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The Soldier & The Spy

Page 3

by Samantha Sommersby

  “What is it you would most like to know, Jackson?”

  “Why are you here?”

  Why was she here?

  “Dr. Drake?” the tall man in uniform asked. He was standing next to the table where Lillian had her work spread out. “I was told that Dr. Lillian Drake was back here.”

  “What do you want with her?”

  “That’s private, ma’am. Can you help me?”

  Lillian sighed, pushed her chair back from the table, and with a wave of her hand offered him the adjacent seat.

  “Look, as much as I’d like to get to know you better, I’m on duty.”

  “I’m Lillian. What is this about?”

  “The war, ma’am.” The gentleman sat down, then leaned forward and looked intently into Lillian’s eyes. “Your country needs you.”

  The silence of Harvard’s library was shattered as Lillian abruptly rose to her feet, chair scraping against the polished wooden floor. “I don’t have time for childish pranks.” She began to gather up her belongings.

  “I assure you, this is no prank.” The man placed his hand atop one of the volumes Lillian had been studying. “I’m Captain Kelly.”

  He let go of the book long enough to present appropriate identification.

  “Can we go someplace private to talk?” he asked quietly.

  “I’m sorry, it’s time for me to go home, Captain. I have an early day tomorrow.” Lillian marched off, determinedly weaving her way through the familiar stacks.

  “I’ll walk with you. We can talk on the way.”

  “You’re annoyingly persistent.”

  “Just following orders…from the President.”

  Lillian stopped and turned to face him. “The President of what?”

  Captain Kelly lowered his voice. “Of the United States, ma’am.”

  “Of course.” Lillian resumed walking, her pace quickening as she bolted through the doors and down the stairs.

  The captain was undeterred. “Dr. Drake! You must listen to me.”

  It was pitch dark outside and there was a slight chill in the air. The cobblestones were slick with dew. In her haste, Lillian stumbled. Captain Kelly was quick to offer a steadying hand.

  “Your country needs your help.”

  “With what?”

  “The war!” he hissed. “Things are heating up!” Captain Kelly looked around to ensure no one was listening.

  “It’s likely we will need to get involved. You’ve been hand picked for this mission. We want you to go to Arabia and to—”

  “No.” She held up her hand. “Absolutely, positively no! Get someone else.”

  “But there is no one else! Your profession will gain you entrance to the country. Once you’re in, you can disappear. Get in, get close, and work a little…magic.”

  “I am an archeologist, Captain Kelly. A scientist. Not a magician.”

  “You can move easily across borders and into the desert. You’re familiar with the attitudes and opinions of the people, their customs, and their languages. We need someone to get close to the prince. To influence him,” he concluded.

  “Ask my father, he loves that sort of thing,” she said. Then she turned to walk away. “Our business is done.”

  “Your father is dead!”

  Lillian froze. “Dead?”

  “I’m sorry.”


  “He was killed by the Turks during a battle at Wadi Ais. That’s why he didn’t answer your cry for help. That’s why he didn’t come when your mother fell ill. He never received your communications, Dr. Drake. He never knew.”

  Lillian stubbornly wiped the tears from her eyes. “What was he doing?”

  “He was working for the British government at the Arab Bureau, monitoring the Germans’ progress on the railroad line they’re building to link Berlin and Baghdad.”


  “Yes. Once the railroad is completed, the Germans will be able to circumvent the Suez Canal. They’ll have a means of shipping oil and other vital supplies—”

  “I understand the strategic importance, Captain, what I don’t buy is that my father was merely monitoring the situation.”

  “He was also organizing sabotage efforts.”

  “I can’t replace my father. He was a soldier once. I’m not. I’m sorry. I’m sure there are other archaeologists out there—”

  “We aren’t suggesting you replace him. We want to try a different tact. Believe me, we’ve done extensive research on this. You’re our best chance, maybe our only chance to get close to and influence the prince. The other candidates just weren’t—”

  “Weren’t what?”

  Captain Kelly smiled down at Lillian admiringly. “As pretty. How about I buy you a cup of coffee?”

  “Not interested,” she said. “No offense, Captain. Like my father I have great passion for my work. It is my love. It’s what I do. It’s who I am. There isn’t room in my life for anything else.”

  “I understand. And I’m sorry for your loss, Dr. Drake, honestly I am.”

  “Out of curiosity, what is it you need Prince Abdulla to do?”

  “Quite simply? Fight and win.”

  “And what can I possibly do to influence that?”

  “We expect you will do whatever it takes to inspire him to do the right thing.” Captain Kelly paused for a moment, allowing Lillian time to absorb the magnitude of his request; he continued, carefully and sincerely. “The Germans have become increasingly frustrated with the naval blockade. In essence, it’s working. We’ve intercepted a classified communication. They’re initiating submarine warfare. It’s happened.”

  “We’re going to war,” Lillian declared.

  “We have a brief window of opportunity to get you in and established. Once the United States is involved things will be more challenging. I’m afraid time is of the essence.”


  “Tomorrow. You leave for England tomorrow.”

  Lillian nodded, slowly, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon her. “I’ll be ready.”

  “Only it turns out I was far from ready.” Lillian shook her head. “Who could be prepared for such things?”

  “I heard about the battle at Wadi Turras.”

  “I—I can’t talk about that. Not now. For the longest time I couldn’t talk at all. I couldn’t even bear to think. Slowly I came back to myself. Remembering. I was trying desperately to figure out what to do, how to proceed. Then I saw you.”


  “Shh!” She rested a finger on top of his lips. “You’ve used up your one question for now. Get some rest, Jackson. I know you didn’t sleep last night.”

  He reclined onto the floor of the cave and pulled her close, spooning against her back, allowing her head to rest in the crook of his arm. “Maybe just a short nap,” he agreed as he closed his eyes. “But you better not leave me,” he added. “You better bloody well be here when I wake up.”

  “I won’t leave you,” she promised as he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Jackson’s arm was draped casually over Lillian’s waist and his body molded against hers. Within seconds of her promise to stay with him she heard his breathing slow. She found the pattern comforting and somehow familiar as he steadily inhaled and exhaled against the back of her neck. He had been asleep like this for some time, hours in fact.

  Lillian shifted a bit, searching for a softer spot on the cave floor. Her shoulder was beginning to hurt, but she didn’t want to wake him. She, too, was tired from the morning’s long walk. She was used to traveling miles on foot in the desert, but usually she made it a point to rest up the night before. This morning, she had still been a little spent from the prior night’s emotional outburst. Spent and embarrassed.

  It wasn’t like her to display her emotions like that, not even in private. Somehow, he had drawn it out of her. Maybe that was a good thing? She didn’t know. Lillian listened to the wind outside and wondered how
long they would be here, together. She was startled by the realization that she hadn’t been thinking in terms of how soon it would be over, but rather how long it would last.

  She closed her eyes and smiled. Jackson murmured something unintelligible in his sleep. As he did so, his body moved even closer to hers and his right hand, the one that had been resting protectively on her stomach, wandered up her torso. It apparently found its target as he cupped her left breast in his hand. Lillian held her breath, her body tense with anticipation.

  She could feel Jackson’s growing arousal as he gently began to knead the full, round globe. He murmured something again, his soft lips moving against her neck. As she struggled to listen, he tilted his hips forward, gently pushing his hardness against her bottom while he moved one leg between hers.

  Lillian’s body betrayed her, reacting without thought. She was at once terribly afraid of both moving and not moving. Jackson squeezed her breast again. Responding to his need, her legs parted and she pushed back, meeting his thrust. That’s when it happened. An involuntary moan escaped her mouth. But that wasn’t the awkward part. The awkward part was that it was loud enough to wake him.

  “You’re awake?” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry. It seems that while I slept my hand developed a mind of its own.”

  “I noticed.” She shifted to roll over. In doing so, she again brushed up against his swollen member, eliciting an involuntary groan.

  “But you’re awake now,” she added, pointedly glancing down at the hand that still covered her breast.

  He quickly sat up and moved away from her.

  “I must apologize, Lillian. I simply don’t know what came over me. It won’t happen again, I assure you—”

  She leaned over and placed her fingers over his lips, noticing how full and soft they were now that they had healed. Lillian lightly traced the outline of his bottom lip with her finger, gazing hungrily at his mouth, wondering what it would taste like.

  He reached up abruptly and grasped her wrist.

  “Please don’t play with me.”

  Her chest, none too subtly, began to rise and fall, matching the pace of her increasingly rapid breathing. His eyes were fixed on hers, unwavering and filled with raw desire.


  He glanced down at her mouth, waiting for her next words.


  “I didn’t push you away,” she said.

  He looked at her, trying to gauge her meaning. She glanced away momentarily, a flush rising in her cheeks. But within seconds her green eyes were once again there, looking with longing into his.

  “I’m not pushing you away now.”

  It was all the invitation he needed. In that moment, there was nothing else. With one swift pull on her wrist, he managed to tug her body flush to his chest. He wrapped his other arm around her back and crushed his lips to hers.

  The kiss wasn’t gentle by any means. With longing and passion and something slightly more primitive, he poured himself into her, feasting. Lillian gasped, shocked at the intensity of it. As her lips involuntarily parted his tongue moved into her mouth, exploring the wet cavern, memorizing it as he laid her down onto the dirt floor of the cave.

  Jackson slowed down the kiss, gently caressing her tongue with his. Then he finally pulled back, resting his forehead against hers, holding her beautiful face in his hands.

  “It’s been a long time for me,” he admitted. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman, touched a woman. I’m afraid I’m a bit out of practice.”

  Lillian leaned forward and, after rubbing her soft cheek against the side of his face she released a sigh. “Me, too. And just so you know, my reference point for comparison is limited to one very forgettable night.”

  Jackson smiled. “Tonight won’t be forgettable.” He moved to stand up.

  “Where are you going?” she asked with trepidation. “Have I done something wrong?”

  Jackson shook his head, and then he knelt down and caressed the side of her face with the palm of his hand. “You’re bloody marvelous. You’re all I want right now. I’m just going to get some supplies. I have a bedroll and something to start a fire with. I wasn’t sure we’d be here that long, so I left them with the camel. I’ll be right back, love.”

  “But the storm?”

  He stood up, looked down at her, and smiled fondly. “You look at me with those big green eyes and I find myself ready and willing to move mountains for you. You, Lillian, are going to be trouble for me. I can tell already.” Then he backed out of the cave and into the storm.

  Jackson returned within minutes with the modest pallet that he’d apparently carried with him and used as a crude bed. There were also two blankets, but no pillow. After he tossed the roll and a large flask into the cave, he went back to gather the supplies for the fire.

  Lillian opened the flask and sniffed, wrinkling her nose at the pungent smell before replacing the cap. She placed the lighter of the two blankets on top of the makeshift bed and quickly slipped out of her robe. Suddenly, she felt self-conscious. It had been some time since she had seen herself in a mirror. Lillian made an attempt to smooth her hair before lying down and pulling the heavier blanket over her, covering her nakedness.

  When Jackson walked back through the cave entrance, Lillian propped herself up onto her elbows. She watched in silence while he went about arranging the wood and tinder for their fire. Once the fire had started, Jackson turned towards her. The moment felt awkward. He seemed hesitant.

  “What is it?”

  “What if this is all a dream?”

  “If this were my dream we’d be in a nice hotel, with a huge bed, a bathroom with a marble tub, and room service.”

  Jackson laughed. “You’re a bit of a paradox.” He removed the cloth from around his head, letting it drop, carelessly to the ground. “Tough as nails, yet smooth as silk.” He reached for the flask, loosened the cap, and offered it to her.

  “No, thank you.”

  “It’s scotch. Very good, very old scotch. I’ve been saving it, for a special occasion, or my imminent death, whichever came first.”

  “I’m afraid that I don’t handle alcohol well.”

  “Really?” He took a sip then handed her the flask. “Here, hold this,” Jackson slipped out of his robes before joining her under the blanket.

  “Really.” Lillian tried to hand the flask back to him. He ignored it and instead lay down.

  “What happens when you drink?”

  “I’ve only indulged once. It wasn’t pretty. I was impulsive and stupid. I ended up, well, you know, I…”

  “You what?”

  “I had sex.”

  “You regretted it.”

  She looked at him, his expression open and caring. She tilted the flask to her lips, taking a sip. As the liquid hit her tongue a shudder spontaneously passed through her body. “It tastes like…”

  “What?” He took the flask back.

  “I don’t know, let me have another taste.”

  He smiled and handed the flask back to her, watching with amusement as she took a second sip and again made a face.

  “Smoke. It tastes like smoke.”

  “Yeah,” he said wistfully. Then he moved in slowly, leaning over her body and brushing his lips across hers in the sweetest of kisses, languidly exploring her lips and her mouth.

  “I could get so lost in you,” he declared, pulling back.

  The declaration won Lillian’s heart. Never had she felt so wantonly in need of experiencing physical passion. Never had the thought of being with someone felt so right. In that moment, she needed Jackson like she needed air. She had no fears, no doubts. There was only him. Here. Now.

  Lillian rose up and flipped them, effortlessly changing their positions. She hovered over his body and gazed down into his surprised eyes. As a smirk formed on his lips he asked her, “Have me where you want me, pet?”

  “Almost.” She moved to straddle his hips.

>   It was his turn to gasp. His erection was rock hard now. She was sitting forward enough that it was aligned against her backside. The blanket no longer covered her. Jackson’s lust-filled eyes raked over her body.

  He lifted one hand ghosting it up the length of her body until it hovered over her breast. “Want to touch you.” His voice was raw with emotion.

  “I’m here.” Lillian arched forward so that her breast filled his hand.

  Jackson sat up suddenly and latched on. Lillian rolled her head back and moaned softly, her long brown hair grazing across the tops of his kneecaps. Then suddenly, he was kissing his way up over the tops of her breasts, her collarbone, and the side of her neck. She could feel her growing wetness, her mounting desire. Lillian leaned back and met Jackson’s gaze, her eyes locking with his. Their breathing had at some point become synchronized. Now, as the seconds ticked away, they sat there and merely looked upon one another, slow smiles forming on both their lips.

  Jackson wrapped one arm around her waist and gracefully swept her up, depositing her beside him. He positioned himself over her, her knees parting to welcome him.

  “I need you inside of me,” Lillian whispered. She brushed a stray piece of hair out of her eyes.

  “Are you sure about this?” He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers.

  “Yes. I’m sure about you.” She tilted her hips up slightly, giving him full access to her.

  When his velvet head begged entrance she gasped.

  “I want to make love to you,” he said, as he continued to push inside.

  “I want that, too.” Lillian laced her fingers through his sun-bleached locks while lifting her hips to meet his slow thrusts.

  “My God,” he whispered, “you look so beautiful. I don’t want this moment to ever end. You’re so wet. You feel so good, so tight.”

  Lillian blushed.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, love.” He caressed the side of her face, then leaning down he showered kisses upon it.

  Tears filled her eyes as they continued this ancient dance in a painfully slow rhythm. There was nothing in the world but the two of them, their bodies seeking out pleasure from one another’s. But there was more. This was different, so different than the last time she had been with a man. This was, he was, beautiful. Lillian felt her eyes moisten with tears.


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