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Page 22

by Missouri Vaun

  Miraculously, Kathryn produced a knife from her sleeve. It was only a carving knife, but when she sliced it across his wrist, he released her with a yowl, blood gushing from his arm.

  “You bitch!” The unexpected attack unbalanced him.

  Aiden sprang forward with a burst of quick strokes, and he tried to deflect the blows as he scuttled backward. He stumbled to a stop when his back hit the wall and, with one huge thrust, she drove her broadsword into his chest. Time suspended as he lowered his sword and grasped the blade protruding from his chest with his bloodied arm. His hand fell away and he sank to his knees. His mouth was open as if he wanted to cast one last barb, but his last utterance was nothing more than a sputtering raspy gasp.

  His body thumped to the tile floor, unmoving, lifeless.

  Kathryn looked around the room, prepared for someone to rush Aiden to avenge Balak, but no one moved. The room was cast in hushed silence. Kathryn ran to Aiden and held her close. “Oh, Aiden.” She finally allowed the tears to come.

  Aiden refocused her gaze as if she were slowly coming out of some fevered trance. Her eyes regained their focus, and she kissed Kathryn despite her tears. She touched Kathryn’s face, rubbed her arms, and then kissed her again. “You’re okay? You’re not hurt?”

  “No, but you are.” Kathryn tugged at Aiden’s torn and bloody shirt.

  “It’s not serious. It looks worse than it is.”

  “Spoken like a seasoned warrior.” Venn climbed the steps toward them, her shirt was bloodied and torn also, but she appeared to be without serious injury.

  Kathryn heard the sound of excited voices at the back of the room and looked up just as a sea of blue uniforms spilled into the great hall. A battalion of Olmstead troops had just arrived.

  Kathryn looked from Venn to Aiden. “How did—”

  “Rowan sent for them the morning you were taken.” Aiden kissed Kathryn’s temple.

  And then something miraculous began to happen. The wolf sat on the floor near Aiden, and as they watched, light began to spread from every part of the wolf’s fur, the wolf began to transform into a figure. But the light became so intense that Kathryn was forced to shield her eyes. Slowly, the light receded to a glow.

  Aiden recognized the figure hallowed by soft white light. The figure was her mother. Isla smiled at Aiden and reached to touch her face.

  “Mother.” Aiden released Kathryn, and for the first time, embraced her mother. A feeling of warmth flowed through her body as her mother held her gently.

  “I’m so proud of you, Aiden.” Her mother’s voice sounded like lyrical velvet. She turned to Kathryn and brushed her cheek with her fingers. “And you are Kathryn. I’m so happy that my Aiden has you in her life. Thank you for all that you have done for her.”

  Kathryn was speechless.

  Then Isla turned to Venn, who was awestruck. Tears began to well up and run down her cheeks. Isla took Venn’s face in her hands and kissed her on the lips. It was a sweet kiss, a lingering kiss, a good-bye kiss.

  “Venn, you saved me, in ways that you cannot even know.” Isla began to cry also. “I want you to be happy. I want you to allow yourself to love again.”

  Venn nodded mutely.

  Isla took Venn’s hand and Aiden’s hand. Standing between them, the outline of her figure began to dim. The light ebbed. “I am going now, but remember, I am always with you.”

  Once the light was gone, the cavernous space seemed dark. Everyone present had witnessed the vision of Aiden’s mother, and the wonder of it was evident on every face.

  Someone in the crowd raised a cheer. “Long live, Aiden Roth! Long live, Aiden Roth! Long live, Aiden Roth!”

  Aiden turned and pulled Kathryn into a hug as cheers and a cacophony of cheerful noise erupted around them. Encircled in Kathryn’s embrace, Aiden felt insulated from it all. The room slipped away, her only focus the beautiful woman in her arms.

  “Kathryn, I love you with all my heart.”

  Kathryn smiled up at her, the paths of tears glistening on her face. She held Aiden’s face in her hands and kissed her tenderly. “Aiden Roth, I love you. I am yours.”

  She hugged Kathryn close, vowing silently to never let go.


  Aiden stared out over the assembled crowd. Nobles from Olmstead and Belstaff gathered, along with commoners from both kingdoms so that the great hall at Windsheer was filled to capacity, standing room only.

  Three months had passed since she’d entered the great hall, sword in hand, to claim what was hers by birth. She had been concerned that the residents of Belstaff wouldn’t accept her as their monarch, but they’d rejoiced at Balak’s demise and welcomed her with open arms. Of course, certain nobles loyal to Balak and a few members of the royal guard had been routed and exiled. But the average citizen of Belstaff celebrated Aiden’s ascension to the throne.

  The first month had been spent feeding and caring for the needy that had suffered as a result of Balak’s greed and heavy taxation. Kathryn had generously opened the stores of food and grain in Olmstead to the needy in Belstaff.

  Once basic needs were addressed, Aiden searched for the child of the man she’d seen beaten by Balak during her first visit to Belstaff. She’d been haunted by the scene. She still carried the regret of knowing she could have stopped what happened. The least she could do was care for the child, orphaned by the hand of Balak, as she had once been. The little girl’s name was Renan. Aiden smiled at the child who stood near the front of the crowd with Nilah and Gareth. Gareth still had a scar on his lip, but otherwise he was back to good health. It would be a while before his wounded arm returned to full strength, but as he wrapped that arm around Nilah, a smile spread across his face. Aiden thought Gareth would never forgive her for falling in love with Kathryn, but maybe he was coming to terms with it. It seemed Nilah was helping him adjust.

  Today, all who were present had come to Belstaff to celebrate her union with Kathryn. Their kingdoms would be joined in an alliance based on love. It had been decades since a royal wedding had been held in Windsheer Castle. This was a place in serious need of celebration.

  Venn, wearing the crimson wool uniform of Belstaff’s royal guard, stood at Aiden’s left, watching the back of the great hall with her. Aiden’s nervousness increased with each moment that delayed Kathryn’s arrival. Finally, Brother Francis appeared in the entryway to the hall. He began to walk toward the raised podium at the front where Aiden and Venn waited. His slender bearded face seemed to hold nothing but pride and affection for Aiden on this day. Around his neck he wore a draped green sash that contrasted against his long dark robe.

  A moment later, Rowan followed and began to walk slowly along the dark burgundy runner that stretched the length of the immense stone room. She wore a gown of blue silk, the color of Olmstead, and carried a small bouquet of fresh cut flowers. Rowan smiled at Aiden and Venn as she took her place across from Aiden, leaving room for Kathryn.

  A hushed gasp of awe issued from the audience, and Aiden felt her own breath sucked from her lungs as Kathryn stepped into the great hall. She looked exquisite in a flowing white gown that trailed behind her as she walked slowly forward. Stringed instruments played some tune, but Aiden could hardly hear it for the blood pounding in her ears. She had to remind herself to breathe as Kathryn climbed the carpeted steps to take her hand. Kathryn looked to Rowan as she handed her flowers over so that she could hold Aiden’s hands.

  Kathryn could feel how nervous Aiden was as she entwined their fingers. She was nervous also, but at the same time at peace. This seemed so incredibly right. Aiden was gorgeous in the crimson jacket Kathryn’s tailor had made for her the night of the solstice celebration. For today’s ceremony, a red sash bearing the Roth family crest was draped over her shoulder and across her chest. Aiden had tried to tame her wild dark hair, but errant curls hung loosely at her temple.

  Their eyes met and held, the intensity of Aiden’s gaze piercing her chest with a longing for them to be alone toge
ther, away from the crowd. The past week had been a blur of activity in preparation for the royal wedding, and she’d been in Olmstead making ready. She was craving Aiden’s touch, her scent, and her lips.

  Brother Francis began to speak, calling Kathryn’s attention away from Aiden’s handsome face.

  “Please take each other’s right hand.” He paused for a moment while Kathryn adjusted and let her left hand fall to her side. “Kathryn and Aiden have chosen to seal their union with a traditional handfasting ceremony. This symbolic binding of the hands is intended as a sign of their commitment to one another.” Kathryn looked down as Brother Francis draped a braided cord of blue and crimson around their joined hands. “The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material world eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection of love, which is eternal.”

  Kathryn looked at Aiden. Her eyes were glistening as she squeezed Kathryn’s hand lightly.

  “This is the hand of your best friend, strong and full of love for you. This hand holds yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.” Brother Francis smiled warmly. “Kathryn and Aiden, look into each other’s eyes. Will you honor and respect one another and seek to never break that honor?”

  “We will,” Kathryn and Aiden responded in unison.

  “And so the first binding is made.” He wrapped the first strand of the cord around their joined hands.

  “Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?”

  “We will.”

  “And so the second binding is made.” The second strand was draped around their clasped hands.

  “Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?”

  “We will.”

  “And so the third binding is made.” He wrapped the cord around once more. “Kathryn and Aiden, as your hands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in a union of love and trust. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth. Like the stars, your love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow.”

  Aiden’s heart felt huge in her chest. It pressed against her lungs as she struggled to take slow, even breaths.

  A tear trailed down her cheek as she listened to Brother Francis. “These are the hands that will work alongside yours as you build your future together. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief weigh upon your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes, tears of sorrow and tears of joy.”

  Aiden couldn’t help smiling as Kathryn wiped the tear away gently with the thumb of her free hand.

  “These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it, support and encouragement to pursue your dreams. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled with age will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.”

  Brother Francis placed his hand over theirs, entwined with the braided cord. “May pure be the joys that surround you. May true be the hearts that love you.” He squeezed their hands as he looked at Aiden. “You may kiss your bride.”

  Aiden regarded Kathryn with a sense of wonder. This magical, beautiful woman was her wife, her queen. She pressed her lips softly to Kathryn’s and lingered there, time suspended, the air around them charged with electric particles of desire. As they separated, a cheer went up from the crowd. Aiden couldn’t stop smiling.

  Venn clapped Aiden on the back. “Well done. I’m so happy for both of you.”

  Rowan embraced Kathryn. She held the braided cord loosely, along with her bouquet. The music started up again, and food and wine were set on long tables for the wedding feast. The room was filled with joyful noise and chatter.

  Aiden could hardly believe how much her life had changed since she’d left the safety of the monastery. She’d been rescued by Kathryn and then rescued Kathryn back. She’d discovered her heritage, met her mother, and claimed a birthright she hadn’t even known was hers. But most importantly, she’d found love. True love. And that had changed her world more than anything else. A sense of belonging, a sense of being known, these were the things she felt enriched her life the most. Yes, she’d gained a kingdom, but the real treasure was Kathryn’s love. She smiled and reached for Kathryn’s hand.

  “What are you smiling about?” asked Kathryn.

  “About how Gareth used to call me the Prince of Nothing.”

  “You knew about that?”

  “I overheard him say it more than once.”

  “Well, you are the prince of my heart now, which makes you the prince of everything.” She kissed Aiden’s cheek.

  “I love you, Kathryn.” She pulled Kathryn into a fierce kiss. Ignoring the fact that they had quite an audience who cheered and clanged glasses as Aiden felt her cheeks flame.

  “This is just the beginning of the celebration, which won’t last long if you kiss me like that again. I have plans for you for later, my love.” Kathryn’s eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint.

  A woman that Aiden recognized from Olmstead touched Kathryn’s arm, pulling her attention away. Aiden watched as Kathryn graciously chatted and held the woman’s hand in hers.

  It took all of Aiden’s strength not steal Kathryn away to their private quarters. She would eat and drink and share the joy of this day with those who had gathered to honor their union, but it would be difficult not to rush the day’s end. Aiden sipped wine and watched those around her as they took seats at the long table and servers delivered steaming plates of food.

  How strange was the world, changed and new.

  When she’d least expected it, destiny had found her. Fate had guided her to this place, to this day. She was happy, truly happy. Kathryn touched her shoulder lightly as she stood to greet someone else, and warmth spread down Aiden’s arm and straight to her heart. This was what love felt like and she wanted to feel nothing else.

  Aiden lifted her head finally and regarded the great hall. It was a microcosm of her kingdom, her birthright, changed as it was into something new, something different, the beginning of something beautiful. Something enchanted.

  I am the wind.

  About the Author

  Missouri Vaun spent a large part of her childhood in southern Mississippi, before attending high school in North Carolina and college in Tennessee. Strong connections to her roots in the rural south have been a grounding force throughout her life. Vaun spent twelve years finding her voice working as a journalist in places as disparate as Chicago, Atlanta, and Jackson, Mississippi, all along filing away characters and their stories. Her novels are heartfelt, earthy, and speak of loyalty and our responsibility to others. She and her wife currently live in northern California. Vaun can be reached via email at:

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