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Chance Encounters

Page 7

by Linda Wells

  Louisa appeased her sister, “I cannot imagine why he would, Caroline, you would be a perfect Mistress of Pemberley.”

  SATURDAY MORNING the carriage arrived precisely on time to collect Elizabeth. She knew that Mr. Darcy would not be able to escort her by himself to his home, and she was not surprised to see a maid sitting in the carriage to accompany her. She made some friendly conversation with the young girl, who seemed genuinely surprised to be spoken to by a gentlewoman.

  Upon arrival, Elizabeth was met by Georgiana, who was waiting for her with anticipation, and led her to the music room. Elizabeth exclaimed over the lovely pianoforte. “Will you play for me, Georgiana?”

  “Oh I do not know, Elizabeth. I have never played for anyone who was not family before.” She looked shyly away.

  “How old are you Georgiana?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I am nearly sixteen, why do you ask?” She said curiously.

  “I ask because at your age, my mother had declared me out, and I had no choice but to make my debut of playing in front of a room full of people. I did not have the opportunity to slowly become used to playing for strangers, and was simply thrust into it. I also did not have the benefit of masters to teach me, which I suspect you have.” She looked seriously at her. “Your brother has spoken very highly of your talent, Georgiana, and I do not doubt his sincerity. I think that you should start exhibiting your skills to small groups of friendly listeners. When you do come out; and no longer have a choice to refuse exhibiting, you will be confident in your ability.”

  Georgiana stared. “I wish that I had your confidence, Elizabeth.”

  She laughed, “You must remember that I am a few years older than you. I would not even recognize the person I was at the age of sixteen now, and to be honest, I would not want to be that girl again.”

  “Were you naïve at that age, Elizabeth?” Georgiana was thinking of her behaviour last summer.

  “I certainly was, with many things. In some areas I am still naïve, even at my advanced age.” Elizabeth smiled at her and was happy to see her laugh. “Is there anything that you have questions about, Georgiana? Is there some subject that you would feel more comfortable speaking to a woman about, instead of your intimidating, frustratingly serious brother?”

  Georgiana whispered. “Yes.” She paused, gathering her thoughts. “Elizabeth, my brother told me about your experience with Mr. Wickham.”

  “He said that he would.” She looked at her encouragingly.

  “I had an experience with him as well.” She closed her eyes and confessed her secret. “Last summer my companion, Mrs. Younge went with me to Ramsgate on a holiday. Mr. Wickham was there. I remembered him as being so kind to me when I was younger, and when he started paying particular attention to me, it so turned my head that I fancied myself in love. Before I knew it, he had convinced me that we should elope. If William had not arrived when he did, we would have married.” By now she was sobbing. “William sent him away. I found out that he did not want me, he just wanted my dowry.”

  Elizabeth wrapped her arms around the girl and held her, gently rocking her while she cried. When Georgiana stopped, she pulled away and tenderly wiped away the tears with her handkerchief. “Georgiana, what did your brother tell you about what happened?”

  “He told me that it was not my fault, that Mr. Wickham is a cad, and that he has done many terrible things to many girls. He said that a man twice my age would not approach a girl of fifteen without nefarious reasons and that if he did love me, he would not have wanted to elope, but would have asked for my hand.”

  “All of those things are very true, and certainly explain Mr. Wickham’s actions. I can attest to his scandalous behaviour myself. Now, what I want to know are your reasons for agreeing to the elopement in the first place.” Elizabeth looked at her very seriously.

  “What do you mean? He used me.” She asked defensively.

  “Yes, he did. But what was it that made you willing to listen to his lies?” Elizabeth held her hand.

  “I guess that I liked the attention.” Georgiana admitted.

  “Ah, and why was that?” Elizabeth encouraged.

  Suddenly it all spilled out in a rush. “I was feeling lonely. You see, William is wonderful, but he is so much older, and I was taken out of school last year, so I did not have any friends to talk to anymore, and I liked hearing him tell me that I was beautiful.” Speaking very softly she added, “I truly miss my father.”

  “And your brother is not quite the same, no matter how hard he tries. Did you think that doing this would win you more attention from him? Were you unhappy with the time he spent on his other duties?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I do not know. I have been so confused.” She cried.

  “Well, let us forget about your desire for attention for a moment. Let us talk about your other behaviour.” She looked at her again. “Did you know at the time that what you were doing was wrong, against everything that you had been taught?”


  “But, you did not write to your brother and ask for his help when you felt overwhelmed by Mr. Wickham’s attentions? You know that he would have been at your side in an instant do you not?”


  “I understand that this happened nearly eight months ago, and you have been completely unlike yourself since then. I wonder, are you upset over what happened, or are you feeling guilty about your own culpability?”

  “William says that it was all Wickham’s fault, and will not listen to me taking any blame on myself. He has been so unhappy since it happened, and I know he is disappointed in me.”

  “I think that he is disappointed in himself.”

  “But he did nothing wrong!”

  “He hired Mrs. Younge. He let you go to Ramsgate. He did not expose Wickham years ago.”

  “That is ridiculous! He had no control over what happened!”

  “So you agree that he is not disappointed in you?”

  “Of course!”

  “Then, you should let go of your guilt over his feelings. He will return to himself when you let this go. But I think that you have a lot to think about yourself. You were raised with certain values, and you went against them for your own selfish pleasure. Luckily your brother came in time, but this whole situation could have been discovered if you had just listened to your inner voice that was telling you that it was wrong.”

  “If I was older, I would have seen through it sooner.”

  “Probably, and you would have handled it differently. I do give you credit for realizing that you are young and have much to learn. And I am glad that your values and dedication to your brother allowed you to realize before it was too late that you needed to admit the scheme.” Taking her hand again, she continued. “Georgiana, I think that you have much to consider. I do believe that much of the fault lies with Mr. Wickham, but you must realize what you did and why. When you have accomplished that, you will be able to forgive yourself. But do know this, you brother loves you very, very much and wants nothing but your happiness. You, however; have reached the age where your happiness depends upon your own behaviour, and not on the people who are responsible for your care. It is part of maturing. If you wish to be given the privilege of being treated as an adult, then you must prove that you are worthy of it.”

  Georgiana simply sat, gazing into Elizabeth’s sincere eyes. Nobody had ever spoken to her so frankly before. As wonderful as William was, he was always trying to protect her. Elizabeth expected her to be an adult. She appreciated it more that she could say. Suddenly she threw her arms around Elizabeth’s neck “Thank you! I wish I had a sister like you!”

  Surprised, Elizabeth returned the embrace, “I am honoured that you would think that of me, Georgiana, thank you. But you do have a wonderful brother, and I know that he will welcome you talking to him about this.”

  “I will, Elizabeth, soon.”

  DARCY, OF COURSE, knew the moment that Elizabeth arrived. A footman appeared at his study
door announcing the carriage had pulled in front of the house. He left the door open, and listened for her warm voice greeting Georgiana, and strained to hear their conversation as it faded down the hallway. He listened for the sound of the pianoforte, but when no music came he began wondering what they could be talking about.

  After an hour, his curiosity got the best of him. He knew that Elizabeth was there for Georgiana, but he could not help his feelings of jealousy. He knew that he was being selfish and ridiculous, but he was beginning to feel very possessive of Elizabeth and her attention. He made his way to the music room in time to catch the extraordinary sight of Elizabeth embracing Georgiana, and hear his sister’s fervent wish that they were sisters. His heart nearly stopped at her words. He was hoping for the same thing.

  Darcy knocked on the door. “Excuse me, ladies, I do not mean to interrupt, but I did want to greet Miss Bennet.”

  “William!” Georgiana leapt to her feet and ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. Confused, Darcy looked to Elizabeth who met his questioning eyes with a smile and a shrug.

  “All is well,” Elizabeth mouthed.

  Relieved, he kissed Georgiana’s head and spoke softly, “Thank you for the wonderful greeting, dear, but I cannot help but ask what has moved you to it?”

  Georgiana let go and looked up to her brother’s face. “I am just so happy that you have introduced me to Elizabeth. She is a wonderful friend!”

  More than pleased, he smiled and touched her cheek. “Do all of your wonderful friends cause tears?” He teased, and then smiled at Elizabeth.

  “Oh no, these are tears of happiness!” She realized her dishevelled appearance and blushed. “I must look terrible! Will you please excuse me for a moment while I wash my face?” Darcy instantly agreed and she flew out the door.

  As soon as she was gone, he was at Elizabeth’s side. “What has happened?”

  “Georgiana confided in me her experience with Mr. Wickham.” She noted his relief and looked at him carefully. “Do you know she admits that she enjoyed the attention, and chose to disregard her upbringing in order to enjoy Mr. Wickham’s advances?”

  “She did?”

  “She also said that she missed her father very much.” Darcy nodded his head, and furrowed his brow. “I told her that she alone is responsible for her own behaviour and that if she wanted to be treated as an adult, she must earn that respect by behaving as one.”

  “Miss Bennet, I am overwhelmed by what you are telling me! I shall be forever grateful for you drawing her out. I did not even consider that she had any culpability in the matter. Did she act out of loneliness or a desire to be thought of as an adult?” He asked almost to himself and then remembered his companion. “You have made changes in her in minutes where I have failed for nearly a year. How can I ever thank you?”

  Elizabeth smiled at him. “Your friendship is thanks enough, sir.”

  Darcy boldly took her hands. “I have very rapidly come to treasure yours.” Elizabeth did not look away. Entwining their fingers, he took a breath. Haltingly, he spoke his thoughts. “Miss Bennet, while we have this moment alone, I want to tell you . . . in the short time that we have known each other . . . I have experienced so many feelings that I, I, I have never dared hope to . . . I hold you in the highest regard and with your approval, may I speak to your father on Sunday and ask for his permission to court you?” He looked at her anxiously. “I assure you Miss Bennet, my intentions are strictly honourable, and I have never done this before.”

  Elizabeth’s face coloured, and she was sure that the rest of her body matched. They were squeezing each other’s hands so hard that they were losing feeling. She could not have looked away from him if she tried. “Mr. Darcy, I . . . I am overwhelmed. I never expected your attentions.” Suddenly all of her fears came pouring out. “I have hardly allowed myself to dream that a man such as you would ever consider someone like me. I am so below you. I have nothing to offer. It would be a degradation to your name, your family would reject me, and your friends would leave you. Why Mr. Darcy? Why me? Why would you want someone like me?”

  “Oh Elizabeth,” he thought, desperate to hold her. “Never, ever let me hear you disparage yourself like that again!” He loosened his grip and drew her hand to his lips, kissing it tenderly. “You ask me why? Because you are the only woman who has ever touched my heart and challenged my mind, and did it without asking for anything in return. I also find you the most enticingly beautiful woman I have ever met. With such a combination, how can I not wish to court you? Now Miss Bennet, will you please answer my question?”

  Elizabeth was trembling, wishing desperately for him to hold her again. “Yes, Mr. Darcy, my answer is yes. I welcome your courtship, and your honourable intentions.” She gave him a small smile, but her eyes were sparkling with joy. Darcy felt like jumping up and shouting his happiness, but limited himself to a kiss to her palm. “Thank you, so very much.” Fortunately, they heard Georgiana’s approach, and quickly drew apart, releasing their hands.

  “I apologize for taking so long.” She looked at her friend. “Elizabeth, are you well? Your face is flushed.”

  Elizabeth’s hand flew up to her face, “Is it?” Her eyes met Darcy’s, “I suppose that I am a little warm.” He smiled at her, nodding his head in agreement.

  Mr. Franklin knocked on the door. “Excuse me sir, the carriage is ready to return Miss Bennet to her home. Shall I ask Sally to ride with her again?”

  “Oh! I did not realize that it was time to leave already!” Elizabeth exclaimed.

  Darcy’s disappointment was intense, he swallowed the urge to ride with her and speak to her father the moment he arrived. Instead, he looked sadly to Elizabeth. “It seems that time has slipped away from us today.” He turned to the butler, “Yes, please ask Sally to be ready to accompany Miss Bennet in ten minutes.” Mr. Franklin bowed and left.

  Georgiana expressed again her happiness with her new friend, and her regret at her leaving. “I cannot wait to see you tomorrow and meet your family!”

  “I hope that your family will like me.”

  “Oh how could they not? William, do you not agree?”

  His eyes full of open admiration, he replied, “I certainly do.” Georgiana looked between the two of them, comprehension dawning on her. They both walked her to the door, and Darcy handed her into the carriage. With the maid present, he could only squeeze her fingers for a moment. “Until tomorrow, Miss Bennet.”

  “Until tomorrow, Mr. Darcy.” She sat back in the carriage, smiled at Sally, closed her eyes and sighed.

  Chapter 6

  It was a dreary winter morning, and it showed the promise of continuing on as a dreary winter day when Mr. Bennet and Jane boarded the family carriage for the trip to London. The expectations of the two passengers could not have been more diverse. Jane, of course, was full of hope that her sister and best friend truly had found a man worthy of her affection and was determined to be at her side to provide whatever support she needed. Mr. Bennet was worried that Elizabeth had found a man who she would not reject out of hand, and who he could not easily dismiss.

  He looked across the coach at Jane, quietly tending her sewing. He loved her. She was a good girl, beautiful to be sure, and never a moment’s trouble. She was loving and sensible, and he enjoyed her companionship. She would make someone a fine wife some day, but she did not have the wit and fire of Lizzy. No, she was nothing like his Lizzy. She could spend hours debating a book or playing chess, or join him in his observations of other’s character. She was his favourite companion and had long been his closest friend. The thought of losing her weighed heavily on his mind.

  The carriage arrived at the Gardiner house only a half hour late. Elizabeth was sitting in her window watching for them, and dashed out the door to welcome them inside.

  There was no opportunity for a private conversation that afternoon, or even after dinner. Mr. Bennet took the news of the invitation to Mr. Darcy’s house for dinner with a sigh, and decided
to speak to Elizabeth early in the morning.

  Elizabeth and Jane would share a room until their father left, and they immediately began sharing their news when they retired for the night.

  “Lizzy, you must tell me everything! Your letter was so happy, but I was worried for you, this has happened so quickly, I just want to be sure that you are thinking clearly. Now I insist, tell me everything, from the first moment, and please, I have spent hours trapped in the carriage with Papa, so I have had quite enough wit for one day. Please be serious!”

  “Jane, I promise I will be serious, and I will tell you all. But first you must know that Mr. Darcy is everything I have ever hoped for, and he becomes more so every day.” Elizabeth spun around the room with her joy. She then sat up on the bed with Jane. She told her everything from how they first saw each other and met, How romantic! Their two walks in the park, leaving out the embrace, tea with Georgiana, his home, the visit with Georgiana that morning, and finally his beautiful, heartfelt request for courtship. “Oh Jane, if he had kissed me I would not have protested at all. He kissed my hand and I was so flushed that his sister asked if I was ill!” She laughed.

  “Lizzy, if it were anyone else I think that I would be green with envy right now, but since it is you, dear sister, I can only express my joy. I so look forward to meeting him and his sister tomorrow. I am sure that Papa will be most impressed with him.”

  “Yes, I think that he will like him very much, and we will meet the rest of his family. I met his cousin the colonel, of course, but we will be meeting an earl and countess, too.”

  “Did he satisfy your worries when he explained why he chose you?”

  “Yes, I think so, but it is all so hard to believe that of all the hundreds of women he could ask, he would choose me!”

  “I think that it shows his remarkable taste and good sense!”

  “Oh Jane, you are too good!”

  MR. BENNET did not have an opportunity to speak alone with Elizabeth until after church the next morning. He asked her to join him in Mr. Gardiner’s study. Taking a seat behind the desk, he regarded her face carefully. She was smiling at him with anticipation.


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