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Chance Encounters

Page 22

by Linda Wells

  Philip closed his eyes, feeling his own relief. He opened them, and looked at his son’s face. His brow was furrowed in confusion. “I think that I can help you to understand this. In fact, this is what I wished to speak to you about today. I am just pleased that nothing happened between you and Miss Bennet.” He took a breath. “Alex I wish you to know that you are loved very much by both me and your mother. There has never been a child so wanted and anticipated than you. Your mother and I tried for seven years to have a child before we were blessed with you.”

  Alex smiled at his father. “I have always felt wanted and loved Father, I cannot have asked for greater parents.”

  Philip had tears in his eyes. “Thank you, Son.” He closed his eyes then meeting his son’s concerned gaze, he began. “I did not know if I would ever tell you this but the situation with Miss Bennet has forced me to reveal this truth to you.”

  “Miss Bennet? Why would my friendship with her have anything to do with a secret of yours?”

  Philip drew a deep breath, and finally revealed the truth. “Alex, you are not my natural son.”

  He stared. “I do not understand, did Mother . . .?”

  “NO! No Son, you are not a blood relation to either of us. You were, for lack of a better word, adopted. I gave you my name and made you my heir. Everyone assumes that you are our natural child, it was a well-done deception.” He looked at his stunned son and continued quickly. “Your mother and I were unable to have our own child, and we both desperately wished to be parents, to give our love to a child, and make him the heir of Kingston Park. When we learned of a young girl who had been imposed upon by a gentleman, we offered to take the child whatever the sex, and raise him or her completely as our own.”

  “What happened to the girl, my mother?” He choked out; everything he had ever known of himself was suddenly irrevocably changed.

  Philip quietly explained. “The girl was only fifteen and died in childbirth. Her name was Sarah Jones.”

  Alex nodded, his hands were shaking. “And who is my natural father?” He felt that he knew this answer.

  Philip stared directly into his son’s eyes. “Thomas Bennet, of Longbourn, Hertfordshire.”

  “Then Elizabeth and Jane Bennet are. . .”

  “Your sisters.”

  “My God.”

  They sat in silence for quite some time. A thousand questions flew through Alex’s mind. Who was he? Did he belong in this house? Should he confront Mr. Bennet? Should he relinquish the Carrington name? Horrified, he realized that he had almost tried to seduce his sister. His mind whirled with confusion, and ultimately he latched onto the only anchor he had. The people who had loved him and wanted him from the moment he was born. Alex looked at Philip, who had an expression of anguish on his face.

  “Father.” He saw the tears of relief in his eyes, and knew that he had reached the correct conclusion, for all of them. “Father, this news is a shock but you and Mother are my parents. You raised me, you loved me, and you have given me a wonderful life. I am the man I am because of you, and if you still wish it, I will proudly bear your name for the rest of my life.”

  “Thank you, Son. I love you.” Philip said; his relief evident.

  “And I love you, Father.” Alex said sincerely.

  Alex and Philip rose and embraced each other, both in tears. When the men separated they returned to their seats and quietly sat, trying to regain their equilibrium. “I assume that Mr. Bennet refused to acknowledge my birth?” Alex asked, his face showing his bitterness.

  Philip nodded slowly. “He would not take responsibility for the pregnancy, and Miss Jones, who was a chamber maid, was dismissed from the home of the family she served when Mr. Bennet visited.”

  “She was cast out!” He said angrily.

  “Yes, our cook at the time was her aunt. She went to your mother begging for her to hire the girl. Your mother immediately proposed saving you, and well, here we are.”

  “What would have become of me if you had not?” The question hung in the air between them. They both knew the answer. “What about Miss Elizabeth and Miss Bennet? I would like to know my sisters.”

  Philip nodded, understanding his desire. “Darcy will tell Miss Elizabeth. He wanted to speak to her in person.”

  “You told Darcy!” Alex exclaimed, shocked that his good friend knew his secret.

  Philip rushed to explain, “I was concerned about you and Miss Bennet once I realized who they were. His obvious attachment to Miss Elizabeth made me turn to him. I asked him for advice. I knew that he was a good friend of yours, and his honourable reputation made me confident in his discretion. He is the one who told me that if he was an only child, he would be thrilled to learn that he had five half-sisters.” Philip watched him anxiously.

  “Five!” Alex’s eyes grew wide.

  “Darcy suggested that when he and Miss Elizabeth return from Kent, you could all meet and get to know one another. He also suggested that Bingley could invite you to Netherfield and perhaps meet the rest of your siblings, just as a friend of theirs, and not reveal your true relationship if you do not wish.” Philip tried to read the emotions in his son’s face.

  Alex worked through the myriad of thoughts running through his mind, processing the astounding information he had received, and finally smiled, shaking his head. “You can always count on Darcy to think sensibly.” He looked at his true father, relieved at last of his great secret. If possible, Alex loved him more now than he had when he entered the room. This man had saved him from a miserable existence, possibly as a servant if he had lived at all. “I think that I will go and kiss Mother. Will you excuse me, Father?” He shook his father’s hand. “Thank you for my life.”

  Chapter 16

  “Are you well, Elizabeth?” Darcy sat with his back against a tree in the secluded copse, his legs straight out, and his arms wrapped tightly around her. Elizabeth was curled against him, one hand on his chest, the other around his waist, her ear pressed to hear his steady heartbeat, reassuring her in the midst of the incredible storm of thoughts filling her mind. He had received a letter from Philip Carrington that morning, and he just told Elizabeth the story of her father and his son. “I am well, William, just terribly overwhelmed.”

  He gently kissed her. “I do not know what to say, darling. I can try to answer your questions.”

  Elizabeth gazed into the eyes of the man who had asked her to share his life. He loved her. He cared for her. He cared for his family, and he was a wonderful, honourable, gentleman. And now she had learned that there is a new man in her life. A brother. She never imagined gaining a brother in any way other than through the marriage of her sisters, and here she was, learning that she had a brother. A brother she wished for so many times. Not just to end the entailment on Longbourn and secure her home and future, but a brother to be her friend, her protector, to teach her how to behave with men, to, oh so many things. She could not be angry, learning that he lived. No, she was not angry with Alex. If anything she was curious, and grateful, and so happy that he was William’s friend. That fact more than anything reassured her that he was a good man. No, none of this was Alex’s fault, and she would gladly accept him into her life in whatever way he felt comfortable, whether it be as a friend, a sibling, or as an indifferent acquaintance. She would leave that to him.

  But her father, she just could not think about him. Not yet. It was too fresh. This news on top of the torment that she was already enduring due to his actions against her courtship with William made her want to hide. She began to cry, and held onto William. Everything she had ever known or believed had changed ever since she met him, through no fault of hers or William’s, but through the actions of one man. Her father. The man she no longer recognized, the man who was the foundation of everything in her life. Her family, her beliefs, even her sense of humour. Everything. That once strong foundation was now crumbling around her. She was so confused.

  “Please talk to me, Lizzy.” Darcy urged, wiping her tears

  She shook her head. “I do not know what to say, William. It is all too much. I need to think. I need time to think.” Her voice cracked as her tears began to fall again.

  Darcy had dreaded this conversation since the morning nearly four weeks earlier when he met Philip Carrington. He delayed it as long as he could, selfishly wishing to spend this precious time happily alone with Elizabeth. At Rosings the only challenge was keeping the engagement from his aunt. Here they were free from Mr. Bennet. Here they were free to open up to each other, talk, love, learn, and finally reveal their true selves to one another. He knew that when he told Elizabeth of yet another painful act by her father, that time of carefree joy would end, and would not return until some confrontation or conclusion had been reached.

  Darcy stroked her cheek and wound a curl of hair around his finger. He had no idea what to say, but he tried. “All those years at Cambridge. Who knew that I would fall in love with my good friend’s sister?” He smiled slightly.

  She appreciated his effort and squeezed his hand. “Well, I have noticed that Alex and I are similar in our wit, so if you can bear his company, you should not have trouble with mine.”

  “No, no trouble at all.” He kissed her hair and tried again. “Would you like me to tell you about Alex? His father is . . .” He stopped, wishing to take back the word. “Forgive me Elizabeth.” He whispered.

  She smiled at him. “There is no need for you to apologize, William. Mr. Carrington is Alex’s father. Papa gave up that title when he refused to acknowledge the result of his behaviour.” Darcy heard the bitter disappointment in her tone. “I just cannot quite grasp the truth that I have an elder brother, and that my father rejected him. Would he have married my mother, would I even have been born if he acknowledged him as his heir?” Elizabeth shook her head trying hard to understand what had become of all that she knew.

  That was one possibility that had not occurred to Darcy, and the thought of the world without his Elizabeth was inconceivable. He pulled her to him, scooping her onto his lap, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He immediately lowered his mouth to hers and said fervently, “Lizzy, please, please, do not even mention such a horrible thought!” His impulsive reaction to hold her close and reassure them both resulted in a very sudden awareness of her position on top of him. Lifting his mouth from hers and breathing raggedly, he stared into her eyes, his need and desire overtaking his senses at the same moment that he recognized the identical reaction in her.

  Elizabeth stared into his eyes and saw her home. The safety and comfort she found in his arms calmed her. The unfaltering assurance of his love strengthened her. And the need to give him her love and receive his in return drove her to respond to his unspoken offer of passion. They needed each other.

  Her hands found their way into his hair, pulling his head down. He revelled in the feeling of her mouth hovering over his, her moist lips delicately drawing his in. They kissed slowly, so very slowly, drinking from each other. The sensation of their warm breath and caressing faces sent their hearts pounding, while delicious fingers of pleasure overspread their bodies, making them moan. His hands began to roam, still holding her tightly with his arms, his left hand came to brush, tentatively, the side of her breast. He felt her gasp in his mouth, but she did not pull away. He gently touched her again, and becoming bolder began to draw circles on her softness. His right hand travelled down to the hem of her skirt and his fingertips glided slowly up the silk stockings encasing her legs, and higher to the bare skin of her thigh. “Oh Lizzy.” He groaned, pulling his mouth from hers, he lovingly trailed kisses down her neck.

  She tilted her head back and whispered, “William.”

  Encouraged by her response, he dragged his lips to her breasts, kissing and tenderly tasting the sweet valley that spilled from the edge of her gown. His left hand began gently squeezing while his right found its way to the warm, damp treasure between her legs. “Do you know how much I want you, my love, my Lizzy.” He whispered heatedly, his mouth was back on her neck, suckling beneath her ear. He brought his hand down and caressed hers, before returning to continue its determined fondling of her breasts.

  She felt him seeking her hands, willing them to touch his body. She tried to run her fingers under his cravat, but was foiled by the tightly knotted fabric. She replaced her fingers with her lips, nibbling his jaw and neck while he tasted hers. The feel of his hair brushing against her face and his fingers, now simultaneously stimulating her breast and her core, was driving her to a place unknown. She desperately ran her hands over his chest, seeking to touch him and bring him the same pleasure.

  Elizabeth heard his loud groan as she shifted her position on top of the enormous bulge in his breeches. She brought her lips back to his hungry mouth, tenderness now surrendered to unbridled passion as their mouths joined, devouring each other. She slipped her left hand around his back, as her right came to rest upon his arousal. She began stroking it the same insistent way that he was stroking her. “Oh God, Lizzy!” He groaned desperately.

  “William! Oh, William! The taut, straining pressure that she felt building above the spot where he was relentlessly caressing finally gave way and she felt waves of exquisite pleasure travel up her body as she arched against him.

  Gasping, Elizabeth looked into Darcy’s face and saw a mixture of joy at her bliss, and intense concentration as he tried to maintain his control. Instinctively she knew that he needed to be touched in the same way that he had caressed her. She kissed him and without thought, moved so that she could unbutton the fall of his breeches, releasing him. She looked deeply into his eyes and gently touched his straining arousal. His eyes begged her to touch him again. They both watched as Elizabeth’s hand encircled his rigid manhood. Her thumb delicately spread the single clear drop of fluid poised at its apex. She looked up as Darcy shuddered violently. “Teach me how to please you.” She whispered urgently. Their eyes met and he kissed her deeply. Then looking down, he placed his hand over hers and they moved them together. His eyes closed. Moaning uncontrollably he increased the pace. The motion, so familiar to him, was so much more intense with her touch. He showed her how to stroke him, and let go of her hand, giving her complete control. Very soon he felt the rising tide of his pleasure. He managed to pull out his handkerchief to capture his essence, his hips thrusting forcefully, his chest heaving.

  “Lizzy!” He cried out at his moment of release and desperately kissed her. The sound of his cry was music to her ears. She had done this to him and he brought her the same joy.

  Slowly, their breathing began to calm. Elizabeth remained firmly in his lap, tightly held in his arms. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent. She rejoiced listening to the pounding of his heart. “I love you, William.” She whispered.

  “Oh Lizzy, I cannot begin to express how I love you.” He murmured softly into her ear. Finally he had felt the touch of the woman he loved, and it was wonderful. They sat quietly together, recovering for a few minutes. Then lifting his head, he looked into her eyes, “How can you ever forgive me?” His voice was husky and full of remorse.

  Elizabeth immediately sat up and took his face into her hands to look at him directly in the eye. “Do not even think of being sorry for what just happened between us! It was natural. Neither of us forced the other to do anything and it was an expression of the love that we share for each other. We both needed each other at that moment. Do not ever apologize for loving me!”

  “Lizzy.” He kissed her. “Thank you for loving me so much.” They held each other until he let out a long sigh. “I am fighting with a promise that I made to my father. I promised him that I would never love a woman until I married. He made me pledge to never take the chance of fathering a child that would have the Darcy blood, but would grow up without my knowledge.”

  She looked sharply up at him, understanding the irony. “Do you mean as Alex Carrington did?”

  “Yes, but he was saved from a terrible life by the kindness of the Ca
rrington’s.” He nuzzled his face in her hair

  Elizabeth sat up and looked at him seriously, and rested her hands on his chest. “Your father was wise to ask you to abstain until marriage. You and I both know that there are countless children fathered by gentlemen in the world. Your father’s request was remarkable, and what is even more remarkable is your willingness to adhere to it.” Darcy looked at her with surprise. He did not realize that she knew of such things. “But this is not the same situation that he admonished you to avoid. We are engaged, even if we had lost ourselves completely, we are still to be married.” The image of her father flashed through her mind. “This is not a tryst with a stranger.” She touched his cheek gently and looked into his dark eyes, “But I must admit that I appreciate your father’s request for my own selfish reasons.”

  “What are those, Lizzy?” He asked quietly.

  “I will never have to compete with the ghosts of your past lovers. I know that all of our experiences loving each other will be secrets that we alone will know. Just like today. We expressed our love and desire for each other, perhaps a few weeks early, but I did not lose myself, and I will still give myself to you completely on our wedding night. I have no regrets, and you should not either.” She kissed him softly, and he drew her back against his chest.

  “I do not deserve you.” He whispered, resting his chin on her head.

  “Are you well?” She entwined her fingers with his, absorbing his strength.

  “Yes.” He grasped her hand.

  “Are you happy?” She squeezed back.

  He lifted his head and looked down into her eyes, astonished that she was so concerned for his well-being after all she had learned. “I did not know what happiness was until you smiled at me, my love.” He kissed her nose and smiled slightly at her. “I am only interested in you. How are you?”


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