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One Night With Him

Page 11

by Smith, K. S.

  I froze, unable to speak as thoughts of everything that could possibly go wrong ran through my brain. “I don’t think I can do this, Case,” I whispered.

  His arms wrapped around me, cradling me right up against his chest. “I know this is difficult, but you have to, your voice is the first one he would want to hear, you have to do this for him.” He pushed the door open and stepped in, pulling me in behind him.

  Looking up from the floor I saw my everything lying there in a hospital bed. I started at his toes working my way up, counting each bandage, bruise, or stitch that hadn’t been there the last time I’d seen him. His body was black and blue from being tossed like a rag doll in the fall. Needles, which connected to tubes that led to hanging bags, were inserted and taped to the tops of his hands. His chest was bare of clothes, but covered in gauze. I winced at the thought of what the lacerations looked like underneath. Finally, I’d made it to his beautiful face. Behind the clear ventilator hose protruding out of his mouth, numerous staples sealing a deep gash on his hairline, and the dark purple sheen of bruises I saw the man I’d fallen so madly in love with.

  Catching my breath, I ran to his side and reached for his hand, even as he lay there lifeless in the hospital bed, a spark still flew through my body at the touch of his skin. The tears began to fall harder as I moved my left hand up towards his head, smoothing his hair as gently as possible. I leaned in and lightly placed a kiss on his forehead, my body trembling as my mouth touched his skin. Lingering there for a moment, I could still smell the scent of cologne on his body. Bringing my face down towards his I kissed his cheek and whispered into his ear.

  “Hi, honey,” I whispered, trying to compose my emotions. “I’m here, it’s me, Reagan.” Kissing his cheek again, I went on whispering, so only he and I could hear what I was saying. “Baby, I’m so sorry for everything I put you through. I know this isn’t the ideal time to talk about it, but you just need to know, I don’t care what happened. The only thing I’m concerned about is that you know I love you. You’re the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You’ve got to get better so I can tell you that, please, Cole. I can’t live without you.” The sobs began escaping my throat and Casey quickly pulled me into a hug.

  “Shhhh… you can’t cry like this, sweetie, not in here. I know it’s difficult and I’m sure it’s a hell of a lot harder for you, but we’ve got to keep calm for him.”

  “I’m trying, Case, I really am, but what if he doesn’t make it, what if I never have the chance to tell him I love him, again?”

  He squeezed me tighter. “Cole is a fighter. He knows you love him, and that alone will have him fighting harder than he’s ever fought before, trust me Reagan, he loves you. He’s not leaving this earth any time soon, especially not before he has the chance to make things right with you, I can promise you that.” Casey’s words reassured me, but I was still terrified. Having my entire reason for existence grasping for life before my eyes was unbearable.

  We both sat there on each side of him, for over an hour, just talking to him. Casey finally lightened the mood and began joking with Cole. The nurse came in to check on him as Casey was telling him about one of their cousins girlfriends, “You should’ve seen her, man, I swear he picked her up at a strip joint. Mom’s mouth hit the floor when she walked in. Addison had to give her a change of clothes before everyone else got there.” I laughed as Casey finished.

  “Do that again,” the nurse exclaimed, looking over at me.

  “Do what?” I asked, confused.

  “Anything, laugh, talk, whatever, just do it again.”

  I looked at Casey, wondering what in the heck she was asking me to do as he shrugged his shoulders. “Umm, I’m not sure what to say, is there something specific you need?”

  She pointed at one of the monitors that was connected to wires attached Cole’s body, “Watch the screen, do you see how the vitals are lower while I’m talking?” She looked to Casey. “Say something to him, anything.”

  Casey stood up and leaned towards Cole. “Hey, man, when are you going to wake up?”

  The monitor remained the same and the nurse looked back to me. “Your turn.”

  I stood up, still holding Cole’s hand. “Hey, baby, I’m not really sure what to say, but the nurse suggested I talk, so I’m talking, I love you so…” and as those three words came out of my mouth the lines on the monitor started moving up. My eyes widened as they flew to the nurse and then to Casey.

  “Keep talking,” she whispered.

  “I love you, baby, I’m right here by your side, and I’m not going anywhere, so rest as long as you need to, but just know, when you wake up it’s back to me and you.” The lines were going crazy on the monitor.

  “He likes the sound of your voice, every time you talk his vitals rise.”

  “Is that okay, or should I not talk so much?”

  She laughed. “It’s perfectly fine, and a good sign, if you ask me. It means his brain is working to heal itself, which is exactly what we want.”

  “Does this mean he can hear what we are saying?” I needed to know if he knew how I felt about him.

  “It just depends, we have found out after patients have come out of coma’s that they heard everything that was said, and some never heard anything. But I can tell you this much, whether he knows what you’re saying or not, he recognizes the sound of your voice, and that in itself is huge,” She replied, walking out of the room.

  A smile grew across my face as I looked to Casey. “Can you believe he knows it’s me?”

  He grinned. “Of course I can, you’re all that man thinks about. Why wouldn’t he know the sound of your voice?” Casey stood up and walked over to me, resting his hands on my shoulders. “Reagan, he loves you, he never stopped. Trust me, there’s more to the story than you think. I’m glad you are giving him a second chance.” Kissing the top of my head he walked towards the door. “I’m going to go report back to the family, let them know how he is doing. I’m sure my mom and dad will want to come back, but I’ll send them one at a time making sure they only stay for ten to fifteen minutes. And please, don’t let anyone who comes back here try and pressure you into letting someone else come in. Cole would want you here at his side over anyone else. Text me if anything changes, as soon as everyone gets to see him I’ll come back in.” I smiled at Casey as he walked out of the hospital room.

  When Casey left I knew it would only be a matter of minutes before another family member came in to visit with Cole, so I took the little alone time we had to talk to him more. Kissing his forehead, again, I rubbed his cheek with my fingers. “You know there are so many things I haven’t told you yet, like when Addison and Case got married, I pictured me and you walking down the aisle together as husband and wife. And whenever one of my girlfriends finds out they are having a baby, my first thought is what a wonderful father you’ll be. There are so many things we still have to do together, Cole. Your mom was right when she talked about the two of us that night, I may have been terrified in that moment of what the future held, but I know now there is no other future I could ever ask for. You and me, that’s what’s meant to be” I kissed him again as a light knock came from outside his room.


  Family members were in and out of the room for the next several hours, taking turns, allowing me to stay at his side the entire time. Apparently more had arrived since I’d been back here. Casey finally came back in and I noticed he was carrying a bag with him.

  “Visiting hours are wrapping up here in about five minutes, so we’re going to head home. Addison brought a bag of necessities for you, knowing you aren’t going to leave his side. She said if you need anything else just text her and she will run it by.”

  I stood up and hugged Casey. “Thank you for everything, Case.”

  He smiled. “Get some rest tonight. Staying up all night, wondering if he is going to wake up won’t do you any good.”

  Damn, he knows me too well. “I’ll try my

  “And if anything changes, please call me. I don’t care what time it is.” I nodded my head as he turned and left the room. And, finally, I felt able to relax. I hadn’t spent more than five minutes alone with Cole in God knows how long, and tonight was the first time in weeks I’d be able to spend the entire night with him.

  Looking through the bag Addison packed for me, I found everything I could have possibly needed. I grabbed my pajamas and my overnight bag and walked into the bathroom. I quickly took a shower, washed my face, and brushed my teeth before slipping into my pajamas. Grabbing a blanket and pillow out of the closet, I walked over to Cole’s bed. There was just enough room for me to squeeze in next to him. I knew the minute the night nurse came in to check on him she’d probably make me move, but until then I was going to be right where I needed to be, as close to in his arms as I could possibly get.

  Adjusting Cole’s right arm so the wires weren’t in my way, I slowly climbed into the hospital bed. I was moving with every ounce of caution I had in me, watching every wire and tube that was in the vicinity of where I was laying. Finally settled in, I rested my head on his shoulder and pulled the blanket up to my neck. Reaching out from underneath it, I grabbed his hand and pulled it under the covers with me, so I could hold onto him all night. Kissing his shoulder, I whispered, “Goodnight, love.” And for the first time, since I’d left him at the hotel, I slept entirely through the night, with the person I loved most on this earth right by my side.

  “Reagan, honey, wake up.” I heard through tired ears as I opened my eyes, still cuddled up next to Cole. I looked over my shoulder to find Mr. and Mrs. Conrad were standing at the side of the bed. I smiled at the both of them, as I climbed out of the hospital bed.

  “Hi,” I whispered, hugging Cole’s mom and then his dad, “when did you get in?”

  Harrison answered, since Candice had already moved to her son’s side. “About half hour ago, we caught the first flight out after we got the call. How’s he doing?”

  Reaching for Cole’s free hand I looked to him, and then back at his father. “They said the first forty-eight hours are the most critical. The doctor hasn’t been in yet, so hopefully he’ll be here soon and discuss everything with us.”

  Shortly thereafter, the night nurse walked in. “Well, good morning,” she said, looking at me. I smiled. “I was surprised to see you in bed with Mr. Conrad last night. I almost woke you up, but his vitals were dancing again, so I let you sleep.”

  I blushed as Mrs. Conrad looked to the nurse. “What was dancing?” she asked, looking confused.

  The nurse laughed. “His vitals, anytime Reagan would talk to him they would jump around, showing brain activity, which is good for the recovery process. He only does it with her, watch; talk to him, Reagan.”

  I leaned in closer to Cole. “Good morning, baby, your mom and dad made it. They’re here right now, luckily no one knows we are violating the two visitor limit, so we’re all three in here with you. Hopefully, your nurse won’t rat us out, she seems pretty cool, so I think we’ll be okay.”

  The nurse pointed to the screen. “See that?”

  I looked over at Mrs. Conrad and the tears were pouring down her face as she smiled up at me. “That’s because this girl is our son’s everything.” My heart skipped a beat as I turned to Mr. Conrad, not sure I’d heard him correctly. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, kissing the top of my head. “You know that, right? No matter what happened, he never stopped loving you.” Leaning into him, I nodded my head yes as I fought back the tears. The nurse told us the doctor would be in shortly as she left, leaving me in a room with Cole and his parents.

  A few minutes after the nurse left us the doctor came in, looking over Cole’s chart I noticed there was more hope in his eyes than there had been yesterday. “Well, it looks like he is doing better. We still aren’t out of the woods, but if we can make it through the next twenty-four hours with the same progress, I can take him off the meds, so his body can transition out of the coma. We’ll continue monitoring his progress and keep you updated. Are there any questions or concerns that you may have?” I couldn’t think of anything, but Mr. Conrad had a list he was already going over, making sure Cole was getting the very best treatment.

  “I’m going to get out of these pajamas before anyone else arrives.” I whispered to Candice, as I grabbed my bag.

  The next four days passed so slowly. Cole was still progressing, but a minor setback caused the doctor to leave him in an induced coma for one more day before taking him off of the meds. It had been twenty-four hours since he’d been taken off of the medication and he still hadn’t woken up, yet. We were all exhausted, Candice, Harrison, and I had taken shifts staying with Cole. I’d wanted to stay with him every night, but knew it was best to give his parents some alone time with him, also.

  I’d just woken up and Harrison was there to relieve me, so I could go home and get cleaned up. “I just spoke to the doctor. He’s guessing it’ll be another five or six hours based on the speed of his vitals. Why don’t you run home, get cleaned up, and head back? Candice is on her way now. That way we’re all here when he wakes up.”

  I nodded hugging him. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  When I got home I took a shower, did my hair and make-up, and put on one of my favorite outfits, knowing Cole would more than likely be waking up today. After I’d gathered a few things to take back with me, I decided to catch up on one of my shows really quick. I needed some time to get my mind off of everything, so each day I came home I’d try to catch up on either reading or one of my shows, today it was my favorite cop series. Sitting down on the couch I vowed to only watch thirty minutes, and then it was back to the hospital.

  Opening my eyes, only having imagined dozing off for a few minutes, I noticed the sky was darkening outside. “Shit!” I shouted, jumping off of the couch. Looking at my watch I quickly realized it was almost 7 p.m. “Oh.My.Gosh. I slept all day, this can’t be happening.” I yelled at myself. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran to my car, checking my phone as I rushed to the hospital. I had several missed calls from Candice and Harrison, even a few from Casey and Addison. No one had left any voicemails, but I had a few texts from Addison.



  My heart sank as I read the last one. “Shit! Please let him be okay.”

  Pulling into the valet drive thru of the hospital, I jumped out of my car, tossing the attendant my keys. I ran straight for the ICU, running into Casey and Addison on the way there. “Is he okay?” I begged.

  They were both smiling. “He’s fine, he woke up about an hour ago, he keeps asking for you,” Addison replied. I hugged them both, then I ran towards the nurses’ station. Recognizing the nurses on duty I shouted before I got there, “Can I go in?” My favorite nurse held her hands up. “Mom and Dad are visiting with him. I’ll go tell them you’re here, just give me a minute, take a second to catch your breath. You look like you just sprinted a marathon.”

  “Okay, okay, just hurry, please.” She smiled as she jogged towards his room.

  Catching my breath I pulled out a compact to assess myself before I went back to his room. Not being able to fully focus, I shoved it back into my purse after a minute of fidgeting with the damn thing. Who gives a shit about what you look like right now, Reagan, you’re about to really talk to Cole for the first time in forever, you think he is going to care what you look like?

  Candice, Harrison, and the nurse came around the corner all wearing the biggest smiles I’d ever seen on their faces, I ran straight towards them, crashing into Candice and Harrison’s arms. Words failed me as they both hugged me as tight as possible. Candice held me at arm’s length. “He’s waiting for you, sweetie. Take as long as you need, we’ll be in the waiting room with Casey and Addison.” I hugged them both one last time before rounding the corner. His door was slightly open and from a distance I could see that his bed had been readjusted so he was si
tting up.


  Pushing the door open all the way, I stood there as those golden eyes I had missed so much peered across the room and locked onto mine. He still looked beaten and battered, but he was awake and the ventilation machine was gone. My hands instantly began to tremble as the tears escaped from deep within. I was stuck in the doorway, standing there crying like a child.

  “Hey, don’t cry. Come here.” He lightly laughed, wincing at the pain it caused. The sound of his voice sent chills through my entire body. My feet began moving towards the bed as he stuck out his hand, reaching for mine. I bypassed his hand entirely, climbing straight into bed with him. Wrapping his arm around me, I nuzzled into his shoulder. He let out a huge sigh. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to have you back in my arms.” Looking up at his beautiful face, I smiled through tear filled eyes as I placed my hand on his chest, trying not to touch any of the bandages that still remained. We laid there staring into each other’s eyes for what seemed like eternity.

  Cole rubbed the length of my arm, while I rested next to him just enjoying being in his arms again. Placing a kiss on top of my head he whispered, “Cat got your tongue?”

  Realizing I’d yet to say a word since he’d woken up, I quickly sat up and turned towards him. “No, I’m sorry, I think I’m just taking it all in. I have been so worried about you and now having you here, awake, knowing you are okay, it’s just so overwhelming. I’m sorry, I just…I just don’t know what to even say. I’m not sure where I should even begin.”

  He smiled and grabbed my hand “How ‘bout a kiss?” I blushed, now also realizing I’d yet to kiss him since he’d woken up. Leaning over him I lightly placed my lips on top of his. My body shivering as his hand reached up and wrapped around the base of my neck, pulling me closer to him, pressing his lips harder against mine. My body was on fire, having yearned for his touch for so long. I was surprised when his tongue slipped into my mouth, but not disappointed at all. My heart was pounding out of my chest as he devoured my mouth, I could hardly breathe, but Cole wouldn’t let up, until the machine next to us started screaming. I jumped at the sound of the alarm, fear rushing through my body as I looked him over from head to toe in a panic.


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