by Bill Gertz
Active Measures Working Group, 105
new, 325–26, 352
on Soviet disinformation, 90–97
Adams, Samuel, 321–22
Adelson, Sheldon, 260–61, 263
“Aerospace Electronic Warfare” (Huang, Lu, Zhao, and Liu), 109
Afghanistan, 2, 207, 224, 255, 345
Soviet invasion of, 83–84, 202
terrorists and, 20, 84, 204–5, 276
U.S. military operations in, 240, 284, 317–18
Agee, Philip, 304
AIDS, 91, 93–94
Albright, Madeleine, 98
Alcoa, 121–22
Alexander, Keith, 256
Alinsky, David, 298–99
Alinsky, Saul, 298–302
al Qaeda, 26, 37, 102–3, 108, 209–10, 213, 233, 285, 352–53
Afghanistan and, 20, 84
comparisons between IS and, 36, 217–18, 220
Guantanamo and, 204, 302, 305
killing leaders of, 25, 72, 211–12, 215
terrorism and, 15–16, 35, 210, 215, 276–77, 302, 305
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 290
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 303–4
American Revolution, 320–21
American University, 246
Ames, Aldrich, 95
“Anatomy of Russia Information Warfare, The” (Darczewska), 171
Angleton, James Jesus, 95
Annie, Operation, 79–80
Ansar al Sharia, 210
Ansari, Hossein Jaberi, 269
Anthem, 123, 125, 152, 327
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, 86–87, 98
anti-bullying, 290
Anton, Michael, 293–95
Arab Spring, 15, 213
Russia and, 173, 192
social media and, 26–27
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 98
Aro, Jessikka, 187–88
Asculai, Ephraim, 247
Ashiyane Digital Security Team, 268
Asia Pivot, 353
Assad, Bashar, 205, 223
Assange, Julian, 162–63
Associated Press, 24–25
Athar, Sohaib, 25
Atlantic Monthly, 204–7, 239, 245
Awakening Movement (Sunni Arab National Front for the Salvation of Iraq), 224
Awlaki, Anwar al-, 277–78
Badiucao, 38–39
Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-, 196, 208–9, 274, 343
Mosul and, 216–17
Bank of Hawaii, 82
Bebber, Jake, 134
Benghazi attack, 5, 68, 210
Bennett, Bruce, 47–49
Berezovsky, Boris, 156–57
Beseda, Sergei, 168
Biden, Joe, 88
Big Data Project, The, 326–28
Bill of Rights, 310
bin Laden, Osama, 217
killing of, 25, 72, 209–10, 212, 215
Black Book of Communism, The (Courtois et al.), 289n
BlackEnergy, 178, 181, 185
blacks, 83, 296, 307
police shootings of, 292–93
Blair, Dennis C., 93
Bloomberg Business, 259
Blumenthal, Sidney, 73
Bo Guagua, 41
Boston Globe, 298–99
Boston Marathon bombing, 25, 278
Bowman Dam attack, 266–69
Bo Xilai, 41
Breedlove, Philip M., 189–91
Brennan, John, 285–86, 305
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 17–18
Broad, William, 166
Broadcasting Board of Governors, 8, 99–100
Brownback, Sam, 351
Brussels attack, 19, 32, 205
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 84–85
Bukovsky, Vladimir, 159–60
Bush, George H. W., 146, 244, 342
Bush, George W., 101–2, 211, 241, 289, 302
Iraq invasion and, 205, 207
Cable News Project, The, 331–32
Cairo University, 200–202, 245–46
Calpine attack, 266
Cambridge University, 150, 289
Carlin, John, 122–23
Carr, Jeffrey, 60
Carter, Ashton, 36, 306–7
IS and, 228–29
Russia and, 184–85
Carter, Jimmy, 83–84
Iran and, 202, 213
Casey, William, 88, 96
Center for Security Policy, 214–15
Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, 37, 103–8
Centers for Nonviolent Faith, 345
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 77, 81, 88–91, 95–96, 111, 240
China and, 128, 136, 151
and criticisms of Gertz, 9–10
Guantanamo security breach and, 302–5
The Interview and, 45, 49
Iran and, 234, 236, 241, 269
IS and, 223–24, 285–86
Islamic terrorism and, 18, 209–10
OSS and, 79–80
politicization of, 82, 84
Russia and, 191–92
social media and, 5, 18
Chamberlain, Neville, 232
Chen, Kathy, 37–38
China, 1, 9, 21, 55, 59, 75–76, 91, 106, 109–52, 187, 195, 314–16, 338–43
anti-American factions in, 149–50
Broadcasting Board of Governors and, 99–100
Clinton email scandal and, 68, 71
communism in, 4, 6, 25, 30, 37–39, 41, 97, 110, 112, 114–16, 129, 132, 134–35, 137, 142–45, 147, 151, 201, 207, 290–91, 307, 329, 339–40, 350, 353
cyberattacks and, 11, 41, 43, 49, 114–15, 118, 121–31, 139, 144, 152, 163, 182, 258, 327, 341
disrupting and taking action against, 127–29
dissidents in, 15, 97
economy of, 143, 147, 151, 340–41
expansionism of, 20, 315, 332, 340
Google and, 114–15
indicting hackers of, 121–26
Information America and, 326–27, 329–33, 339
information warfare capabilities of, 252–53, 258, 326–27, 329–33, 339–41
information warfare goals of, 115, 117–18, 138–40, 149–50
in information warfare scenarios, 40–43, 109–14
information warfare strategy and weapons of, 116–18, 126, 132–41, 143–46, 150
Iran and, 150, 232, 249
iWar policy proposal on, 340–43
Long March and, 201, 297
North Korea and, 40–43, 63, 150, 350
nuclear weapons and, 4, 40–43, 114, 132–35, 141, 144, 146, 150–51, 239, 340–41, 353
reformist regimes in, 135, 151
roots of information warfare in, 134–37
social media and, 30, 37–39, 120–21, 152, 338–39
South China Sea campaign of, 117–21, 132, 147–49, 332
special information warfare attacks of, 139–40
supremacist worldview of, 143–44
Three Warfares of, 131–32, 314, 326, 341
Tiananmen Square massacre in, 114–15, 146, 244, 342
U.S. policies of conciliation toward, 145–51
U.S. trade with, 111, 125
China (Menges), 341
“China: The Three Warfares,” 150
China Central Television
(CCTV), 99–100, 116, 145, 331
China Daily, 116
China Digital Times, 143
China Netcom, 51
China Threat, The (Gertz), 151
Christianity, 212, 281, 287, 310
civil rights, 83, 292, 308, 310
Clapper, James, 64
Iran and, 252–53, 258
Russia and, 172, 180
Clark, Bill, 96
Clarridge, Duane “Dewey,” 224
Cleaver, Operation, 264
climate change, 148, 207, 306–7
Clinton, Bill, 70, 74
Clinton, Hillary, 235, 309
and, 301–2
counterterrorism and, 103–4
Egypt and, 213–14
email scandal of, 68–76
leaked speeches of, 166–67
presidential elections and, 28, 69, 74–75, 161–62, 166–67, 273, 286–87, 301, 311
Russia and, 68, 71, 73, 161–62, 166–67
SAPs and, 72–73
Codevilla, Angelo, 82, 309, 311, 319–20
Cold War, 4, 9, 52, 76, 81–82, 86, 89–90, 97–98, 105, 114, 116, 146, 169, 203, 342
Comey, James, 292
Clinton email scandal and, 69–71, 74–75
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 276–77
Sony cyberattack and, 49, 51–52
communists, communism, 9, 84, 91, 94, 175, 297–98
in China, 4, 6, 25, 30, 37–39, 41, 97, 110, 112, 114–16, 129, 132, 134–35, 137, 142–45, 147, 151, 201, 207, 290–91, 307, 329, 339–40, 350, 353
Cold War and, 81–82, 89
in North Korea, 40, 44–45, 56, 333, 349–50
in Soviet Union, 37, 89, 230, 289, 345
U.S. education system, 288–89
Congress, U.S., 96, 98, 102, 104, 223
Clinton email scandal and, 68, 71, 74–75
Iran and, 236, 240, 249, 252, 258, 262–63, 270
and need for information warfare tools, 351–52
Russia and, 158, 172, 180
SDI and, 86–89
U.S. information warfare failures and, 77, 88–89
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
conservatives, 30, 98, 260, 309, 347
left and, 287–88, 295
SDI and, 86–87, 89
social media and, 338–39
Constitution, U.S., 108, 221, 302, 309–10, 346
Continetti, Matt, 166–67
Cooper, Martin, 22–23
Coronet missions, 130
Coughlin, Stephen, 345–46
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), 214
counterintelligence, 126, 279, 352
CIA and, 302–3
Reagan and, 95–96
Counter–Political Correctness Program, A, 347–48
Counterrevolution and Revolt (Marcuse), 272, 298
Crimea, 168–72, 177, 179, 190
critical infrastructures:
China and, 111, 114, 129, 152
Iran and, 252, 265–66, 270
Russia and, 177–81, 183–86
Cruz, Ted, 27–28
Cultural Revolution, 135, 290–91
cyberattacks, cyberwarfare, 2, 6, 20–21, 109, 113–15
agreements on, 152, 182–83
China and, 11, 41, 43, 49, 114–15, 118, 121–31, 139, 144, 152, 163, 182, 258, 327, 341
DarkSeoul and, 50–51
Information America and, 334–35
on Internet, 11–12
Iran and, 62, 185, 241–44, 251–53, 256–71
IS and, 228–29
NIEs on, 128, 257–58
North Korea and, 40–45, 47, 49–52, 55–66, 165, 258–59
Obama’s conciliatory approach to, 163–64
Russia and, 11, 60, 73, 160–67, 176–86, 189, 258, 343
on Sands, 258–64, 266
on Sony, 40, 43–45, 47, 49–52, 55–66, 165, 259
timetable on, 264
U.S. presidential elections and, 160–68
Cyber Command, U.S., 59, 126, 134, 152, 183, 185–86
IS and, 228–29
Sands cyberattack and, 262–63
cyber reconnaissance:
Iran and, 261, 266
Russia and, 180–81
cyberstalking, 188
Cyber Warfare Guidance Bureau (Unit 121), 50–51, 55, 63–64
Dabiq, 18
Dalian Wanda, 329
Darczewska, Jolanta, 170–71
DarkSeoul cyberattacks, 50–51
Dark Web, 227–28
data analytics, data mining, 126, 255
counterterrorism and, 106–7
Information America and, 326–28, 164–68
Declaration of Independence, 310
Defense Department, U.S. (DoD), 10, 36, 62, 92–93, 102, 105, 240, 305–8
China and, 6, 122, 128, 130–32, 136, 150–51, 342
climate change and, 306–7
Iran and, 237, 251, 254, 262
IS and, 224–26, 228–29
9/11 attack on, 199, 201, 316–17
Russia and, 184–85, 193–95, 352
SDI and, 86, 88, 92
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 65, 179, 284
China and, 6, 128–29
deGraffenreid, Kenneth E., 95–97
Demarest, Joe, 58–59
democracy, 4, 21, 26, 39, 81, 87, 97, 165, 260, 294, 298
China and, 15, 143, 146, 151, 332–33, 340–42
Egypt and, 213–14
Information America and, 315, 326, 330, 332–33, 338
Iran and, 84, 234–35, 348–49, 353
PC and, 7–8
Russia and, 153, 186, 333, 339, 342–43
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 314
Democracy Promotion Project/Human Rights Promotion Project, The, 332–34
Democratic National Convention (DNC), 160–64, 298–99
Democrats, Democratic Party, 147, 236, 294, 300
SDI and, 87–89
U.S. information warfare failures and, 77, 88–89
U.S. presidential elections and, 27–28, 69, 160–63, 167–68, 296, 311
Dempsey, Martin, 317
Deng Xiaoping, 151
disinformation operations, 2, 13, 20, 70, 83, 351
Active Measures Working Group and, 90–97, 325–26
China and, 119, 187
counter-, 6, 88, 95, 325–26
on Gertz by Soviets, 89–91
Information America and, 315, 322, 325–26, 332
Iran and, 236, 238–39, 252
Russia and, 159, 172, 174, 186, 189, 314, 352
on SDI, 87–89
on spreading AIDS, 91, 93–94
distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), 12, 256
Donnelly, Elaine, 308
Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” 67, 80–81
drone strikes, 72–73, 318
Islamic terrorism and, 108, 208–9, 211–12, 277
Drudge, Matt, 30–31
Dugin, Aleksandr, 173–74
Dunford, Joseph, 229
Dyn, 11–12
eBizMBA, 23–24
Edry, Idan Udi, 184
Egypt, 26, 91, 205, 207, 224, 345
Muslim Brotherhood and, 213–15
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 28, 79–80
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) shock waves, 269–70
email, 39, 61, 106, 259, 304
Chinese hackers and, 122, 125
Clinton scandal and, 68–76
The Interview and, 47–48, 61
phishing and, 49–50
Russia and, 161–67, 181, 190–91
Emrich, Matthew, 17
Enemies (Gertz), 48n
Energy Department, U.S., 112–13
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 214
European Union, 159, 169
Iran and, 232, 248
Evanina, William, 126
Facebook, 5, 23–24, 26, 29–35, 39
censoring of, 33–35, 338–39
counterterrorism and, 32–34, 105–6
Information America and, 326–27
IS and, 105–6, 196, 227, 275
number of users of, 24, 30–31
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 274–75
post monitoring of, 34–35
presidential elections and, 27, 31
Failure Factory, The (Gertz), 78n
Fallujah, 286
Fanell, James, 116
Farhang Azma Communications Company, 254
Farook, Syed Rizwan, 197–99, 278
Farrell, Chris, 279
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 57–61, 83, 111,
122, 161, 199, 292, 352
Clinton email scandal and, 69–75
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 276–81
Sony cyberattack and, 49, 51–52, 57–59
training agents in, 278–79
Feith, Douglas, 102
Finland, 187–88
FireEye, 15
Firoozi, Hamid, 268–69
Fitzgerald, Patrick J., 304–5
Flynn, Michael, 129
Fort Hood shooting, 15–16, 277
Founding Fathers, 272–73, 311, 314, 320–22, 347
Fox, Clare, 289–91
Free China, 340–43
Gadhafi, Moammar, 207–8
Gale Wind-12 (Shtorm-12), 192
gays, 273, 290, 293–94
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 280–82
GCHQ, 52
Georgia, 172
Gerasimov, Valery, 153
Germany, 17, 169
East, 85, 89–90, 95
Iran and, 232, 249–50
Nazi, 35, 79–81, 232, 236
World War II and, 78–81, 232
Gershaneck, Kerry, 146–47
Ge Xing, 120–21
Gladwell, Malcolm, 27
Global Engagement Center, 105–8
Global Times, 38, 132–34, 142–43
Global Zero, 239
Goldberg, Jeffrey, 204–7, 239, 245
Google, 5, 24, 114–15
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 94, 173
Gorka, Sebastian, 218, 228, 281
Gortney, William, 184–85
Greenert, Jonathan, 142
Guandolo, John, 278
Guantanamo Bay detention center, 204, 211
security breach at, 302–5
Guardian, 160, 292
Guardians of Peace, 55–56, 61
Guccifer 2.0, 162–63, 165
gun control, 280, 307
Halper, Stefan, 131–32, 150
Hamas, 233, 250
Hamilton, Alexander, 321, 330
“Hamilton” Project, The, 330
Hard Choices (Clinton), 235
Harris, Harry, 184–85
Hassan, Nidal, 277
Hawsawi, Mustafa Ahmed al–, 303–5
Helms, Jesse, 98
Hezbollah, 233, 248, 250, 276
Higgins, Richard, 345–46
Hirai, Kazuo, 47
Hitler, Adolf, 80–81
Hollywood Project, The, 328–30
Homeland Security Department, U.S. (DHS), 17, 50, 104, 281
China and, 125–26, 128
radical Islam and, 284–85
Russia and, 164–65, 181, 185
Honecker, Erich, 89–90
Hoover, J. Edgar, 82–83
House of Representatives, U.S., 68, 76, 125
Intelligence Permanent Select Committee of, 162, 180, 258
see also Congress, U.S.
Huang Hanwen, 109
Hudson Institute, 122, 141n
Huffington, Arianna, 28
Hughes, Karen, 102
human rights, 159, 352
China and, 38–39, 115
Islamic terrorism and, 201, 208
North Korea and, 47, 61, 63, 65
Hunter, Robert E., 99
Hussain, Rashad, 105
hybrid warfare, 170, 172, 175–76, 187, 189–90, 314