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Page 3

by Megan Cole

  ‘Er, yes I did. It was sent to my home.’

  ‘You’re English?’ said Madison.

  ‘Yes, I’m from London.’

  ‘Have you met the queen?’ Madison asked, her blue eyes showing interest for the first time.

  ‘Funnily enough, no,’ Sapphire replied, thinking Madison was winding her up.

  Apparently, she wasn’t. Madison just sighed, as if Sapphire was just one big disappointment. ‘When’s everyone else getting here? I need some proper people to talk to,’ said the blonde, staring up at the ceiling. So far she hadn’t once made eye contact with Sapphire.

  ‘I think Brad is back tomorrow so maybe they’re coming then,’ Sapphire ventured.

  Simonetta turned sharply towards her, incredulous. ‘How do you know that? About Mr Brad?’ she said.

  ‘Er… the housekeeper told me. Maggie.’

  ‘Ah,’ said Madison. ‘Already friends with the domestics. Tragic.’ She turned a hand over and studied her nails.

  After an excruciating five minutes in which Madison talked about herself, Simonetta closed her eyes as if asleep and Sapphire perched awkwardly on the stool wondering what on earth they were all doing there, the door opened and Maggie came in. Sapphire smiled with relief.

  ‘There you are, girls,’ Maggie exclaimed cheerfully. ‘Madison, Simonetta, I haven’t had the pleasure yet, but welcome to Casa Eleganza. I’m Maggie. If you need anything, just let me know.’

  ‘I’ll be sure to do that,’ said Madison, coolly.

  Maggie smiled blandly, as if Madison had said something nice. She’s got the patience of a saint, thought Sapphire. The housekeeper clasped her hands together. ‘I’m thrilled to see you all getting to know each other,’ she said. ‘Now, dinner will be served in a few minutes. Can I get you anything to drink in the meanwhile?’

  ‘A cosmopolitan,’ said Madison. ‘Pomegranate. I literally won’t drink anything else right now.’

  Maggie gave her a steely look. ‘Isn’t the legal drinking age twenty-one in America?’

  ‘Yeah, if you’re a loser. Besides, we’re not in America,’ said Madison condescendingly.

  Maggie ignored her and turned to the other two. ‘I’ll get you all a fresh pineapple juice.’ Giving Sapphire a wink, she exited the room with the light movement of someone half her age.

  At dinner, which was served in a long, elegant room with chandeliers twinkling above, Sapphire got a better look at both girls. From their manicured nails to their perfect eyebrows and salon blow-dried hair, they had an expensive gloss to them. Sapphire felt a bit like a poor relation, something Madison wasted no time in pointing out.

  ‘So, why is it you say you’re here?’ she said, toying with the delicious lobster ravioli she had barely touched.

  ‘My mum knows Brad Masters,’ Sapphire said. ‘She kind of told him I was doing my own thing musically and apparently he wanted to meet me.’ Even to her ears, it sounded hollow. Why am I here? she wondered for the umpteenth time.

  She turned to the sultry girl on her left. ‘What’s your connection to Brad, Simonetta?’ They’d already heard at great length how well-known Madison was on the New York/LA party scene, and how Brad must have spotted her there.

  Simonetta shrugged her tanned shoulders nonchalantly. ‘I am a model. I am beautiful. People recognise me. Brad contacted my agency and invited me out here.’

  ‘Oh, right,’ said Sapphire. She looked at Simonetta to see if she was winding her up with the being beautiful bit, but quickly realised she wasn’t.

  ‘I haven’t seen any of your work, you can’t be that successful,’ Madison said.

  Across the table Simonetta’s eyes glittered dangerously, but she didn’t dignify Madison’s comment with a response.

  ‘And what is it you do?’ said Madison, turning to Sapphire. ‘Clearly nothing in the fashion industry.’

  Sapphire ignored the jibe. ‘Actually, I’m a student. I’m doing an art degree.’

  Madison looked as if Sapphire had just made her eat a tablespoon of dog shit.

  ‘And I work too,’ Sapphire continued, with a sudden urge to displease Madison even more. ‘I’ve got a part-time job in a record shop. To help put me through art school.’

  ‘A record shop?’ Madison asked, horrified. ‘What, you own it?’

  ‘No,’ said Sapphire. ‘I work at the till.’


  ‘Cash register,’ said Simonetta, in a bored tone.

  Madison gasped. ‘O.M.G,’ she said. ‘That’s so not hot.’ She made a show of examining Sapphire’s bitten nails and the Top Shop earrings dangling in her ears. ‘Are your family really poor or what?’

  Sapphire was taken aback by the rudeness of the question. ‘It’s just me and Mum so it is hard,’ she said defensively. ‘Well, there was my dad too, but he died when I was young. Before I went to boarding school.’

  ‘Boarding school,’ mused Madison. ‘That’s private, right?’

  ‘Er… yes,’ said Sapphire.

  ‘So how did your mother afford that?’

  Sapphire opened and then shut her mouth, realising she had no answer. It had never occurred to her before — how had her mum been able to send her to the best girls’ school in the area when some months in the winter they’d had the electricity cut off?

  The door to the dining-room swung open and through it came Tito, the young man who had served their ravioli.

  ‘Ladies, excuse me to interrupt.’ Tito had big eyes and slightly goofy front teeth, which gave him the look of a startled rabbit. ‘Signor Masters has just phoned from Monaco. He says he’s sorry he can’t be there, but hopes this will please you in his absence. Please, follow me.’

  Even Madison and Simonetta let curiosity get the better of them. As Simonetta unfolded herself elegantly and stood up, Sapphire realised how tall she was. Even without the black stilettos, the dark-haired girl must be six foot. Sapphire felt like a midget in comparison. Sighing loudly, Madison got up and shoved past her. Sapphire watched as the American girl tottered out the room in stupidly high wedge heels. Sapphire looked down at her own New Look thong sandals. She’d break her ankle if she tried to walk in Madison’s shoes. The three followed Tito out on to the veranda, where an inky sky hung over the evening sea. He stood there, gazing intently at the view.

  ‘Like, it’s the sea at night-time. Whatever,’ complained Madison. ‘You can’t even see that many stars.’

  All of a sudden there was a loud whoosh! and the sky was lit up by a huge, screaming rocket. It soared up higher and higher before exploding, a cascade of stars falling on to the waters below. Another went up, and then another, until a circus of light danced before their enraptured faces. On and on it went, the display getting more and more dazzling. It was the most incredible thing Sapphire had ever seen.

  Some minutes later, when Sapphire thought her eyes couldn’t take any more, there was one final burst of colour. They all stood silent, watching the final sparkles fade away into the horizon.

  Tito turned to them and smiled. ‘Signor Masters’ way of welcoming you to his home. Pretty good, huh?’

  ‘It was OK, I guess,’ said Madison, recovering her normal obnoxious manner.

  ‘It was brilliant, Tito!’ Sapphire told him.

  He grinned. ‘Signor Masters will not be returning until tomorrow night. Until then, he has said you must use Casa Eleganza as if it is your own home.’

  They stared over the balcony at the tennis courts, swimming pool and manicured gardens. A helipad stood some way off in the distance, its location marked by a big ‘X’.

  ‘I suppose it will have to do,’ sniffed Madison.

  Chapter six

  Sapphire woke up a start. Where was she? The soft silk sheets certainly didn’t feel like the ones on her narrow single bed at home. She opened one eye and realisation hit. She was at Brad Masters’ house in Capri! Instantly awake, she sat up. She picked up her mobile; it read 8:10am. Bright sunlight streamed in through muslin curtains that fluttere
d in the breeze. Sapphire threw the silk covers aside and got out of bed, bare feet padding on the marble floor. She walked over to the balcony, pulled the curtains aside and stepped out.

  It was a stunning day, the sun already high in the cloudless sky. Below her, the grounds of Casa Eleganza stretched out like a kingdom. Sprinklers on the lawns whirred round and round, drenching the lush green grass. Sapphire saw a maid scurry from an outbuilding, her arms full of washing. To her right, the infinity pool glittered enticingly, overlooking the sea. Sapphire had only ever seen such things in the magazines her mum sometimes got.

  A surge of excitement coursed through her — she had to get up and explore this beautiful place! Throwing on a vest, shorts and her old Havaiana flip-flops, she brushed her teeth and slipped out.

  Downstairs the house was coming alive. Sapphire could hear women’s laughter and the clatter of plates from the kitchen. Turning left, she walked towards the huge front door and, with some difficulty, pulled it open. The view stretched before her like a painting. With a little hop and a skip, Saffron ran down the steps into her own private paradise.

  From his bedroom window, the half-naked young man watched the brown-haired girl run off towards the swimming pool. His stomach churned with a mixture of rage and shock, just as it had when he had first laid eyes on the spoiled British girl yesterday. As far as he was concerned, inviting their new house guest was the worst mistake Brad had ever made. Not that he would ever tell Brad that. With a dismissive shake, the boy turned away and started to get dressed.

  By mid-morning, Sapphire had pretty much covered every square foot of Casa Eleganza’s grounds. The more she explored, the more amazing it seemed to get, from the olive groves to the vineyard to the huge garages at the back of the house, which housed a fleet of Ferraris, Aston Martins and Lamborghinis. Brad Masters obviously liked his cars. Sapphire started to make her way back towards the house. She was feeling hungry now and wondered what would be for breakfast.

  As she walked up the winding path, Sapphire noticed a building that sat back in a shady corner of its own, surrounded by trees. She frowned. Would it be rude to go and have a look inside? Brad Masters had said to treat the house as their own, after all.

  Quietly, Sapphire pulled open the door. Inside it was cool and dark. ‘Hello?’ she called out. Hearing nothing, she ventured inside. She was standing in what seemed to be the corridor of a little flat. In front of her was a small living-room, practically empty apart from a sofa and a guitar leaning against one wall. Embarrassed that she had walked into someone’s home Sapphire turned to walk out, but bumped into a young guy standing behind her.

  ‘Sorry!’ she exclaimed, embarrassed. ‘I—’

  All she could take in was a mop of black hair and luminous green eyes before the boy rounded on her furiously. ‘What the hell are you doing?’ he shouted, his English strongly accented. ‘You have no right to be in here!’

  He was much taller than her, and Sapphire shrank back as he stared down at her angrily.

  ‘I’m really sorry,’ she stammered. ‘I didn’t realise—’

  He didn’t give her time to finish. He gestured at the door. ‘Get out.’

  Cheeks burning with humiliation, Sapphire started to walk out. Then a wave of anger suddenly swept through her. ‘There’s no need to be so rude,’ she said swinging round. ‘I said I was sorry. It was a mistake to come—’

  Her words fell away as she realised he was right behind her. They collided and, as she fell against his chest, Sapphire felt the lean, hard muscle underneath and caught the waft of fresh aftershave.


  She stumbled back as the dark-haired boy almost shoved her away from him. He looked at her, his pale face disdainful.

  ‘You kind of girls spend your whole life being rude, what can you expect in return?’

  ‘What?’ exclaimed Sapphire. ‘What are you talking about? You don’t even know me!’

  His eyes flashed. ‘Nor do I wish to.’ With that, he shut the door in Sapphire’s face.

  It was late morning before Sapphire found Madison and Simonetta sunbathing beside the pool. Each was in the smallest of bikinis, showcasing their perfect bodies. Simonetta was wearing huge gold hoop earrings, a selection of gold chains draped round her neck. The Italians sure go big on accessorising, Sapphire thought. Simonetta made even lying by the pool into a major fashion shoot. Sapphire dumped her bag and sat on the nearest sunlounger.

  ‘Hi, guys.’

  Madison lifted up her Gucci sunglasses and inspected Sapphire as though she was some kind of insect.

  ‘Oh, it’s you.’

  Simonetta didn’t move a muscle, as if she couldn’t even be bothered to say hello. Sapphire decided to persevere. After all, she was stuck with these two for the time being.

  ‘What have you two been up to?’

  ‘This,’ said Madison, lying back on her lounger. After a few seconds, though, her head lifted back up again. ‘Where’s your bedroom anyway? Simonetta and I were wondering where they’d put you. The servants quarters, maybe…’

  Sapphire gestured at her balcony. ‘Actually, I’m up there.’

  Madison sat up. ‘There? You’ve got your own balcony?’

  Sapphire nodded. ‘Where are you two then?’

  Madison looked at Simonetta, who had inclined her head slightly. Her jewellery glowed expensively in the sunlight. ‘We’re at the back of the house,’ she said, sounding annoyed.

  ‘Ah, no balcony?’ Sapphire asked, trying to stop herself smiling. She could imagine the dirty look she was getting from behind Madison’s mirrored sunglasses.

  Madison opened her mouth to say something, but just then Tito appeared with a tray of glasses and iced water. He set it down on a table between Simonetta and Madison’s sunbeds.

  ‘I thought you might like some refreshment, signorinas.’

  ‘Grazie, Tito,’ Sapphire replied.

  He looked pleased and clapped his hands. ‘I see you learn the lingo already. Have you had the chance to have a look round?’

  Sapphire nodded. ‘It’s really lovely.’

  ‘It’s really lovely,’ Madison mimicked in a stupid English accent. She turned on her side with her back to them. Simonetta was completely motionless again, as if she had fallen asleep.

  Tito’s eyes twinkled at Sapphire.

  ‘And from your observations, Sapphire,’ he asked, ‘what sort of man do you think Signor Masters is?’

  Sapphire hesitated. ‘Well, he’s obviously into his art and music. Mr Masters clearly likes to be surrounded by beautiful things. But…’ She stopped, not wanting to seem rude.

  ‘Go on,’ Tito said, smiling.

  ‘Oh, I don’t know. It really is a beautiful place, but there’s just something a bit…’ Sapphire wrinkled her forehead, trying to think of the right words. ‘Empty about it, do you know what I mean? Like, it’s not very homely. I’m not slagging it off,’ she added hastily.

  Tito laughed. ‘I am sure you’re not! Casa Eleganza is a little like, how do you say it, a blank canvas?’

  ‘Yeah,’ agreed Sapphire. ‘Normally you can get a feeling for someone from their house, but I don’t feel I know anything about Brad Masters.’

  Tito’s eyes twinkled again. ‘Maybe Signor Masters likes it that way.’

  Sapphire hesitated, thinking of the boy she’d bumped into earlier — the one who’d been so horrible to her. ‘Tito, I ran into this guy earlier. Black hair and green eyes, what’s his—’

  ‘Heavens, boy! Are you bothering these girls, Tito?’ Maggie walked alongside the pool towards them, wearing what looked like a dark-green version of the navy dress she had been wearing yesterday. ‘Haven’t you got any jobs to do?’ she said to Tito, though her tone wasn’t cross. Tito bowed and, giving Sapphire a cheeky smile, waltzed off.

  ‘He’s a good lad, Tito, but Lord can he talk the hind legs off a donkey,’ Maggie chuckled. She stood over the girls, hands on sturdy hips. ‘How are you all doing today?’ she asked.

  Madison sat up, ignoring the question. ‘Are the other guests here yet? When’s Brad flying in?’

  ‘Hold your horses, young woman,’ Maggie told her. ‘I actually came to tell you that Mr Masters will be arriving by helicopter later on today. He’d like you to join him on the terrace at seven o’clock.’

  ‘Seven o’clock?’ said Madison. ‘You seriously expect me to be ready by then? It’s, like, the evening already.’

  ‘It’s not even lunchtime yet,’ said Sapphire. ‘You’ve got plenty of time.’

  ‘Maybe you do,’ said Madison, getting up from the sun lounger. ‘Some of us like to look good.’

  Lying on her sunbed, Simonetta’s lips twitched into a smile. ‘And some of us look good naturally,’ she said airily.

  Madison stared at her. ‘Bitch,’ she said, eventually. ‘You do not know who you’re messing with.’

  ‘I’m sorry, did I offend you?’ asked Simonetta. ‘I was just making an observation.’

  Maggie stepped between the two girls. ‘Madison, why don’t you go up to your room. I’ll help you get ready if you like.’ She ushered Madison towards the house. Before she left, she turned to Sapphire and smiled. ‘Brad does not know what he’s getting himself into,’ she said.

  No, thought Sapphire. I’m sure he doesn’t.

  But do we?

  Chapter seven

  The tension in the air was palpable. Madison sighed. ‘Where is he? We’ve been waiting for years.’

  Sapphire checked her watch. It was quarter past seven.

  ‘He’s probably on the phone or something,’ she said. The three of them were on the terrace, waiting for the grand arrival of Brad Masters. They had all heard a helicopter whirring overhead a moment ago and now it sat on the helipad, like a giant insect resting. A man had got out and walked into the house through another door, ignoring them.

  Madison sighed. ‘I needn’t have rushed after all. Do you know I had to do my hair in two hours tonight?’


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