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Page 6

by Megan Cole

Despite herself, Sapphire looked up. What could he mean?

  Brad walked over to one of the windows and stared out. ‘I’m a very rich man, but I’ve worked hard to get where I am. And working hard meant sacrifices.’ He sighed. ‘No time to pursue love or have a family.’ He swivelled round to face them. ‘I’ve decided that I want more out of life. I want to slow down.’ He smiled. ‘I want to start having some fun for a change.’

  A silence fell over the room. All that could be heard was the distant crash of the waves. Brad walked back, hands on hips, meaning business. ‘I’ve got money. Lots and lots of money. It’s more than I could ever spend and is enough to let me lead an extremely comfortable life. But now I have to think about what happens to all that money… once I’m no longer here. I want to pass it down to someone, an heir, to hopefully invest and spend wisely. I want to give it… to one of you.’

  Sapphire’s mouth fell open.

  ‘Like, how much are we talking about here?’ asked Madison, in an awed whisper.

  ‘That remains confidential until I have chosen one of you. Suffice to say it is well into the millions.’ Brad paused. ‘Hundreds of millions.’

  Madison looked like she was about to faint. ‘Hundreds of millions of dollars?’

  ‘Wait…’ said Sapphire. ‘You said one of us. You want us to compete for it?’ She was starting to feel more annoyed by the second. Who did this bloke think he was, coming in here and playing God?

  ‘Not exactly,’ said Brad. ‘But I do want to make sure it’s in safe hands. That’s why I invited you all here, to get to know you better. So yes, I’m afraid that I can only choose one heir.’

  ‘What if one of us doesn’t want your stupid money?’ Sapphire said. ‘I’m perfectly happy with my life, thank you.’

  ‘Are you, like, totally insane?’ Madison asked incredulously.

  Brad looked at Sapphire evenly. ‘So you’d pass up the chance to have unimaginable wealth and all the opportunities that come with that?’

  Somehow Sapphire couldn’t find the words to say no.

  Brad nodded, satisfied. ‘I’m giving one of you the most incredible opportunity, but you have to work for it. I would like you to spend a few weeks with me, so I can decide which of my three daughters deserves the money most.’

  ‘A few weeks!’ Sapphire cried. ‘But I’ve got a job!’

  Brad smiled. ‘Ah, yes, Jerry. I believe one of my people has spoken to him and he’s more than happy to give you some time off.’

  Sapphire’s shoulders slumped. Not Jerry as well! It was one huge, great conspiracy against her.

  Brad noticed her expression and smiled. ‘Come on, Sapphire, a few weeks with all this’ — he waved his hand round the luxurious room — ‘can’t be too bad, can it? And we still haven’t had the chance to talk about your music.’

  He had her and he knew it. ‘OK,’ she said stiffly. ‘But if I want to go home, I’m going.’

  ‘That’s a deal,’ Brad said, ‘and I’m a man of my word. One more thing, I would like this to remain amongst the four of us until my rightful heir is announced.’

  Madison looked pained. She was, like, dying to tell her friends she was Brad Masters’ daughter!

  ‘Madison?’ Brad said sternly.

  ‘Fine, whatever,’ she muttered.

  ‘Good!’ Brad said, smiling. ‘I think we should celebrate — we still have a bottle of champagne waiting for us in the garden.’

  Five minutes later they were back in the gazebo, ready to toast each other. Just then, Brad’s mobile rang. He took it out of his pocket and pulled a face.

  ‘Excuse me, I won’t be a minute.’

  The girls looked at each other. To Sapphire, it was more like opponents facing up for a battle than sisters bonding.

  ‘Here’s to us, dear sisters. May the best woman win,’ Simonetta said jeeringly.

  Unwillingly, Sapphire held her glass up to clink with the others.

  Madison took a swig, then smiled sweetly at Sapphire and Simonetta. ‘This is mine, bitches.’

  Chapter twelve

  Madison retired to bed that evening in a euphoric state. The news that the man she’d thought was her dad wasn’t her dad hadn’t affected her at all. She hardly saw Frank anyway, he lived in Washington, which was, like, the other side of the world, and he never had much to say to her anyway. And he had nostril hair. And neck spots… Just ewww. In one short moment, Madison had dismissed Frank from her life like a last-season Gucci bag.

  Although Madison knew she would never win any prizes for academic ability, she was smart in a different way. Smart enough to know that the biggest prize in her life was up for grabs and she had to win it. Apart from sucking up to Brad’s billionaire butt, she had to eliminate the competition. With happy thoughts racing through her mind — mostly of pushing Simonetta and Madison over the side of Spirito Libero with rocks tied to their feet — Madison drifted off to sleep.

  Sapphire, by contrast, slept badly. By dawn she was sitting on the balcony, legs curled up in her chair, watching the sunrise. All around her the world was coming to life — birds chirped a morning chorus and waves crashed in the distance. It’s like paradise, she thought, and yet she had been plunged into some weird kind of hell.

  She wasn’t the person she’d thought she was for the last nineteen years. Her whole life had been a lie. I don’t even know who I am any more, she thought, staring out over the rolling gardens.

  She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there when there was a knock at the bedroom door. Throwing a dressing-gown over her pyjamas, Sapphire went to answer it. Maggie stood there with a tray bearing a pot of tea.

  ‘I thought you might be in need of this,’ she smiled.

  ‘Thanks, Maggie,’ Sapphire said gratefully. For some reason the gesture made her want to cry.

  ‘How are you feeling?’ Maggie asked, her keen eyes roving over Sapphire’s face, missing nothing.

  Sapphire shrugged helplessly. ‘Y’ know…’

  Maggie nodded wisely. ‘Give it time, pet.’ She paused. ‘I know you feel manipulated. You must be thinking, “who is this guy, to come into my life and tell me he’s my father and that I might get to inherit a fortune”.’

  ‘Er… yeah,’ said Sapphire. That was pretty much exactly what she was thinking.

  ‘But you have to trust him,’ said Maggie. ‘Mr Masters is a good man. I wouldn’t have worked for him for so long if he wasn’t. Give him the benefit of the doubt.’ She started plumping a pillow. ‘Oh, and he’s organised a little treat for you girls this morning. To make up for the shock of last night.’

  ‘Oh, yeah?’ asked Sapphire politely, thinking that the last thing she wanted to do was spend time with anyone, let alone those two. She just wanted to stay locked away in her room.

  Maggie beamed. ‘He’s organised for the best tennis coach in Capri to come and give you lessons. You’re to meet him by the court at ten.’

  ‘Tennis lessons?’ asked Sapphire incredulously. Who wanted to play tennis at a time like this?

  ‘It’ll be good for you.’ Maggie said firmly. ‘You girls need something to do other than laze round the pool all day.’

  ‘But I haven’t got anything to play in,’ Sapphire protested.

  Maggie smiled. ‘That’s all been taken care of.’

  Madison smoothed her little pleated skirt. ‘I had no idea Ralph Lauren was doing tenniswear this season! This is so hot.’

  The three girls were standing by the tennis court, waiting for the coach to turn up. While Sapphire stood in awkward silence, Madison prattled on as usual and Simonetta examined her fingernails, looking bored. What was Simonetta thinking about behind her aloof veneer? Did she care at all?

  It’s almost as if nothing happened last night, Sapphire thought. It was so weird.

  All three of them had been provided with head-to-toe designer outfits, including visors and tennis shoes. The look had been finished off with white Prada sports sunglasses and a solid white-gold Patek Philippe w
atch with a little half-moon on its face. Sapphire, not quite believing how heavy it was, had taken it off to have a look and discovered her initials had been engraved on the back. Simonetta and Madison had the same.

  ‘Nice touch, Daddy Dearest,’ Madison crowed. ‘These Moon Face watches are insane! Beyoncé’s got one, y’know. They’re, like, $30,000 or something.’

  Thirty thousand dollars? Sapphire felt sick. She wouldn’t dream of spending that much on a car, let alone a watch. What if she broke it? Her stomach gave another sick lurch.

  ‘Buongiorno,’ a voice called out. They turned to see a heavily tanned older man in tennis whites carrying a load of rackets walking towards them. He stopped and held out a hand. ‘I’m Amadeo. It’s very nice to meet you.’

  ‘Buongiorno,’ they all chorused back.

  Amadeo grinned, showing toothpaste-white teeth. ‘Shall we start then?’ He handed them rackets and they followed him out on to the court.

  While Madison was prancing about like a show pony telling Amadeo how good she was, Sapphire’s heart was going like the clappers. She was crap at tennis! Please, someone, take me away from all this, she thought, willing herself back in her room, in her old clothes, reading a book. As Amadeo lined them up and started to shout instructions, Sapphire caught sight of someone walking past out of the corner of her eye. She turned and saw the lean, mean presence of Raphael. He shot her a look of disgust and stalked off. Sapphire frowned, fears about her crap backhand temporarily forgotten. Why did someone she didn’t even know seem to hate her so much?

  Amadeo served a ball and Sapphire was so busy looking at Raphael, she didn’t notice it bouncing in front of her until it hit her in the boob. She squealed in pain, and dropped her racket.

  That was about the best part of the whole day.

  Chapter thirteen

  ‘I can’t believe you gave Amadeo a black eye!’

  ‘Nor can I, Madison, so can you please stop going on about it?’ Sapphire said.

  They were sitting round the pool; Sapphire in the shade, while the other two showcased yet more tiny bikinis. Sapphire cringed again at the memory of hitting Capri’s best tennis coach smack-bang in the face with an off-kilter shot. Amadeo’s eye had started to swell immediately so they’d called it a day after that.

  It was just as well, because once they’d established that Sapphire hadn’t blinded Amadeo, Madison had started to kill herself with silent laughter. Even Simonetta had raised a smile as they’d watched the coach limp up to the house to get some ice. Despite letting out a horrified giggle herself, Sapphire had been feeling terrible ever since.

  ‘So you’re a loser on and off the tennis court!’ Madison crowed maliciously from her sunbed.

  Sapphire shot her a look. ‘Shut up, Madison.’

  Madison’s expression suddenly became sweetness and light. ‘Hey, Cam!’

  Sapphire looked over and felt a lurch in her stomach. The R&B star was walking round the pool towards them.

  ‘Hey. What are you girls up to?’

  ‘Oh, you know. Just chilling.’ Madison stretched out a long leg provocatively and patted her sunlounger. ‘Come talk to me.’

  Cam grinned. ‘Sure. Hey, Simonetta,’ he called as he passed her. The model raised a hand briefly before dropping it again. Cam shook his head and gave a wry grin.

  Madison didn’t miss the exchange. She flashed an extra-bright smile, determined to make sure Cam’s attentions were focused on her instead. He looked even more muscular than normal, the white vest he was wearing showing off his broad shoulders to perfection. Madison readjusted her swimming costume to its best advantage.

  ‘So, what have you been doing?’ she said, as he sat down next to her. She let her bare leg fall casually against his.

  ‘Writing. I’ve kinda been stuck on the lyrics, though. Thought I’d come and get some fresh air and clear my head.’

  Madison smiled understandingly. ‘It must take over your brain!’ She thought she’d better ask a deep, meaningful question. ‘So, like, where do you get your inspiration from?’

  ‘Oh, you know, people. Situations.’ Cam’s eyes twinkled. ‘This place has given me a lot of material.’

  ‘O.M.G, am I in one of your songs?’ exclaimed Madison. ‘I totally am. I know it!’ She looked over at Simonetta. ‘Did you hear that — Cam’s written a song about me!’

  Simonetta didn’t stir.

  ‘Hey, I’m not going to name names!’ protested Cam. ‘But let’s just say you ladies have definitely provided some material for me.’

  Madison cast a dismissive look at the other two girls. ‘I can’t imagine you got much from them.’

  Cam eyed her curiously. ‘What are you girls all doing here together? You seem very… different. How did you meet?’

  Remembering what Brad had said about keeping their secret, Madison panicked. She scrabbled round for a reason in her head. ‘Cupcakes!’ she blurted out.

  Cam looked confused. ‘Cupcakes?’

  ‘Yeah! Uh, there was, like, this charity cake-making competition in New York which Brad was judging and, er, we all met there.’

  ‘You were all making cupcakes?’


  Cam glanced over at Simonetta. ‘I wouldn’t have put Simonetta down as a cupcake kinda person.’

  ‘Oh, she’s very good!’ trilled Madison.

  ‘So who won?’

  This time it was Madison’s turn to look confused. ‘Won?’

  ‘The cupcake competition,’ said Cam patiently.

  ‘Oh! Me of course.’ To her huge relief she saw Brad walking towards them. ‘Hi, Brad!’ She jumped up to greet him.

  ‘How was tennis?’ he asked.

  ‘Oh, like, totally amazing,’ she gushed. Her eyes scanned Brad’s outfit. ‘That suit is to die for. Gucci, right? You have, like, really awesome taste for such an old guy. Er, I mean…’

  ‘Old guy?’ Brad smiled.

  ‘Madison was just telling me how you guys all know each other,’ Cam said.

  ‘Oh, right,’ said Brad suspiciously.

  ‘Yes, I was telling him how we met at the charity cupcake competition in New York,’ babbled Madison.

  Brad looked perplexed, but didn’t say anything. ‘Anyway, I just came to tell you girls I’ve got to fly to Rome for a business meeting. I’ll be back in time for dinner.’

  From where she was hiding behind her book, Sapphire was disturbed to see Brad walk towards her. They hadn’t spoken since last night and Sapphire felt really awkward around him.

  ‘Hey, Brad, did you hear about Sapphire blinding Amadeo?’ Madison yelled after him.

  You bitch! Sapphire thought furiously.

  ‘You should have seen it,’ continued Madison. ‘It was totally LMAO.’

  ‘L… M… what?’

  ‘Duh! Laugh my ass off,’ said Madison.


  ‘I’m so sorry,’ said Sapphire. ‘I’m really uncoordinated and I just—’

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ said Brad, smiling at Sapphire. ‘I spoke to Amadeo and he’s fine. Believe me, he’s had worse. Ask him about when he coached Vinnie Jones some time.’

  ‘I really am rubbish at tennis,’ Sapphire mumbled.

  Brad smiled. ‘Me too. That’s why I’ve got a coach.’

  There was an awkward silence. Brad looked at the book in her hands. ‘What are you reading?’

  Grudgingly, Sapphire showed him the book. It was a new one that had just been brought out about Michael Jackson.

  ‘I’ve heard about this, it’s meant to be pretty good,’ Brad said.

  ‘Yeah, it is,’ Sapphire said stiffly. Despite her unease, natural curiously got the better of her. ‘Did you ever meet him?’ she asked hesitantly. ‘Michael Jackson, I mean.’

  Brad shrugged lightly. ‘Quite a few times.’

  Sapphire looked at him in disbelief. ‘No way!’

  ‘Way,’ he laughed.

  Sapphire couldn’t help herself. ‘That is so cool!’ she tol
d him.

  They grinned at each other.

  ‘So… are we friends again?’ Brad asked eventually.

  ‘I guess so,’ she mumbled.

  ‘Have you spoken to your mum yet?’ he asked. Sapphire felt herself go red again; she’d been ignoring Leonie’s calls and texts ever since their conversation. She’d felt so angry and upset, the last thing she wanted to do was talk to her mum, but suddenly she felt guilty.

  ‘No, but I will do.’

  ‘Make sure you do; your mum’s a nice lady.’

  There was a short, awkward silence. ‘Well, Sapphire, I’ll see you later,’ he said.

  She smiled, happy they’d moved off the tricky subject. ‘OK, hope your meeting goes well.’ She watched as he walked off.

  ‘You know, I’d really like to hear about Michael Jackson one day,’ she called after him. ‘You know… since you actually met him.’

  Brad stopped and swung round. ‘You want to hear all about my celebrity encounters? They’re not as glamorous in real life, I’m afraid to say.’

  ‘Not just the celebrities, you know, other stuff.’ Sapphire blushed. ‘Your life sounds really interesting.’ Despite her shock at his revelation, Sapphire had been warming to Brad. He was such a charismatic man.

  He gave her a perceptive look. ‘And so you will, Sapphire. But for now, my meeting in Rome awaits.’

  Sapphire opened her book again as he disappeared.

  ‘Suck-up,’ said Madison, before rolling on to her stomach.

  Chapter fourteen

  ‘I’m sorry, Mum.’

  ‘I’m sorry too, darling. I really am.’

  Sapphire bit her lip. ‘It was just a shock, y’know. Why didn’t you tell me?’

  Her mother sighed down the phone. ‘Bill and I thought it was the best thing. Brad was off all over the world and I didn’t want an unstable routine for you. Bill took one look at you and fell in love with you, Sapphire. He always thought of you as his real daughter.’

  ‘I still want to think of Bill as my real dad. It’s just so weird. My head’s totally spun out.’


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