediator between the settlers and the Corgans. Establishing rules and laws, helping with the new city, keeping the shrine. I wanted to say it's admirable."

  Mara was regarding her with a different look now. It was the same curious, mischievous smirk, but Zoey saw a hint of newfound appreciation. She wondered what the flotilla had told Mara to make her so defensive.

  "Good," Mara said. "You should hear what they're saying about me."

  "Judging by your tone, I can guess. You averted a war, they should be raising a statue for you."

  Mara laughed again.

  "I don't need that," she said. "And I really don't care that much. I just wanted to make sure that our lead negotiator doesn't think I got Nadar to back off by spreading my legs for him."

  Zoey frowned, but not at Mara.

  "I don't," she assured her. "And whoever says that is an idiot. But I wouldn't mind a few tips on how to control a Corgan warlord."

  Mara snorted, motioning for Zoey to follow. They walked along the beach, away from the shrine. Seeing Zoey look behind, Mara promised, "You can walk it later, but I don't think you should right now. It's worth taking your time, and you don't have much right now."

  "Yeah," Zoey said, smiling. "I'm keeping a warlord waiting. Do you think he'll mind?"

  "Daegon?" Mara asked. "Oh, he's a sweetheart."

  "Is he now?"

  "Absolutely not. He's a bastard, but not the worst of them. He'll give you a hard time, but you don't have to fear him."

  "Good to know. So what should I do?"

  "Well, fucking did help with Nadar, but it's not compulsory," Mara said, grinning, but then became serious again. "Jokes aside, Corgans are... complicated. That's why I wanted to talk to you first, although I don't doubt Daegon will be pissed."

  "I can handle him."

  "I believe you. I'm just a humble pilot, but you're a professional negotiator. I'm sure you can deal with him. But with Corgans, you have to have a lot of patience. They're very set in their ways, remember that. You have to give them a little time to process new ideas."

  "Got it," Zoey said, thinking. "And what is this Daegon like? Is he like Nadar Brenger?"

  "Not exactly," Mara allowed. "Nadar killed Daegon’s former lord in a duel, so he's a bit touchy on the topic."

  "The old chieftain was his lord?"

  "Yes. And so he got his new rank by someone else's victory. He is not happy. Daegon wanted to challenge the chieftain himself."

  "Could he have taken him?"

  "I don't know. Maybe. He is certainly strong enough, otherwise the clan wouldn't have accepted him."

  "So why doesn't he challenge Nadar?"

  There was a dark look on Mara's face and Zoey was ready to apologize, but Mara shook her head.

  "No, no, you are right to ask. It's fine. I don't like imagining Nadar's death, that's all. As for Daegon, I'm not sure. Corgans are very weird about these things. If he really wanted the position, he'd fight Nadar for it, but so far he hasn't."

  "I've been meaning to ask," Zoey said as they slowly turned back to head towards the platform again. "Why doesn't Nadar handle this himself? Why don't you?"

  "Has to be a Corgan," Mara said, smiling. "They would never accept it from me. And Nadar isn't here. He still has a lot of problems with the clans. Some of them are pretty mad at all of this."

  "So he's out there handling them?"

  "You could say that. It's the Corgan way of problem-solving."

  "Cutting someone's head off and then asking questions?"

  Mara chuckled, smiling.

  "Yes," she admitted. "They're very straightforward like that."

  "Fantastic," Zoey said as they reached the platform and she could hear her shuttle firing up its engines above their heads. "This will be a fun meeting then."

  "You'll do fine," Mara assured her. "The worst he can do is say no."

  "What's to say he doesn't exercise this Corgan method on me?" Zoey joked, but Mara's response was serious.

  "If he does, I swear Nadar will take his head too."

  "Comforting," Zoey shot back, but honestly the conversation with Mara had put her more at ease.

  Maybe it won't be so bad. They wouldn't send me in to be killed. And it's not like I'm completely helpless myself.

  "I better go," she told Mara. "It was nice meeting you. Congratulations, again. You're absolutely glowing. Take care of yourself."

  "Thank you," Mara called after her as she climbed back up to the shuttle. "I look like an elephant, but I appreciate that! Good luck!"

  Zoey laughed. The shuttle took her back to her ship, which had just received the long-awaited hail.

  It said: This is not a great start for you.

  * * *

  Captain Kent insisted on sending her over to the warship with an armed guard unit, but Zoey refused.

  "After a message like that," the captain repeated for the tenth time.

  "Exactly because of that," Zoey said with a tone that didn't brook argument. "I will not go there behind a wall of shields like a criminal. Forget about it."

  Despite her reassurances, the captain sent her off with a look that clearly said he didn't think he'd ever see her again. Zoey even had to listen to a brief speech about how lovely the time they’d spent toget
her was, which was polite for "uneventful space travel".

  Then she was off. Another shuttle carried Zoey to the warship Wraith. Approaching, she saw the grandness of it. Corgan warships were usually nothing special, better suited for transporting armies and smaller crafts than actual warfare. But Wraith seemed to be more than a glorified cargo hauler.

  It was long and sleek, dark and foreboding, bearing many scars of space battles on its prow. Up close, Zoey could see skulls and trophies and a demonic-looking figure on the front similar to a pirate ship. The very air around it seemed to warn her to stay away, but it was her job to go and talk to the master of the vessel. It looked more like a raider ship than anything else.

  Zoey emerged from the shuttle alone, feeling the hope that Mara had instilled in her slowly fade away in the darkness of the looming Wraith.

  She nearly jumped when the shuttle quickly closed its hatch behind her, but managed to maintain her dignity and stay still. It seemed that the pilot didn't want to spend any more time there than he had to – the moment her feet were firmly on the deck, the shuttle took off.

  For a long moment, Zoey thought that she was alone in the dark bay.

  Then, two impossibly blue eyes flashed to life right in front of her. This time, Zoey was unable to stop herself and a small startled scream escaped her lips.

  A figure stepped forward from the darkness. The warrior was so tall that Zoey had to crane her neck to stare at his shining, stormy eyes that held her mesmerized. She noticed his wide shoulders and powerful body, and the fact that he looked strong enough to break her in two if he wanted to.

  Two gleaming swords were strapped to his back as was common for Corgan warriors, and his sturdy, form-fitting armor was dark gray, making it almost disappear in the artificial night. The trademark lines of ink ran across his face and, for a moment, it seemed to Zoey like one of them went over his left eye.

  He took her breath away in more ways than one. Zoey thought she could hear her heartbeat in the absolute silence that surrounded them, thrumming wildly in her ears. All other men she'd ever met paled before the one in front of her.


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