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The Doctor's Nanny

Page 33

by Emerson Rose

  “No, ma’am, he’s gone to the base. I was just leaving for work.”

  “Well go on now then, bless your heart. Don’t let me hold you up. Tell that son of mine to call his mama or I’ll keep stopping by unexpectedly willy-nilly whenever I please.”

  “Yes, ma’am, will do.”

  She looks me straight in the eyes just long enough to make me shift my weight from one foot to another. I need to go and she’s holding me up but I can’t be rude.

  “Two souls,” she says tilting her head to the side.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Your eyes, sweetheart. When you have different colored eyes, it means you have two souls.”

  I’ve heard that before, but the way she says it with such reverence and deep thought makes me wonder about it. What does it really mean?

  No time to ask now, I’ve got to go.

  “You go on now, scoot off to work. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon.” She gestures toward the bedroom door and I lead us out.

  At the bottom of the stairs, I hesitate. I don’t want to exit through the front door where the neighbors might see me, but taking the back door is going to look weird to Giselle.

  I also feel the urge to apologize for something, what I’m not sure. Sleeping with her son out of wedlock, ha, doubtful. Messing up his bed, no. Being in his house when he isn’t home? No, that’s not it either.

  Maybe it’s because she was looking for Drake and found me instead? Possibly.

  “Don’t worry about us meeting the way we did. I’m just thrilled to know my baby is with such a gorgeous creature,” she says as if she were reading my worried mind.

  “It was a little awkward I’ll admit, but I’m glad you weren’t upset.”

  “Oh no, sugar, never.” She leans over and surprises me with a kiss on my cheek. Then she whirls on her heel and leaves through the front door with a whoosh. I hear the hum of her car start a second later and when I’m sure she’s gone, I lock the front door.

  I feel like a criminal looking both ways off Drake’s deck to be sure no neighbors are out doing any watering or lawn work. The coast is clear, so I walk as casually as I can across our yards and skip up the stairs to my room.

  I run a flat iron through my hair at lightning speed and toss it up in a bun. I apply minimal makeup and put on a pair of khaki shorts and a pink peasant top with a pair of comfy tennis shoes. It’s 9:45 a.m., perfect. I’ll make it on time if I leave right now.

  I rush out the door and run straight into my six foot two brick house of a brother.

  “Oh! Gosh, Jay, you scared the shit out of me!”

  “Where are ya goin’ in such a hurry?” He looks irritated. No, he looks downright angry.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “What’s the matter? Seriously, T? You have video threats sent to you one day and the next you’re staying out all night with your girlfriends. And now I come home and find you flying out of the house like you’re late for something!” He tosses his arms up in the air. He’s frustrated and I feel bad because it’s my fault but he’s right, I’m late for something and I must go.

  “I’m really sorry, Jayden, I didn’t mean to worry you and I am late for something. I got a job yesterday at the diner waitressing. I’m supposed to be there at ten. Why are you home right now, anyway?”

  “I hadn’t heard from you so I came home to see if you were okay. Damn, Tiana, you need to keep me in the loop if you want me to help you.”

  “I’m sorry, really I am, but can we talk about this later. I need to go.”

  “Yeah, sure, the diner?”

  “Yes, Donna is running the place all by herself.”

  “Alright, I mean, that’s great. Have a good day, what time are you off? I can come and pick you up or walk you home. Wait, do you want a ride right now?” He looks at his watch, “Because you’re going to be late, it’s 9:55.”

  “Yes, please, that would be great thank you, Jayden.”

  He smiles and I realize that giving him physical ways to help me seems to ease his worrying. I’ll have to remember that in the future.

  Inside his truck, he waits for me to put my seatbelt on before pulling into the street. “So, you missed your run this morning.”

  “Yeah, guess so.”

  “That’s not like you.”

  “I’ll run tomorrow morning, it’s one day, no big deal. I was having fun. I haven’t had actual fun, that I remember, in forever. I won’t make a habit of it, promise.” Most of that’s true, I was having fun, lots of it, and I haven’t had fun in a while. The not making a habit of it part is going to be a problem, however. He’s making way too big a deal out of this.

  At the diner, he drops me at the door right on time. I turn and kiss his cheek. “I’ll text you when I’m off so you can come get me.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep an eye on my phone. Have a good day, I love you, sis.”

  “Love you too, later.”


  I watch his big silver GMC Sierra glide down Main Street and breathe a sigh of relief that everything turned out okay this morning. The whole meeting Drake’s mama thing was a little stressful and unexpected and hopefully, she won’t mention it to the wrong person today and blow our cover, but other than that things went smoothly.

  I open the door and breathe in the smell of eggs, toast, and grease along with a fine hint of Pine Sol in the air. Someone’s been cleaning. Surely, Donna doesn’t have to do that on top of everything else.

  She answers my question when she exits the restroom with a mop and a bucket full of water.

  “Oh, good mornin’, sweetheart! I’m so glad you were serious. It’s gonna be a busy day around here.”

  I put on my best suck-it-up-smile and cringe inside. That’s just what I don’t need after a night full of intense sex with Drake.

  A busy day.

  Chapter 16


  I feel old as fuck. I have never wanted a woman more than I did Tiana last night. Want doesn’t come close to how I felt. It was more like an urgent devotion, a need, a craving. I couldn’t get enough of her. I don’t think I will ever get enough of her. The only reason we stopped was out of pure exhaustion and the impending day of work we both had ahead of us.

  And now I’m paying for it. But I’d take the aches, pains, and fatigue a million times over to have her in my bed all night.

  I’ve run five miles, done an hour of physical training with my men and now I’m in a meeting that will take every ounce of discipline I need to stay alert for. I’m better on my feet. Now that I’m sitting down, the past twenty-four hours is hitting me like a ton of bricks.

  Two more meetings and a stack of paperwork are on the agenda today. I won’t get home until after seven o’clock tonight and I have no idea how long Tiana’s shift will last at the diner.

  Today is a special kind of hell reserved for people who choose not to balance work and play. I know better but I don’t regret a second of last night.

  What I do regret, is that what we’re doing puts Tiana in a difficult position. I know she’s uncomfortable lying to her brother and sneaking around. I should do the honorable thing and end this before Jayden goes nuts and Tiana gets hurt because both are inevitable.

  Even if I devoted my life to Tiana and gave up all other women forever, nothing is going to stop me from going blind. I know it, Jayden knows it, but I never want Tiana to know it.

  If I pull away now we will have one incredible hot night to remember forever and she will never have to know about my problem. I want her to think of me the way I was last night, powerful, dominant, in control, and complete.

  Disabilities like blindness, breed pity and weakness and I cannot stand the thought of being either. I pride myself on my strength and independence, without them I am dead weight. When I’m blind I won’t be able to serve my country and that’s all I’ve ever known.

  I should push her away and put a stop to this thing that’s happening between us. She won’t understand,
but it’s for her own good. I can’t be the man I need to be for a woman like her. She deserves a whole man, one who can give her a future full of security and family, a man she can be proud to stand next to.

  Not a man she has to lead around.

  Not a man in the dark.

  It’s long past dinner when I’m wrapping up my paperwork and Jayden knocks on my open office door.

  “Captain Williams, come in.”

  “Yes, sir,” he says entering my office and closing the door behind him.

  “What are you doing here so late?” I ask him.

  “I wanted to talk to you about Tiana.”

  I’ve been squinting at the giant font on my computer screen, but when he mentions Tiana I look up giving him my full attention. This could be bad if he knows what happened last night but I don’t get that kind of vibe from him. He seems more worried than angry.

  “What’s on your mind?” I lean back in my chair and he sits down across from me on the other side of my desk. We abandoned all military formalities as soon as the door closed as we have done for years, so he speaks freely.

  “She didn’t come home last night.”

  “As in ever?” Panic fills me when I realize she never texted me back this morning. I assumed she had gotten up and gone to work after I set her alarm. Oh God, she could still be sleeping in my bed or worse the whack job who’s been sending her video threats could have gotten to her. Fuck, I should have called her.

  “Yeah, eventually. I don’t know when but I went by the house this morning and she was leaving again.”

  Thank fucking God. I hope he can’t see the pure relief that I’m feeling on my face.

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “You weren’t home last night, were you?”

  Shit, here it comes. “No, I ate dinner at the diner.” I may as well tell the truth as much as possible.

  “Did you see her there?”

  Now I have no choice but to lie. “Yeah, she was coming in when I was leaving.”

  “Who was she with?”

  Jayden is sly. I know this because he’s been my friend for a long time. I can’t tell if he’s pumping me for information or trying to lay a trap for me to fall into. I’m sure she told him she was hanging out with girlfriends, though, so I go with that.

  “A couple of women. They looked like they were having a good time.”

  He’s quiet and I pray he doesn’t ask me to describe them. When he doesn’t say anything for a while I break the silence.

  “What’s going on with you, Jayden? Everything okay? You haven’t been yourself since your sister got here.”

  He looks at me long and hard before speaking. “She’s in trouble man. Somebody is sending her disturbing video messages.”

  Okay, now I’m sure he isn’t trying to trick me into admitting I was with her last night. He’s worried and he’s coming to me as a friend for advice.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Whoever was messing with her in New York is still doing it. She thought whoever posted those videos was trying to get her kicked off the show and when it worked she figured it was over.”

  “But it’s not?”

  “Nope. She got this cryptic video yesterday, no footage, just text telling her that they know what happened and she needs to watch her back or some shit. She was scared at first but after last night I don’t think she’s taking it seriously enough. This person could be a total psycho or something and she’s running around drinking with her friends making herself vulnerable.”

  “How do you know she was drinking?”

  He screws up his face and looks at me like I’m an idiot.

  “She was out with her friends. All night. Couldn’t drive home, come on, man, you know how it goes.”

  “Have you spoken to her about it? Maybe you should tell her to stick close to home for a few weeks until you know what this person’s going to do.” I don’t think that’s a bad idea really. If she hadn’t been with me I think I’d be just as shaken up as he is.

  “Yeah, she’s pig-headed, though, she does what she wants.”

  “She’s an adult, she’s going to do what she wants, wouldn’t you?”

  “If I thought somebody was out to get me I’d accept my brother’s advice.”

  “Even if it meant giving up your life and sitting around at home all the time waiting for something to happen?”

  “Well, no, I don’t want that. I just want her to be more careful and I think she should sleep at home.”

  “Sounds like you two have some talking to do.”

  “She still pissed at you? I saw you guys talking on the trail. What was she saying?”

  “No, I think she’s forgiven me for the most part. But at first, she wanted to bitch me out and tell me to find my own trail to run on in the future.”

  He snorts and one side of his mouth lifts in a knowing smile. “Yeah, that sounds like her.”

  “She’s got a temper.”

  “But y’all are on speaking terms now?”

  “I believe so.”

  “You think you could encourage her to listen to me about being more careful? Or tell her some shit about a kidnapper in the area or something so she will come home at night.”

  This is rich. He’s asking me to talk to his sister, who is off limits, about not staying out all night. Essentially, I’d be warning her to stay away from me. Not such a bad idea.

  “I’m not going to make up lies, but I’d be happy to slip some safety tips into conversation with her. If I ever speak to her again, that is.” This is almost like getting permission to talk to her. It’s bizarre.

  “Thanks, man. You’re a good friend. Keep your hands off her, though. Don’t go charming her or anything. Just warn her that just because this isn’t the big city doesn’t mean it’s safe.”

  Way to shove a knife into my heart and twist it with the good friend comment.

  “Of course.”

  He leans forward to look at me closer, “How’s your vision?”

  I hate talking about my sight, especially here on base in my office where someone could be listening and he knows it. A weird sensation that there is an underlying reason for his question nags at me.


  “No more changes?”

  “No, I’m about to finish up. You want to grab a beer?” I say changing the direction of the conversation abruptly.

  “Yeah, sure. Meet you at Al’s?”

  “I’ll be there in fifteen,” I tell him.

  When he’s gone, I slide my hand over my phone lying on the desk next to me. I turn it over and search Tiana’s phone number. When it’s on the screen, I hover my finger over the call button and debate if I should call her and tell her about the conversation I just had with her brother.

  If I’m going to keep my distance, calling is a bad idea, but I haven’t made up my mind on what to do yet. I flip the phone over and lay it face down on the desk. No, leave it alone I repeat to myself. However, the images of her pressed up against the wall of my shower coming apart in my arms, handcuffed underneath me panting, and writhing in ecstasy, blindfolded and bound by her wrists with rope yelling my name over and over… Fuck.

  I flip the phone over again and press the green call button. I lean back in my chair and glance down at my rock-hard cock straining inside my uniform pants. Just thinking of all the things I still want to do to her makes me crazy.

  “Hello?” she answers on the fourth ring.

  “How was your first day at the new job?”


  “Yes.” She blows out a relieved breath. “Were you expecting someone else?”

  “No, it’s just, I don’t get a lot of phone calls so I didn’t turn off the ringer and I’m still at work.”

  “At this hour? Why? You need to go home and rest.”

  “You’re telling me, I’m dying. I don’t see how Donna does this by herself.”

  “Didn’t they close an hour ago?”

, but there’s side work to do, I’m almost done. I can’t wait to go home and pass out for the next ten hours.”

  “Do you work again tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, but I think Donna feels sorry for me, she told me to come in at noon for the lunch rush. It’s embarrassing, she’s in her sixties and she can run circles around me.”

  “Yes, but I’m willing to bet she wasn’t handcuffed to a bed until five o’clock this morning either.” I can sense her smile on the other end of the line.

  “True, although, she’s pretty frisky, you never know.”

  She’s got me there, I would have never thought sweet little Miss Cavanaugh was into the same kind of sex that I am. I chuckle when I envision Donna strung up on a suspension frame.

  “I wanted to let you know your brother just stopped by.”

  “Oh my God, he doesn’t suspect…”

  “No, no, but he’s concerned about you. Concerned enough that he asked me to encourage you to stay home at night. He doesn’t think you’re taking the videos seriously since you went out all night last night.”

  She laughs, “Really? You? He asked his smoking-hot neighbor that he doesn’t want me to get involved with to tell me I’m not being safe?”

  “Smoking-hot, huh?”

  “I shouldn’t have said that. You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

  “Who me?”

  “Hush. Oh, shoot, I have to go, Donna is calling me but I have something to tell you too.”

  “Do you want to call me later?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be out of here in about thirty minutes, will that be okay?”

  “I’ll be at Al’s having a beer with your brother.”

  She hollers to Donna with her hand over the phone, “Just a second, Donna, I’m coming. Sorry, well I’m going to pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow so I’ll tell you now. Your mom came by this morning when I was getting ready to leave. She came upstairs to your room. We met and she saw the bed, I’m pretty sure she knows what’s going on.”

  Damn it, Mother! What the hell is she doing? I’m going to have to change the locks. When will I learn? I should have called her.

  “Was everything okay?” I ask.

  “Aside from being caught in her son's bedroom that smelled like sex, yes, it went rather well,” Tiana replies.


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