Small-Scale Livestock Farming
Page 38
Safe earnings, 148
Safe food-handling label, 120–21, 121
Safety and liability, 127
“Salad-Bar Beef,” 105
Salatin, Joel, 105, 107
Sale barns, 58
Sales and marketing, 116
Salvage value of animal, 45, 58
Samples (forage), collecting and evaluating, 177–78
Samples, niche marketing using, 106–7, 109
Sanitation of facilities, 74–75
Saprophytes, 82
Sausage, 130
Savory, Allan, 8, 16, 17, 25
SCC (somatic cell count), 93
Schafer, David, 106
Scours (diarrhea), 88, 90–92
Scrotum, 94
SD (stock density), 24, 24, 183, 210
Sections on maps, 168
Seed-bearing (spermatocytes) plants, 27
Seedbed preparation, 32
Senses of animals, 50–52, 51, 54
Sexual reproduction, 27, 94
animal units (AU), 24
butchering and processing, 128, 129, 129
digestion, 64, 64–65, 65–66, 92
overview, 199, 199–200, 200
reproductive information, 95, 96
temperature ranges, normal, 88
worming of, 84
Sheep dairy, 160
Short ribs, 130
Shorts of electric fencing, 37–38
Silage stacks, self-feeding, 162, 163
Silver Creek Farm, 109, 126
Single-leaf (monocotyledons) plants, 27, 27
Shin-Rai, 115
Slaughtering. See Butchering and processing
Smell (sense of) in animals, 52, 54
Smithfield Foods, 101
Society and culture, holistic guideline, 140
Soil capping or plugging, 186
Soil pH, 28
Somatic cell count (SCC), 93
Sorghums, 68
Spaulding, C. E., 70
Speciality markets, 108, 109
Specialized farms, 3
Spermatocytes (seed-bearing) plants, 27
Sperm cells, 94, 96
Spring grass, 159
Square method for mixing feed, 203–4, 203–4
“Stacking” enterprises, 184
Standardization in markets, 102
Starting grazing year, 163
Stock density (SD), 24, 24, 183, 210
Stocking rates, 21–22, 24, 24
Stockman Grassfarmer, The, 104
Stockpiled forage, 162
Stock tanks, 60
Stomach tubes, 91, 92
Storage of feed and supplies, 77–79, 78
Storefront, niche marketing from, 106
Stores, niche marketing from, 107
Straight fences, how to run, 38
Subdividing for biological planning, 163, 172, 174–75, 175
Sudan grass, 32, 68
Sudex grass, 32
Supplements, feed, 61, 63
Sustainability, holistic guideline, 138
“Swing-over” parlors for milking, 140
Tamworth hogs, 46
Targeting criteria for matrix analysis, 113
Tautness of electric fences, 36
T-Bonds (U.S. 30-year Treasure Bonds), 148
TDN (total digestible nutrients), 61
“Tear-offs,” 108, 108
Technology, holistic management tool, 24–25
Temperature ranges, normal, 88
Testing holistic guidelines, 25, 137–40, 139
Thermometers, 91
Time criteria for matrix analysis, 113
Tools, holistic management, 16, 16, 19–25, 20–21, 23, 24
Topographic maps, reading, 168–69
Total digestible nutrients (TDN), 61
Total weight of animals, 165, 166
Touch and smell in animals, 52, 54
Towels and blankets, 91
Townships, 169
T-posts for fences, 37, 38
Training and handling animals, 54–57, 56–57
Trimming meats, 129–30
True north, 169
Turunjian, Dave and Debbie, 134
Two-leaved (dicotyledons) plants, 27, 27
Tyson Foods, 101
Uniqueness of product and pricing, 116
University of Minnesota College of Agriculture, 75
University of Missouri, 159
University of North Carolina, 87
UR (utilization rate), 183
U.S. 30-year Treasure Bonds (T-Bonds), 148
U.S. Code, 119
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 4, 104, 120, 209
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 170
USDA-approved meat label, 120
Utilization rate (UR), 183
Vaccinations for animals, 83, 85, 85
“Value-added” cooperatives, 103
“Value-added” products, 101
Van Der Pols, Jim and LeeAnn, 79
Variable costs, 149, 150, 150
Variations from budget, taking action, 154
Ventilation of facilities, 74, 74
Venues for marketing, 105–7
Vertical integration marketing, 101
supplies, 78–79, 91
when to call, 80–81, 89
Veterinary Guide for Animal Owners, The (Spaulding), 70
Viruses, illness from, 83, 83
Vision in animals, 50–52, 51
Vitamins, 63
Voison, André, 29
Voltage of electric fence, 36
Volume criteria for matrix analysis, 111
Warm-season grasses, 159
Waste feeds, 68
Water and feed, 59–60, 61
Water cycle, 10, 11
Weak link, holistic guideline, 138
Weather trouble, 180–83, 182–83
Weaver, Jim, 17
Web sites
advertising on, 108
for organizations, 207–9
Weeds as forage, 26
West, Dan, 155
When Elephants Weep (Masson), 50
Whole-farm planning, 8. See also Holistic management model
Williams, Bud, 54, 56
Wilson, Tom and Karen (example farm)
balance sheet, 146
carrying capacity, 168
description, 143
maps of farm, 173
opportunity cost, 148
paddock design, 174
Windbreaks, 75, 76
Winter management, 162–63, 163
Woodard, Clarence, 2–3
Word-of-mouth advertising, 107–8
Work level, feeding for, 65
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), 84
Wright, David and Leianne, 40
Xerophytic plants, 28
Yeast and fungi, illness from, 84
Yields of butchering, 105, 128–29
Young animals, purchasing, 58
Zero-based budgeting, 148–49, 149
Zygotes, 96
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