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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

Page 3

by Paul Christian

  Mac looked back at Mike. “Don’t mind him Mike, he’s just jealous not being the hero. I spoke to the doctor and we only have a few minutes before we have to leave. Your daughters with your sister Karen and will be up with her later today. Don’t worry about the shooting, it all looks legit to me and everyone else I spoke too. I set up a meeting with the State Police D.A. and your union rep and lawyers next week when you’ll be much better I’m told. Evens the State Police detective was here looking to talk to you right after you were brought in can you believe. Mike, who was still groggy asked, “How’s my daughter? Is she upset?”

  “Surprisingly, No When I told her what happened, she told me, “Dad will be okay, he has important things to do and has to collect his money and take me to Disney World.” Which I found a little unusual.” Mac divulged to Mike.

  Mike opened his eyes a little more and seemed more cognizant. “Jack, Dave could you wait outside for a minute I need to talk to Mac alone for a few minutes. Thanks guys.” He said as Jack and Dave agreed and walked out.

  “Mac this is very important, find my wallet for me it should be in this room somewhere. Mike asked him. “Also my cell phone. Please it’s important.” He asked Mac. “Sure Mike whatever you say.” After a minute or so Mac found Mikes personal belongings under the bed, he remembered grabbing Mikes wallet and giving to Ryan on the ambulance crew in case they needed any information from it like insurance or or medication lists. He handed it to Mike along with his cell phone that Mac brought with him today.

  Mike went on his phone using his uninjured arm and looked up something on a web page, he and kept it on the screen. Mike opened his wallet and searched and pulled out the Lottery ticket that his daughter made him purchase from that strange incident which was so unlike Mary. He looked at the numbers 2, 14, 25, 31, 44, and the bonus number of 36. The numbers on his phone of the winning lottery pick matched the numbers on his lottery ticket. “Oh my God.” Mike impulsively yelled out. He won, and had the biggest grin on his face that Mac ever saw. He couldn’t think what to do. “Mac I need a pen right now.” Mac gave Mike his pen from his left shirt pocket that was alongside his cuff key. Mac could see he was writing on something that his phone was blocking. “What’s going on Mike?” Mac asked.

  “Mac, Something big is happening and I need you to promise to keep a secret, at least for a short time. Promise me.” Mike said to Mac with as much intensity as he could muster lying in bed after surgery, to remove a bullet from his side. An exasperated Mac agreed. “Okay whatever you say, do you even need to ask we go all the way back to high school?”

  Mike lowered his phone and raised a lottery ticket and simply said. “I won.” Mike’s face grew into a smile from ear to ear as he held the ticket up like a badge of honor. “What do you mean you won?” Mac stared at what Mike was holding up. “I’m the winner, it’s me, the 1.5 billion. I can’t believe it. My daughter made me buy a ticket, she threw a fit until I played the numbers she told me too. It was very strange at the time. What do I do now, I’m stuck in this bed at least for a few weeks.”

  “I see you signed it, smart. How about I go get an envelope and you put it in take a photo holding it up first with your phone. Do you have safety deposit box?” Mac asked. Mike replied “Yes, I do, that’s a great idea I’ll give you the key and I’ll call the bank and tell them you’re coming down and need access to my box. You are the only one I trust with this Mac, not a word to anyone, trust me I’ll remember who my friends are.” Mac laughed at Mike and told him. “Just get better, and when you’re on your feet you can take care of this little piece of paper.” As Mac went to go find an envelope he said over his shoulder. “Remember your sister Karen will be here shortly.”


  Three weeks afterwards Mike Mohan stood in his dress uniform, medals and all, on the town hall stage with Jack Majors and Dave Maddox next to him, also in dress uniform. Mike looked out into the auditorium a little nervously and didn’t really want to be up there, he wasn't such a hero. In Mike’s judgment he was just doing his job, and not that well, since he was shot. The local Chairman of the Board of Selectmen was just wrapping up his speech what great guys they were. The local State Representative then said a few words, at least she was easy to look at. Second to last was the Lt. Governor who praise Mike and his fellow officers for setting an example to fellow officers and citizens in general.

  Last was the Governor who presented each of them with a medal of Valor, awarded for bravery. Photos were taken, news crews filmed the three of them, mostly focusing on Mike Mohan. After the Ceremony there was a reception with non-alcoholic drinks, cheeses, crackers and various fruits. Charly Smith of Channel 3 glided over to Mike’s side and whispered. “You look good enough to eat with all that fruit Salad on you uniform. So when are you going to ask me out Officer.” Charly asked with a pout on her beautiful lips and batting her eyes.

  Just then The Lieutenant Governor walked over and asked. “Officer Mohan is that the Navy Cross on your uniform and that looks like a Silver Star.” He said with some awe. “Yes Sir I received both those awards for actions in the Middle East. I’m sorry but those operations are still classified and I can’t talk about them, if I did I’d have to liquidate you.” Mike told the Lt. Governor with a straight face. The Lt. Governor paused for a moment then started laughing and shook his hand and thanked him for his service to the country and to this community also, and walked away shaking his head.

  Charly was looking at Mike with a surprised look. “I didn’t know what those meant, I’m sorry.” She said. Mike laughed. “Don’t worry about it, I don’t. Most of these ribbons are campaign ribbon, been there done that kind of thing. The only ones that really matter are the Navy Cross, Silver Star and the Seal emblem of the Eagle, Anchor and trident. Those are the ones that mean something to me. Hey lets go get a drink of fruit punch or something, my daughter is running around here with my sisters kids somewhere.

  Mike and Charly had their drink and managed to talk to several people, politicians, other dignitaries, the whole time staying in the same area as each other. The reception was breaking up. Mike found Charly nearby and asked. “Will you go out to dinner with me Friday night? How about a fine Italian restaurant down on Shrewsbury Street, maybe some live music?” Mike looked Charly in the eye seriously when he asked. Charly thought to herself, going out with this man is not a trivial thing, he is not the type for a whimsical date. If I go with him, it could turn serious. She didn’t think twice. “It’s a date.” She replied with a big smile and reached for his hand and held it.

  Great Mike thought, he already has a team of tax and estate lawyers working out how and what to do with his money when he claims it, which will be Monday after his date with Charly. It will be exactly one month since the winning drawing and he still hasn't told anyone other than Mac and his team of lawyers. He knew this was going to be a three ring circus. Mike wished he could claim the money anonymously but Massachusetts was one of the states that requires the person show up at the lottery headquarters to claim the prize and it would be published.

  While Charly was talking to some others dignitary's at the reception, Mike slipped outside for some fresh air anticipating going home and relaxing, his side and arm where still sore. While enjoying the mild spring evening, Mac walked over to him. “How you handling this Mike?” he asked. “Fine Mac, excuse me Sergeant Mac.” He returned.

  “Knock it off dipshit.” Mac responded. Mike said haughtily. “That’s Mr. Dipshit to you less financially secured types.” With a grin.

  “OK Mr. High and Mighty what’s your plan Mike.” Well Sergeant, I have a date Friday with Miss Charly Smith where I will ask her to marry me and have a few rug rats then claim my money and live happily ever after.” “Okay, ha ha, you’re funny.” Mac voiced for his friend and future Boss. “Seriously Mac. Monday I plan on claiming my money, the lawyers and investors I hired have it all planed out. Only one thing has me worried. I told you how Mary picked the numbers and practically forced me
to buy the lottery ticket. What I didn’t tell you is she has done this, not the lottery but other little things, telling me to do this or not do this. I listened to her and every time it’s been to my advantage. Last night, she was kind of in a trance state like sleepwalking and she told me I quote, “you have to buy the Moosehill land and surrounding farms and build a safe place from the dead like men and stop the bad men and keep the lights on when the sun brightens, that is why you won the money.” I was a little freaked out about it. She said I had to prepare for bad times in around three years and save as many people as I could.” Mike was told him nervously.

  “Wow, your serious about this.” Mac said. “Yes I am, you know she has some kind of gift and Mary’s never been wrong, usually it’s been small stuff, I’m not sure what to do Mac. I’m inclined to try and do what she says, but I don’t won’t to be the crazy eccentric guy that everyone talks about.” Mike confided in him.

  “Well, all I can say is only the rich can afford to be eccentric, look at Howard Hughes, a recluse who did some great things, or Hefner. Who wouldn't want to be in pajamas around the most beautiful women in the world? So Mac says. Do whatever you think is right for you and Mary. Oh ya, reserve me a place whatever you planning on doing.” Mac preached to Mike with a grin.

  “Here comes Charly, let’s table this until Saturday when you’re off. We can meet at the Eagles club at the bottom of old Main St. in the afternoon for a beer and we can talk about it. Bring Jack and Dave along as well, I trust them too, See you later.” Mike finished as Charly walked up. “Care to walk me to my car sailor.” Charly said with a wink. “It would be my pleasure.” He smiled for her.

  Mike and Charly walked across the common to where Charly was parked. “What were you and Sergeant McDermott talking about, that is if you can tell me Mike.” We were making plans for Saturday to meet up and I’ll leave it at that for now, a man of mystery, I am.” Mike laughed. Charly just looked whimsically at him. “Mr. Mohan, all levity aside, I like you and I can see us together in the future, I hope you feel the same.” She said. Mike dropped the clown act and looked at her. “Nothing would make me happier.” Charly smiled and moved to get in her red Jeep Grand Cherokee. “I’ll see you Friday at 6 pm, is Mary going to be all right with you going out with me. She asked. “Surprisingly she clapped her hand and yelled, “Goody” So I guess so. “Good night Charly.” “Good night to you too Mike.”

  The rest of the week Mike attended physical therapy to get his strength and dexterity back to one hundred percent, all the while anticipating Friday night.


  Date night and decisions

  Date night rolled around and Mike was looking in the mirror making sure he was presentable with dress jeans and button shirt outside his pants to hid his gun which was inside a concealed holster, with just the grip sticking above his belt. He had a haircut at his favorite barber Buddy, who was also a gun enthusiast. Mary came into the room. “Dad you look great, have fun tonight, me and Claire are going to play cards she said she was going to teach me poker. It sounds fun.” She clapped her hands in enthusiasm.

  Mike sped along route 122 into Worcester on the west side and pulled up to Charly’s house on West Street at 6 pm. Charly opened the door as he was about to knock. “Wow” Mike said out loud not realizing it. “You look terrific Charly.” “Thank you Mike, you’re not so bad yourself.” She said with a smile.

  “Ready to go? We have reservations at Vito’s on Shrewsbury Street for 7 p.m.” Mike held out his arm for Charly could hold on while they walked to his Jeep. “Let’s go.” Charly said and grabbed Mikes arm and hugged it to her side touching the side of her breast. Holy crap that feels good Mike thought. He opened and closed the passenger door for Charly when she got in. They took off across the city to Shrewsbury Street, when they arrived the Host sat them at his reserved table in the corner booth that he requested for its privacy.

  “I’m so glad we have this opportunity Mike. I felt right away that you were one of the good ones. You would not believe how many times I get hit on. Being a recognizable face makes it even harder. So when you showed interest I had to reciprocate and hope for the best and I'm so glad I did.”

  “I feel the same way Charly, I was instantly attracted to you and not just your pretty face! I’d like to see where this could go. I have to warn you though that something big is going to happen this week, I can’t tell you yet, let’s just enjoy the night.” They both laughed at that. The evening progressed to a few alcoholic drinks and dancing after a great dinner and by the end of the evening Charly was glued to Mike’s side and he loved it.

  Mike drove Charly home and walked her to the front door, there first kiss was magical and drawn out but there was no invitation to come in. “I’m not that kind of girl on the first date Mike. So vamoose, call me tomorrow.” Mike drove home on cloud nine. By the time he got home he was thinking about his meeting with Mac that was on for tomorrow.


  Saturday morning rolled around bright and early, after showering and dressing Mike drove off to meet Mac at the Diner on Pleasant St. He changed the location from the Eagles club so they could have breakfast. Mac walked in five minutes after Mike. “Coffee?” Mike asked Mac. “Definitely?” Mac replied.

  “OK Mike I think it’s best to leave everyone out it for now. Loose lips sink ships an all that. So I didn’t bring Dave or Jack. After you get through the media blitz that’s sure to follow you after Monday's winning claim down at lottery headquarters in Braintree Mass, what do you plan on doing, and don’t say nothing, I can see the gears spinning in your head from here.” Mac stated.

  “OK, the truth.”

  “Yes the truth” Mac said.

  “I believe that in less than three years something big is going to happen, something like an Armageddon event and starting next week I’m going to plan for it. My daughter, family and friends will survive whatever’s coming.” Mike took a sip of his coffee after dropping that bombshell on Mac.

  “Okay, I’ll play along why you think something is going to happen like what you’re talking about.” Mac said.

  Mike took another sip and started, “I think I won the lottery for a reason. I never play and didn’t plan on it that day. Mary out of the blue gave me six numbers and told me I had to play these. I eventually gave in and went down to the Cumberland farm and played the numbers she gave me. I won, go figure. I don’t think that’s just blind luck. Mary has asked to do other things out of the blue or omit doing something, and every time it worked out to favor me and Mary.”

  “I have a mathematician friend I know calculate the odds of being right that many times on random events. This wasn't yes or no answers some of the things Mary described or asked to do were complicated affairs and not something a kid would have any ideas about.” He came up with the odds to be so large that for all practical purposes it was impossible.”

  The two ordered some eggs and bacon, and while waiting Mike continued. “When I was still in the hospital Mary told me that I was supposed to use the money to keep the bad men from harming anyone else. She told me that I would build underground to keep the sun from hurting us. I can only thing she was talking about a Solar Flare. As far as the dead men goes who knows, but if there’s some kind of violent threat, we know the kind of people who can handle that.” Mac took a last bit of his eggs and put his fork down. Well Mike if there is some kind of threat and you’re going to build some kind of refuge, I don’t won’t to be left on the outside. What do you have in mind?”

  “In two days I claim the money. I’m going to buy the land that Mary indicated, I want to start recruiting people that can work on the property whatever we decide to do. I’m also going to buy Last Chance firearms, I know the owner and I think he’s willing to sell. I already have my gun dealers license and know a half dozen other guys that have dealers license. That’s as far as I got so far. Some ideas are floating around in my head, but I need someone I can trust that will know the whole score and that
would be you. So tell me are you interested in a job working for me, Pay will be good.” Mike told Mac.

  “Are you kidding me, retire in two months at seventy five percent, and with what you’ll pay me I don’t see how I could turn it down. Yes I’ll work for you.” Mac replied.

  “Excellent, I feel so much better having someone I can trust who knows about Mary and everything else. We can meet here every Saturday morning for the time being and discuss plans until you retire anyway. Oh, by the way I filled out my resignation paperwork and will submit it Monday after the announcement at Lottery headquarters. I hate it being made so public, but there’s no way around it. They talked for a good hour or more making plans for the future.


  “This is Charly Smith at Lottery headquarters reporting for Channel three News, any minute now the newest Billionaire will walk out on that stage and be introduced by Lotter Commissioner John Foley. This is the largest lottery single winner and the first tax free large winner. Anticipation is building in this room to see who that is. As many of you know the store that sold the winning lottery was victim to a heinous shooting that this reporter was witness too. Two people died during that shooting a store employee and a customer, several more were wounded including the officer who shot and killed the assailant, Mike Mohan who was hailed as a hero by many. Commissioner Foley is approaching the podium lets listen in.” The camera turned toward the stage as Commissioner Foley started talking. Charly listened half heartily, she was thinking why her possible boyfriend, asked her if she was going to be here reporting on the winner. Mike told her he would see her after the winner was announced.

  Charly jerked up as the Commissioner said. “Now for the newest Billionaire let me introduce to you a hero too many, Mr. Mike Mohan.” Charly just about dropped her microphone as Mike Mohan walked out on the stage to applause in a blue blazer and dress pants, he approached the Podium and started. “Thank you, thank you. I know many are asking, is that the officer involved in the shooting at the Cumberland Farms. Yes that was me, I had not realized I possessed the winning number at that time. Not until sitting in the hospital and something triggered my memory that I checked and found out that I was the winner. Since that time when not in rehabilitation, I have consulted a team of lawyers an investment advisers as you can imagine. I may have bought the ticket but my daughter Mary choose the numbers for me so it’s as much her win as mine. Now I’ll answerer a few questions.”


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