by Bill Gertz
India, 92, 345
Indonesia, 118, 221, 244, 345
industrial control systems, 111, 179–85, 241–42, 252
Russia and, 179–84
influence operations, 2, 6, 20–21
China and, 114, 134–35, 139
Information America and, 327–28, 332, 334
political, 80–81, 163, 170, 174, 320–22
Russia and, 159, 161–63, 166–68, 170, 172, 174–75, 182, 187, 191–92, 352
Soviet Union and, 94, 96, 192
U.S. presidential elections and, 163, 166
Information Age, 2, 9–10, 13, 21–23, 82, 93, 114, 129, 143, 170, 229, 318–20, 342
Information America and, 315, 322–23, 326, 328, 337, 339
Information America, 322–35, 337–39
goals and mission of, 13, 315, 322–26
projects of, 325–35, 338–39, 347
social media and, 326–27, 339
weapons of, 315, 327, 331–32
Information America Social Media Program, 339
information technology, 105, 152, 319, 323
advances in, 8–11, 22–25
in media, 8–10, 23–25
information warfare:
centers of gravity in, 319–20
comparisons between traditional, 137–38
definitions of, 6, 173–74
integrating traditional and, 19–21, 144, 177, 189–90, 229, 269
outline of strategic threats in, 337–51
participants in, 1, 4–5
in peace and wartime, 137–39
red tape and opposition to, 225–27, 324
scenarios on, 40–43, 109–14
six aspects of, 137
types of, 2, 11
weapons, goals, and strategies in, 1–2, 5–6, 12, 16–17, 39, 76–77, 95, 115–19, 126, 132–41, 143–46, 149–50, 170–75, 186–87, 206, 228, 260, 288, 291, 293–94, 319–20, 324–25, 327, 338–39, 351–52
Inman, Bobby Ray, 96
Instagram, 5, 24
Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), 246–47
Intelligence/Covert Action Program, The, 335
Intelligence Identities Protection Act, 303–4
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, 183
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 248–49
International Trade and Arms Restrictions, 131
Internet, 19, 21, 23, 30, 36, 39, 51, 59, 99, 227, 275, 292, 318
attack on, 11–12
China and, 38, 114–15, 119, 137, 140, 145, 152, 187, 327, 339
influence and monitoring system of, 191–92
Information America and, 327–28
Iran and, 231, 241, 254–56, 265, 269
IS and, 217, 226–28
Russia and, 187–89, 191–92, 194, 339
Interview, The, 44–49, 55–59, 61
“Introduction to Joint Campaign Information Operations,” 141n
Iran, 1–2, 21, 59, 150, 231–71, 316–17
alleged moderates in, 238–39
cash released to, 243–44, 246–47, 349
cyberattacks and, 62, 185, 241–44, 251–53, 256–71
economic sanctions against, 232–34, 240, 247, 263
Green Revolution in, 15, 26, 235, 333–34, 349, 353
Information America and, 326, 333–34
information warfare capabilities and goals of, 185, 251–71
Islamic revolution in, 84, 202, 213, 233, 348
iWar policy proposal on, 349
missile program of, 231, 248–50, 270, 348
North Korea and, 62–63, 249
nuclear agreement of, see Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
terrorism and, 5, 84, 231, 233, 235, 243, 248, 250–51, 255, 276, 348–49
uranium enrichment program of, 241–42, 248–49, 263–64
Iran Project, 239–40
Iraq, 26, 75, 345
Iran and, 233, 248, 255
IS in, 33, 36, 108, 204–5, 207, 215–20, 222–25, 229, 286
U.S. military operations in, 57, 205, 207, 240, 317
Islamic State (IS), 1–2, 21–22, 102, 195–200, 210, 213, 215–30, 316, 353
battlefield strategy of, 219–20
comparisons between al Qaeda and, 36, 217–18, 220
Dark Web used by, 227–28
disrupting command-and-control efforts of, 228–29
drone strikes against, 208–9, 211–12
emergence of, 215–16, 218
finances of, 27, 222, 285–86, 344
in Iraq, 33, 36, 108, 204–5, 207, 215–20, 222–25, 229, 286
Islam and, 217–18, 220, 222–25, 228–30, 274–75, 281–83, 285–86, 343–46
iWar policy proposal on, 344–46
killing leaders of, 211, 230, 344
and lack of U.S. information warfare capability, 101, 104, 108
Libya and, 224–25, 229–30
recruiting of, 107–8, 220, 222–24, 226–27, 286, 344
social media and, 16, 18–19, 22, 32–33, 35–36, 106, 196, 220, 222, 227, 275, 339
strategic information warfare against, 344–46
in Syria, 25–27, 33, 36, 108, 196, 204–7, 209, 219–20, 222–25, 229, 274
territory controlled by, 220, 223, 229
terrorism of, 15–16, 32, 104–8, 195, 197–200, 204–5, 217–22, 224–26, 228–30, 274–83, 285–86, 339, 343–45
U.S. bombing campaign against, 223–25, 275
videos of, 227–28, 281
Islamic terrorism, 16–18, 39, 84, 100–101, 103, 108, 196–230, 274, 277–85, 314, 316, 320
in Benghazi, 5, 68, 210
and bigotry against Muslims, 198–202, 218, 220–21, 277
FBI training and, 278–79
Iran and, 235, 248
killing leaders in, 211–12, 230, 354
Obama’s Atlantic interview and, 204–7
Obama’s Cairo speech and, 200–202, 245
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 277–80
Islamists, Islam, 22, 26, 97, 100–108, 121, 204, 208, 214, 216, 353–54
bigotry and fear of, 198–202, 210, 218, 220–21, 245, 273, 277, 279, 281–82, 286, 310
counterterrorism and, 32, 102–5, 107–8
FBI training and, 278–79
information warfare ploys of, 16–17
Iran and, 5, 84, 202, 213, 219, 231, 233, 235, 239, 246–48, 254, 271, 316, 333–34, 348–49
IS and, 217–18, 220, 222–25, 228–30, 274–75, 281–83, 285–86, 343–46
and lack of U.S. information warfare capability, 100–101, 103–5
Obama’s Cairo speech and, 245–46
Obama’s sympathies for, 221–22, 244–45
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 274–75, 277–79, 281
political form of religious, 203, 209, 213, 215
radical, 25, 84, 100, 102–3, 108, 201, 206, 209, 211–13, 245, 254, 274, 277, 282–87, 333, 344, 348, 353
social media and, 5, 18, 32–33, 37, 108
Syrian refugees and, 16–17
Israel, 55, 71, 85, 184, 238, 290
Iran and, 202, 238, 242, 246–47, 260
Obama’s Cairo speech and, 245–46
ITSec Team, 267–68
iWar policy proposals, 339–51
on China, 340–43
on Iran, 349
on IS, 344–46
on North Korea, 350–51
on PC, 347–48
on Russia, 343
Japan, 43, 78
China and, 115–16, 118, 149–50
North Korea and, 43, 47, 64
Jarrett, Valerie, 219, 221–22
Jews, Judaism, 212, 281, 287
anti-Semitism and, 35, 180
jihad, 16, 22, 25, 104, 216, 344
IS and, 196, 220–21, 225–28, 285
Islamic terrorism and, 199–200, 204, 206–7, 209, 212–13, 222, 281, 285, 354
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 276, 278
radical Islam and, 283–84, 286–87
; social media and, 18–19, 33
John Adams Project, 303–5
Johnson, Brad, 77
Johnson, Jeh, 104
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 181, 229, 252, 317–18
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, 84, 202, 231–34, 243–44, 246–52, 267, 270–71, 302, 309, 333, 348–49
and Iran’s support for terrorism, 250–51
Iran’s violation of, 249–50
Rhodes’s role in, 236–41, 252, 309
Sands cyberattack and, 258, 260–61
terms of, 233–34, 247–49
Judicial Watch, 279, 307
Jun, Jenny, 64
Justice Department, U.S., 105, 197
Chinese cyberattacks and, 121–22
Clinton email scandal and, 69–70
Guantanamo security breach and, 302, 304–5
Kanyon (underwater nuclear drone submarine), 193–95
Karber, Phillip, 175–76
Kashuba, Gennady, 89, 91
Kasich, John, 29
Kaspersky Lab, 179–80
Kennedy, Patrick, 70
Kerry, John, 161
KGB, 83, 90–95, 173–74, 176, 314, 342
Bukovsky case and, 159–60
Putin’s background in, 153–54, 158, 353
on spreading AIDS, 91, 93–94
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali, 235, 239, 261
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 84
KillDisk, 178
Kim Heung-kwang, 62–63
Kim Jong Nam, 351
Kim Jong Un, 56, 65, 349–51
The Interview and, 44–49, 59, 61
nuclear weapons and, 40–41, 45–46, 49
Sony cyberattack and, 43–45, 59, 63
Kim Yong Chol, 63–64
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 83, 301
King, Robert, 47, 61
Kirby, John, 243–44
Kirby, Michael, 65
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 92
Kissinger, Henry, 145–47
Korea, People’s Democratic Republic of (North Korea), 1, 5, 40–66, 150, 253, 316–17, 329, 349–51
cyberattacks and, 40–45, 47, 49–52, 55–66, 165, 258–59
Information America and, 326, 333
The Interview and, 44–48, 55–56, 61
Iran and, 62–63, 249
iWar policy proposal on, 350–51
NSA and, 52–56, 58–60
U.S. economic sanctions against, 58–59, 61
in World War III scenario, 40–43
Korea, Republic of, (South Korea):
cyberattacks and, 50–51, 63, 66
North Korea and, 42, 48, 51, 53–55, 62–64, 66, 350
NSA and, 53–55
Kovtun, Dmitri, 154–55
Kuznetsov, Yuri, 182
LaFoy, Scott, 64
Lambert, Stephen P., 196
Landau, Emily B., 247
Lavrov, Sergei, 161
lawfare, see legal warfare
Lawfare Project, The, 332
Lazar, Marcel Lehel (Guccifer), 73
Lebanon, 233, 250
left, 4, 13, 82, 92, 160, 244–45, 287–302, 304–10, 322, 338
Alinsky and, 300–301
armed forces policies and, 305–8
China and, 141–42
climate change and, 148, 207
Clinton and, 273, 301–2
on college campuses, 288–92
Guantanamo security breach and, 302, 305
Information America and, 315, 328–31, 335
information warfare of, 271–74, 279, 287–98, 301–2, 308–9
Iran and, 236, 240, 244
IS and, 274, 346
Islamic terrorism and, 200–203, 210–11, 274, 281–82
Long March and, 297, 302
North Korea and, 56–57
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 274, 278–80
PC and, 7, 272–74, 278, 287–90, 292, 295–96, 346–48
U.S. education system and, 288–89
U.S. information warfare failures and, 77, 89, 108
U.S. presidential elections and, 167, 273
very rich and, 293–95
legal warfare (lawfare), 2, 6, 106, 150, 279, 293
China and, 314, 326, 341
Russia and, 176, 182
Leninism, 300, 341
Levitt, Matthew, 251
Lewis, James, 129, 164
liberals, liberalism, 4, 13, 21, 44, 78, 98, 290–97, 299–300, 310, 322, 338
armed forces policies and, 305–8
China and, 141–42
CIA and, 82, 84, 95
climate change and, 148, 207
Codevilla on, 309, 311
FBI training and, 278–79
Guantanamo security breach and, 302, 304–5
Information America and, 315, 324, 328–30, 335
Iran and, 236, 239–40, 244–45
Islamic terrorism and, 198–99, 201–4, 210–11, 320
leftist information warfare and, 273–74, 279, 293–97, 308–9
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 274, 278–80
PC and, 7, 198, 274, 278, 290–91, 346–48
Russia and, 173, 175
SDI and, 86–89
Soviet Union and, 86, 88–89, 344–45
U.S. information warfare failures and, 77, 80, 83–84, 86, 88–89, 108
Libya, 5, 26
IS and, 224–25, 229–30
U.S. intervention in, 207–8
Limarev, Evgeni, 154
Lincoln, Abraham, 78, 347
LinkedIn, 5, 24, 37
Litvinenko, Alexander, 154–60
Liu Zhengquan, 109
Living History (Clinton), 301–2
Locher, James R., III, 93
Locklear, Samuel, 148
Long March, 201, 272, 297, 301–2, 330–31
Loxley Pacific, 51
Lugovoy, Andrei, 154–55
Lumpkin, Michael, 105
Lu Tongshan, 109
Lynch, Loretta, 69–70
Lynton, Michael, 47
MacArthur, Douglas, 315, 334
McCain, John, 223–24
McClay, Wilfred M., 291
McGregor, James, 135
Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, 188–89
Malik, Tashfeen, 196–99
Manning, Bradley, 75
Mao Zedong, 27, 112, 144, 150–51, 297
Marcuse, Herbert, 272, 287, 297–98, 302
Marine Corps, U.S., 306, 308
Iranian hack of, 263–64
Markay, Lachlan, 166
Martin, Harold Thomas, III, 76
Marxism, 143, 203
Alinsky and, 298, 300–301
Information America and, 330–31
leftist information warfare and, 272, 295, 297, 309
Long March and, 201, 297, 330–31
Marxism-Leninism, 134, 144, 147, 340
Mateen, Omar, 199, 274–78, 280, 282
Mattis, James, 306
media, 2, 4, 6, 44, 58, 73–76, 82, 87–93, 104, 198–99, 211, 291–95, 318
and advances in information technology, 23–25
Alinsky and, 299–301
China and, 9, 38, 75–76, 99–100, 115–16, 132–34, 140, 142–43, 145, 150, 314, 326, 331, 341
Gertz’s career in, 8–10, 23, 89–91, 280–82
Information America and, 324, 326, 331–32
The Interview and, 45, 47, 56
Iran and, 236–39, 242–45, 259, 309
IS and, 218, 220, 286
left and, 273, 292, 294–95
North Korea and, 51, 59
on Obama, 204–7, 239, 242, 244–45, 273, 299–300
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 275, 280–82
PC and, 7–8
Russia and, 73, 99–100, 116, 156–57, 159–60, 166–67, 172, 175, 186–89, 193–94, 331, 352
SDI and, 87–88
U.S. presidential elections and, 28, 74, 166–68
World War II and, 78–80
Mencius, 149
Menges, Constantine
, 341
Mersad Company, 267–68
Mignon, Pascal, 273–74
Military Information Warfare Program, The, 334
Missouri, University of, 290–91
Mitrokhin, Vasili, 83
Mook, Robby, 161
Morsi, Mohammed, 213–14
Mosul, 216–18
Muhammad, 212, 218–19
Muslim American Society, 214
Muslim Brotherhood, 212–15, 285, 345–46
mutual assured destruction (MAD), 86
Myers, Joseph, 284
Natanz, 241–42, 248–49, 263–64
National Center for Strategic Communications, 351
National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs), 128, 257–58
National Review, 288
National Security Agency (NSA), 33, 52–60, 163, 183, 185–86, 262
China and, 55, 111, 113, 128–31
Fourth Party Collection by, 53–54
in information warfare scenario, 111, 113
Iran and, 241–42, 251, 256–57
North Korea and, 52–56, 58–60
Snowden’s secrets disclosure and, 54, 75–76, 129, 131, 256
National Security Council, 236, 280, 305
National Security Study Directive No. 2, 96
Navy, U.S., 110, 116, 254, 308
China and, 131, 142, 148–49
SEALs and, 25, 105
New Hampshire, University of, 288
Newsham, Grant, 146–47
New York Times, 28, 189, 292–93
left and, 273, 292
on Obama, 242, 244–45, 273, 299–300
Orlando nightclub shooting and, 280–82
SDI and, 87–88
New York Times Magazine, 221, 236–38, 240–41, 309
9/11, 1, 25, 44, 57, 65, 84, 101, 123, 199, 201, 210, 274, 302–3, 316–17, 354
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 115
Nixon, Richard, 145–47
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 169, 186, 189–91, 214
North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity, 63
“North Korea’s Cyber Operations” (Jun, LaFoy, and Sohn), 64
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 247, 249
nuclear weapons, 3–4, 9
China and, 4, 40–43, 114, 132–35, 141, 144, 146, 150–51, 239, 340–41, 353
Iran and, 62, 84, 202, 231–34, 236–41, 243–44, 246–52, 256, 258, 260–61, 264, 267, 269–71, 302, 309, 333, 348–49
North Korea and, 5, 40–43, 45–46, 48–49, 62, 65–66, 317, 350
Russia and, 166, 171, 176, 183, 192–95, 239, 342–43
SDI and, 86–88, 92, 194
in World War III scenario, 40–43
Obama, Barack, 2–5, 56–61, 67–70, 88, 231–46, 279, 299–302, 313–15
Alinsky and, 299–301
American University speech of, 246
armed forces policies of, 305–8
Atlantic interview of, 204–7, 239, 245
Cairo speech of, 200–202, 245–46
childhood of, 221–22, 244