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The Court of Souls?_Volume 2_Agent of the Realm?

Page 30

by Andur

  His expression darkens. “I knew it! I knew that I stole the architecture from somewhere, but I didn't remember from where I had the idea! Damn it, I hate Star Trek! Now I have to trash the entire citadel and rework the whole thing from scratch!”

  One of the crew members frowns. “I also thought that it seemed familiar. Star Trek was a good show.”

  Marcus looks at me. “What's Star Trek?”

  So Marcus didn't have a reincarnation on Earth? How sad, or should I say fortunate? I only roll my eyes and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear while my father starts his rant.

  “Be glad that you don't know it! It was a sickeningly nice Sci-Fi series from a planet named earth! The characters ran around in pyjamas, calling them uniforms, and their moral code must have been created by a nun. I always asked myself how the author thought that a culture like that would be able to achieve anything! And the ship-design was just awful! I should have remembered sooner! Looking back, I am glad that one of my reincarnations dismantled the stupid dirt-ball for resources. If I ever find the soul who was responsible for the creation of every true geek's nightmare then-”

  And that's when I decide to stop it. “Dad, aren't we about to invade another dimension? You can download all your memories about Star Trek. Then, when Marcus watches it later, you can have a long and detailed discussion about it.”

  “Actually, that's a good idea! Why haven't I thought of it myself!?” My father scratches his chin. “Marcus, when we are done with kicking our enemy's butt, you and I will sit down and do a little TV marathon.”

  Marcus somehow manages not to look mortified. “Okay, just so you know... I am no good at this fictional stuff. And returning to the matter at hand... why do we have to attack at exactly ten o'clock?”

  My father snorts and then a devious smile spreads across his face. “I've thought long and hard about that. Especially how I tended to live my life when my better half wasn't around.” He leans back in his chair, indulging in his memories. “Without Elona I would always stay up late, working on some project. So after weighing all the different factors, I decided that this would be the best moment to attack.”

  So my father is still playing with the possibility that there is indeed another version of him out there. And that this other version of him never met Mom. “Simply admit that it's the most likely time for your other self to be asleep!”

  “That sounds reasonable... even though I don't understand why you believe that your other self is at wherever we are about to go?” Marcus furrows his forehead, trying to understand my father.

  Dad raises a finger. “Ah! I've no proof, but I simply assume that our enemy's head of command must be at the other side. Invading another dimension can't be done on the fly. There must be a big base, troops and supplies at the other end. Spirits may seem like drones to us, but they still need food. And whatever troops will follow the less intelligent ones will need to fortify their position. But enough of that. Let's start up the engines and pay them a visit. My controls are all green, which means that everyone is ready to depart.”

  Shade punches a button on his armrest and a portal starts opening in front of the citadel. It reveals a disturbing sight at the aether between worlds. Red energies of chaos are fighting with a blue web of pathways. Dad presses another switch and the citadel accelerates, flying forward into the portal. For a moment I've the strange feeling of falling through the air and the floor bucks beneath me.

  Then we exit on the other side and the energies part in front of us, revealing a huge flying thing! An ear-splitting alarm goes off as we smash into something, or should I say through something? The whole screen turns red with blood and gore. I hear curses from my father’s seat as he starts mashing a button.

  “What was that!?” Marcus calls out.

  “I think it was a dragon? Or a huge, flying spirit?” I voice my opinion. I didn't see it for any longer than the others before the citadel ran it over. Lucky that this thing has shields!

  “Elona always warned me about driving too fast. At least we've other means of navigation than optical sensors,” Dad presses a few buttons and calls up three-dimensional representation of our situation.

  We are in an empty space, surrounded by spirits. Well, let's clarify that. We are flying at high speed through a swarm of spirits of all shapes and sizes. Most of them just float there, apparently in a state of hibernation, while some of the airborne species seem to be awake. These spirits are represented as angry, red dots, surrounding a blue representation of the citadel. The citadel itself is surrounded by a blue bubble, our shield. The dots are converging on us, but flare out of existence as they reach the citadel's shield.

  “I am so glad that I ensured that we have an extra strong barrier! No way would I want to clean that up!” Shade grumbles and manipulates the map, searching for something other than spirits. But the sensors don’t find anything. No ground; just empty space and air. Is this an empty realm? Or are we just really high up?

  “Seems like we are in some sort of staging area where they are waiting with their army.” I try to help by giving my opinion. “The ground troops seem to be hibernating until they are deployed.”

  Shade shrugs. “Even a staging area needs some form of headquarters.” He fumbles one final time with his controls and reveals a huge pyramid with even sides. It’s about three times the citadel’s size. “And I think I've just found something interesting!”

  I take a closer look at the sensor data which we receive from the pyramid, but it reveals nothing interesting. Just the normal composition of metals and synthetic materials. A pretty ordinary flying base, whichever deeper purpose it actually has. The gravity readings allow to assume that it uses a similar magical setup as the citadel, but there is obviously no crystal technology involved.

  One of the big spirits manages to get into the citadel's way, but my father scrolls a trackbar on his armrest to its maximum and the citadel smashes right into the oversized creature as if it is an oversized cannonball. The divine level spirit is simply pushed aside, bowing down to the laws of physics. The floor shudders again, but my father seems undisturbed by the manner in which he is driving his vessel. “Damn insects... it's like driving on a highway, getting into a swarm!”

  Marcus steadies himself and me by holding onto a console. “I am not sure, but shouldn't we try to... oh, I don't know... talk?”

  My father looks at us. “Talk? Why? We've found their base. Or at least one of them. Now we go and demand some answers!”

  I wince and reach for the console to hold onto it. “How!?”

  My father shows us his teeth, a vicious smile on his face. “Their 'pyramid-thingy' is only made from ordinary metals. Ever watched Space Pirate Captain Harlock? Should be like driving a tank through a wooden shack!”

  “I don’t know what he is talking about! Seria, something is wrong with your language memories! There must be a translation mistake!” Marcus complains.

  I grit my teeth and decide to translate my father’s geeky reference. “He wants to ram the other ship!”

  51. ~Crashed.~

  “I will feel no guilt on shutting my door to those who didn't listen.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Spirit Realm


  There isn't much time until we crash, so I take Seria in my arms and summon as many barriers as I can. Shade's previous incarnation never struck me as a trustworthy character and his new ego as Shade seems to be even more unstable. Why isn't he using any weapons on the pyramid? They must have thrice as many people over there as us. If we board them, we surely have to pay the price in blood.

  Shade's attention is suddenly on us. Again, he is ignoring the screen in front of us where the pyramid is rapidly growing larger, making everyone aware of the difference in size. “Hey, don't grope my daughter in my presence! Go and get a room!”

  “Oh, I don't know, Dad. He is just holding me so that he can protect me. It's nice to have a man with protective instincts.�
� Seria chuckles and uses her position to pinch my arm as if I am a piece of meat. Then she takes my hand and guides it lower, suggesting something inappropriate. It makes my blood boil, igniting the wish to find a quiet place and...

  I've to correct myself. They are both mad! We are engaging the enemy and they are thinking about that!

  One moment later, our shield makes contact with the pyramid's and there is a blinding flash of light. Then we impact the other ship and the sudden change in velocity throws some of the people forward, despite them holding onto their consoles. Shade is almost unaffected, as he apparently has enough safety measures in place. One of my wards is also intended to dampen the effects of impacts, which I was able to apply to this situation. All Seria and I feel, is a soft rocking motion. It's definitely better than being thrown across the room.

  The camera vision goes dark as we smash through the pyramid’s metal hull and the first person view on the main screen is replaced by a three dimensional representation of the collision.

  Being inside the silent command bridge makes the whole collision somehow unreal. The citadel digs itself deep into the pyramid, tearing through metal plates and crushing them as if they were paper. It feels like the entire collision takes seconds until the tactical display decides to show us a blue model of the citadel being lodged halfway inside the red model of the pyramid. Some blue and red fragments signal that the collision also threw out some debris, which is now spiralling away from us.

  “We broke off some of our decorative elements. I've to take ramming tactics into account for my next design.” Shade complains and manipulates his console, zooming closer in to get a better picture of the pyramid's layout. It seems like our sensors are now able to penetrate the pyramid, giving us a map of its design.

  Seria separates herself from me and crosses her arms in front of her chest. “Well, that was certainly not what you designed the citadel for. Do you care to explain why we suddenly had to go kamikaze on them?”

  Shade furrows his forehead and zooms the map farther out until we can see the whole swarm. “There are simply too many of them. Sooner or later the ship would run out of energy, so I decided to hide in the only safe place I could find.”

  I almost double over. “Hide? Safe place?” How the hell did he come to that conclusion!?

  Seria's father spreads his hands and gestures at the screen. “Isn't it obvious? Most of the spirits have less intelligence than a chicken. I highly doubt that they can differentiate between friend and foe, so the ones who are using them as drones must keep them away from their base, or control centre, or whatever this pyramid is. Otherwise they would attack the pyramid. And now that we are a part of the pyramid, we are also safe from attack.” Shade gets up and smiles at us. “Oh, by the way, give the command to start the boarding action.”

  One of the operators starts giving instructions and the map zooms closer once more, deploying markers for our troops as they are leaving the citadel. I watch the scene for a few seconds, hoping that Shade didn't jump to conclusions too fast. After a while I've to admit that he is right. The spirits aren't attacking the pyramid, instead they are staying at a respectful distance.

  When we entered this dimension, the spirits immediately started converging on our position. It was as if they were drawn in by a magnet. But now that we are close to the pyramid, most of them seem to be returning to their positions in the swarm.

  I decide to leave the boarding action to Shade and use the console next to me to call up a picture of the whole swarm. “It seems like the pyramid is the centre of the swarm. So it must also hold the Spirits close, not just repel them. Maybe the swarm disperses if we destroy the pyramid? Even if some spirits stay in place, our enemy would first have to collect all of them again.”

  “And maybe they simply stay in place until they send a replacement pyramid. This is obviously not their main staging area. It’s impressive, but too small for conquering a multiverse. But your idea is certainly worth the try, once we've explored our other options.” Shade points at the big screen. “Our troops report that they encountered humanoids who are definitely not spirits, or at least the smarter version of them.”

  The model of the pyramid is now filled with tactical symbols. They represent our troops as they cut their way through the foreign structure, mostly ignoring the pyramid's layout. “Why aren't they using the existing tunnels and rooms?”

  Seria decides to enlighten me. “Standard seize procedure for foreign enemy structures. I've written the protocol for our boarding parties. They are instructed to avoid using existing tunnels wherever possible. Especially when it's so easy to cut through the structure. It causes all sorts of problems for the defenders and lessens their control over their own vessel. The more energy lines we cut, the less control they have. Taking an unexpected route through the floor or the ceiling also avoids traps and lessens the chance that our people get trapped between two fronts. Fighting in enclosed spaces is always troublesome, but more so if the opponent is more familiar with the layout. Changing the layout also ensures to lessen the enemy's advantage.”

  I need a moment to digest Seria's mental outburst, then I decide on an answer. “You definitely had a lot more time to think about this.”

  She smiles. “I am my parents' executioner. That didn't only include killing people, but also taking command of our forces.”

  An operator at one of the front consoles turns around to give us a report. “We've encountered only weak resistance so far. Seems like there are a lot less defenders than expected. The only places where our soldiers are being challenged, are at what we identified as the main power supply and the enemy command centre. The defenders have apparently given up on the rest of the pyramid.”

  I furrow my forehead, not trusting the report. “That sounds a little too easy.”

  Shade punches his palm with his fist. “Not in the least! I’ve waited for years for this moment.”

  52. ~On the verge.~

  “I’ve built many things, but my greatest invention was a little trinket which brought my wife to her knees.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Spirit Base


  “Then let's assist our fellow crewmen in the attack and give those guys a beating! Whoever they are!” Shade raises a hand and a staff appears in it with a flash of light. The staff is made of blue crystal, which is criss crossed with veins of red chaos energy. The entire scene would have been cool, hadn't one of the operators at the front console spoken up. “I am sorry, my king, but the protocol forbids the high commander from entering the battle without a dire need for it.”

  Shade slams his staff into the ground, creating high, ringing sound. “Who thought of this bullshit!? Why am I not allowed to fight my own battles? I am the king!”

  Seria steps closer and touches her father, a guilty expression on her face. “I am sorry, Dad. I might be responsible for that rule.”

  Shade purses his lips, then he looks around. “Okay. That's solved easily enough. Which one of you minions has the highest rank here?”

  There is a short moment of silence until an older looking guy in a sparkling uniform raises his hand. “That would be me, my king.”

  “Good, you are in charge of this operation! I demote myself to a bystander who can do whatever the fuck he wants!” And with that Seria's father disappears in a flash of light. He teleported away, just like that.

  Seria tugs at my sleeve. “We have to go after him!”

  “I am not sure if I want to be caught up in the mayhem he is sure to create. I've seen your father fighting and I don't want to be anywhere near him when he lets loose. Your mother isn't even here to stop him.” And I have still trouble with my spirit form. Jumping right into a fight might not be the best idea.

  A memory of the carnal desires and lust for blood flashes through my mind and I shudder. When I fought Zhon, I barely held myself back. No thanks, I first have to get a grip on my spirit form.

  Seria huffs and places her fi
sts on her hips. “Well, you may not want to help your father-in-law, but be sure to remember that I am his daughter. If anything happens to him while you stood aside, then I'll never forgive you!” And she teleports, leaving me behind.

  I start chewing on my inner cheek and look around, gravely aware of the attention I am getting from the other crewmen. Even the guy who is supposed to coordinate the boarding action is looking at me. If I don't re-establish my authority, people will start talking. “Return to your duties, or I'll poke out your eyes and shove them down your throats! Just because I am an in-law, doesn't mean that I'll tolerate being looked at like that!”

  They immediately avert their gazes.

  Unfortunately, they are right. I might be perfectly fine with leaving Shade to his own devices, but I can't abandon Seria like that. “Aw, for fucks sake!” I close my eyes and release my aura, concentrating on the link between Seria and me. Absent-mindedly, I reach for the golden ring on my finger and turn it around and around, feeling for the delicate insignia on it. I didn't even bring a weapon.

  Sighing, I teleport.

  Just to appear right in front of an angry guy, who swings an axe at me! I reach up and grab the handle instinctively, blocking the heavy weapon. We seesaw back and forth, then I abandon the futile attempt at wringing the weapon out of his hands. He has the better grip, so I place a hand on the axehead and push it aside, ensuring that I don't get cut. With the other I punch my opponent straight in the face.

  The blow dazes him for a moment and I use the chance to summon a dagger of light, plunging it right into his chest. He gurgles and goes down, falling onto his back as I take his axe from him. Surprisingly, he isn't down for the count. He spins his legs and jumps back to his feet, the dagger still in his chest. And I was so sure that I hit his heart! Luckily I am not out of tricks in this exchange, so I command my dagger to explode, opening his chest cavity from the inside out.


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