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Secretary Number Five

Page 7

by Bridy McAvoy

  Wayne nipped her earlobe with his teeth again. “They’re fine, let them get on with it. I think I’d rather you paid me some attention.”

  She looked at him and went to mouth sorry to him, but his lips found hers before the word was half formed. Since she’d been about to speak, her mouth was open as their lips touched, and his tongue probed into her mouth, finding her teeth and then her own tongue. She stiffened at the invasion then forced herself to relax, although he’d caught her off-guard. His hand on her leg slid higher and she could feel his fingertips touching naked skin for the first time. Her mouth opened wider to accept his tongue and her arm went around behind his neck as she allowed herself to relax into the kiss. The idea of being felt up like this at a rather public place both embarrassed and excited her.

  After a minute he broke the kiss, his eyes smiling as she opened hers. “Enjoy that, did we?”

  She couldn’t help smiling, knowing that smile was her admission, or rather confirmation, that she had enjoyed it. Her heart was starting to hammer in her chest and her breathing was rapid and shallow. Her nipples were hard peaks inside the cocoon of her bra and her pussy lips were hot and, most likely, swollen and moist.

  He leaned in to kiss her again, his hand sliding further up her leg, and she knew his fingertips weren’t very far from the leg elastic of her underwear. She kissed him back, letting herself go with the sensations, as he pulled her tighter against him, his arm sliding down behind her then around to caress the side of her breast. Her tongue pushed its way into his mouth, taking the fight to him as her arm locked around the back of his neck. After a few more seconds he broke the kiss again, pulling their lips apart, but resting his forehead against hers. The contact felt damp and she wasn’t sure if that was his sweat or hers, or both. Since it was air-conditioned in the club, she knew the heat was internal for both of them.

  She heard a couple of low chuckles—one feminine, one masculine—and leaned back to glance over at her friend, finding both Dayna and Jason watching them. The blush that rose to her cheeks was entirely natural.

  Dayna nodded toward the far end of the room. “Powder room, sweetie.”

  Mia nodded. A quick break seemed like a good idea. It was obvious Dayna wanted to talk to her about the two guys. “If you gentlemen will excuse us.”

  “Of course.”

  Mia watched, open mouthed, as Jason, instead of getting out of his seat, simply lifted Dayna into his lap for a few seconds. Dayna squirmed against him and giggled then her eyes shot wide open and she guessed Jason had pressed his erection against the small of her back or the crack of her ass. The tempo of her wriggling changed, becoming much more of a grind, and Dayna licked her lips in an obscene parody of her own behavior. Jason groaned, and it didn’t sound stage-managed, before lifting Dayna down to the seat, this time on the outside. She leaned back to grab her clutch bag, pressing her breasts against his arm, and when one hand dipped below the level of the table, Jason suddenly flinched. It didn’t take an Einstein to know she’d just grasped his cock. Then she straightened and rose gracefully to her feet.

  Mia felt Wayne move his hands to her waist and braced herself to provide the repeat of Dayna’s performance as he effortlessly lifted her to straddle his lap. Her right leg fell to the outside, her left remained on the inside, meaning it was a wide straddle and her skirt rode all the way up, revealing a flash of black panties as she looked down.

  “Nice, I like black lace.”

  She realized he was looking over her shoulder and had as good a view of her as she had herself. The blush intensified and, a second later, she gasped as he pulled her back against him, allowing his hard cock to nestle against the small of her back.

  “Aren’t you going to wiggle too?” He sounded disappointed, but in a totally inappropriate ‘little boy lost’ kind of way that made her giggle like a schoolgirl.



  She suddenly felt reckless, buoyed by the fact he very obviously wanted her, the physical evidence right there, caught between them. “Maybe later.”

  “We’ll see.”

  He chuckled then lifted her down to the seat on the outside of him, his stare tracking down to lock onto her exposed legs. Even Dayna was looking down at her panties and Mia quickly rose to her feet—nowhere near as elegantly as Dayna had—and brushed her skirt back into place, but not before Jason and Wayne had had a good look.

  “Come on. We won’t be long, boys. Keep our seats warm for us.”

  Dayna winked at Jason but shared a long look with Wayne. Mia wasn’t sure but she thought Wayne nodded to Dayna before her friend led them around the dance floor in the direction of the powder room.

  * * * *

  They each used a cubicle and met up again at the mirror where Dayna touched up her lipstick, which had almost been kissed away. Once done, Mia was ready to head back out but Dayna put her hand on Mia’s wrist to stop her.

  “What’s up?”

  Dayna smiled at her. “It’s time you made a decision, sweetie.”


  “Yeah. Are you prepared to take this further, or not? It’s your choice, and entirely up to you.”


  “Because you need to send Wayne a signal.”

  “I do? I thought I could just say yes or no.”

  “You can, but you need to let him know if you’re really worth pursuing or if you’re going to cut him loose to pursue someone else.”

  “And how do I send him a signal?”

  “That’s an easy one.”

  “Well, spill.”

  “Sweetie, take your bra off and put it in your bag.”

  “Take my bra off?” Her voice was at least an octave higher.

  Dayna nodded. “Sweetie, you go back out there with your bra still in place, I bet you within ten or fifteen minutes he’ll make an excuse and he, and probably Jason, will move on somewhere else. He’ll know he’s struck out.”

  “I see…”

  “Take your bra off and he’ll soon notice. By how close you two were getting, it won’t take him long to find out, even if he can’t see a difference. Then he’ll know you’re either up for it, or prepared to be persuaded, or seduced, or whatever you want to call it.”

  “So, bra on, no chance, bra off, a chance.”

  “That’s about it.”

  “But how about you? Everyone knows you’re not wearing a bra under that dress and haven’t been all night.”

  Dayna laughed and shook her head. “Sweetie, whatever you do, unless you need an escort out of here, Wayne or Jason—probably Jason—will be having his way with me tonight. Remember, I like Thai food. I’ve been available, in their terms, since I walked in, and just about every guy in there knows it’s simply been down to me to make a pick.”

  “God, you’re bad, girl. Real bad.”

  “I know, but you have to give him the signal.”

  “I don’t go out braless in public—well, not very often, and only in something formal.”

  “So? This isn’t public. As I said, it’s not a definite yes signal. You don’t have to put out if you don’t want to, but you have to let him know you might be interested.”

  “Put out—that’s an expression I haven’t heard for a long time.”

  Dayna just shrugged, deciding not to answer.

  “And if I leave my bra on and he leaves?”

  “Jason will go with him, that’s just good manners. I bet you we’ll both be hit on again, although it’ll more likely be two singles, and I won’t be able to protect you all the way.”

  “Protect me all the way?”

  “Yeah. Jason has a suite at the hotel over the road, two bedrooms. Do I need to draw you a diagram?”

  “But what if I decide no, I can’t?”

  “Down to you. Now, you going to lose the bra?”

  Mia looked at her friend, helplessness welling up. “I just don’t know.”

  “But you were enjoying yourself?”

  “Yeah.” Mia fell silent for a few seconds then decided she wanted an answer to a slightly different question. “Okay, leave the bra on means no interest. Braless means you can be seduced. What would be the signal that it’s a sure thing?”

  Dayna chuckled and looked around to ensure they were the only two women in the rest room. Then she winked at Mia and, reaching down, grabbed the hem of her tight dress and wriggled it up to her hips, exposing the fact that she was completely naked underneath the dress. Her bald slit glistened under the light above the vanity unit, clearly seeping her juices, showing she was even more turned on than Mia was.


  Her friend chuckled and eased her dress back down.

  “I’m not going commando. I definitely draw the line at that.”

  “That’s fine, sweetie, no problem. They’ve known I’ve been a sure thing since the first time either of them danced with me. They know you’re not, but it was obvious to me, and to Wayne, that Jason wasn’t pushing your buttons. I know Wayne of old, knew he’d take a different approach, so we traded off.”

  “And if he hadn’t pushed my buttons either?”

  “I promised Wayne I’d see him another night.”

  “So, you wouldn’t do the two of them together then?”

  “Not unless you went home, sweetie.”

  Mia recoiled in shock. She hadn’t meant the question to be answered—she’d been sarcastic rather than genuine—but Dayna seemed to be answering everything honestly, too honestly in this case.

  “A threesome?”

  “It can be fun with experienced guys. I don’t know about Jason, but Wayne should be good in a three-way, even if he’s the only guy.”

  “Whoa. Too much information, girlfriend!”

  “Look, sweetie, you get three decision points from here. Go back out there without your bra, and I bet within an hour they’ll be inviting us back to Jason’s suite. At that point you can say you’re hungry and you fancy some Thai food, and we’ll both make our excuses and leave. Or you can say no and decide to go home, leaving me free to go back with Jason, or maybe both. If you go up to the suite, the pressure is stronger, but if you still say no, Wayne will respect that. He doesn’t need to force a woman. He gets his kicks seducing them. He’d even walk you to your car and, depending on the signals I give him, return to the suite or go home. But you have to decide, and we’ve been in here a tad too long already.”

  Mia took a deep breath and tried to process the information. She felt as if Dayna had simply downloaded at her. Glancing at her watch, she was surprised to find it was eleven o’clock already. They’d been in the club for over two hours, but the time had flown by. Nevertheless, it was still too early to go home. If she went home now, Simon would know for sure that she’d struck out, and even if she didn’t go the distance tonight she wanted him to worry that she had. Staying, though, required her to pluck up the nerve to do something she hadn’t intended.

  Another deep breath and she turned her back on Dayna. “Unhook me, please.”

  Dayna chuckled. “Good girl. Of course, what are friends for?”

  “To get friends into more trouble than they can handle.”

  They both laughed and Dayna flicked the catch open with a deft motion, despite the blouse being in the way. Mia used one hand to pull the neck of the blouse away and, reaching in with her other hand, pulled the bra out. Her breasts bounced in their new-found freedom and she turned to face Dayna.


  “Stow it in your purse, sweetie.”

  Once she’d refastened her clutch she looked up to see Dayna looking at her, a little quizzically.

  “A slight adjustment though.” She reached up to Mia’s shoulders and pulled the neckline a couple of inches lower. “There, that’s better.”

  Mia turned to look in the mirror and gulped. It was obvious, to her at least, that she was now sans support, and the adjustment to the neckline had put a lot more cleavage on display than she’d previously shown in this outfit.

  “I feel so naked.”

  Dayna just chuckled. “That’s the thrill of it. Now, come on, before they give up on us anyway.”

  Chapter 7

  When they returned to the club, Mia felt very self-conscious about the change to her clothing. She felt everyone was watching the way her now unfettered breasts swung under the loose peasant blouse. As they approached the booth she was sure both men were watching her and not her friend in her bombshell Jessica Rabbit dress, and she was pretty sure she saw Wayne mouth the word yes to Jason and then look up, catching her eye and smiling.

  Wayne rose to his feet as they approached and grabbed her hand. “Come on. Let’s dance for a while.”

  She smiled, glad she wouldn’t undergo the ‘pass across a lap’ experience again as she wasn’t quite ready for that. Dayna, though, didn’t give Jason a chance to make the same offer, sitting down next to him.

  “Pass your bag, sweetie. Go and have fun.” Dayna winked at her and she heard Wayne chuckle, so he’d clearly seen that. She frowned at Dayna then impishly stuck her tongue out. Dayna, Wayne and Jason all laughed and she spun on her heel, pulling her hand from Wayne’s and stalked the few feet to the edge of the dance floor then turned back.

  “What’s a girl got to do to get a decent dance partner around here?”

  Wayne was by her side in a second and, before she could say anything, had pulled her into a close hold and whisked her onto the polished wooden surface. His arms captured her body as his hands locked on her back, molding her to him. Now her breasts were free under the blouse, they really did mold to him and, as his hand slid up her back, she knew he was confirming what his eyes and the look of her chest had told him—that she was now braless, and therefore open to persuasion. She caught a glimpse of Dayna sinking into a passionate embrace with Jason in the back of the booth, before Wayne whirled her toward the middle of the dance floor.

  Knowing what was expected of her, Mia wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and, as he started to lower his lips to hers for the inevitable kiss, she grabbed the short hairs at the back of his neck and entwined her fingers there, stopping him continuing the motion with a gentle tug.

  “It’s a maybe, okay?”

  He grinned at her. “Of course.”

  She smiled back and let go of his hair, then closed her eyes as his lips touched hers. They both lip kissed for a few seconds before his tongue flicked out to brush against her lips and she opened her mouth to accept it. His hand on her back pulled her even tighter into his chest, while his other hand swooped lower to cup her right cheek. She shivered at the contact as his kiss became more demanding but she didn’t pull away, didn’t attempt to break the contact. Once more, he slowly worked his leg between hers until his thigh was pressing against her mound.

  This time she started to grind herself against it, letting him know he didn’t have to make all the running. They kissed like that for some time and, by the time they broke apart, both of them panting for breath, she could see sparks behind her eyelids.


  He chuckled. “Mia, you could kiss someone to death like that.”

  She smiled up into his face. “Never tried that, and certainly never tried it in public.”

  “Believe me, baby, you could.”

  The song ended at that moment and she nodded her head toward the direction of the booth. “We’d best get back before your friend and mine get us kicked out of here.”

  He chuckled and leaned in close to her ear. “Believe me, in a couple of hours what they’re doing now will be tame. They will only get kicked out for violence. Nudity isn’t unknown, although they do tend to draw the line at threesomes or foursomes.”

  She knew her eyes and mouth were both wide open, and Wayne laughed before continuing. “Baby, if your friend lost her dress right there, the management wouldn’t bat an eyelid—so long as she was happy, they would be. With a body like Dayn’s, they wouldn’t mind if she started dancing in the nude
too—they might even take some publicity shots, which is why Dayn won’t, even for a dare, and she’s been known for taking those.”

  “I’m learning a lot about my friend that I didn’t know.”

  “Well, baby, maybe it’s time to learn about yourself, too.”

  She gave him an arched look. “In this club the clothes stay on.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting anything else.”

  By now they’d arrived back at the booth and she expected Wayne to let her slide in first, but he surprised her by sitting down and reaching out his hands toward her. She guessed he intended to pass her along the plush bench the way he had earlier so turned her back to allow him to grab her waist and lift her but he didn’t, instead turning her back to face him and guiding her closer. Suddenly she realized what he wanted. Yes, she was going to pay a visit to his lap on her way to her seat, but this time she would be facing him. Her mouth formed a soft ‘o’ as he pulled on her, and she felt her only option was to swing her leg up and over, straddling him with her knee on the bench. As soon as she did, the skirt would ride up, exposing her thighs, and she was suddenly very glad she’d followed Dayna’s advice and shaved that afternoon.

  To keep her balance she ended up kneeling on the bench seat, straddling him, and his hands slid down from her waist to her butt, pulling her in closer. When she glanced down she could see once more the skirt had slid all the way up her legs. In fact, his hands were capturing the material at the back and drawing it higher. She glanced up, wondering when she should stop him, only to find him looking down. Suddenly she realized what he was doing and giggled. He lifted his head to look at her and she leaned close to plant a quick peck on his cheek.


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