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One of the Guys

Page 20

by Dawn Doyle

  Four times, I’d let the nylon slip from the tweezers and back into the beaker.

  “Squeeze harder, Logan.” The teacher said, coming over to my table. “Sam, work together with Logan.”

  I’d barely registered the guy sitting next to me. We hardly spoke as we worked the rest of our experiment.

  I breathed out a frustrated breath.

  I couldn’t go on like this.

  Putting my things down, I walked over to Chase’s desk. I didn’t care that the others were staring. I needed to talk to her.

  “I need to talk to you.” I said to her, standing so close I could smell the blackcurrant on her now tied back hair, due to the experiment.

  “I don’t need to talk to you.” She replied without looking at me.

  “Chase, please. Just let me explain” I protested.

  “I think you’ve done enough explaining, Logan. I’m not listening to it anymore.”

  “Mr. Blackwood. Please go back to your station.” Miss. Ebbs called out.

  I looked at Chase once more before turning to my seat. Chase was done, but I wasn’t going to let her give up on us so easily.

  Chapter 14


  Hearing logan’s voice again caused a shiver to run down my spine.

  I didn’t want to have that reaction to him, and I barely controlled myself enough to stop from looking into his blue eyes. I knew he was upset, but that didn’t excuse what he’d done at the party, and later.

  “Don’t worry, Chase. Next time, I’ll tell him where to go.” Charlotte said from beside me.

  “Thanks Charlie.” I said. I’d called her Charlie before, and she’d smiled when I said it. “I can do that. He needs to know that I don’t need anyone to fight my battles.”

  I didn’t even glance to Logan, who I knew was watching me from his table.

  I didn’t know why he was continually trying to talk to me. Yeah, he’d been a royal ass, but the other thing with… He had to know there would be no way I was going to speak to him after that. Especially after he’d told me that he would never go there.

  “Hey, Sian and Carly wants us all to meet tonight for a last minute run through.” Charlotte said, quickly putting her phone away after reading a text.

  “No problem.” I said. Nervous butterflies dancing inside me once again. It was almost time to don my costume and perform.


  “That was fucking amazing!” Carly squealed when we finished our routine. “The guys are gonna cream their pants!” She clapped her hands, her smile threatening to break her face.

  “I think the other team are going to be jealous when they see us.” Said Sian.

  “Damn straight.” Added Poppy. “I can’t wait to see all their faces. Every one of them.”

  I knew what she meant. She wanted to see the reactions of Logan and Carl. Logan because of what he did, and Carl because she now knew he had a thing for her. Poppy wanted to tease him. Show him what he could’ve had if he hadn’t been such a douche to me.

  “I think we should go through it from the top. One more time.” Said Carly. “Just to make sure it’s gonna be tight every time.”

  The new juniors groaned, but we were ready to go. Homecoming was tomorrow, and I couldn’t wait to get it over with.

  Working with the girls had been fun and, in a way, I was sorry to see it end. I was only helping out this once, after all. We were still going to hang out, but I was going to miss this.

  Wow. I didn’t think I’d ever say that!

  “Chase, hold up.” Sian called out. I waited whilst she and Kate walked over. “I wanted to ask you something. On behalf of the girls. I thought it was best coming from me since… well… our history.”

  “What is it?” I asked, seeing her nervousness.

  “Um… well… Carly will be out of action for a while and… we were wondering…”

  “If you’d stand in for her.” Kate finished for her, giggling.

  I liked Kate. She was nice and always had a smile for everybody. I could see a little resemblance between her and Lex. They had the same brown eyes and hair, and both liked to have fun.

  “Not just as a cheerleader, but as the head, working with her. Carly can’t demonstrate what she wants us to do, and with your skills, what you’ve already done for us… you’d be awesome.”

  “Um…” I looked to both of them and saw the pleading in Sian’s eyes. In Kate’s I saw pleading for me to help her girlfriend. Something told me that if Sian was happy, she was very happy. “Sure. Why the fuck not?” I said, with a shrug.

  “Yay!” Sian squealed, throwing her arms around me in a hug. “Oh, sorry.” She said, her face full of shock. “I didn’t mean…”

  “Sian, calm down.” I chuckled. “We’re friends now. I’d expect the occasional hug.”

  I knew what she was afraid of. Afraid I’d thought she was trying something with me.

  “Oh, ok.” She looked to Kate, then back to me, lowering her voice she continued. “Sometimes, I get scared that if the other girls knew, they’d think I was feeling them up in the routine.” She said, her face falling.

  “You shouldn’t care what they think.” Said Kate.

  “That’s their fault.” I assured her. “Does a straight girl find herself attracted to every guy she sees?” I asked rhetorically. “Exactly. You’re no different, so I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  I was then gripped like a vice by Sian, followed by Kate, and then they both turned to deliver the news to Carly and the rest of the girls.

  To say I felt a little deaf afterwards, from the screaming, would be an understatement.

  “I’m so glad you’re staying with the squad.” Poppy said on our ride back.

  “Just helping until Carly’s better.” I corrected her.

  “Yeah. That’s what you think.” She said with a wink, laughing when I groaned.

  “I’m in for the long-haul, aren’t I?” I asked, with dread in my tone.

  “You sure are, Chase the ace.” She beamed. “You’re stuck with us now. One of the girls.”

  That was different, and I liked it.

  Driving down Logan’s street, because of the damn road works, I tried to keep my eyes forward as I went past his house. Poppy noticed that I’d seen Logan on his driveway, talking to Matt.

  “I think he’s gonna bust his pants tomorrow.” She giggled.

  I smiled.

  Logan was definitely gonna see what could have been his.



  I’d seen that sweet black Mustang again, when I was talking to Matt, and he’d turned to see me staring.

  He whistled.

  “Whoa, sweet ride.” He said, nodding in appreciation. “GT Fastback. Nice.”

  “Yeah, it’s cool, now back to the topic. What are you doing about Cassie?”

  “There’s nothing to do, Logan. We hooked up a few times. Big deal. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll take her to my place in the city.”

  “You should’ve done that before.” I said through my clenched jaw.

  “I stayed here because she lives close by. I have to bring her back if we go to my place.” He whined.

  “So bring her back. If not, let her stay over. Just stop bringing her here.” I demanded.

  “Fine, I’ll take to my place, Jeez!” He threw his hands up before getting in his car and driving home.

  “If Chase saw her here, she’d never speak to me again.” I said quietly to myself. Knowing that it was quite possible she already knew, my stomach turned. I didn’t want her to think it was me with Cassie. Fuck no. I never wanted to be with anybody other than Chase.

  My Chase.

  School was another nightmare. Walking through the parking lot, I noticed the black mustang, the same one that passed my house, parked close to the front.

  Whomever it belonged to, went to our school. Or at least visiting today.

  Walking to my homeroom, I heard a few whispers about the homecoming dance.
r />   Chase had been asked, as I’d expected, and I didn’t know whether she’d accepted. Dances weren’t our thing. We stayed home to hang out. We watched movies, played video games, ate pizza…

  I scrubbed my hand down my face remembering all of the precious times we’d spent alone.

  Logan, get a grip. I thought, walking into class.

  Once I’d gotten into math class, I sank into my chair, waiting for Chase to arrive. I knew she had when the whispers picked up. All fucking week, people had commented on how hot she looked. How different she looked and how much of a tight body she had.

  I was seriously going to lose it on the next guy who asked if we’d broken up.

  Chase sat gracefully into her seat, her scent wafting over me and my pants tightening in recognition. Glancing to her, I saw she was wearing blue jeans that widened at the ankle to cover her boots, still showing off her shapely legs. She wore a deep red batwing top that fell off one shoulder, showing the black strap of a vest underneath.

  I wanted to run my tongue over her skin.

  Jesus! I was losing my mind.

  “Here’s your tests back. Chase, A plus, as expected…” Mr. Garrett said, smiling at her.

  I’ll knock that fucking smile off your face, pervert. I thought to myself.

  “Logan, B-minus. Not as good as your finals. Maybe Chase could help you.”

  “No.” Chase said flatly, and my eyes snapped to her.

  “Why ever not?” Mr. Garrett asked, narrowing his eyes in wonder.

  “I’m not being used…again.”

  Chase didn’t look at me as she spoke, but I knew there would be fire in her eyes. Just like when she’d punched Carl.

  Fucking Carl! His comment had stuck, and Chase thought I’d used her for my grades. That’s why she’d reacted the way she did after I’d left her waiting. It looked like I’d gotten my grade, then left her.

  I’m such a dick!

  Charlotte met Chase outside our math class, before we headed to chem. I wanted to at least try to explain that I hadn’t used her. Fat chance of that. She’d bolted the second the bell sounded.

  Miss. Ebbs handed back our pop quiz papers. She came to me first.


  “B, Logan.” She said. “I know this subject is your strongest, and I’m concerned that your grades may slip if your marks dropped like this.”

  Usually, I would have aced it. Gotten an A minus at least.

  I didn’t say anything as Miss. Ebbs walked around the class. I listened as she got to Chase.

  “Perfect, Chase. I see you’ve kept up your studies.”

  “Yeah. It’s amazing what you can do in your free time.”

  “I hope others follow your example.”

  “Well, I guess some people think more about who to do than what to do instead.”

  That was aimed at me, and I knew what she meant.


  Chase thought that I slept with her. I fucking knew it! The way she wouldn’t even acknowledge me. The way she would completely avoid me… I looked like a complete liar.

  Right then, I hated my brother more than anything for hooking up with that bitch.

  Luckily, I hadn’t seen her around school. However, I didn’t know whether Chase had; or if Cassie, or one of her friends, had said something.

  Cassie was friends with the other girls, but I hadn’t seen her with them. Maybe Chase had told them, and they were siding with her.

  This was so messed up.

  I wanted my best friend back; I wanted my beautiful girl back, and nothing or no-one was going to get in my way.

  If Chase wanted to keep ignoring me, then fine, but I wasn’t going to let her stop me from making her listen. Even if I had to show her.

  I didn’t get a chance to catch up with Chase after last class, so I walked to the exit to meet up with the guys.

  Lex and Pike were staring at the Mustang.

  “That is one sweet ass ride.” Said Lex, looking over the body of the car.

  “I’m pretty sure I saw this at the store.” Said Pike. “Yeah, definitely. Same wheels and everything.”

  “Whoa, whose is that?” Asked Carl when he caught up to us.

  “I don’t know, but I’ve seen it go past my house a couple of times.” I said.

  The other kids were looking appreciatively at the car too, and were mumbling to each other.

  “Excuse me boys.” A female voice said from behind us.


  I turned to see her waiting to get past, as we were blocking her path, and Poppy was with her.

  Pulling something from her bag, the car unlocked and we stood there gawking as Chase got into the driver’s side of the car; Poppy the passenger.

  Putting on her usual aviators, Chase turned on the engine and pulled away, driving out of the parking lot.

  “That’s Chase’s car?” Lex said, his voice raising in pitch with surprise.

  “I guess so.” I said, my voice barely a whisper.

  Chase had been driving that car down the street. She’d seen Cassie coming out of my house with her own eyes.

  Without saying another word, I dropped my head, and walked to my car.

  I was so fucked.

  “Chase was driving that car!” I roared at Matt when I got home.

  I’d seen his car in the drive, yet again.

  “Whoa, what the fuck are you talking about?” He asked, his hands up.

  “The Mustang; it’s Chase’s car. She drove past here when Cassie was coming out of the house. She saw her! She thinks she was with me!” I yelled.

  “Steady on. How can you be so sure?”

  I briefly told him what Chase had said in chem class.

  “Look, if it’s any consolation, Cassie told me she wouldn’t say anything to you, or anybody else. She’s been steering clear. Also, the other girls aren’t talking to her anyway. I guess that has something to do with this?”

  “Ya think?!” I said, sarcastically.

  It was obvious. Matt had screwed up my chances of getting Chase to talk to me again. Now, that she thought I’d been with Cassie… I couldn’t even imagine what she thought of me.

  “I think Chase likes you…” He said, pausing to lean against the counter with his hip. “…That way.”

  “What?” I looked at him like he was talking a different language.

  “Yeah. I noticed that last time she was here. When we all watched the racing on TV.”

  “How? What did you see?”

  “The way she looked at you.”

  I made a gesture with my hand for him to elaborate. Leaving me with just that wasn’t enough.

  “When she handed me a twizzler. I watched her as she turned to look at you. There was something there, I swear.”

  “And you didn’t think to mention this, why?”

  “I didn’t know if you liked her that way. At least not enough.”

  I ran my hands through my hair and over my face. Matt knew something and he hadn’t thought of telling me.

  “Oh my God Matt! How could you not see that I liked her? Wasn’t it obvious to you?”


  “Yeah? Is that all you got? Yeah?! You held me when I cried my fucking heart out over what she did for my birthday!”

  “Look, Logan. If you really wanted her, you’d get your dick out of your ass and go for her instead of acting like a whiny pussy.”

  I was taken aback at Matt’s words, but he was right.

  Nothing he’d said to Chase had stopped me from telling her how I felt. It was my own fault and, yes, I was being a ‘whiny pussy’.

  Fuck! I’m such a huge cry baby! I thought to myself.

  Nothing, or nobody, had made me react the way Chase had.

  “Anyway, homecoming game is starting in a couple of hours. Let’s get ready to go.” Matt said, before leaving me standing alone in the kitchen.



  “This is it girls.” Said Carly. Smiling at us all
like a proud mamma. “Go out there today, and show them what our squad is made of.

  "She made it sound as though we were going for national championships or something. Not a high school football game.

  “The other teams’ squad are performing first. You girls are performing after half time. I need to go out there now, but I want to wish you all the best of luck.”

  Carly opened her arms and hugged each one of us in turn. Our going to her, of course.

  “Thank you, Chase.” She said when I hugged her. “I’m sorry for what I said about you in the past. I was wrong.”

  “Forget about it. I’m sorry too.”

  The girls had judged me by my appearance, and I’d judged them. We were both guilty but now, we were friends.

  As we waited, and talked among ourselves, we watched from the sidelines out of view of the crowds. My stomach was rolling, and I felt as if I were going to throw up.

  “Chase, are you ok?” Poppy asked, rubbing my arm.

  “Yeah. I just feel a little self-concious in this getup.” I said, looking down at the outfit I was wearing.

  The red and white cheer outfit was tight and small. The sleeves were long and white, with the body of the tank white with double red stripes crossing over the front. The letters ‘FT’ in red on the front of the stripes.

  The body, from under the crossover to the hips was red also, but the skirt was white with a red double cross around the hem.

  That wasn’t all. There was a big triangular cut out over the left thigh. Allowing ease of movement.


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