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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

Page 16

by Paul Christian

  Yesterday Ray’s Company finished up clearing Martha's Vineyard and had to foot it three miles back to the airport which was the jumping off point for the Marines going in by air today. His orders with the rest of the Marines this day were to secure Woods Hole and Falmouth Harbor for secure landing ports.

  "Hey Ray how many Z's you kill so far?" Mongo, one of his f#@k stick comrades yelled to him as they advanced east on Surf Drive toward the harbor.

  "More then you, dick for brains." Ray replied. The truth was that Ray did kill an Infected. His platoon while advancing south west toward Gay Head on the southern tip of Martha's Vineyard came across a large house they had to clear. Ray was advancing up the stairs to the second floor when an Infected appeared at the top of the stairs. Ray had no choice he was the point man going up and had to shoot the woman in the head. He was very shook up after that. He thought it’s one thing to shoot a soldier in war but totally different to shoot someone's mother, daughter, sister. He also realized they didn't have much choice in the matter.

  "You two clowns pay attention up there, where approaching the harbor." Sergeant jackass yelled at Ray and f#@k stick. To get to the harbor they had to head inland on Shore Street then cut over east again on Clinton Ave which would take them right to the harbor.

  This is going to suck Ray thought as they turned onto Shore Street an old established neighborhood with hundreds of houses. Ray could see and hear numerous Infected coming down the road toward them. The Infected moved at a fast walk when they came after the living, otherwise they kind just shamble around without a purpose. There were rumors of fast walkers or almost a run, he didn't know if that was true or not.

  Ray and his comrades started firing single round to the heads as they advanced slowly forward.

  "This sucks!" Ray called out, and he got a few Amen on that, after putting down his fourth infect in about thirty seconds. He shot the man in a rumpled suit that was stained and wrinkled. The man's head literally came apart as Ray put two 5.56 rounds into it. Another squad was pushed forward to support them. They soon pushed past the initial rush and the Marine column was moving forward.

  The rest of the column had to deal with leaker's coming at them on the flanks, but they too were dealt with and they were soon on Clinton Ave with the harbor in sight.

  By nightfall Ray’s unit had secured Falmouth harbor and its immediate adjacent streets. One street would be totally infected. The next street over would have a dozen houses with survivors hiding out. Ray thought it was pretty crazy. Orders filtered down to stay in place tonight in houses around the harbor and in the morning expand the perimeter to receive reinforcements. The word was most of second fleet was on its way and several thousand more Marines would be landing. In the short time they’ve been in Falmouth they have attracted about two hundred survivors already.


  Cape Code Canal, Bourne Bridge

  Tristan O’Neil Commander of the 22nd MEU, Marine Expeditionary Unit, decide to go with the units securing the Bourne and Sagamore Bridge over the Cape Cod Canal. These bridges are the only ways across the canal and were finished in 1935 by the Army Corps of Engineering and they are still very impressive structures.

  “Colonel O’Neil, you can see the bridges from here.” The co-pilot said pointing out the front windshield.

  “They’re big suckers, Lieutenant take us to the Bourne Bridge. We are landing with the unit’s assigned to that bridge.” Colonel O’Neil said.

  The Colonel and aide’s circled overhead in a UH-1N Huey helicopter. While two hundred and fifty Marines went in on CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters and CH-46 Sea Knight Chinooks on both sides of the bridge. The Canal runs north to south and connects Cape Cod Bay and Buzzards Bay to the south. Its seven miles long and from the height the Colonel was circling at he could see both ends of the bay and to the East Cape Cod stretches out before them. Tristan O’Neil could also see the swarm of Infected traveling down Route 6 toward the Bourne Bridge and if there coming down here, they must also be going over the Sagamore Bridge to the north.

  “Notify both forces to expect heavy contact, both bridges will have Infected. They’re to create barriers on both sides of both bridges and hold out until relieved. Okay Lieutenant, take us down to the Cape side of the Bourne, we are going to take a walk and check things out from the ground perspective.” Colonel O’Neil told the Lieutenant and for the benefit of the others in the chopper also.

  The Huey came down in a spiral and flared out to the west of the rotary right after you come off the bridge. Marines were all over the buildings around the rotary clearing them and advancing west up the bridge. Tristan exited the Huey and got out from under the rotors and after collecting his staff consisting of an aide radioman, two man security detail, started walking over the bridge to the west on the mainland side. His Marines should be starting on a barricade using abandoned cars blocking the actual bridge entrance, just like there doing on this side. A dozen or more Infected on the bridge, crossing west to east were shot down before he landed and the bodies thrown over the side.

  The Bourne Bridge is an arch bridge it’s two thousand and thirty eight feet long and rises one hundred and thirty five feet above the water to the bottom of the bridge. The super structure rises hundreds of feet above that.

  Colonel O’Neil looking out over the canal, it felt a lot higher than that.

  “Major, how goes the fight?” O’Neil asked Major Lars Bech, one of his Battalion Commanders.

  “Good sir, we’ve secured both sides of the Bridge and are in the process of building barricades, we should be able to hold out until tomorrow with no problem. We have to think of a permanent barrier that we can open as needed for the west side of both bridges, like some kind of Draw Bridge or something. I’ll leave that to the engineers.” Major Bech informed the Colonel.

  “Colonel, I have word from Major Antonio DiCaprio, they ran into a lot more Infected than anticipated, they were flooding down Route 6, lots are taking the bypass and heading our way. Situation is under control for now. They took two casualties, when they almost overran the western side of the Bridge. Two Troops were bitten pretty badly, the doctor sedated them and when they showed signs of turning, well, the Major made it quick. He did it personally upon the victim’s request.” The Colonel’s radioman told him.

  “Damn, that sucks. Acknowledge receipt of message and tell him relief should be here by noon tomorrow.

  The Marines on both bridges reinforced the barricades they were building with vehicles on their sides and on the inside they had vehicles parked so they could stand on them and shoot over the car barricades. Colonel O’Neil observed the barricades worked pretty well. It’s going to be a long night he thought, as the gunfire was almost continuous from the west sides of both bridges.


  Day +6

  Mike was awake staring at the ceiling in his apartment. That’s what he was beginning to think of it, instead of his shelter. He should probably move into Mohan Manor. For now he’ll stay right here. That place is kind of big for just the two of us, or his sister Karen and her family for that matter. He thought he’d leave it for official functions and planning right now. It’s a good public face to show people. Admiral Rin who was due in around 9 a.m. today for instance. Mike let out a big breath and rolled out of bed for the day.

  “Up and at 'em Sweetie.” he called out to Mary his daughter who was twelve going on twenty. She was a better pilot than half the adults they have in training.

  “Where’s Charly this morning?” he asked her when she came out of the bathroom.

  “Today’s her first day of school silly head. I think she’s going to be teaching third graders.” She said. Oh, now I remember why she’s not flying missions. He chuckled to himself.

  “Okay Honey, I’m heading over to the Command Center, we have a Navy Admiral coming in today. It should be interesting to see what she has to say. We don’t know much about what’s going on in the rest of the world perhaps she can fill
in the gaps.” Mike told his rambunctious daughter.

  “Dad I have flying lesson today after school. Don’t forget to come by and see me.” She reminded her father.

  Mike nodded as he walked out the door after gearing up with his Mollie pack and weapon. It’s a general rule that all adults that are issued weapons are to have them on them at all time unless in the shelter past the security check point, especially outside, if you’re out, you’re armed. He made his way through some common spaces greeting people on their own way to work, everyone seemed to have a purpose and moral seemed pretty good considering circumstances. He went into the Dome and over to the Command Center off the Dome. The armed guards let him through a coded door. They weren’t necessarily needed, but it was another job to give some and keep people busy, plus it was good practice. Sooner or later they'll have a large enough population where he won’t recognize everyone by sight.

  “Good morning everyone, I see I beat Mac in this morning. Will wonders never cease.” He stated with a laugh, just as Mac walked through the door.

  “Morning Mike, I just came from the airport. I check everything is squared away for our visitor today.” Mac told Mike while grabbing a cup of coffee. There was general chuckles around the room.

  “What? Did I say something funny or something?” Mac inquired while sipping away.

  “No, I did.” Mike said. “Just forget it.” He said looking around with a fake frown.

  “Today people, as you know we have a VIP coming in to speak with us, and no I don’t have any idea what this Admiral is up too. Business goes on as usual. Two convoys go out today with escorts to Leicester Center, Becker College and Spencer Monastery, Both sites are being developed as satellite bases. We plan on at least two thousand at each probably more by the end of the month. There will be some temporary housing, but that shouldn’t be a problem as it’s just the beginning of the warm season. The Abby will be more of a farming community, once we clear a little more west and north, there shouldn't be much of a threat to them.

  The Becker College site will be a collection and security site being at the crossroads of Route 9 and Route 56, from there we can cover the approaches from east. Worcester and its suburbs to the east have hundreds of thousands of people, potential enemy’s to our survival, plus Becker College is a hop and a skip away from Worcester Airport that where going take over too. The runways at Worcester were originally designed as a cold war emergency landing and backup for the B-52. So they can handle any size aircraft including the C-5 Galaxy’s parked out at Westover, if we really get ambitious.” Mike took a break and filled up his coffee cup. “Any questions so far?” he asked.”

  Oddie Gussdorf raised his hand and asked. “Mike does this Admiral want to come in and take over your operation?”

  “Oddie, I don’t know and wouldn't let that happen. We planned and built this place and we are not just turning it over to the military. We will work with them, alongside them, but we make our own plans at this point. As far as I’m concerned the U.S. Government is gone. We have to make our own way in the world now and that’s what I started all this for. Our own military, and that is why we probably should start treating it as such. This is equal to any forces I served with in the Middle East. Hell, most of them are ex-military. There’s more military experience in those five mechanized company’s, soon to be seven, then ninety nine percent of the world’s military. So does that answer your question?” He said.

  Oddie nodded his head and so did the other twenty or so people in the command center.

  “That doesn’t mean we are going to be rude or anything. I’d like to work with this admiral for the greater good of all of us. So with that, let’s get those two convoys moving toward their new bases.” Everyone left to go about their business.

  Mike and Mac headed up and out passing through the security shelter before exiting the main entrance ramp which is open and guarded during the day and usually closed after dark.

  “We got time let’s take a tour of the perimeter road Mac.” They jumped in Mike’s Humvee with his new aid Jake West driving. They all had their equipment including weapons load out.

  Jake drove them on the dirt road on the inside of the inner fence with was twenty feet high with a strand of razor wire on top, thirty feet separated the inner fence and the outer fence which also had a strand of razor wire on top. In between the fences up against the inner fence was two strands of razor wire on the ground and a third strand on top on the two. Outside the outer fence was a dry moat twelve feet deep with steep sides layered in rip rock to keep grass from growing in the ditch to deny any areas for concealment.

  The trio drove along and came across four platoons running spaced out around fifty yards apart. They were running the perimeter as morning exercise.

  “Must be Foxtrot Company.” Mike said as they drove by. At the head of each platoon was a standard bearer with a Company F logo on the flag, with a one through 4 under the F denoting the platoon number. As they drove by the standard bearer dipped his or her flag down as a salute to their commanding officer.

  The north side of the base is the most isolated before it gets to the airport. As they drove along they came across several security patrols in SUV’s and some on four wheelers. Everything looked pretty good to Mike and Mac. They were building something to be proud of.

  As they got closers to the airport they could see into the woods, the practice track the M113A2’s use was close by and they could see two of the APC’s grinding over the muck in the wet area off to their left. The Commander of one of the APC’s waved and they waved back.

  “Looks like there having fun, remember that day you and I gave Mary then all those school kids’ rides down that trail. That was a fun day. I wonder how many of those kids are here with us and alive.” Mike said gloomily.

  Jake drove them out at the end of the runway which was very near the perimeter fence and around to the west side that fronts onto Paxton Street. Across the street was the new housing development, most of the residence of that neighborhood are in here with us Mike thought. While they were driving along the runway a C-130 came down for a landing and then took off without slowing doing a touch and go, training new pilots Mike observed. Over the neighborhood he was just thinking about he noticed a flight of Huey’s going across around two hundred feet up, also training.

  They drove around the far end of the runway and pulled up down by the building that was the museum and is now part of the mechanized maintenance department near the end of the runway. They joined two other Humvee’s with drivers. They were for the guest coming, supposedly in the next five minutes or so.

  Sure enough in five minutes they could hear a deep rumble, the V-22 Osprey had very large propellers and had a deep sound to them almost like a large helicopter. The gray Osprey came down the runway from the far end and transitioned from plane configuration to helicopter, and hovered then set down about fifty yards in front of the group waiting for them.

  Mike, Mac and his escort waited for the plane to power down, the back ramp to the Osprey opened and a squad of Marines came out forming a perimeter around the plan and four more in working Navy whites came down the ramp and started walking over to Mike’s group.

  As they got closer Mike realized the Admiral was a women an Asian women. He didn’t know, not that it made a difference to him. As they came to a stop in front of Mike’s group. Mike steeped forward and held his hand out to the Admiral in greeting.

  “Pleased to meet you Admiral, I’m Mike Mohan and this is my XO, Mac McDermott.” Mike said, still a little surprised.

  “Mr. Mohan, my pleasure to meet you and your XO. This is my Marine Commander, Brigadier John Frost.” She said. Hands were shaken all around.

  “Mr. Mohan, I see your all in military garb but not one of you saluted a Superior Officer.” Brigadier Frost said to Mike.

  Mike looked at the Brigadier. What we did here has been totally independent of the military, I had a few years warning that something was going to happen,
and don’t ask me how cause you won’t believe it. I spent nearly a billion dollars of my own money building up this base. How old are you Brigadier Frost?” Mike asked in a calm voice.

  “I’m Thirty eight year old and was just frocked to Brigadier, I’ve been a Colonel for the last four years.” He said with some annoyance.

  “Colonel, we are close to the same age, I did things in the sand box with Seal Team Six that you’re not even cleared for, and I left as a senior Chief Petty officer because of injuries during operations and personnel reasons. Right now we can field a battalion of mechanized infantry plus two more companies in the near future we should have at least two battalions or we can deploy two or three companies from the air. We have fixed wing assets as well and plans to acquire more. We have rescued thousands, and have at least twelve thousand permanent residence as of now with more adding daily. This facility which is called Moosehill Base was totally funded out of my pocket, you may recall the guy who won the largest lottery in history, that’s me. Now you can argue about military courtesy or we can go on a tour of our facility’s and meet some of the people and get an impression from them. Oh one last thing. My soldiers mostly veterans of the Middle East wars and other brush fire conflicts have been in continuous action since day one of this conflict and have performed flawlessly. I would match them up against the best from around the world and they know the difference they have made to so many, the moral is as high as any Troops I’ve ever seen. They believed in what where doing, and have faith in our leadership indicating himself and Mac.” Mike finished with fire in his eye’s staring at Frost.

  The Admiral with a look of wonder started, “Mike Mohan, now I remember where I heard that name. Mr. Mohan it’s been several years but I remember hearing your last name whispered in the halls of the pentagon, you were put in for the Medal of Honor but it was downgraded to a Navy Cross and you also received the Silver Star. The after action report was still sealed as of the last I know. That’s probably why the medal was downgraded.


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