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One Night With Him

Page 7

by Smith, K. S.

  Smiling, I poured him a glass of orange juice. “Blissfully happy, they just got home last night, so they’re still on Fiji time. Of course, Addison wanted me to come over. When I told her I was at the beach, she insisted on coming out to see me and that’s when I had to break the news that I wasn’t alone.”

  Cole laughed and ran his fingers through his tousled hair. Damn, he looked so good when he did that. “Do you want them to come out, so you can see her today?”

  I set my glass on the counter in front of me and tilted my head to the side, looking at him with a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ expression.

  “As much as I love my best friend, I think I can handle a few more days away from her, besides, I intended on being with you only, this weekend.” I walked around, scooted between his legs, and planted a swift kiss on his lips.

  “Good,” he said, “now go get dressed. We have somewhere to be in fifteen minutes.

  I turned and headed in the direction of the bedroom. I put on the new bikini from Addison and I modeled it in the mirror. “Shit, this wasn’t a good idea. This thing practically crawls up my entire ass,” I said to myself as I looked over my shoulder at my butt in the mirror.

  “I think it looks perfect,” Cole said, walking into the room in a pair of board shorts, a fishing shirt, and flip flops. “And as much as I’d love to see you prancing around in that all day, I think you’re going to have to put something over it, or I may have to fight off the guys on the boat.”

  “Boat” I asked, sounding confused.

  “Yes, I rented us a charter so we could go fishing today, I hope you don’t mind?” Fishing! Oh yes, he was perfect. I may be a total girly girl, but my dad raised me right. He taught me to love the finer things in life, while also enjoying the outdoors and all that came with them.

  We spent the entire day out on the water catching fish after fish, it was perfect. And that evening Cole made me relax by the pool while he prepared some of the grouper we caught earlier that day. It was just perfect, the sun was setting over the ocean, the sky was painted in pinks and purples, like something you would see in a gallery, and Cole was manning the grill, while I sipped my wine relaxing in a chaise lounge at the pools edge. The fish smelled delicious, along with the vegetables he was grilling up to go with dinner. Before he finished up I’d grabbed the plates and utensils, and set the patio table, so we could eat outside. Dinner was beyond my expectations. Cole was a phenomenal cook, and the dessert, homemade key lime pie, he’d prepared was even better. We took the pie down to the edge of the water and sat down on a blanket as we ate dessert.

  “What were your parents like?” I looked at Cole, caught off guard, surprised by his question that had come out of nowhere. I loved my parents, but I didn’t like to talk about them, it made me too emotional. I looked away from Cole’s eyes, pulling my knees to my chest, hoping he’d change the subject. He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Babe, please tell me about them. I feel like I’d know you better if I knew about your parents.”

  I felt my eyes well up with tears, as I turned back to him. “They were wonderful, Cole.” I smiled at the memories I had of both my mother and father. They were the best memories of my life.

  “What was it like growing up with them?”

  I closed my eyes and laid back on the blanket, remembering. “It was like a fairytale, literally. My parents were so in love. I’ve never seen two people that infatuated with one another. And it wasn’t that annoying make you want to vomit love; it was true love, once in a lifetime love. You looked at them and you were jealous of what they shared, because you knew nothing would ever compare.” I took a few deep breaths, trying to keep my emotions in check. I felt Cole lean in and kiss a tear away from my cheek.

  “Their relationship was everything I ever hoped for when I grew up. It was never about one or the other, rather the two of them as a whole, and then when I came along it was about the three of us. We were all inseparable.”

  “Well, if you are any indication of the people they were, then I truly wish I could’ve met them.” I smiled up at him as he kissed my lips.

  “Do you think they would have liked me?”

  I propped myself up on my elbows and smiled at his question, wondering what my parents would have thought about Cole. “As long as they could see that you truly cared about me, they both would have loved you.”

  He sat up and I just laid there, both of us silent for a few moments. “You know I care about you, right?” he asked.

  I sat up next to him. “Of course, I do.”

  He smiled, then turned and faced me, grabbing my hands. “I really care about you, Reagan. I’ve had a connection with you from the minute I met you and I know it’s only been a little over a month, but I’m falling in love with you, no, not falling, have already fallen in love with you. I love you, Reagan Larson.”

  I stared up at him, eyes as big as the moon, replaying the words, “I love you,” over and over again in my head. I’d waited so long to hear these words from someone, who I could really see my future with, and now that it was happening I could hardly believe it.

  After what seemed like an eternity, Cole grasped my shoulders and pulled me out of my trance. “Breathe, Reagan.” I looked up into his eyes, remembering to breathe. “It’s ok if you don’t say it back. I just needed to tell you how I felt about you.”

  I got up on my knees, so I was face to face with him, put my hands on his cheeks, placed my forehead on his, closing my eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath. “Colton Conrad, you have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words. I never imagined I could love anyone like my parents loved each other, until I met you. We may have had a bumpy beginning, but there is no one else I could imagine myself with, I love you so, so much.” And at my response his mouth took over mine and as the world around us disappeared, Cole and I made sweet, sweet love under the stars to the sounds of the crashing waves.


  After spending four wonderful days at the beach house with Cole, it was time to get back to reality, and reality meant work. Cole had a business trip to Phoenix and I had to get caught up, it seemed ever since I had met him all I was doing was trying to catch up at the office. Luckily, my assistant had been a huge help, allowing me to leave early on Wednesday for my dinner date with Addison. She’d been back a few days and was going crazy over the fact that we’d yet to see each other, so that afternoon I met her for drinks and dinner.

  “My oh my, you totally have that I’ve been doing it for days smile on your face right now!” She exclaimed as I walked across the restaurant towards her seat at the bar. The two men sitting next to her quickly glanced over at me and looked me up and down, smiling like they could possibly be next.

  My cheeks flushed and I hugged my best friend while cursing her to hell in my head. “Could you be any louder?”

  She snickered and said, “Well, I’m sorry, could you be any more obvious?” We both laughed, and I ordered a drink from the bartender.

  “So, tell me all about your honeymoon. I’m dying to hear about Fiji, you know that’s on my list of places to visit before I’m thirty.”

  Addison glared at me while taking a sip of her Chardonnay. “If you think I came here to talk about my honeymoon you must be out of your mind, you know me so much better than that, Reagan Larson, now spill it, I want every detail. When I left you practically wanted to rip Cole’s balls off and serve them up on a silver platter, and now it’s all flowers and rainbows, this story has got to be good.” I blushed again and knew it was better I just give in and get it over with. Three hours later Addison and I sat in the corner booth of the restaurant and she was just looking at me completely stunned. “Well my dear, I do believe you have managed to do the impossible.”

  I looked at Addison confused. “And what’s that?” I asked.

  “You’ve managed to bring Cole Conrad to his knees.”

  “Oh, stop it, Addison. I’m not the first girl he’s ever f
allen in love with, I’m just probably the only one you’ve ever liked.”

  “Only one any of us have ever liked, trust me, I’m family now, and word on the street is everyone loves you and Cole together. They’ve all been rooting for you since they saw the connection the two of you had at the wedding. And as for falling in love, Cole doesn’t fall in love, so I’d say you’re wrong, you’re the first girl he’s ever fallen for.”

  I quickly pulled my glass of wine to my lips sucking it down as I thought to myself, Oh man, I’m in way too deep.

  On the drive home I couldn’t stop thinking about what Addison said about Cole, I knew he lived the bachelor lifestyle, but surely he’d fallen in love before me, he was almost thirty years old for God’s sakes. Phoenix was three hours behind us and I knew Cole was probably at a business dinner, but I wanted to text him to let him know I’d made it home safe and was getting ready for bed.






  I hesitated before responding, I’m fine, but thanks to Addison all I wanted to know is if I was the only girl he’s ever loved. And at that thought, before I could even contemplate what I was texting I went on one of my typical Reagan rants.


  Did you really just ask him that, you’ve officially lost it? Snatching my phone back up, I began typing as quickly as my fingers would allow.


  I set my phone down on the night stand, berating myself for pushing send on that stupid text. Drawing my covers up to my neck, I tried to force myself asleep. A few minutes later my phone started ringing. Cole’s face was flashing on the screen. Crap! “Hello.”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, you’re the only woman I’ve ever fallen in love with.” My heart started pounding like a loud base drum, and the butterflies in my stomach were fluttering out of control. The smile that took over my face was quite possibly the biggest smile I’d ever had in my entire life and a sigh of relief escaped my throat. “Baby, I’ve got to get back to this dinner, but I just wanted to make sure you know it’s you and only you.”

  A happy tear rolled down my cheek and I whispered into the phone, “I love you, Cole.”

  “I love you, too. Now get some rest and I’ll call you in the morning, night babe.”

  Work was chaotic the next morning when Cole called, so I had to let it go to voicemail. We had just landed a huge project, and the partners wanted me to sit in on the first meeting. I was curious as to what we would be working on, with this group of guys you never knew what you were going to get, but it was always exciting. As the assistant passed around the portfolios the first thing I noticed was Cole’s logo on the building drawing, and I smiled inwardly to myself, oh yes, we were finally going to get to mix business and pleasure.

  One of the partners took the floor and began telling us all about our relationship with Conrad Developers, he’d obviously worked with them in the past and spoke very highly of Cole’s company. Going over everyone’s role in the project I was named supervising attorney, which meant I would be in charge of all of the associates working on the development, overseeing all of the legal aspects of the entire project. The meeting was short and I was thrilled to begin working with Cole.

  Just as I was gathering my things, one of the partners grabbed me and pulled me aside, “Ms. Larson, I want to let you know we are very excited about our partnership with Conrad Developers. Your management of this project is a great opportunity for your shot at becoming our youngest partner in the firm.”

  My stomach flipped at hearing the words roll off of his tongue. I’d dreamt of becoming partner, but I’d never imagined I’d potentially make it there before thirty. “Thank you, sir, it’s such a privilege to be able to work on this project. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity.”

  Driving to the airport to pick up Cole that afternoon, I was still reeling from my meeting with the partners, and wondering if he knew they picked me to be the supervising attorney. As I pulled into the arrivals bay, he stood under the Delta sign completely oblivious to the handsomeness that was radiating off of him, his hair blowing slightly in the breeze, and his tie hanging loosely from his neck.

  He caught a glimpse of my car and looked straight up into my eyes. The magnitude of the smile that spread over his face sent chills down my spine. I pulled up next to him, and before I knew it his bags were in the backseat, he’d jumped into the passenger’s side and taken my face between his palms, his lips softly pressed against mine. He showered me in quick light kisses before looking deep into my eyes, placing his forehead on mine, he let out a sigh and whispered, “I missed you so much.”

  I giggled as I pulled away and grabbed his hand. “It’s only been a few days, you couldn’t have missed me that much.” He leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes. “You tired?” He grunted, and I took that as a yes. “I have some good news, well its good news to me, hopefully you’ll feel the same.” Cole opened those golden eyes and stared over at me, waiting in anticipation. “I was pulled into a meeting this morning and named supervising attorney on the Imperial Park Condo project, looks like you and I are going to be spending a lot more time together.” His eyes lit up as a grin took over his face. “And better yet, assuming everything goes according to plan on this project, it’ll set me up for partnership with the firm.”

  Cole kissed my hand, and looked genuinely happy with the news. “Babe, that’s incredible. I’m so happy for you. I know partnership is definitely what you want. Are you excited?”

  Of course, I was excited, I was beyond excited. I was twenty-seven and already being considered for partner, this was one of my biggest dreams. “Yes! I’m thrilled. But I’m trying not to get ahead of myself, we still have to see how the project goes, one mistake and it could be over.”

  He glanced at me like I was insane. “Not going to happen, you’re one of the best attorney’s I’ve ever met. They’d be crazy not to make you partner.” I smiled as I drove to Cole’s, ecstatic with his reaction.


  Three tedious months passed while I worked on contract after contract with my team of associates. I knew my career depended on this project, so I immersed myself in my work, only taking the weekends off to rest. Luckily for Cole and me we saw each other almost every day, since we worked hand in hand during the entire process. And it had been completely worth it, not only had the development moved faster than anticipated, which was great for the firm, but Cole and I had grown so much closer as a couple it was amazing.

  Tonight we were at the hotel getting ready for the cocktail party Cole’s company was hosting in honor of the groundbreaking that had taken place earlier that morning. Cole was downstairs picking up his suit from the cleaning staff, and I was in his large bathroom getting dolled up by a hair and makeup artist Addison had hired for me as a congratulatory gift. She was thrilled this part of the project was over; it meant that she and I could get back to spending more quality time together. She constantly joked with Cole that Conrad Developers had selfishly stolen her best friend away from her in the interest of the owner of the company.

  “What do you think?” The beautician asked as she spun me around in the chair to look in the mirror.

  I gasped when I saw myself. No wonder Addison always used this girl, she’s brilliant. I thought as I examined my hair and make-up in the giant mirror. My dark brown hair was perfectly curled and pinned loosely to the side, so it flowed down my shoulder and my make-up was bold, but still simple enough to loo
k elegant. It was a spot on match with the emerald green cocktail dress I was getting ready to slip into. “Thank you so much, I look amazing, and I don’t even have my dress on yet.” We both laughed as she gathered her things and I walked her to the door.

  When Cole returned from picking up his suit, I was dressed and having a glass of wine on the balcony with Addison and Casey, who were coming along as our guests to the party. After getting dressed, Cole joined us on the balcony and proposed a toast, “To spending an incredible evening with my best friend, his beautiful wife, and the love of my life.” We all clinked glasses and drank to that. Cole slipped his arm slowly around my waist and pulled me closer to him as he whispered into my ear, “You look absolutely stunning,” kissing my neck, I giggled as he finished his sentence, “and I cannot wait to get you out of that dress later on.” I instantly felt my body heat and send shivers right down to the pit of my belly.

  I looked up into his eyes as I wrapped my free hand around his tie, pulling him closer to my face, resting my forehead on his. “What’s under this dress is all yours, baby.” And with the devilish grin he gave me I could no longer contain myself, even knowing we had an audience. I used his tie to pull him closer and plastered my lips to his, reaching directly for his hair, tangling my fingers in it as his arm pulled me tighter against his rock hard body. His tongue dove into my mouth, the taste of wine still lingered in his mouth. I could feel his erection beginning to form behind his pants and knowing my kiss alone turned him on spiked my arousal even more. I pressed harder into him, knowing it was physically impossible to be any closer than I was, when a throat cleared behind us.

  “Umm, guys, as happy as we are that the two of you are so in love, we’d rather get to this party than watch the two of you seduce each other on the balcony.” We slowly pulled apart from each other. I turned in Cole’s arms and gave an apologetic smile to Casey. Of course, Addison was watching like she was at a damn Hollywood movie premiere.


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