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Page 22

by Megan Cole

  Now that she’d got rid of Sapphire, there was just one more person Madison had to deal with. Simonetta, her partner in crime. Madison had no use for her now, and she’d been holding on to the final, golden nugget of information until exactly the right time. Once Brad found out Simonetta was in masses of debt, there was no way he would let her inherit his fortune. Madison smiled to herself. She could almost smell the scent of success. Picking up her mobile, she called Brad’s number.

  ‘Brad? It’s me, Madison.’ She gave a convincing sob. ‘I have to come and talk to you. I think Simonetta’s in some kind of trouble…’

  Chapter forty-five

  London, one month later

  It was starting to rain as Sapphire made her way home from Jerry’s shop. The skies above were heavy and grey, while an autumn chill filled the air. It was a million miles away from the paradise of Capri and Florida, but Sapphire didn’t care. She’d missed the noise, the smells, the red buses, even the traffic. Now she was home, and it was the best feeling in the world.

  It had all happened so quickly that day. Before she’d known it, her case had been packed and she had been on a flight back to Heathrow. She’d gone first class, the last bit of luxury before returning home to reality. Sapphire didn’t care; she’d almost wept with happiness when she’d walked back into the flat again. Beatle had ambled up and stuck his nose in her hand as if she’d just popped out to the shops, while her mother had rushed from the kitchen with a shriek of surprise and thrown her arms round her.

  Sapphire had made the decision on the plane: she wasn’t going to tell her mum the real reason she’d left. It was too raw, too soon, and she wanted to tell Leonie in her own time. So she told her mum that she’d been homesick and had decided to come home. Leonie had perceptively backed off until her daughter was ready to confide in her. For the first few days, Sapphire had stayed in her bedroom or taken Beatle out on walks to clear her head. Part of her was still seething with the injustice of it all, and she passed her time imagining horrible ways to get back at Madison and Simonetta. But she knew it wouldn’t make her feel better; she simply wasn’t programmed like that.

  When her mum had gently suggested getting herself out and about again, Sapphire knew she was right. Jerry had welcomed her back into the shop with open arms and Sapphire threw herself into the start of the autumn term at college. Before long, the summer seemed like one strange dream. Her only reminder was the expensive watch that had been pushed to the back of her underwear drawer, hidden out of sight.

  Yet despite her efforts to move on with her life, one person kept swirling round her mind: Raphael. Sapphire thought about him almost constantly, wondering what he was doing now, and if he ever thought of her. She had so much she wanted to tell him, like how well her studies were going and how impressed Jerry had been with her melodies. You helped me so much, she thought, and I kicked you in the face in return. She’d even plucked up the courage to phone Casa Eleganza one day, and had spoken to Tito. He’d been delighted to hear from her, but when Sapphire asked if she could speak to Raphael, he had sounded surprised.

  ‘Raphael has gone back to Rome. I think only Brad had his number.’

  That had been that, then. There was no way she was calling Brad to ask for Raphael’s number, not after everything that had happened. He probably wouldn’t have given it to her anyway. Bitterness and regret had churned in Sapphire’s stomach. She hated the way it had all turned out.

  The flat was quiet when she let herself in, no Beatle waiting for her in the hallway. Her mum had probably taken him for a walk, even though his tired old legs couldn’t carry him far these days. Sapphire hung up her coat and went into the kitchen to put the kettle on. She got a packet of biscuits out of the cupboard and then switched the radio on. Suddenly, Cam’s voice flooded into the kitchen, singing his hit from the previous summer. Sapphire’s stomach did a nasty roll. Even though she had seen his true colours, it was still a shock when she heard him on the radio, or saw him on TV. She hadn’t played ‘Jewel’ since she got back to England and was waiting, any day now, for Cam to release it. The thought made her feel sick, but what could she do? As Brad had pointed out, Cam was a world-famous music star and she was just some nobody from London.

  She was dunking her second chocolate chip cookie into her tea when the doorbell rang. Brushing the crumbs off her front, she went to answer it. As she pulled the door open, her mouth fell open. There, standing on the doorstep with an umbrella, an expensive suit and a deep brown tan, was Brad. He smiled at her. ‘Hello, Sapphire.’ ‘Brad!’ she gasped. ‘What are you doing here?’ ‘Can I come in?’ he asked. ‘I’d forgotten how bad the weather is in England.’ Sapphire looked behind him for the chauffeur-driven limo, but there wasn’t one. ‘I caught the tube,’ Brad said with a smile. ‘I have to say, it was quite an experience.’

  Still slightly speechless, Sapphire led him into the living-room. He sat down in one of the armchairs. He looked out of place amongst the cosy clutter and Leonie’s many hand-knitted throws and cushions.

  ‘Can I get you anything?’ she asked. ‘Tea, coffee?’

  Brad shook his head. ‘Thank you, but no. I realise it must be quite a shock, me turning up like this.’ Nervously, Sapphire sat on the arm of the other chair. Brad looked at her for a long time, making her feel even more anxious. ‘Sapphire, I flew in especially from Rome to see you. I wanted to offer you my congratulations personally.’

  Sapphire was confused. ‘Congratulations for what?’

  Finally, Brad’s face broke into a big grin. ‘I’m making you my heir. You’re going to be a multi-millionaire!’

  For a moment, his words didn’t sink in. ‘You’re what?’ she spluttered. ‘But how, what? I don’t understand!’

  Brad’s face suddenly grew serious. ‘Sapphire, I haven’t been entirely straight with you. But I had to do what I did to protect my assets, and to make sure I chose the right person. I hope you’ll understand.’

  Sapphire was totally confused now. ‘Understand what?’

  Brad looked at her. ‘Sapphire, I knew the whole time what was going on. With you, Madison and Simonetta. I know you wrote “Jewel”.’

  ‘What?’ she gasped. ‘But how?’

  Brad looked a bit shamefaced. ‘I planned the whole summer, Sapphire. I knew I had to find out what each of you was really like, so I asked Cam to come and stay. Luckily, he needed a place to write.’

  Sapphire’s head was spinning. ‘You asked Cam because of us? What do you mean?’

  Brad gave a rueful grin. ‘In my experience, there’s nothing like putting a handsome young man into the mix for young ladies to show their true colours.’

  A sick feeling started in Sapphire’s stomach.

  ‘I knew about it all from day one, Sapphire,’ Brad said. ‘Cam came and told me.’

  ‘Cam was in on it?’

  ‘I asked him to keep his eyes and ears open, and report back to me.’ He paused, his voice suddenly gentle. ‘Madison and Simonetta asked him to appear interested in you, to try and make out you were no good.’

  Sapphire felt like she’d been kicked in the stomach. ‘It was a set up? But Cam, he seemed so real…’ She trailed off, feeling utterly humiliated.

  Brad frowned. ‘I must admit, I wasn’t sure about that one. I told Cam as long as it didn’t go too far…’ He stopped and gave her a sympathetic smile. ‘From what he told me, Cam didn’t have to act very much. He thought you were a really great girl, Sapphire. He said to say sorry that he led you on. Especially as Raphael is in love with you.’

  Hold on, this is too much. Sapphire felt her head spinning. Raphael? In love with her? ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ she gasped.

  Brad was the one who looked confused now. ‘I guess Cam spoke to him. I thought you knew…’

  Sapphire couldn’t speak. She felt utterly numb. Brad carried on.

  ‘When I heard about their plan, I was surprised but not shocked. When you’re in my business, you quickly learn some peop
le will do anything for money. But I wanted to see just how far Madison and Simonetta would go, so I asked Cam to get hold of one of your songs and pretend to pass it off as his own. I knew the girls had heard your version — Cam told me. So when they denied it, they totally put themselves in the frame.’ He looked regretful. ‘It wasn’t nice to find out my daughters could be so deceitful, but I do understand their motives. As I said, money makes people act in a funny, often desperate way.’

  Sapphire sat still. ‘So you knew all along?’ she repeated.

  Brad nodded. ‘I know it wasn’t ideal, Sapphire, but it was the only way I could find out who wanted the money and who really wanted to get to know me.’ He smiled across the room at her. ‘You’re that person, Sapphire. From the start, you always made an effort with me, and it was obvious money wasn’t the driving force.’ He reached in his pocket and pulled out a CD. He handed it to Sapphire.

  ‘What’s this?’ she said stupidly.

  Brad smiled. ‘It’s yours and Raphael’s demo. Of course, the sound quality isn’t very good, so we’ll get you in the studio to record it properly.’

  Sapphire was lost again. ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘As soon as Cam played “Jewel” to me, I knew how good it was. How good you are. Sapphire, I’m giving you a recording contract!’ His eyes twinkled. ‘Pretty cool, huh? An heiress and a pop star in one day! What are you going to do with your money? I know I can trust you to spend it wisely.’

  Sapphire was so angry she couldn’t speak for a second. She stood up, her face furious. ‘I don’t want your money! Or your recording contract! You talk about Madison and Simonetta being devious and underhand, but you’re just as bad as them!’

  Brad looked shocked. ‘Sapphire, I know it’s a lot to take in, but please believe me when I say I acted with your best interests at heart.’

  Sapphire couldn’t stand it. The thought of Raphael, and the missed opportunity they’d had, burned through her like physical pain. ‘Don’t you mean protecting your interests? You’ve totally messed up people’s lives, Brad. You talk about what money does to people — well, I can see what it’s done to you! And Cam… I can’t believe what he did.’ It was almost as bad as stealing my song, she thought.


  ‘I mean it, Brad! Can’t you get it through your head — I don’t want your bloody money!’

  Sapphire expected Brad to tell her off for swearing at him, but she was so angry she couldn’t help it. But there was no tirade. Instead, Brad looked at the floor, silent. All Sapphire could hear was the sound of her own agitated breathing. When he finally looked up, his eyes were full of regret. ‘I’ve made a complete pig’s ear of this, haven’t I?’

  ‘Just a bit,’ Sapphire said hotly.

  Brad sighed heavily. ‘You’re right. I’ve been playing with people’s lives. I had no right to do that.’ He paused. ‘I just thought that if it wasn’t too late, I’d try and be a good dad, make my daughters happy. I guess I’ve still got a lot to learn.’ He smiled ruefully. ‘Maggie hit the roof when I told her everything that’s happened. She’s still not speaking to me.’

  ‘That makes two of us then,’ Sapphire retorted. ‘What about Madison and Simonetta? Have you told them that you knew?’

  ‘I hinted at it,’ Brad said. ‘They know I’m not happy.’ He grimaced. ‘Madison wasn’t best pleased when I told her I was making you my heir. I’m hoping she’ll have calmed down by now. She comes from a wealthy family anyway, so I know she’ll be all right. That girl’s one hell of a force to be reckoned with.’

  ‘And Simonetta?’ she shot back.

  Brad sighed. ‘She’d got herself into a bit of bother and I’ve helped her out. I hope it’s set her back on the right path. She’s got a great business brain, if she can just see through the superficial. Once she’s had time to dwell on what she’s done and hopefully learnt from it, I’m thinking of offering her a job at Brad Masters Enterprises.’

  Sapphire wondered whether he knew about the bulimia, but as Brad didn’t say anything, she didn’t bring it up. She was still reeling from all the revelations. Raphael was really in love with her? It couldn’t be true! The thought that it had all been messed up for them made her feel physically sick.

  ‘I know you’re angry with me,’ Brad said.

  Sapphire shook her head. You’ve got no idea, mate.

  ‘Please, Sapphire.’ Brad’s voice was sad, pleading. ‘I only did what I thought was right. Try to understand that.’

  Understand? The irony that her mother had said almost exactly the same words when Sapphire had found out Brad was her dad didn’t escape her. Adults were a nightmare! She was sick of them making decisions without telling her. But her sharp reply fell away when she saw Brad’s face. He wasn’t faking it. They stood looking at each other, trying to work out what the other was thinking. Suddenly, Brad stood up. ‘Have you got a DVD player?’

  ‘What?’ Sapphire asked. Surely now wasn’t the time to start watching TV!

  ‘I’ve got something I’d like you to see.’ He handed her the DVD. Still in a daze, she went over to the television and put it in. A few moments later, the screen flicked to life. She was shocked to see Madison and Simonetta looking into the camera. Madison looked as sick as a pig.

  ‘Hi there, dear sister!’ she gushed. ‘We just wanted to say how pleased we are that Brad has chosen you to be his heir.’ She looked like it physically pained her to say the words. Madison elbowed Simonetta. ‘Aren’t we?’

  ‘Si,’ the model drawled. Sapphire noticed she didn’t look as pissed off as Madison. In fact, she looked quite happy.

  Madison gave a fake smile. ‘Anyway, honey, if you need anyone to go on a shopping trip with, you know where to find me! Baby, you are gonna be Amex black card all the way from now on.’

  The screen faded away.

  Brad chuckled. ‘I made them send you a message of congratulations. I wouldn’t want to think what Madison said once the camera was switched off.’ He looked back at her, his face quizzical. ‘So you’re really going to throw it all back in my face, Sapphire? I’m offering you the dream here.’

  She shot him a look. ‘It probably sounds completely stupid to you, but I want to make my own dreams. I want to achieve things through my own hard work, not have it handed to me on a plate. So I don’t want any recording contract — unless it comes from someone who’s heard my music and doesn’t know who I am.’

  Brad cocked his head, smiling. ‘It doesn’t sound stupid. Maybe we’re more alike than I realised, you and I. After all, I started with nothing as well. But I know just how hard it is, what sacrifices you have to make. Will you at least think about my offer? I think you could do wonderful things with the money.’ His voice suddenly sounded thick, like he had a cold or something. ‘Most importantly, I’ve found you. And I don’t want to let you go again, any of you. You’re all such unique, vibrant young women, and despite what Simonetta and Madison have done, I’m proud to be a father to all of you. Sapphire, will you at least give me the chance to try and be a real dad?’

  He looked so sincere and sad that Sapphire felt a jolt on her heartstrings. After a moment’s pause, she nodded. ‘OK. Just don’t expect me to start calling you Dad yet. That’s going to take a lot of work.’

  Brad gave a mock salute. ‘Yes ma’am!’

  Sapphire managed a small smile. ‘I think you’d better go now. Mum’s due back any moment and she’ll have a heart attack if she finds you here.’

  At the mention of her mum, a strange expression came over Brad’s face. It almost looked like sorrow. Sapphire took a deep breath. There was something she’d wanted to ask him ever since she’d found out he was her dad. ‘Did my mum ever mean anything to you? Why did you leave us?’

  Brad looked at her, his face full of emotion. ‘I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll come straight out with it. Sapphire, your mum left me.’

  ‘Why did you break it off with him, Mum?’ Sapphire said. They were sitting in the k
itchen drinking tea, Beatle curled up in his basket in the corner.

  Leonie sighed. ‘I was so young and free-spirited then, I didn’t want to be tied down. Brad offered me everything: security, wealth, but I didn’t want it. He was already working so hard by then, and I wanted my own career. I didn’t want to follow him round the world, leave you with a succession of different nannies. That was no way to bring up a child. The only thing that nearly stopped me was Maggie. She adored you, you know, but even she could see I wasn’t happy.’

  ‘Maggie was really nice to me,’ Sapphire said sadly.

  Leonie smiled. ‘She’s a wonderful lady. I knew she would look after you, that was one of the reasons I let you go.’

  Sapphire hesitated. ‘Did Brad try and, you know, make you change your mind? He can be very persuasive.’

  Leonie smiled regretfully. ‘A few times, but he knew it was no use. I was so headstrong back in those days; I thought I knew it all. And by the time I came to the conclusion I may have made the wrong decision, well, it was too late by then. Brad was so famous at that point, I didn’t want people thinking I was just after his money.’

  She looked at Sapphire, her eyes brimming. ‘I’m so sorry, darling. I’ve deprived you of the father you never knew you had, all because I had some pigheaded notion of us making it on our own.’

  Sapphire leant across and hugged her. ‘Mum, it’s OK. I understand why you did it. Anyway, I had Bill.’

  Leonie’s eyes filled up again. ‘Dear, sweet Bill.’ She reached for a piece of kitchen roll and blew her nose. ‘Brad named a boat after me once, you know. Spirito Libero, it was called, which means “free spirit”.’

  ‘I’ve been on it!’ Sapphire said excitedly.

  Leonie shook her head thoughtfully. ‘After all this time.’

  Something else came to Sapphire. ‘I think he’s got a picture of you in his study as well, a black-and-white one of you, standing by a sunflower.’ She hadn’t made the connection at the time — now it was so obvious.


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